A target for missing dates
UK but not Fans
'Ot on the Trails - A Fandom Simpler - A Fanzine Newsletter - A Fine Mess - A Leighton Year 2010-2011 - AC/DC - AOD - APA-B - APA-SFAF - Aberdeen University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Al Robertson - All New or Reprint - Alyson Wonderland - Amazing Screen Horrors - Andy Bigwood - Andy Conway - Andy Cox - Anna Smith Spark - Anne Stokes - Anne Sudworth - Antipodean Bestiary - Arador - Armadillos in the Skirting Board - Armageddon Enterprises - Armar In Ruthondudun Ost In Vanyar Llachatherdad - Astral Leauge - Atu XVIII - B24 Liberator - BFS Booklets - BFS/BFL - Back to Minac - Benjanun Sriduangkaew - Beth Webb - Beyond Cyberdrome - Birmingham Science Fiction Circle - Birmingham University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Black Lodge - Blue Suede News - Bookends - Bookworm - Border Ruffian - Brian Shaw - Bristol Fantasy and SF Society - British Amateur Press Association - British Fantasy Amateur Press Association - British Fantasy Library - British Fantasy Library membership 1947-1949 - British Fantasy News - British Fantasy Society Journal - British Science-Fiction Bibliography - Bull Moose - Bumblie - Burroughsiana - CHEFF - California Dreaming - Cambridge Tolkien Society - Carpathia - Cartismandua Press - Central Hotel - Chrysalis - Circular of the Lakeland Science Fiction Organisation - City Illiterates - Colin Odell - Conruiner - Contrived One-Shot - Convertible Bus - Cosmic Trifle - Cretinfandom - Cursed - Cyberspace - Cybrer Bunny - Dante's Cardigan - Dark They Were and Golden Eyed - DarkLight - Data Dump - David Griffiths - David S. Garnett - Death Rays - Discworld Convention 2024 - Domble in the Works - Dr. John H. Watson - Dragon's Lair - Dragonbreath - Dragoncon - Drygulch - Dundee Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - E'ch Pi El - Ebullient Gulp - Echoplex - Efilnekufusin - Egregious Guide to the Conventions - Elaine Walker - Elizabeth Blethen - Elizabeth Hopkinson - Elmer T. Hack - Elostirion - Entropion - Entropy - Epicentre - Eregion - Erg Quarterly in the USA - European Newsbulletin/Link - Eve - Ex-Chairman of the Liverpool Science Fiction Society - Exeter University Science Fiction Society - Exosphere - FILK UK - FSFSOC - Fandom of the Opera - Fanhattonites - Fanmail - Fantasia - Fantasmagoria - Fantast (Medway) - Fantasy Book Centre - Fanzine Fanatique - Farberlla - Feetnotes - Felicity - Ferret Fantasy Ltd - Final Frontier - Fission in Troubled Waters - Flashlight - Fnord - Fossilised Thoughts - Framsburg - Friends of Foundation - Friends of Kilgore Trout - From the Desk of J Random Harvest - Gafmoi! - Gail Bennett - Galilean Science Fiction Society - Gannets - Gelatine - George Dew - Ghosts and Scholars - Gill Hunt - Gillian Redfearn - Glasgow University Tolkien Society - Gonzo - Grapo - Green Jester Press - Green Slime - Gross Encounters - H. O. Dickinson - Halo of Flies - Handshake - Happy Days - Happy Sap - Harringay & District Sci-Fi Discussion Group - Harrogate SF Group - Hep - Herbert Jones - Herbert Strang - Heriot-Watt University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Heroes Unlimited - Hi-Vis Girl - Honcke - Hoss Laff - House of Durin - Hum-&-Sway - Humour & Fantasy From Some Dusty Shelves - Hydra - Hypo-Space - IShores - In Tenebo - InTheBar - Isengard - JGB News - Jack J. Curle - Jane Killick - Janet P. Reedman - Jen Williams - Jeux Sans Frontieres - Jo Fletcher - Jodi Taylor - John Edwards - John Jarrold - Jonathan L. Howard - Joni Murray - Juce - Juliet Kemp - Justice - Kashmir - Ke-We - Kent Trufandom - King Lang - Kitten - Kurtz's Lament - L'Incroyable Cinema - Lakeland S.F. Organisation - Last Deadloss Visions - Latnemele - Laurelin - League of Fan Funds - Lew Mordecai - Linda Garland - Live Libel - Liverpool University Science Fiction, Fantasy and Film Society - Llanmad - Lollygagging - London Convention Fandom, Inc - Los Alamos Fandom - Lost Orbit - MSTO - Macho - Magic Labyrinth - Marauder - Margaret Walty - Marital Rats of Shaolin 5 - Mark Buckingham - Mark Roberts - Mary Dew - Maverick - Max-a-zine - Me Annals - Mercatorial Annual - Merry-Go-Round Magazine - Merulius Lacrymans - Mexicon Hat - Mid-Atlantic Fan Fund - Middle Earth Revisited - Middle Earth Society - Mithlondrim - Molly Brown - Monsters Incorporated - More Ghosts & Scholars - Morgul-hai - Mystique - N'Early Music Consort - Nameless APA - Nandu - Natasha Mostert - Natterings - Neo - New SF Published in Britain 19xx - New Southern Friends in Space - NewCon - Newcastle SF Club - Newport SF Group - News From the Sun - Nick Walters - No Sin But Ignorance - Nomads of the Time Stream - Northern Science Fiction and Fantasy Group - Northfarthing - Not Frank Sinatra - Not Quite a Sustained Rant - ONOMA - Obsessions - Odds & Sods - Odds, Sods, and Hogwash - Omega - On Random Hold - Once More with Fanfunds - Oncezine - Oneshots - Oracle - Organism - Out of Focus - Outlaw Mutation Boogie - Ovvm-E - Oxford University Douglas Adams Society - Pabulum - Paranoia - Paraphernalia - Paul Kidby - Peter Martin - Phantasmagoria - Phantasmagoria Books - Phoenicians! - Phoenix Alexander - Pictish - Pieces of Eight - Pieria - Playing Rapunzel - Pliers & Acid - Pogonophobia - Pretty Vacant - Prevert - Professional Virgin - Psi - Psychedelic Fruit Juice - Psywar - QWERTYUIOP - Quantum B*llocks - Quettar - R. B. Watkinson - R. C. Wingfield - RHUL Tolkien Society - Rabbits Tend to Explode - Rangers of the North - Realtime - Recommended Retail Price - Red Army Choir - Reductio Ad Absurdum Productions - Reprint - Retro - Revolution Every Day - Romiley Fan Veterans & Scottish Dancing Society - Ron Whiting - Ron's Raygun - Rope of Sand - Roy Sheldon - Ruth E. J. Booth - SF Horizons - Salon Futura - Sancho Proudfoot Publications of Bywater - Sappho's Dawn - Sarah Anne Langton - Saucerful of Secrets - Scantle - Sci-Fi Soc - Science Fiction Book Club of London - Science Fiction Forum - Scope - Scotcon - Scream - Seagull - Self Abused But Still Standing - Shadow - Sheffield Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Shellings - Sierra Heaven - Silver Dagger - Simon Morden - Singed Possum - Sirius Moonlight - Sketchy - Skyrack Book Service - Skyrack Poll - Slimy - Snapshot - Snapshot for Corflu - SoTSFS Newsletter - Sodd's Lore - Some Days You Eat the Bear... & ...Some Days the Bear Eats You - Somewhere Before - Son of Why Bother? - Sounding Board - Southampton University Science Fiction Society - Southfarthing - Speculation II - Sproutlore - Star 69 - Still Kvetching - Strange Delusions of a Drunken Fuckwit - Strange Male Syndrome - Strangeness & Charm - SubOrbital - Sue Wheeler - Surrey Limpwrists - Swansea SF Group - Swords of the Asylum - TBD - TLAS - Take Off - Taruithorn International Newsletter - Tea and Jeopardy - Tea-Time - The "Cult Fiction" Society - The Damned Patrol - The Dark Side - The Fan Squadron - The Flying Pig - The Grey Havens - The Middle Earth Society Newsletter - The Mystery Trader - The Northfarthing News - The Other Ones - The Reader's Tern - The Rose Press - The Science Fiction Society - The Shire - The South Downs - The Squiggledy Guide to <plokta.con> - The Unnameable - The Walking Edge - The Wall of the 1970s - The Zine That Has No Name - This Will Never Come Again - Thoughtlights - Three Farthing Stone - Three Times a Night - Tiamat - Tirith Aear - Torbay Happy Fan and Lampshade Makers' Society - Transplant - Treegarth Smial - Trial - Triode Plus - Twonk's Disease - UK Science Fiction Archive - Ultima Thule - Universal Science Circle - University of Aston Science Fiction Group - University of Birmingham Middle Earth Society - University of Bristol Tolkien Society - University of Edinburgh Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - University of Warwick Modern Science Fiction Society - University of Warwick Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - University of York Tolkien Society - Unreliable Narrator - Up from FAFIA - Usual - Utopian Publications - Vice - Viewpoint - Vina Jie-Min Prasad - Violent Places - Vision of Tomorrow - Visitor's Day - Voice in the Dark - Volsted Gridban - WODWO - Warbul - Wark - Warped - Welsh SF Association - What I Did During the Christmas Holidays - Why Bother Abroad - WiGGLe - Wilderwood - William James - Yrch! - Yum! - ZZ9 - Zarking Fardwarks - Zen Cho
