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UK but not Fans

'Ot on the Trails - A Fandom Simpler - A Fanzine Newsletter - A Fine Mess - A Leighton Year 2010-2011 - AC/DC - AOD - APA-B - APA-SFAF - Aberdeen University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Al Robertson - All New or Reprint - Alyson Wonderland - Amazing Screen Horrors - Andy Bigwood - Andy Conway - Andy Cox - Anna Smith Spark - Anne Stokes - Anne Sudworth - Antipodean Bestiary - Arador - Armadillos in the Skirting Board - Armageddon Enterprises - Armar In Ruthondudun Ost In Vanyar Llachatherdad - Astral Leauge - Atu XVIII - B24 Liberator - BFS Booklets - BFS/BFL - Back to Minac - Benjanun Sriduangkaew - Beth Webb - Beyond Cyberdrome - Birmingham Science Fiction Circle - Birmingham University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Black Lodge - Blue Suede News - Bookends - Bookworm - Border Ruffian - Brian Shaw - Bristol Fantasy and SF Society - British Amateur Press Association - British Fantasy Amateur Press Association - British Fantasy Library - British Fantasy Library membership 1947-1949 - British Fantasy News - British Fantasy Society Journal - British Science-Fiction Bibliography - Bull Moose - Bumblie - Burroughsiana - CHEFF - California Dreaming - Cambridge Tolkien Society - Carpathia - Cartismandua Press - Central Hotel - Chrysalis - Circular of the Lakeland Science Fiction Organisation - City Illiterates - Colin Odell - Conruiner - Contrived One-Shot - Convertible Bus - Cosmic Trifle - Cretinfandom - Cursed - Cyberspace - Cybrer Bunny - Dante's Cardigan - Dark They Were and Golden Eyed - DarkLight - Data Dump - David Griffiths - David S. Garnett - Death Rays - Discworld Convention 2024 - Domble in the Works - Dr. John H. Watson - Dragon's Lair - Dragonbreath - Dragoncon - Drygulch - Dundee Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - E'ch Pi El - Ebullient Gulp - Echoplex - Efilnekufusin - Egregious Guide to the Conventions - Elaine Walker - Elizabeth Blethen - Elizabeth Hopkinson - Elmer T. Hack - Elostirion - Entropion - Entropy - Epicentre - Eregion - Erg Quarterly in the USA - European Newsbulletin/Link - Eve - Ex-Chairman of the Liverpool Science Fiction Society - Exeter University Science Fiction Society - Exosphere - FILK UK - FSFSOC - Fandom of the Opera - Fanhattonites - Fanmail - Fantasia - Fantasmagoria - Fantast (Medway) - Fantasy Book Centre - Fanzine Fanatique - Farberlla - Feetnotes - Felicity - Ferret Fantasy Ltd - Final Frontier - Fission in Troubled Waters - Flashlight - Fnord - Fossilised Thoughts - Framsburg - Friends of Foundation - Friends of Kilgore Trout - From the Desk of J Random Harvest - Gafmoi! - Gail Bennett - Galilean Science Fiction Society - Gannets - Gelatine - George Dew - Ghosts and Scholars - Gill Hunt - Gillian Redfearn - Glasgow University Tolkien Society - Gonzo - Grapo - Green Jester Press - Green Slime - Gross Encounters - H. O. Dickinson - Halo of Flies - Handshake - Happy Days - Happy Sap - Harringay & District Sci-Fi Discussion Group - Harrogate SF Group - Hep - Herbert Jones - Herbert Strang - Heriot-Watt University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Heroes Unlimited - Hi-Vis Girl - Honcke - Hoss Laff - House of Durin - Hum-&-Sway - Humour & Fantasy From Some Dusty Shelves - Hydra - Hypo-Space - IShores - In Tenebo - InTheBar - Isengard - JGB News - Jack J. Curle - Jane Killick - Janet P. Reedman - Jen Williams - Jeux Sans Frontieres - Jo Fletcher - Jodi Taylor - John Edwards - John Jarrold - Jonathan L. Howard - Joni Murray - Juce - Juliet Kemp - Justice - Kashmir - Ke-We - Kent