Births and Deaths:
(Himself) - #1 Fan Face - A. Clarke - A. E. Prince - A. Francis - A. G. Dunn - A. G. Skeel - A. Gascoigne - A. Graham Boak - A. H. March - A. J. Reiss - A. J. Savage - A. Miller - A. T. Greenblatt - A. Tomlinson - A. W. Gardner - A. Wenham - A. Williams - Aapa - Aaron De Orive - Abi Brown - Abigail Larson - Abraham Bloom - Abraham Oshinsky - Ack-Ack - Ada Charles - Adam English - Adam Jenkins - Adam Malin - Adrian Collins - Adrian Cook - Adrian Wilson - Adrienne Losin - Afua Richardson - Ahasuerus - Aidan Moher - Aileen Forman - Ajax Hoch - Al Babcock - Al Fitzpatrick - Al Kuhfeld - Al Lee - Al Robertson - Al Schuster - Al Scott - Al Sirois - Al Weinstein - Alan Bale - Alan Barrie Stewart - Alan Becker - Alan Boakes - Alan Bosco - Alan Boyd-Newton - Alan Bramall - Alan Chorley - Alan Date - Alan Dewick - Alan Ferguson - Alan Gillette - Alan Harvey - Alan Huff - Alan Hutchinson - Alan J. Sullivan - Alan J. W. Rozelaar - Alan Keeley - Alan Light - Alan M. Clark - Alan Mackie - Alan Marshall - Alan Moore - Alan Pollack - Alan R. Jones - Alan Ridgway - Alan Rispin - Alan Robson - Alan Shalders - Alan Shaw - Alan Stewart - Alan Thiesen - Alan White - Alan Wilde - Alan Winston - Alasdair Stuart - Albert Griffiths - Albin Johnson - Alden Scott Crow - Alex Berman - Alex Case - Alex Eisenstein - Alex Hardy - Alex Heatley - Alex Lewis - Alex Morrison - Alex von Thorn - Alexa Klettner - Alexander Blade - Alexander Slate - Alexandra Duncan - Alexandra Pierce - Alexandra Rowland - Alexis Layton - Alf Hind - Ali Kayn - Alice Lawson - Alice Sander - Alisa Krasnostein - Alison Barton - Alison Boyle - Alison Evans - Alison Freebairn - Alison Goodman - Alison Richards - Alissa Wales - Alistair Ferguson - Alister Innes - Alix E. Harrow - Allan Bray - Allen Ashley - Allen Baum - Allen H. Greenfield - Allen Koszowski - Allis Villette - Allison De Fren - Allison Durno - Allison Hershey - Alun Harries - Alvar Appeltofft - Alyssa Wong - Amanda Baker - Amanda Pillar - Amy L. Woolard - Amy McNally - Amy Sisson - Ana Grilo - Anders Akerland - Anders Fröberg - Andrea Weber - Andrew A. Adams - Andrew A. P. Butler - Andrew Brown - Andrew C. Neale - Andrew Dunlop - Andrew Eigel - Andrew Finch - Andrew Hogg - Andrew Ivamy - Andrew Lenard - Andrew M. Butler - Andrew Murdoch - Andrew Ross - Andrew Salmond - Andrew Seaman - Andrew Taubman - Andrew Trembley - Andy Anda - Andy Anderson - Andy Bigwood - Andy Conway - Andy Cox - Andy Croft - Andy Firth - Andy Hooper - Andy Lyon - Andy Morris - Andy Nowell - Andy Whitehead - Ang Rosin - Angela K. Scott - Angela Karash - Angela Slatter - Angus Wilson - Animal X - Anita Feller - Anita Lapidus - Ann Chamberlain - Ann Dinkleman - Ann Hafler - Ann Methe - Ann Patrizio - Ann VanderMeer - Ann Weiser - Ann Williams - Anna Feruglio Dal Dan - Anna Hepworth - Anna Raftery - Anna Smith Spark - Anne Bishop - Anne Gardiner - Anne Hamill - Anne Lesley Groell - Anne Morrel - Anne Page - Anne Passovoy - Anne Stokes - Anne Sudworth - Anne-Laurie Logan - Annie Griffith - Annita Harlan - Anthony Chapman - Anthony Mitchell - Anthony S. Burdge - Antony J. Shepherd - Ariel Cinii - Ariel Hameon - Arlene Satin - Arlin Robins - Arnie Fenner - Arnie Williams - Arnold Gibson - Aron Insinga - Art Barnes - Art Gnaedinger - Art Roberts, Jr. - Arthur Berwick - Arthur Cook - Arthur Cruttenden - Arthur Duell - Arthur H. Tavinder - Arthur Harris - Arthur Hermann - Arthur J. Ridgway - Arthur Levine - Arthur Williams - Ashley Watkins - Athole Carter - Atsushi Morioka - Audrey Eschright - Audrey Eversfield - Audrey Lovett - Audrey Walton - Austin Hamel - Autun Purser - Avery Davis - Axel Melhardt - Azygous - B. A. Baker - B. A. Scarff - B. G. W. Tayler - B. H. Edwards - B. J. Willinger - B. Lewington - B. Saffer - Barb Hendee - Barb VanTilburg - Barbara Abas - Barbara Bliss - Barbara Clendon - Barbara Greenfield - Barbara Harmon - Barbara Mace - Barbara Przeklasa - Barbara Rawlins - Barbara Steedman - Barbara Stewart - Barbara de la Hunty - Barbi Johnson - Barclay Johnson - Barnaby Rapoport - Baron Engel - Barry Bard - Barry Childs-Helton - Barry Gillam - Barry Kent MacKay - Barry Radburn - Basil P. Coukis - Batya Wittenberg - Bea Gittery - Bea Glass - Beak Taylor - Bean - Becca Leathers - Becky Chambers - Becky Matthews - Becky Peters - Becky Thomson - Becky Zielke - Bee Bowman - Bella Siegel - Belle McQuattie - Ben Abas - Ben Burr - Ben Deschamps - Ben Newman - Benjamin J. Szumskyj - Benjanun Sriduangkaew - Benson Dooling - Berkeley Breathed - Bernard High - Bernard J. Kenton - Bernard Lee - Bernie Peek - Bert Hodson - Berta Attiya - Bertha Johnson - Bertha Jordan - Beryl Bentcliffe - Bess Benjamin - Beth Finkbiner - Beth Friedman - Beth Schwarzin - Beth Webb - Beth Willinger - Betsy Mott - Betsy Tinney - Betty Berg - Betty Bigelow - Betty Gaines - Betty Keat - Betty Perdue - Betty Peters - Betty Sullivan - Betty White - Bev Clark - Bev Clark - Bev Swanson - Bill Bodden - Bill Breuer - Bill Bruce - Bill Carlin - Bill Cavin - Bill Congreve - Bill Deutsch - Bill Dignin - Bill Fischer - Bill Grant - Bill Gray - Bill Groover - Bill Hague - Bill Harrison - Bill Hillman - Bill Jesson - Bill Johnson - Bill Knapheide - Bill Kroll - Bill Lawhorn - Bill Little - Bill Maraschiello - Bill Marsh - Bill Meyers - Bill Morse - Bill Newmann - Bill Panter - Bill Parker - Bill Paul - Bill Payne - Bill Pearson - Bill Reynolds - Bill Sarill - Bill Shelton - Bill Simmons - Bill Sutton - Bill Thomasson - Bill Venable - Bill Veney - Bill Warren - Bill Waters - Bill Wright - Bill Zielke - Billy Pettit - Billy Tackett - Bjorn Tore Sund - Bjørn Vermo - Blake Edgerton - Blind Lemming Chiffon - Bob "Argee" Gersman - Bob B. Jones - Bob Brown - Bob Champion - Bob Chazin - Bob Devney - Bob Dunlop - Bob Esty - Bob Formanek - Bob Foster - Bob Gibson - Bob Hillis - Bob Hole - Bob Holland - Bob Jordan - Bob Kanefsky - Bob McCubbin - Bob Murray - Bob Ogden - Bob Parkinson - Bob Peatrowsky - Bob Pinha - Bob Prokop - Bob Rickard - Bob Roehm - Bob Rogers - Bob Schoenfeld - Bob Smith - Bob Sourk - Bob Stahl - Bob Stein - Bob Swartz - Bob Toomey - Bob Turner - Bob Walters - Bob Watson - Bob Webber - Bob Whalen - Bobby George Poulette - Bobby Wright - Bonnie Atwood - Boob Stewart - Boris Parker - Boyd Parkinson - Brad Balfour - Brad R. Torgersen - Bradford M. Lyau - Brenda Gabrielle Lee - Brenda Sutton - Brent Weeks - Brett McBean - Brian Allport - Brian Ameringen - Brian Frost - Brian Gray - Brian Hampton - Brian Howell - Brian J. Robb - Brian J. Showers - Brian K. Vaughan - Brian Marshall - Brian McCarthy - Brian Milburn - Brian Miller - Brian Niemeier - Brian Parker - Brian Robinson - Brian Shaw - Brian Stelfreeze - Brian Temple - Brian Thurogood - Brian Trump - Brian V. Avis - Brian Waugh - Brian White - Bridges Kuhn - Bridget Bradshaw - Bridget Landry - Bridget McKinney - Bridget Wilkinson - Brigid Cassidy - Brin Dunsire - Brooke Abbey - Brooke Bolander - Bruce A. McMenomy - Bruce Adelsohn - Bruce D. Arthurs - Bruce Gaffron - Bruce Holland - Bruce Kidd - Bruce Mai - Bruce Miller - Bryan Cholfin - Bryan Palaszewski - Bud Webster - Buns - Byron Connell - C. A. Fielder - C. Baker - C. Burton Stevenson - C. C. Clingan - C. C. Peart - C. D'Alessio - C. D. Woodbury - C. Dewar Simon - C. E. Fisher - C. E. Windsor - C. F. Allen - C. F. W. Jones - C. H. Hasted - C. H. Pepper - C. Hamilton Bloomer - C. Hammersley - C. Hipkin - C. Naum - C. Sharpe - C. Sykora - Callie Hills - Camestros Felapton - Camille Cazedessus, Jr. - Candas Jane Dorsey - Captain Mimeo - Carey Handfield - Carl Bennett - Carl Brandon - Carl Hiles - Carl L. Dill - Carl Parker - Carla Minor - Carla Ulbrich - Carlos Perez - Carol Fisher - Carol Gregory - Carol M. Peters - Carol McKinney - Carol Resnick
Convention series started or ended:
AVCon - Amigocon - AthCon - Attemptacon - Bayou Wars - Bingycon - Campcon - Classicon - Clavius - ConCave - Concat - Conquest - Contagion - Continuity - Conversion - Convulsion - Cosmocon - DefCon - Eaton Con - Ellik-Jacobs Memorial Wine & Cheese Party - Epic Con - Fabula - Falcon - Fantasy Worlds Festival - Fanvet Convention - FilkContinental - FreuCon - Furry Fiesta - Gateway Con - Glyptocon - Gynaecon - High Plains - Impact - Incon - Irish Discworld Convention - KONgres - Kaleidoscope - Karvalcon - Knightcon - Launchcon - London Annual Fantasy/Media Festival - Madicon - Malcon - Melbourne All-Club Mini-Cons - Memphis Fantasy Con - Michicon - MysteryKon - Neocon - New York State Convention - NewCon - Noncon - Nordcon - Ökon - Oktobercon - OmegaCon - Othercon - P-CON - Paradise Icon - Parcon - Phrolicon - Pinekone - Pseudocon - Ratcon - Rhinocon - Rising Star - Sci-Con - Shevacon - Smurfcon - Snorfcon - Snowkone - Technicon - Trawnacon - TrekCon - Trolls & Legendes - Unicon - Viable Paradise - Westcon - Wilfcon - Wolf-Con - Wolfcon
Onetime conventions:
ArmageddonCon - Celsius 232 - Con Course - Conference on Middle Earth - Conquest - Conventions That May Not Have Happened - Dragoncon - Faulcon - Interiorcon - KingCon - Kittycon - Niederrheincon - Omnicon - Outsidecon - Scotcon - Sweden Minicon - Template:Convention - Template:Worldcon - Tulkon - Tzarkon - Western Re-Con - WyoCon
Publications started or ended:
"Burp" Said the Turtle - "It's Bigger in Texas" - 'Ot on the Trails - 'Tator - ((nothing)) - (Book)worm in the Big Apple - (Oopsla) Interim - (blank) - *Sigh* - ...and Furthermore - ...be forgot, and never... - 19th Nervous Breakdown - 2 Loonies and a Soft Toy - 2001 Light Years from Home - 2005 ConFusion One-Shot - 2400 Fulton - 2AM - 3-5-0-0 - 45 & Counting - 4642 - 57 - A - A Fanzine for Dave Van Arnam - A Autumn Fantasy from Rosco - A Basketful of Bastards - A Bear Went Over the Mountain - A Bleeding Rose - A Book of Ordinary Writings - A Book of Thel - A Boowatt Imitator - A Change of Heart - A Check List of Some of the Earliest FAN MAGAZINES - A Clerk's Journal - A Cyberpunk Timeline - A Day at the Races - A Different Drummer - A Dirty Mind Doesn't Mind a Bit - A Dream of Books - A Dribble of Ink - A Fake Fan in London - A Fan Typology -or- What I See on the Elevators - A Fandom Simpler - A Fanzine Newsletter - A Fanzine for Bjohn - A Fanzine for Corflu - A Fanzine for Corflu Z - A Fanzine for FAPA - A Fanzine for Ger Steward - A Fanzine for Now - A Fanzine for Susan Margaret - A Fanzine in Perfect Disguise - A Few Green Leaves - A Fine Mess - A Flash of Blue - A Hog on Ice - A Leighton Year 2010-2011 - A Matter of Honor - A Miniscule Portfolio by LeeH - A Moving Experience - A Passing Fancy - A Poke in the Eye with a Sharp Stick - A Princess of a Different Color - A Propos Du Barean - A Public Service - A Sad Story - A Sales Pitch to Convince FAPA to Sponsor an Art Show - A Silent Toast to Futility - A There and Back Again Journey - A Tour - A Trip Report Found in a Plain Manila Envelope - A Voice from the Gallery - A Western Mandarin - A for Andromeda - a march to the beat of a red shift drummer - A-zyn - A.D. - A75 Bulletin - AAA Aargh - AC/DC - AI - APA-tizer - ASFA Newsletter - ASFOAWN - ASFacts - AWOL - Aalor - Aardvark - Aardvark - Aaron and Danny on the shonk - Ab-Satthaqua - Abanico - Abba Zaba - Abed & Bored - Abelian Grape - Abimelech - Abject Apology - Abortions - Above & Below - Absarka - Abstractions - Access All Arias - Acculturations - Acherner - Acmemath Catalouge - Acropos - Acrux - Acrux Fanzine - Adelaide Fan Review - Adrenalin - Adventure - Adventures on Earth - Aerial - Afan - Affinity - Afta - After Hours - Again Dangerous Crudzines - Agent of Vagueness - Aghast - Ah Sunflower - Ah Yes, I Remember Well a Saturday in Birmingham - Ailleurs - Ailleurs et Autres - Airfoil - Airwavers - Aistear - Akkilmar - Aklo - Albedo - Albedo One - Alcherner - Aldeberan Abandoned - Alderley Edge - Aleph and Omega - Algernon. Organ for Aniara - Alice - Alician Fields - Alien - Alien Profile - All Digression Weekly - All Dynamic - All Lies and Jests - All Mimsy - All New or Reprint - All Sinking, No Power - All True Amazing Science Wonder Stories - All the Nudes That Fit in Print - All the Stars in the Sky - Allerlei - Alliance Amateur - Alliance Assembler - Almanac - Along Alpha Ralpha Boulevard - Along without You - Alors - Alpha - Alpha - Alpha Adventures - Altered Brands - Alternate History Newsletter - Alternate Horizons Newsletter - Alternate Universe Fanzine - Alternative - Alternatives - Alyson Wonderland - AmaZed and CorfluZed - Amanita Brandy - Amateur's Correspondent - Amateur's Journal - Amazed and Corfluzed - Amazine - Amazing Adventures - Amazing Forries - Amazing Screen Horrors - Ambrosia - Ambrov Zeor - Ambul - Amelor - Amenolagnia - Amenti - American Defenestrator - American Dreamer - American Journal of Psychoscamology - American Letters - American Scribe - Amnesia - Amoeba - Amoeboid Scunge - Ampersand - Amphipoxi - Amra - Amrita - Amsterdam News - An Annotated Checklist of Science Fiction Bibliographical Works - An Index to Popular American Fanzines - An Intraview with Arthur D. Hlavaty - An Invitation - An Open Letter, November 2011 - An Original Thought - Anakreon - Anal Sphincter - Anant - Anarkali - Anathema - Anchorage Anarchy - And Don't Call Me Tex - And Lo God Made Rotsler for Duff - And So -- Forward - And So It Goes - And That's True Too - Andromeda - Andvari - Anew - Angerthas - Angerthas Offprint - Angmar - Aniara - Animalities - Animus Curiae - Ankh - Annex - Annie Laurie Starr - Another Remarkable Fanzine - Antaios - Antelope Freeway One Mile - Anthem - Anti-Misoneist Gazzette - Antics - Antipodean Bestiary - Antipodes Observer - Anubis - Anything Box - Anything Thing - Apanage - ApartheiD - Apathetic - Apical Dominance - Apocalypse Au Go Go - Apocrypha - Apocrypha - Apokalypso - Apollo Play - Apollooo - Apostrophe - Appendix - Applaud - Apple of Discord - Approximate Draft - Aprikos - Aquiver in Queens - Arador - Arahant - Archaic Barrel Volume - Architecture & Morality - Archive - Archive Midwinter - Arcturian: SISFA Annual 1943-44 - Arf Arf! - Arfur - Argentine Science Fiction Review - Argh! - ArgoNote - Argonaut - Ariel - Aries Moon - Arion - Aristotle Meets Gernsback - Ark - Arkfandom - Arkham Collector - Arkham Phud - Armadillo Dreams - Armadillos in the Skirting Board - Arniniel - Arnorsson's Diary - Arrakis - Art Appreciation - Art Hayes - Art and Domesticity - Artifice - Arundel - As Flies - As I See It - Asgard - Ashe - Ashen Meal - Asmodeus - Asteroid X - Astounding Letters - Astounding Story-Key: 1930-1951 - Astra - Astral Dimensions - Astro Adventures - Astron - Atarantes - Atlan - Atlantis Reborn - Atomica - Atres Artes - Attack of the Mutant Pancakes - Attaquer - Attention! Important News! - Atu XVIII - August Derleth Society Newsletter - Aussie Transpacific - AussieCon First Draft Report - Aussiecon Fifth Anniversary Memorial Fanzines - Australasian Doctor Who Newsletter - Australian Dr. Who Fan Annual - Australian Playbeing - Australian Science Fiction Fan Calendar for 1981 - Auto Delirium - Autochthon - Autogaurd - Avalon - Avanc - Avatar - Avatar Press - Ave Caesar - Avenging Aardvark's Aerie - Avernus - Avesta - Aviary - Aw - Awaken - Awen - Axe - Axolotl - Axolotl Exward - ¡Ay, Chingar! - Ayatochtl - Ayewonder - Aynf - B-pod Biped - B24 Liberator - BFS Booklets - Babbling On - Babel - Baby Teeth - Back Numbers Can Be Easily Procured - Back Whole - Back to Minac - Back to the Bay - Backfire - Backlog - Backyard Rocket - Bad Cat - Bagarthach - Bah! Humbug! - Baily's Beads - Balderdash - Ballast - Balloons and Such - Baloney - Balrin and Perigrine - Balrog - Banana Peels - Bandersnatch - Bandwagon - Bangwelu - Banneret - Banshee - Bar Stool - Bar Trek - Barbarian Scroll - Bardic Runes - Baroque Bagatales Brobdignagian - Barricini - Barsoomian Bazaar - Bartland's Unfamiliar Quotations - Basingstoke - Basura Para Botar - Bathtubs of the Moon - Baton Rouge Science Fiction League Newsletter - Battle of the Titans - Bayfilk Songbook - Be Bop - Beagle's World - Beagle's World Revisited - Beautiful Friend - Bech - Bed & Bored - Been There Done That! - Belgian News Sheet - Bellerophon's Rage - Bellissimo: the Harry Bell Fan Art Anthology - Beltrom - Bemusements of a Visible Fan - Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Berserker - Best Lines Are... - Best of APA-L - Best of Frap - Best of Moz - Beta Eta Zeta - Betelguese - Better Watch Out - Between Dimensions - Beulah - Beyond - Beyond Antares - Beyond Deneb - Beyond the Fringe and Then Some - Beyond the Mnemonic Statute of Limitations - Bhismi'llah - Bhowling - Bias - Biblio-Curiosa - Bibliographica Futurica Fantastica - Bibliomania Melancolia - Bibliotaph - Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine - Big Brother - Big Cat - Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box - Big Mac - Big Plans - Bilgewarp - Bill's Gat - Bindlestiff - Biotimber - Bioya - Birth of a Notion - Bits of My Boring Life - Bitter Lemmings - Bizarre - Bjo Trimble's Sci-Fi Spotlight - Bjottings - Black Bike - Black Cat - Black Hat - Black Light - Black Lite - Black Onto White - Black Oracle - Black Orchid - Black Satellite - Black Whole - Black Wolf - Blah - Blanc Citron - Blast - Blat! - Blazing Armadillo Stories - Bleah - Bleak December - Blind Man's Rainbow - Blind Starling - Blood, Sweat and Bheers - Bloodsongs - Blotto Otto's Grotto - Blue Funk - Blue Jaunte - Blue Moon - Blue News - Blue Ryder - Blue Star Mystery - Blue Suede News - Blue Vulture - Blue-Eyed Solstice Train - Bluegras - Blundering Blades - Blyp - Boats of the Glen Carrig - Bode Bulletin - Boff - Boffin - Bog - Boggle - Boing - Bolide - Bolo - Bolverk - Bombed Budgie Journal - Boo! - Book Report - Book of Ghu - Book of Job - Book of the Undead - Bookmark - Books Read - Bookview - Bookworm - Boole and Babbage - Boomchickawahwah! - Boomerang - Boowatt - Boowatt Weekly - Border Patrol - Border Ruffian - Borealis - Borogoves - Bosh - Bosh Goes South - Bottled Lightning - Bowb - Box 41 - Boxholder - Bozo Bus Tribune - Brach
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Blackhole Award - Doctor of hobbit Letters - Eternity Award - Ex-Chairman of the Liverpool Science Fiction Society - Great Pumpkin Award - Gunny - Hogu Awards - Imperishable Flame Award - Laureate Awards - Mas Alla Award - Obies - Ralph M. Holland Award - Science Fiction Awards Database - Skyrack Poll - The Vegemite Shield
Stores opened or closed:
A Time When - A Touch of Strange - Big Cat Books - Bookends - Books of Wonder - Cloak and Rocket - Dark They Were and Golden Eyed - Dragon's Lair - Earthlight Gallery - Fantast (Medway) - Fantasy Archives - Fantasy Book Centre - Fantasy, Etc. - Fat Cat Books - Ferret Fantasy Ltd - Flights of Fantasy - Fo' Paws Productions - Forbidden Planet - Forbidden Planet Bookstore - Future Dreams - Future Fantasy - GAA Books - Galactic Video - Galaxy Bookshop - Gaslight Books - Hobbit House - Hole in the Wall Books - Horizons Books - Hourglass - House of Speculative Fiction - Imagination Unlimited - Infinitas Bookshop - Lois Newman Books - Looking Glass Bookstore - Magic Labyrinth - Merlin's Closet - Mindbridge - Minotaur - Mysterious Galaxy - Nova Enterprises - Odyssey Bookshop - Of Science & Swords - Other Change of Hobbit - Other Worlds - Otherland - Pandemonium Books and Games - Phantasmagoria Books - Poor Richard's Store - Pulp Fiction - Purple Unicorn Books - Robert A. Hittel Bookseller - Saratoga SF and Mystery - Sargasso Book Shop - Science Fiction Syndicate - Science Fiction, Mysteries and More - Second Front - Sentry Box - Skyrack Book Service - Slow Glass Books - Starlite Books - Stefen's Books - Stellar Bookseller - Supernova Books - Tales of Space and Crime - Template:Store - The Alchemist's Head - The Asimov Bookshop - The Great Escape - The Illustrated Store - The Nostalgia Shop - The Pendragon Gallery - The Space Merchants - The Space-Crime Continuum - The Time Machine - Tim's White Dwarf - Weinberg Books - White Dwarf Books - Wonder World - Wonderworld - Zap!
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Aberdeen University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Armageddon Enterprises - Armar In Ruthondudun Ost In Vanyar Llachatherdad - Astral Leauge - Auckland University Science Fiction Society - BFS/BFL - Birmingham Science Fiction Circle - Birmingham University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Black Lodge - Bristol Fantasy and SF Society - British Fantasy Library - British Fantasy Library membership 1947-1949 - Cambridge Tolkien Society - City Illiterates - Detroit Science Fictioneers - Dublin University Science Fiction Society - Dundee Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - ESSFSCCNY - Elostirion - Eregion - Exeter University Science Fiction Society - FILK UK - FSFSOC - Fanhattonites - Fantasy Foundation - Final Frontier - Follow - Friends of Foundation - Friends of Kilgore Trout - Galilean Science Fiction Society - Gannets - Glasgow University Tolkien Society - Harringay & District Sci-Fi Discussion Group - Harrogate SF Group - Heriot-Watt University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - House of Durin - InTheBar - International Scientific Council - Isengard - Kent Trufandom - Kitten - Lakeland S.F. Organisation - Laurelin - Liverpool University Science Fiction, Fantasy and Film Society - London Convention Fandom, Inc - Los Alamos Fandom - MFS - Middle Earth Society - Mithlondrim - Morgul-hai - New Southern Friends in Space - New York City Sci-Fi/Fantasy Meetup Group - Newcastle SF Club - Newport SF Group - Nomads of the Time Stream - Northern Science Fiction and Fantasy Group - Northfarthing - Numenore - Outsider's Club - Oxford University Douglas Adams Society - Pieria - RHUL Tolkien Society - Rangers of the North - Romiley Fan Veterans & Scottish Dancing Society - Sci-Fi Soc - Science Fiction Book Club of London - Sheffield Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Sigma Terra Corps - Southampton University Science Fiction Society - Southfarthing - Sproutlore - SubOrbital - Surrey Limpwrists - Swansea SF Group - Tales of a Stranger - The "Cult Fiction" Society - The Dark Side - The Drinking Readers Entropic Gaming Society of Los Angeles Fandom - The Fan Squadron - The Grey Havens - The Other Ones - The Science Fiction Society - The Shire - The South Downs - Three Farthing Stone - Torbay Happy Fan and Lampshade Makers' Society - Treegarth Smial - Union of Traken - Universal Science Circle - University of Aston Science Fiction Group - University of Birmingham Middle Earth Society - University of Bristol Tolkien Society - University of Edinburgh Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - University of Warwick Modern Science Fiction Society - University of Warwick Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - University of York Tolkien Society - Vertical Horizons - Waldo and Magic Inc. - Warped - Welsh SF Association - WiGGLe - Young Fandom - ZZ9
Beanie Brigade - Carl Brandon - Cosmic Monopoly - Drunken President of FAPA - Fonepole - Green Jester Press - Harrison - Hum-&-Sway - I Guess You Had to Be There - Immoral Storm - Jr - Moonstruck Press - Poll Cat - Pro Photo Gallery - Saga of the NESFA Clubhouse - Sancho Proudfoot Publications of Bywater - Tales of a Stranger - Triode Plus
Andrew A. Adams - ArmageddonCon - Atsushi Morioka - Eric Stroud - Hayao Miyazaki - JY Yang - Liz Batty - Numenore - Phil Kohn - Regina Kanyu Wang - Sachiko Shibano - Sakyo Komatsu - Salik Shah - Sana Takeda - Skyrack Book Service - Terence Chua - The Ruins of Osgiliath - Vina Jie-Min Prasad - Wang Yating - X-Bilinmeyen - Xia Tong - Yang Xiao - Yao Haijun - Yasser Bahjatt - Yokneam Yappings
3 Rogers Street - A Touch of Strange - A for Andromeda - A.D. - A75 Bulletin - AVCon - Aaron and Danny on the shonk - Abstractions - Adam Jenkins - Adelaide Fan Review - Adrienne Losin - Aerial - Al Fitzpatrick - Alan Shalders - Alan Stewart - Albedo - Alexandra Pierce - Ali Kayn - Alician Fields - Alien Profile - Alisa Krasnostein - Alison Barton - Alison Evans - Alison Goodman - Alister Innes - Allan Bray - Along without You - Alternate Universe Fanzine - Amanda Pillar - Amenolagnia - American Letters - Anarkali - Anathema - And So It Goes - Andrew Brown - Andrew Finch - Andrew Taubman - Angela Slatter - Ankh - Anna Hepworth - Anthony Mitchell - Antics - Apa '83 - Apocalypse Au Go Go - Ark - As Flies - Aussie Transpacific - AussieCon First Draft Report - Aussiecon Fifth Anniversary Memorial Fanzines - Australasian Doctor Who Newsletter - Australian Dr. Who Fan Annual - Australian Playbeing - Australian Science Fiction Fan Calendar for 1981 - Auto Delirium - Autogaurd - Awaken - Aynf - Babbling On - Back Whole - Barbara de la Hunty - Barry Radburn - Beagle's World - Beagle's World Revisited - Bean - Belle McQuattie - Benjamin J. Szumskyj - Beyond - Beyond Antares - Bill Congreve - Bill Veney - Biotimber - Bizarre - Black Bike - Black Light - Black Orchid - Black Whole - Blake Edgerton - Bloodsongs - Blue News - Bob McCubbin - Bob Ogden - Boggle - Bookmark - Brett McBean - Brian Trump - Brian White - Bugs - Busswarble - Cameron Hall - Camestros Felapton - Canberra Science Fiction Society Newsletter - Canberra's Nini Hii? - Canto - Carandaith - Carey Handfield - Cary Lenehan - Castrovalva - Cath Ortlieb - Cathseye - Cathy Cupitt - Centero - Cepheid - Ceremonial Merchant - Chao - Charles La Coste - Choking Dog Gazette - Chris Collier - Chris Coman - Chris Lawson - Chris Nelson - Christine McGowan Ashby - Cindy Evans - Claire McKenna - Clare McDonald Sims - Claws - Close Encounters of Lizards at Aussiecon - Colin Roden - Command Module - ConCave - Conquest '92 - Conquest - Conquest - Constantinople the Brave - Constellation - Contact 21 - Contraindicators - Corpus Infernus - Cosmic 4 - Cosmos - Crabapple - Craig Bezant - Craig Hilton - Crash of the Hard Disk - Crazy Eddie Newsletter - Crux - Cygnetures - Daja Voo - Dalek Wars - Dallas Jones - Damien Warman - Darren Maxwell - Data - Data Extract - Data Extraction - Dated Extract - Dave Cohen - Dave Freer - David Cake - David Crisp - David L. Russell - David McDonald - Debussy - Degraves Tavern - Der Reaper - Derrick Ashby - Devin Madson - Diane Debellis - Diane Fox - Diane Marchant - Dirk Flinthart - Dirk Strasser - Diverse Universe - Diverse Visions - Doctor Who Gazette - Doctor Who Magazine - Dodecahedron - Don Ashby - Donna Heenan - Donna Maree Hanson - Dot dot dash - Down Under Express - Doxa! - Doxy - Dragon's Lair - Dragons and Morning Opals - Ecchh-Toplasm - Eclecticism E-zine - Eddie Campbell - Edwina Harvey - Elaine Walker - Elizabeth Trump - Ellen Franklin - Emerald City - Emilly McLeay - Emma Hawkes - Emma Hespa Mann - Enarraré - Enchiridion - Encyclopaedia Gallifreiica - Energy - Enigma - Enlightenment & Persuasion - Eric B. Lindsay - Eric Frank Russell - Erika Maria Lacey - Eris - Exploding madonna - Extant - Eye of Newt - Fables and Reflections - Fandom is My Life - Fannish - Fannish Journeys - Fantastic News - Faulcon - Fe Waters - Finland - Flug - For FAPA - Forbidden Dimensions, Nameless Dreams - Frank & Earnest Sex - Freya Marske - From the LAIR of the LYNX - From the Threshold - Frontier - Full Circle - G'nel - GUFFAWE - Gail Adams - Galactic Video - Galaxy Bookshop - Gallifreyan Gossip - Gallifreyan Graffiti - Gallifreyan Times - Gambit - Garry Dalrymple - Gaslight Books - Gaston J. Feeblehare - Ged Maybury - Gene Melzack - Genuine Victorian Wicker Dunkle - Geoff Allshorn - Geoff Tilley - George Ivanoff - Get Stuffed - Ghostbastards - Ghoulie Bear Goes Ga-Ga - Gina Goddard - Glass Keys - Glayne Louise Blackmore - Glenda Larke - Grant Stone - Grant Watson - Great Pumpkin Award - Greg Hills - Greg Turkich - Grendel - Grilled Pterodactyl - Gryffin - Gunny - Gynaecon - Gynaezine - H. C. F. Morant - HOCUS POCUS - Halliford House Newsletter - Hand of Fear - Hard Yakka - Hass & Nige's Desperately Seeking Fancred - Helen Merrick - Helen Swift - Hello - Hold That Tiger! - Hope - I Know I Owed You a Letter in 1997 - I'll Go Out in the Garden and Eat Worms - I-Shine - iOTA - Ian Crozier - Ian Nichols - Iceworld - Inconsequential Parallax - Inconsequential Pyramids - Infinitas Bookshop - Intermittent Muse - Invisible Whistling Bunyip - Irwin Hirsh - Jack Herman - Jack Keating - Jacob Edwards - James R. Cain - James Styles - Jean Weber - jeanzine - Jeff Harris - Jen Banyard - Jenny Blackford - John Alderson - John Breden - John C. Park - John Fox - John Gregor - John McDouall - John Packer - John Parker - John Richards - Jon Noble - Jon Swabey - Jonathan Strahan - Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology - Ju Landéesse - Judi Hodgkin - Julia Svaganovic - Julian Warner - Juliet Marillier - Juliette Woods - Junkyard - Justine Larbalestier - KRin Pender-Gunn - Kaaron Warren - Kanga Ruse - Karen Herkes - Karen Miller - Karen Vaughn - Karen Warnock - Kat Clay - Katharine Maxwell - Kathleen Jennings - Kathryn Anderson - Keira McKenzie - Keith Curtis - Keith Taylor - Ken Paynter - Kenowa - Kevin Dillon - Khalespheare - Killer Kung-Fu Enema Nurses - Kim Huett - Kim Wilkins - Kingdom of the Bland - Kirstyn McDermott - Kisses Sweeter than Cactus - Kittycon - Knot a Bird - Koolinda - Koquillion's Chronicle - Kronos Express - Kylie Chan - Kylie Ding - L. Grieve - Larrikin - Larry Dunning - Laura Molesworth - Leanne Frahm - Leife Shallcross - Leon Stone - Les Chattes Parties - Les Petersen - Lewis Morley - Lezli Robyn - Lhyfe - Likhain - Lily Chrywenstrom - Liz Barr - Lizards of Oz - Llananthony - Log of the U.S.S. Quest - Lore - Louise Katz - Lucy Sussex - Luna - Lyell Crane - MARSian - Magic Puddin' Club - Mandragora - Mandragora Horlicks - Mantichore - Marc McBride - Marea Ozanne - Margaret Finch - Margo Lanagan - Mariann McNamara - Marianne Plumridge - Marijke Fitzgerald - Marilyn Pride - Marjorie Cammer - Mark Loney - Mark R. Sharpe - Marlee Jane Ward - Marrickville Library Fan Fiction Festival - Matthew Lindus - Max Barry - Mc² - Medge - Megatheriums for Breakfast - Melbourne All-Club Mini-Cons - Melbourne Science Fiction Club Newsletter - Mentalis - Metaluna - Michael Evans - Michael F. Green - Michael Hailstone - Michael O'Brien - Mike McGann - Mike Schaper - Milliways - Mimezine Flashback - Miniscope - Minotaur - Mishaps - Mistfall - Mithril - Module - Moonlight Tuber - Multiverse - Mumfan - Murray MacLachlan - Mutterings from the Teapot - N. A. Sulway - Nalini Haynes - Narrelle Harris - Necessity - Nekros - Nemesis - Neville J. Angove - Newsletter.Fellowship of Middle Earth - Nicole Murphy - Nikki White - No Award - Not Falling, Flying! - Notes of a Naif Son - Notes on Australian Science Fiction - Nothing Is But What Is Not = Nibwin - Obies - Odyssey - Of Babel Fish & Gumblejack - Of Science & Swords - OmegaCon - Omicron - Opal - Opus - Orbital Vectors - Oscillation Overthruster - Osiris - Paddy O'Reilly - Pangalia - Pariah! - Paul Collins - Paul Ewins - Paul J. Stevens - Paul Kennedy - Paul Kidd - Paul Raj Khangure - Perpendicular Worlds - Perth Fan News - Peter Cooper - Peter McNamara - Peter Toluzzi - Phil Wlodarczyk - Philip McGregor - Piffle - Pink - Pirate Planet - Pleh! - Popular Science Fiction - Porkchop - Pot-Koorok Burblings - Preferred Lies - Prime Directive - Profan - Prohibited Matter - Pulp Fiction - Qld Doctor Who Fan Club Yearbook - Question Mark? - R. Douglas Nicholson - Rachel Holkner - Rataplan - Ratcon - Rats on Tofu - Ray E. Pate - Reality Module - Red Squadron Dispatches - Red Viscous Madness - Reflections - Revelation - Revelation Condemned - Review Zine - Rex Meyer - Rhubarb - Richard Bradbury - Richard Harland - Richard Scriven - Ripple Hole - Rob Gerrand - Robert Hood - Robert Ingpen - Robert Jan - Robert Mapson - Robin Pen - Roc-Kon I - Rocky Lawson - Roger Dard - Roman Orszanski - Ron Clarke - Ron L. Clarke - Ron Levy - Rosaleen Love - Rose Mitchell - Rosemary G. Simmons - Rosie's Tavern - Rowena Cory Daniells
'Ot on the Trails - A Fandom Simpler - A Fanzine Newsletter - A Fine Mess - A Leighton Year 2010-2011 - A. Clarke - A. E. Prince - A. Francis - A. G. Dunn - A. G. Skeel - A. Gascoigne - A. Graham Boak - A. H. March - A. J. Savage - A. Miller - A. Tomlinson - A. W. Gardner - A. Wenham - A. Williams - AC/DC - AOD - APA-B - APA-SFAF - Aberdeen University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Abi Brown - Abraham Bloom - Adrian Cook - Adrian Wilson - Ahasuerus - Ajax Hoch - Al Fitzpatrick - Al Lee - Al Robertson - Alan Bale - Alan Barrie Stewart - Alan Boakes - Alan Boyd-Newton - Alan Bramall - Alan Chorley - Alan Date - Alan Dewick - Alan Ferguson - Alan J. Sullivan - Alan J. W. Rozelaar - Alan Keeley - Alan Mackie - Alan Marshall - Alan Ridgway - Alan Rispin - Alan Robson - Alasdair Stuart - Albert Griffiths - Alex Hardy - Alex Morrison - Alf Hind - Alice Lawson - Alison Boyle - Alison Freebairn - Alison Richards - Alissa Wales - Alistair Ferguson - All New or Reprint - Allen Ashley - Alun Harries - Alyson Wonderland - Amanda Baker - Amazing Screen Horrors - Ana Grilo - Andrew A. Adams - Andrew A. P. Butler - Andrew C. Neale - Andrew Dunlop - Andrew Hogg - Andrew M. Butler - Andrew Salmond - Andrew Seaman - Andy Bigwood - Andy Conway - Andy Cox - Andy Croft - Andy Firth - Andy Morris - Ang Rosin - Angus Wilson - Ann Patrizio - Anna Feruglio Dal Dan - Anna Raftery - Anna Smith Spark - Anne Gardiner - Anne Hamill - Anne Page - Anne Stokes - Anne Sudworth - Annie Griffith - Anthony Chapman - Antipodean Bestiary - Antony J. Shepherd - Arador - Armadillos in the Skirting Board - Armageddon Enterprises - Armar In Ruthondudun Ost In Vanyar Llachatherdad - Arnold Gibson - Arthur Berwick - Arthur Cook - Arthur Cruttenden - Arthur Duell - Arthur H. Tavinder - Arthur Harris - Arthur J. Ridgway - Arthur Williams - Ashley Watkins - Astral Leauge - Athole Carter - Atu XVIII - Audrey Eversfield - Audrey Lovett - Audrey Walton - Autun Purser - B. A. Baker - B. A. Scarff - B. G. W. Tayler - B. H. Edwards - B. Lewington - B. Saffer - B24 Liberator - BFS Booklets - BFS/BFL - Back to Minac - Barbara Mace - Barbara Rawlins - Barbara Stewart - Ben Burr - Benjanun Sriduangkaew - Bernard High - Bernard Lee - Bernie Peek - Bert Hodson - Beryl Bentcliffe - Beth Webb - Betty Peters - Betty White - Beyond Cyberdrome - Bill Carlin - Bill Fischer - Bill Gray - Bill Hague - Bill Jesson - Bill Johnson - Bill Little - Bill Morse - Bill Panter - Bill Shelton - Birmingham Science Fiction Circle - Birmingham University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Black Lodge - Blue Suede News - Bob Champion - Bob Dunlop - Bob Foster - Bob Holland - Bob Murray - Bob Parkinson - Bob Rickard - Bob Smith - Bookends - Bookworm - Border Ruffian - Boris Parker - Boyd Parkinson - Brenda Gabrielle Lee - Brian Allport - Brian Ameringen - Brian Frost - Brian Hampton - Brian J. Robb - Brian Marshall - Brian Milburn - Brian Miller - Brian Parker - Brian Robinson - Brian Shaw - Brian Temple - Brian V. Avis - Brian Waugh - Bridget Bradshaw - Bridget Wilkinson - Brin Dunsire - Bristol Fantasy and SF Society - British Amateur Press Association - British Fantasy Amateur Press Association - British Fantasy Library - British Fantasy Library membership 1947-1949 - British Fantasy News - British Fantasy Society Journal - British Science-Fiction Bibliography - Bruce Gaffron - Bruce Kidd - Bull Moose - Bumblie - Burroughsiana - C. A. Fielder - C. Baker - C. C. Peart - C. D'Alessio - C. E. Fisher - C. E. Windsor - C. F. Allen - C. F. W. Jones - C. H. Hasted - C. H. Pepper - C. Hammersley - C. Hipkin - C. Sharpe - CHEFF - California Dreaming - Cambridge Tolkien Society - Carl Hiles - Carol Gregory - Caroline Mullan - Carpathia - Cartismandua Press - Cath Easthope - Catie Cary - Celia Parsons - Central Hotel - Chad Dixon - Charles Duncombe - Charles Gilray - Charles Legg - Charles N. G. Matthews - Charles Saunders - Charles Smith - Charles Wildman - Charlie Winstone - Chas Legg - Cheryl Morgan - Chris "Keris" Croughton - Chris Amies - Chris Atkinson - Chris Beaumont - Chris Bell - Chris Conway - Chris Cooper - Chris Cutts - Chris Hall - Chris Hughes - Chris Jones - Chris Malme - Chris Morgan - Chris O'Shea - Chris Oakley - Chris Terran - Christina Lake - Christine Davidson - Christine Wollrich - Christopher Bradley - Christopher Jackson - Christopher Ogden - Christopher Seppala - Chrysalis - Chuck Connor - Circular of the Lakeland Science Fiction Organisation - City Illiterates - Clare Goodall - Cliff Teague - Clifford Russell - Clifford Whalley - Clive Bourne - Clive Jackson - Colin Britch - Colin Brown - Colin Davey - Colin Fine - Colin H. Askham - Colin H. Macklin - Colin Harris - Colin Odell - Colin Parsons - Colum Paget - Con Turner - Connie Mackenzie - Connie Prophet - Conruiner - Contrived One-Shot - Convertible Bus - Cosmic Trifle - Cretinfandom - Cursed - Cyberspace - Cybrer Bunny - Cyril Banks - Cyril Evans - Cyril Fleisher - Cyril Shute - Cyril Simsa - Cyril Whitaker - D. B. Powell - D. Black - D. C. Jones - D. C. Moore - D. E. Eddowes - D. E. Essam - D. E. Melrose - D. J. Fabian - D. J. Foster - D. Joyason - D. K. Fawcett - D. Kedge - D. Landman - D. McNaught - D. Nash - D. R. W. Stronge - D. Rosenberg - D. Sadler - D. Sharpe - D. W. Evans - Dai Barker - Danny Hamilton - Dante's Cardigan - Dark They Were and Golden Eyed - DarkLight - Data Dump - Dave Baldock - Dave Barber - Dave Bridges - Dave Busby - Dave Clements - Dave Cockfield - Dave Cohen - Dave Cooper - Dave Eggleton - Dave Gardner - Dave Hale - Dave Hicks - Dave Hodson - Dave Lamb - Dave McFerran - Dave Newman - Dave Reeder - Dave Rowe - Dave Rowley - Dave Taylor - Dave Trengrove - Dave Womack - Dave Wood - David A. Sutton - David Bell - David C. D. Potter - David Carlile - David Copping - David Curry - David E. Bridges - David Fletcher - David Gardner - David Griffin - David Griffiths - David Griffiths - David Howe - David Learner - David Page - David Patterson - David Piper - David Riley - David S. Garnett - David Strahan - David Thurlby - Death Rays - Debbie Bennett - Debby Moir - Deborah Crook - Deirdre Ruane - Denis Bridoux - Denise Laws - Dennis Egan - Dennis Jacques - Derek Gorman - Derek Stokes - Derek Williams - Desmond Squire - Diane Berry - Diane Goulding - Dick Jones - Dicky Howett - Discworld Convention 2024 - Dmitri de Woronin - Domble in the Works - Don Geldart - Don MacKay - Don Mortimer - Donald B. Gooch - Donald G. MacRae - Donald McCormick - Donald Towers - Dorothy Hartwell - Dorothy Ratigan - Doug Bell - Doug Edwards - Doug Lacey - Doug Spencer - Douglas Firth - Douglas Slack - Dr. John H. Watson - Dragon's Lair - Dragonbreath - Dragoncon - Drygulch - Duncan Lunan - Dundee Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - E'ch Pi El - E. A. Thompson - E. F. Smith - E. Fissher - E. Frank Parker - E. Furness - E. G. Ducker - E. G. Lane - E. Hiller - E. J. Webb - E. Longley - E. Lumer - E. Rose - E. W. Fowler - E. W. Roberts - Eaianne Cooke - Ebullient Gulp - Echoplex - Eddie Cochrane - Edith Crowther - Efilnekufusin - Ego - Egregious Guide to the Conventions - Elaine Walker - Elizabeth Billinger - Elizabeth Blethen - Elizabeth Holland - Elizabeth Hopkinson - Elizabeth Sourbut - Elke Stewart - Elmer T. Hack - Elostirion - Emm Mair Henry - Emma King - Entropion - Entropy - Epicentre - Eregion - Erg Quarterly in the USA - Eric C. Hopkins - Eric Cox - Eric F. Patterson - Eric Hubeand - Eric Jones - Eric Lloyd - Eric Mendum - Eric Stroud - Erica Neely - Ernest Harmer - Ernest Harris - Esther MacCallum-Stewart - Eunice Pearson - European Newsbulletin/Link - Eve - Ewan Hedger - Ex-Chairman of the Liverpool Science Fiction Society - Exeter University Science Fiction Society - Exosphere - F. C. Lennox - F. C. Newman - F. Coueslant - F. D. Wilson - F. J. Grimes - F. Mallen - F. Montgomery - F. Moore - F. N Cramp - F. N. Reckless - F. V. A. Scales - F. W. H. Wilkers - FILK UK - FSFSOC - Fake Bob Shaw - Fandom of the Opera - Fanhattonites - Fanmail - Fantasia - Fantasmagoria - Fantast (Medway) - Fantasy Book Centre - Fanzine Fanatique - Farberlla - Fay Bright - Feetnotes - Felicity - Felix Cohen - Ferret Fantasy Ltd - Final Frontier - Fiona Anderson - Fiona Moore - Fiona Scarlett - Fission in Troubled Waters
A Fanzine for Corflu - A Fanzine for Corflu Z - A Moving Experience - a march to the beat of a red shift drummer - Abject Apology - Aidan Moher - Alex von Thorn - Allis Villette - Allison Durno - An Open Letter, November 2011 - Andrew Murdoch - Ann Methe - Apaplexy - Art Hayes - Barbara Przeklasa - Barry Kent MacKay - Beak Taylor - Best of Moz - Beth Finkbiner - Bhowling - Bill Grant - Bill Morse - Bits of My Boring Life - Blanc Citron - Blast - Blue Jaunte - Bob Gibson - Bob Webber - Boowatt - Borealis - Brach - Brand New Symbolic Peach Pit - Brobdingnag - Brooke Abbey - Bullzine - Calcium Light Nights - Canadian Journal of Detournement - Candas Jane Dorsey - Carefully Sedated - Carolyn Clink - Catherine Crockett - Cause Celebre - Christine Kulyk - Chronic - Claritas - Colin Hinz - Compound Fracture - Conversion - Copper Toadstool - Coronal Mass Ejection - Dale Speirs - Damn - Dark Fantasy - Dave Clement - Dave Hayman - David Greer - David Vereschagin - Derek Carter - Dinosaur Spit! - Distaff - Doug Rogers - Douglas Smith - E. A Godfrey - ESFCAS Newsletter - Eli Cohen - Ella Parker - Elmer D. Standish - Emmet A. O'Brien - Erika Ensign - Falcon - Fancom - Felicity Walker - Fen and the Art of Fanzine Pubbing - Fewmets - Fie - Fiona Moore - First Class - Floccipaucinihilipilification - Fredrick B. Christoff - Future Plans - Gasp - Gerald A. Steward - Gina Ellis Clarke - Graham Leathers - Green Stuff - Greg Hagglund - Guano - Harland Ronning - Heather Borean - Heather Dale - Henry Balen - Hibited Happenings - House of Speculative Fiction - Houyhmhmn - Howard Scrimgeour - I Guess You Had to Be There - I Made It to Sixty - Ian Wilson - Ibidem - Input/Output - Ira Nayman - Ishue - J. A. McCallum - J. M. Frey - Jabberwocky - Jack Doherty - James A. Hall - Jean Pierre Normand - Jean-Pierre Normand - Jeff Beeler - Jim Allan - Jim Shedden - Jo-Anne McBride - John Bell - John Douglas - John Mansfield - Josie Benderavage - Journeys - Judith Hayman - Just Me - Karen Linsley - KingCon - Laid - Larry Stone - Le Moindre - Letters from a Floating World - Life of Rodney - Lillian G. Edward - Linda Ross-Mansfield - Lloyd Landa - Lloyd Penney - Loc Dave Fucke - London Annual Fantasy/Media Festival - Low-Down - Lulu Revu - Lyell Crane - Mark Shainblum - Memoritor - Mephisto - Michael J. Wallis - Michael S. Hall - Michael Skeet - Mike Finkbiner - Mike Ward (Canada) - Mimi - Miriad - More Stuff for FAPA - Much Binding on the Marsh - Murray Moore - My Year in Review - Neil Jamieson-Williams - Neology - New Canadian Fandom, Eh? - Noncon - Nor - Norm Clarke - Norman G. Browne - Norman V. Lamb - Novoid - Nuclear Bunnies - OSFiC...Eventually - OSFiComm - Oktobercon - Orbital Reference - Orca - Orion: The Canadian Magazine of Time and Space - Osfic Eventually - Panic Button - Paperchips - Pat Patterson - Paul Valcour - Paul Wyszkowski - Peggi Warner-Lalonde - Penneys Up the River and Other CUFF Stories - Peter Jarvis - Phil Currie - Phil Paine - Pinekone - Plush - Pre-Apa - Que Pasado? - René Walling - Renée Sieber - Reta Grossman - Rhinocon - Rob St-Martin - Robbie Bourget - Robert Runte - Rockabilly - Rodney Announcement - Rodney's Fanac - Ron Kidder - Rothnium - Royal York Hotel - Rubber Stamp Owner's Bulletin - S. M. Sterling - Sanseveria - Sayata Gabriel - Sebastien de Castell - Seen on a Cave Wall - Sempervivum - Sentry Box - Shelly Lewis - SideTrekked - Simon Agree - Slush*Pusher in a Slook Mill - Solaris - Speramus Meliora - State of the Art - Steve Forty - Steve George - Stir Wars - Sue Jeffers - Sunshine Katz - Susan Manchester - TAPA - Ted Bleaney - Ted White - Terry Fong - ThangEnt - The Canadian Science Fiction Fan - The Central Ganglion - The Devil's Advocate - The Edmonton Science Fiction & Comic Arts Society's Guide to Science Fiction and Fandom - The Garth Danielson Christmas Booke - The Great Nor'Western News - The Great White Zine - The Incomplete Taral Wayne Cover Gallery - The Lesser Typewriter - The Mail Carrier Brought It - The Maple Leaf Rag - The Miscarriage of Heaven and Hell - The Obdurate Eye - The Papernet - The Professor - The Voyageur - The Witch and the Chameleon - The Word for World Is Twiltone - The World According to Garth - The Zinephobic Eye - Thrilling Typewriter Stories - Thru the Haze - Tim Hammell - Tin Woodman - To Walk the Moon - To Wound the Autumnal Derelict - Tom Jeffers - Tom Springer - Tony Pi - Toronto the Ghood - Toronto, Is There Anywhere Else? - Transmission - Travelling Midget - Trawnacon - Twiltone - Under the Ozone Hole - Uninspired Activity - VANAPA - Variegation - Vaughn Fraser - Victoria Vayne - Virtual Images - Wastelands - Wendigo - What Do You Know of Love? - What Things Come Out in the Spring - Where's My Boa Wonder? - White Dwarf Books - Wilfcon - Will Straw - Willard R. Biscuit Newsletter - Wolfcon - X-Ray - Xenium - Yves Meynard - Yvonne Penney - ZOZMA - ZX - Zero G Lavatory - Zero Sum Game - Zosma
A Western Mandarin - A-zyn - Ailleurs - Ailleurs et Autres - Alan Barrie Stewart - Alexa Klettner - Algernon. Organ for Aniara - Alors - Alvar Appeltofft - Amphipoxi - Anders Akerland - Anders Fröberg - Andrew Lenard - Angerthas - Angerthas Offprint - Asgard - Atlan - Attack of the Mutant Pancakes - Audrey Eversfield - Axel Melhardt - Barbara Abas - Basil P. Coukis - Beltrom - Ben Abas - Billy Pettit - Bjorn Tore Sund - Bjørn Vermo - Bosh - Brigitte Bardot SF Letterzine - Bug Eye - Cahier - Candy F - Carolina Gómez Lagerlöf - Celsius 232 - Cepheus - Cocktail Frog - Con Course - Dag Siggerud - Dave Vendelmans - Die Welt Von Morgen - Dionysos - Driftglass - Early Bird - Enrique Corominas - Entzine - Erik Granstroem - Eronews - Europa Report - European Newsbulletin/Link - Eva Van Daele-Hunt - Ewan Hedger - Fabula - Fandom Harvest - Fanzine of France and Science Fiction Quarterly - Fikcje - FilkContinental - Finnzine - Follow - Fothpatlaw - Franklin Gunkelman - Franz Ettl - Franz Miklis - Fregna - FreuCon - Fucking Animals and Things - G. A. Shiel - GAPA - Galaktika - Galen Dara - Graham England - Gunther Loth - Hei-Jack - Heinrich Arenz - High Level - Hildisvin - Holland SF - Impressionen - Informator - Intermission - Ixtl - Jan Jansen - Jan van 't Ent - Jazz Parade - Jean Linard - Joan Hammett - Johan C. Welin - John Harvey - Juergen G. Marzi - Juliane Honisch - KONgres - Karl-Johan Norén - Keep Watching the Skies - Kerstin Droege - Kirstin Tanger - Klaus Johansen - Komet - Kosmos - Larry van der Putte - Lubov - Lucifero - Lynne Ann Morse - M. Chambaz - Mad Mar - Mad Mar Special - Magira - Malcon - Manfred Kage - Marcin Klak - Marvin - The Lehti - Maya Hahto - Meuhpeon - Michael Svensson - Mihaela Marija Perković - Mikael Bahner - Muirgheal - Multum Est - New Kind of Neighborhood - New Lamps For Old! SF Genie - Nic Oosterbaan - Niederrheincon - Nina Horvath - Nordcon - Obscured by Corflu - Ogre - Ökon - Oliver Gruter-Andrew - Olorin - Otherland - Parallax - Parcon - Parsek - Pascal Thomas - Paul Hammett - Peter Michaleczky - Re Kong - Regina Kanyu Wang - Roar Ringdahl - Robin Usher - Roelof Goudriaan - Roger Sjolander - Rolf C. Gindorf - Rune Forsgren - SF Times (German) - SF-Magazine - SFeraKon - SFmag - Science Fiction Journalen - Sexy Venus - Sezar Erkin Ergin - Sfaira - Sibylle Machat - Sigma Terra Corps - Sigvard Östlund - Silhwesta - Simone Heller - Sixth Dimension Times - Skandinavisk Fanzine Forening - Skyrack Book Service - Slapstick - Small Wonder - Smorgasboard - Smorgasbord - Snorfcon - Sol - Sol Reader - Sol-Kwiat - Spectra - Star - Stargate - Streiflichter - Swede ishes - Sweden Minicon - Tellus International News - The Egoist - Tove Jansson - Trolls & Legendes - Ulla Boberg - Vance World - Volker Tanger - Wait for the Ricochet - Xuensè - Zinergy
Albedo One - Derek Gorman - Diane Berry - Dublin University Science Fiction Society - Fitz-Gerald P. Grattan - Gareth Kavanagh - George Charters - Hugh Carswell - Ian McAulay - Irish Discworld Convention - Jennifer Harwood Smith - Jim Fitzpatrick - Jo Zebedee - Joe McNally - John Connolly - Julian West - Lynne Ann Morse - Madeleine Willis - Marguerite Smith - Maura McHugh - Mick O'Connor - Oneshots - Pádraig Ó Méalóid - Return of the Space Boggle - Roelof Goudriaan - Sector 14 - The Alchemist's Head - The Flaneur - Thingy - Thomas N. Watt
New Zealand:
2 Loonies and a Soft Toy - Alex Heatley - Amoeba - Andrew Ivamy - Auckland University Science Fiction Society - Barbara Clendon - Bombed Budgie Journal - Brian Howell - Brian Thurogood - Cavell Nichol - Cry Havoc - Dan Rabarts - Debbie Knapp - Don Mathieson - Elizabeth Knox - Ether - Evan McCarthy - Fantasy - Fanzine Time - Fission Chips - From the Prying FFANZ Into the Foyer - Ged Maybury - Graham P. Collins - Grant Stone - Greg Broadmore - Greg Hills - He's Dead, Jim - Jan Butterworth - Jax Goss - Juliet Marillier - Kenowa - KiwiFan - Kosmic Kiwi - Lee Murray - Lucy Sussex - Lyn McConchie - Lynelle Howell - Magnitude - Maree Pavletich - Moa Bone Stew - Monica Naughton - Murray MacLachlan - Nicholas Smeaton - Nickronomicom - Norman Cates - Novazine - Out of Focus - Panopticon - Paul Scoones - Peter Clendon - Peter Hassall - Phillip Mann - Phoenixine - Rex Thompson - Roger Horrocks - Shadowfax - Simon Greenfield - Simon Litten - Simon Petrie - Stephen Litten - The Longford Gazette - Timbre - Time Space Visualiser - Warp - Ye Olde Silver Anniversarie Statystickal Round Up