Trufandom - King Lang - Kitten - Kurtz's Lament - L'Incroyable Cinema - Lakeland S.F. Organisation - Last Deadloss Visions - Latnemele - Laurelin - League of Fan Funds - Lew Mordecai - Linda Garland - Live Libel - Liverpool University Science Fiction, Fantasy and Film Society - Llanmad - Lollygagging - London Convention Fandom, Inc - Los Alamos Fandom - Lost Orbit - MSTO - Macho - Magic Labyrinth - Marauder - Margaret Walty - Marital Rats of Shaolin 5 - Mark Buckingham - Mark Roberts - Mary Dew - Maverick - Max-a-zine - Me Annals - Mercatorial Annual - Merry-Go-Round Magazine - Merulius Lacrymans - Mexicon Hat - Mid-Atlantic Fan Fund - Middle Earth Revisited - Middle Earth Society - Mithlondrim - Molly Brown - Monsters Incorporated - More Ghosts & Scholars - Morgul-hai - Mystique - N'Early Music Consort - Nameless APA - Nandu - Natasha Mostert - Natterings - Neo - New SF Published in Britain 19xx - New Southern Friends in Space - NewCon - Newcastle SF Club - Newport SF Group - News From the Sun - Nick Walters - No Sin But Ignorance - Nomads of the Time Stream - Northern Science Fiction and Fantasy Group - Northfarthing - Not Frank Sinatra - Not Quite a Sustained Rant - ONOMA - Obsessions - Odds & Sods - Odds, Sods, and Hogwash - Omega - On Random Hold - Once More with Fanfunds - Oncezine - Oneshots - Oracle - Organism - Out of Focus - Outlaw Mutation Boogie - Ovvm-E - Oxford University Douglas Adams Society - Pabulum - Paranoia - Paraphernalia - Paul Kidby - Peter Martin - Phantasmagoria - Phantasmagoria Books - Phoenicians! - Phoenix Alexander - Pictish - Pieces of Eight - Pieria - Playing Rapunzel - Pliers & Acid - Pogonophobia - Pretty Vacant - Prevert - Professional Virgin - Psi - Psychedelic Fruit Juice - Psywar - QWERTYUIOP - Quantum B*llocks - Quettar - R. B. Watkinson - R. C. Wingfield - RHUL Tolkien Society - Rabbits Tend to Explode - Rangers of the North - Realtime - Recommended Retail Price - Red Army Choir - Reductio Ad Absurdum Productions - Reprint - Retro - Revolution Every Day - Romiley Fan Veterans & Scottish Dancing Society - Ron Whiting - Ron's Raygun - Rope of Sand - Roy Sheldon - Ruth E. J. Booth - SF Horizons - Salon Futura - Sancho Proudfoot Publications of Bywater - Sappho's Dawn - Sarah Anne Langton - Saucerful of Secrets - Scantle - Sci-Fi Soc - Science Fiction Book Club of London - Science Fiction Forum - Scope - Scotcon - Scream - Seagull - Self Abused But Still Standing - Shadow - Sheffield Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Shellings - Sierra Heaven - Silver Dagger - Simon Morden - Singed Possum - Sirius Moonlight - Sketchy - Skyrack Book Service - Skyrack Poll - Slimy - Snapshot - Snapshot for Corflu - SoTSFS Newsletter - Sodd's Lore - Some Days You Eat the Bear... & ...Some Days the Bear Eats You - Somewhere Before - Son of Why Bother? - Sounding Board - Southampton University Science Fiction Society - Southfarthing - Speculation II - Sproutlore - Star 69 - Still Kvetching - Strange Delusions of a Drunken Fuckwit - Strange Male Syndrome - Strangeness & Charm - SubOrbital - Sue Wheeler - Surrey Limpwrists - Swansea SF Group - Swords of the Asylum - TBD - TLAS - Take Off - Taruithorn International Newsletter - Tea and Jeopardy - Tea-Time - The "Cult Fiction" Society - The Damned Patrol - The Dark Side - The Fan Squadron - The Flying Pig - The Grey Havens - The Middle Earth Society Newsletter - The Mystery Trader - The Northfarthing News - The Other Ones - The Reader's Tern - The Rose Press - The Science Fiction Society - The Shire - The South Downs - The Squiggledy Guide to <plokta.con> - The Unnameable - The Walking Edge - The Wall of the 1970s - The Zine That Has No Name - This Will Never Come Again - Thoughtlights - Three Farthing Stone - Three Times a Night - Tiamat - Tirith Aear - Torbay Happy Fan and Lampshade Makers' Society - Transplant - Treegarth Smial - Trial - Triode Plus - Twonk's Disease - UK Science Fiction Archive - Ultima Thule - Universal Science Circle - University of Aston Science Fiction Group - University of Birmingham Middle Earth Society - University of Bristol Tolkien Society - University of Edinburgh Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - University of Warwick Modern Science Fiction Society - University of Warwick Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - University of York Tolkien Society - Unreliable Narrator - Up from FAFIA - Usual - Utopian Publications - Vice - Viewpoint - Vina Jie-Min Prasad - Violent Places - Vision of Tomorrow - Visitor's Day - Voice in the Dark - Volsted Gridban - WODWO - Warbul - Wark - Warped - Welsh SF Association - What I Did During the Christmas Holidays - Why Bother Abroad - WiGGLe - Wilderwood - William James - Yrch! - Yum! - ZZ9 - Zarking Fardwarks - Zen Cho


Births and Deaths:

(Himself)#1 Fan FaceA. ClarkeA. E. PrinceA. FrancisA. G. DunnA. G. SkeelA. GascoigneA. Graham BoakA. H. MarchA. J. ReissA. J. SavageA. MillerA. T. GreenblattA. TomlinsonA. W. GardnerA. WenhamA. WilliamsAapaAaron De OriveAbi BrownAbigail LarsonAbraham BloomAbraham OshinskyAck-AckAda CharlesAdam EnglishAdam JenkinsAdam MalinAdrian CollinsAdrian CookAdrian WilsonAdrienne LosinAfua RichardsonAhasuerusAidan MoherAileen FormanAjax HochAl BabcockAl FitzpatrickAl KuhfeldAl LeeAl RobertsonAl SchusterAl ScottAl SiroisAl WeinsteinAlan BaleAlan Barrie StewartAlan BeckerAlan BoakesAlan BoscoAlan Boyd-NewtonAlan BramallAlan ChorleyAlan DateAlan DewickAlan FergusonAlan GilletteAlan HarveyAlan HuffAlan HutchinsonAlan J. SullivanAlan J. W. RozelaarAlan KeeleyAlan LightAlan M. ClarkAlan MackieAlan MarshallAlan MooreAlan PollackAlan R. JonesAlan RidgwayAlan RispinAlan RobsonAlan ShaldersAlan ShawAlan StewartAlan ThiesenAlan WhiteAlan WildeAlan WinstonAlasdair StuartAlbert GriffithsAlbin JohnsonAlden Scott CrowAlex BermanAlex CaseAlex EisensteinAlex HardyAlex HeatleyAlex LewisAlex MorrisonAlex von ThornAlexa KlettnerAlexander BladeAlexander SlateAlexandra DuncanAlexandra PierceAlexandra RowlandAlexis LaytonAlf HindAli KaynAlice LawsonAlice SanderAlisa KrasnosteinAlison BartonAlison BoyleAlison EvansAlison FreebairnAlison GoodmanAlison RichardsAlissa WalesAlistair FergusonAlister InnesAlix E. HarrowAllan BrayAllen AshleyAllen BaumAllen H. GreenfieldAllen KoszowskiAllis VilletteAllison De FrenAllison DurnoAllison HersheyAlun HarriesAlvar AppeltofftAlyssa WongAmanda BakerAmanda PillarAmy L. WoolardAmy McNallyAmy SissonAna GriloAnders AkerlandAnders FröbergAndrea WeberAndrew A. AdamsAndrew A. P. ButlerAndrew BrownAndrew C. NealeAndrew DunlopAndrew EigelAndrew FinchAndrew HoggAndrew IvamyAndrew LenardAndrew M. ButlerAndrew MurdochAndrew RossAndrew SalmondAndrew SeamanAndrew TaubmanAndrew TrembleyAndy AndaAndy AndersonAndy BigwoodAndy ConwayAndy CoxAndy CroftAndy FirthAndy HooperAndy LyonAndy MorrisAndy NowellAndy WhiteheadAng RosinAngela K. ScottAngela KarashAngela SlatterAngus WilsonAnimal XAnita FellerAnita LapidusAnn ChamberlainAnn DinklemanAnn HaflerAnn MetheAnn PatrizioAnn VanderMeerAnn WeiserAnn WilliamsAnna Feruglio Dal DanAnna HepworthAnna RafteryAnna Smith SparkAnne BishopAnne GardinerAnne HamillAnne Lesley GroellAnne MorrelAnne PageAnne PassovoyAnne StokesAnne SudworthAnne-Laurie LoganAnnie GriffithAnnita HarlanAnthony