"Burp" Said the Turtle - "It's Bigger in Texas" - 'Tator - ((nothing)) - (Book)worm in the Big Apple - (Himself) - (Oopsla) Interim - (blank) - *Sigh* - ...and Furthermore - ...be forgot, and never... - #1 Fan Face - 1966 Southwestercon - 19th Nervous Breakdown - 2001 Light Years from Home - 2005 ConFusion One-Shot - 2400 Fulton - 2AM - 3-5-0-0 - 3rd Conference on Middle Earth Part 2 - 45 & Counting - 4642 - 57 - A - A Fanzine for Dave Van Arnam - A Autumn Fantasy from Rosco - A Basketful of Bastards - A Bear Went Over the Mountain - A Bleeding Rose - A Book of Ordinary Writings - A Book of Thel - A Boowatt Imitator - A Change of Heart - A Check List of Some of the Earliest FAN MAGAZINES - A Clerk's Journal - A Cyberpunk Timeline - A Day at the Races - A Different Drummer - A Dirty Mind Doesn't Mind a Bit - A Dream of Books - A Dribble of Ink - A Fake Fan in London - A Fan Typology -or- What I See on the Elevators - A Fanzine for Bjohn - A Fanzine for FAPA - A Fanzine for Ger Steward - A Fanzine for Now - A Fanzine for Susan Margaret - A Fanzine in Perfect Disguise - A Few Green Leaves - A Flash of Blue - A History of the Hugo Nebula and International Fantasy Award - A Hog on Ice - A Matter of Honor - A Miniscule Portfolio by LeeH - A Passing Fancy - A Poke in the Eye with a Sharp Stick - A Princess of a Different Color - A Propos Du Barean - A Public Service - A Sad Story - A Sales Pitch to Convince FAPA to Sponsor an Art Show - A Silent Toast to Futility - A There and Back Again Journey - A Time When - A Tour - A Trip Report Found in a Plain Manila Envelope - A Voice from the Gallery - A. J. Reiss - A. T. Greenblatt - AAA Aargh - AI - APA-Jarnevon - APA-T - APA-U - APA-tizer - ASFA Newsletter - ASFOAWN - ASFacts - AWOL - Aalor - Aapa - Aardvark - Aardvark - Aaron De Orive - Ab-Satthaqua - Abanico - Abba Zaba - Abed & Bored - Abelian Grape - Abigail Larson - Abimelech - Abortions - Above & Below - Abraham Oshinsky - Absarka - Access All Arias - Acculturations - Acherner - Ack-Ack - Acmemath Catalouge - Acropos - Acrux - Acrux Fanzine - Ada Charles - Adam English - Adam Malin - Adrenalin - Adrian Collins - Adventure - Adventures on Earth - Afan - Affinity - Afta - After Hours - Afua Richardson - Again Dangerous Crudzines - Agent of Vagueness - Aghast - Ah Sunflower - Ah Yes, I Remember Well a Saturday in Birmingham - Aileen Forman - Airfoil - Airwavers - Aistear - Ajax Hoch - Akkilmar - Aklo - Al Babcock - Al Fitzpatrick - Al Kuhfeld - Al Schuster - Al Scott - Al Sirois - Al Weinstein - Alan Becker - Alan Bosco - Alan Gillette - Alan Harvey - Alan Huff - Alan Hutchinson - Alan Light - Alan M. Clark - Alan Moore - Alan Pollack - Alan R. Jones - Alan Shaw - Alan Thiesen - Alan White - Alan Wilde - Alan Winston - Albin Johnson - Alcherner - Aldeberan Abandoned - Alden Scott Crow - Alderley Edge - Aleph and Omega - Alex Berman - Alex Case - Alex Eisenstein - Alex von Thorn - Alexander Blade - Alexander Slate - Alexandra Duncan - Alexandra Rowland - Alexis Layton - Alice - Alice Sander - Alien - Alissa Wales - Alix E. Harrow - All Digression Weekly - All Dynamic - All Lies and Jests - All Mimsy - All Sinking, No Power - All True Amazing Science Wonder Stories - All the Nudes That Fit in Print - All the Stars in the Sky - Allen Baum - Allen H. Greenfield - Allen Koszowski - Allerlei - Alliance Amateur - Alliance Assembler - Allison De Fren - Allison Hershey - Almanac - Along Alpha Ralpha Boulevard - Alpha - Alpha - Alpha Adventures - Altered Brands - Alternate History Newsletter - Alternate Horizons Newsletter - Alternative - Alternatives - Alyssa Wong - AmaZed and CorfluZed - Amanita Brandy - Amateur's Correspondent - Amateur's Journal - Amazed and Corfluzed - Amazine - Amazing Adventures - Amazing Forries - Ambrov Zeor - Ambul - Amelor - Amenti - American Defenestrator - American Dreamer - American Journal of Psychoscamology - American Scribe - Amigocon - Amnesia - Amoeboid Scunge - Ampersand - Amphipoxi - Amra - Amrita - Amsterdam News - Amy L. Woolard - Amy McNally - Amy Sisson - An Ace Letter-Series Notebook - An Annotated Bibliography of Recursive Science Fiction - An Annotated Checklist of Science Fiction Bibliographical Works - An Index on the Weird Fantastica in Magazines - An Index to Popular American Fanzines - An Intraview with Arthur D. Hlavaty - An Invitation - An Original Thought - Anakreon - Anal Sphincter - Anant - Anchorage Anarchy - And Don't Call Me Tex - And Lo God Made Rotsler for Duff - And So -- Forward - And That's True Too - Andrea Weber - Andrew Eigel - Andrew Ross - Andrew Trembley - Andromeda - Andvari - Andy Anda - Andy Anderson - Andy Hooper - Andy Lyon - Andy Nowell - Andy Whitehead - Anew - Angela K. Scott - Angela Karash - Angmar - Aniara - Animal X - Animalities - Animus Curiae - Anita Feller - Anita Lapidus - Ann Chamberlain - Ann Dinkleman - Ann Hafler - Ann VanderMeer - Ann Weiser - Ann Williams - Anne Bishop - Anne Lesley Groell - Anne Morrel - Anne Passovoy - Anne-Laurie Logan - Annex - Annie Laurie Starr - Annita Harlan - Another Remarkable Fanzine - Antaios - Antelope Freeway One Mile - Anthem - Anthony S. Burdge - Anti-Misoneist Gazzette - Antipodes Observer - Anubis - Anything Box - Anything Thing - Apa Filk - Apanage - ApartheiD - Apathetic - Apical Dominance - Apocrypha - Apocrypha - Apokalypso - Apollo Play - Apollooo - Apostrophe - Appendix - Applaud - Apple of Discord - Approximate Draft - Aprikos - Aquiver in Queens - Arahant - Architecture & Morality - Archive - Archive Midwinter - Arcturian: SISFA Annual 1943-44 - Arf Arf! - Arfur - Argentine Science Fiction Review - Argh! - ArgoNote - Argonaut - Ariel - Ariel Cinii - Ariel Hameon - Aries Moon - Arion - Aristotle Meets Gernsback - Arkfandom - Arkham Collector - Arkham Phud - Arlene Satin - Arlin Robins - Arlington Park Hilton - Armadillo Dreams - Arnie Fenner - Arnie Williams - Arniniel - Aron Insinga - Arrakis - Art Appreciation - Art Barnes - Art Gnaedinger - Art Roberts, Jr. - Art and Domesticity - Arthur Hermann - Arthur Levine - Artifice - Artificial Satellite - Arundel - As I See It - Ashe - Ashen Meal - Asmodeus - Asteroid X - Astounding Letters - Astounding Story-Key: 1930-1951 - Astra - Astral Dimensions - Astro Adventures - Astron - Atarantes - AthCon - Atlantis Reborn - Atomica - Atres Artes - Attaquer - Attemptacon - Attention! Important News! - Audrey Eschright - Audrey Lovett - August Derleth Society Newsletter - Austin Hamel - AutoFusion - Autochthon - Avalon - Avanc - Avatar - Avatar Press - Ave Caesar - Avenging Aardvark's Aerie - Avernus - Avery Davis - Avesta - Aviary - Aw - Awen - Axe - Axolotl - Axolotl Exward - ¡Ay, Chingar! - Ayatochtl - Ayewonder - Azygous - B-pod Biped - B. J. Willinger - BCEC - Babel - Baby Teeth - Back Bay Hilton - Back Numbers Can Be Easily Procured - Back to the Bay - Backfire - Backlog - Backyard Rocket - Bad Cat - Bagarthach - Bah! Humbug! - Baily's Beads - Balderdash - Ballast - Balloons and Such - Baloney - Balrin and Perigrine - Balrog - Banana Peels - Bandersnatch - Bandwagon - Bangwelu - Banneret - Banshee - Bar Stool - Bar Trek - Barb Hendee - Barb VanTilburg - Barbara Bliss - Barbara Greenfield - Barbara Harmon - Barbara Steedman - Barbarian Scroll - Barbi Johnson - Barclay Johnson - Bardic Runes - Barnaby Rapoport - Baron Engel - Baroque Bagatales Brobdignagian - Barricini - Barry Bard - Barry Childs-Helton - Barry Gillam - Barsoomian Bazaar - Bartland's Unfamiliar Quotations - Basingstoke - Basura Para Botar - Bathtubs of the Moon - Baton Rouge Science Fiction League Newsletter - Battle of the Titans - Batya Wittenberg - Bayfilk Songbook - Bayou Wars - Be Bop - Bea Gittery - Bea Glass - Beautiful Friend - Becca Leathers - Bech - Becky Chambers - Becky Matthews - Becky Peters - Becky Thomson - Becky Zielke - Bed & Bored - Bee Bowman - Been There Done That! - Belgian News Sheet - Bella Siegel - Bellerophon's Rage - Bellevue-Stratford Hotel - Bellissimo: the Harry Bell Fan Art Anthology - Bemusements of a Visible Fan - Ben Deschamps - Ben Newman - Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Benson Dooling - Berkeley Breathed - Bernard J. Kenton - Berserker - Berta Attiya - Bertha Johnson - Bertha Jordan - Bess Benjamin - Best Lines Are... - Best of APA-L - Best of Frap - Beta Eta Zeta - Betelguese - Beth Friedman - Beth Schwarzin - Beth Willinger - Betsy Mott - Betsy Tinney - Better Watch Out - Betty Berg - Betty Bigelow - Betty Gaines - Betty Keat - Betty Perdue - Betty Sullivan - Between Dimensions - Beulah - Bev Clark - Bev Clark - Bev Swanson - Beyond Deneb - Beyond the Fringe and Then Some - Beyond the Mnemonic Statute of Limitations - Bhismi'llah
Rest of the World:
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