ChapmanAnthony MitchellAnthony S. BurdgeAntony J. ShepherdAriel CiniiAriel HameonArlene SatinArlin RobinsArnie FennerArnie WilliamsArnold GibsonAron InsingaArt BarnesArt GnaedingerArt Roberts, Jr.Arthur BerwickArthur CookArthur CruttendenArthur DuellArthur H. TavinderArthur HarrisArthur HermannArthur J. RidgwayArthur LevineArthur WilliamsAshley WatkinsAthole CarterAtsushi MoriokaAudrey EschrightAudrey EversfieldAudrey LovettAudrey WaltonAustin HamelAutun PurserAvery DavisAxel MelhardtAzygousB. A. BakerB. A. ScarffB. G. W. TaylerB. H. EdwardsB. J. WillingerB. LewingtonB. SafferBarb HendeeBarb VanTilburgBarbara AbasBarbara BlissBarbara ClendonBarbara GreenfieldBarbara HarmonBarbara MaceBarbara PrzeklasaBarbara RawlinsBarbara SteedmanBarbara StewartBarbara de la HuntyBarbi JohnsonBarclay JohnsonBarnaby RapoportBaron EngelBarry BardBarry Childs-HeltonBarry GillamBarry Kent MacKayBarry RadburnBasil P. CoukisBatya WittenbergBea GitteryBea GlassBeak TaylorBeanBecca LeathersBecky ChambersBecky MatthewsBecky PetersBecky ThomsonBecky ZielkeBee BowmanBella SiegelBelle McQuattieBen AbasBen BurrBen DeschampsBen NewmanBenjamin J. SzumskyjBenjanun SriduangkaewBenson DoolingBerkeley BreathedBernard HighBernard J. KentonBernard LeeBernie PeekBert HodsonBerta AttiyaBertha JohnsonBertha JordanBeryl BentcliffeBess BenjaminBeth FinkbinerBeth FriedmanBeth SchwarzinBeth WebbBeth WillingerBetsy MottBetsy TinneyBetty BergBetty BigelowBetty GainesBetty KeatBetty PerdueBetty PetersBetty SullivanBetty WhiteBev ClarkBev ClarkBev SwansonBill BoddenBill BreuerBill BruceBill CarlinBill CavinBill CongreveBill DeutschBill DigninBill FischerBill GrantBill GrayBill GrooverBill HagueBill HarrisonBill HillmanBill JessonBill JohnsonBill KnapheideBill KrollBill LawhornBill LittleBill MaraschielloBill MarshBill MeyersBill MorseBill NewmannBill PanterBill ParkerBill PaulBill PayneBill PearsonBill ReynoldsBill SarillBill SheltonBill SimmonsBill SuttonBill ThomassonBill VenableBill VeneyBill WarrenBill WatersBill WrightBill ZielkeBilly PettitBilly TackettBjorn Tore SundBjørn VermoBlake EdgertonBlind Lemming ChiffonBob "Argee" GersmanBob B. JonesBob BrownBob ChampionBob ChazinBob DevneyBob DunlopBob EstyBob FormanekBob FosterBob GibsonBob HillisBob HoleBob HollandBob JordanBob KanefskyBob McCubbinBob MurrayBob OgdenBob ParkinsonBob PeatrowskyBob PinhaBob ProkopBob RickardBob RoehmBob RogersBob SchoenfeldBob SmithBob SourkBob StahlBob SteinBob SwartzBob ToomeyBob TurnerBob WaltersBob WatsonBob WebberBob WhalenBobby George PouletteBobby WrightBonnie AtwoodBoob StewartBoris ParkerBoyd ParkinsonBrad BalfourBrad R. TorgersenBradford M. LyauBrenda Gabrielle LeeBrenda SuttonBrent WeeksBrett McBeanBrian AllportBrian AmeringenBrian FrostBrian GrayBrian HamptonBrian HowellBrian J. RobbBrian J. ShowersBrian K. VaughanBrian MarshallBrian McCarthyBrian MilburnBrian MillerBrian NiemeierBrian ParkerBrian RobinsonBrian ShawBrian StelfreezeBrian TempleBrian ThurogoodBrian TrumpBrian V. AvisBrian WaughBrian WhiteBridges KuhnBridget BradshawBridget LandryBridget McKinneyBridget WilkinsonBrigid CassidyBrin DunsireBrooke AbbeyBrooke BolanderBruce A. McMenomyBruce AdelsohnBruce D. ArthursBruce GaffronBruce HollandBruce KiddBruce MaiBruce MillerBryan CholfinBryan PalaszewskiBud WebsterBunsByron ConnellC. A. FielderC. BakerC. Burton StevensonC. C. ClinganC. C. PeartC. D'AlessioC. D. WoodburyC. Dewar SimonC. E. FisherC. E. WindsorC. F. AllenC. F. W. JonesC. H. HastedC. H. PepperC. Hamilton BloomerC. HammersleyC. HipkinC. NaumC. SharpeC. SykoraCallie HillsCamestros FelaptonCamille Cazedessus, Jr.Candas Jane DorseyCaptain MimeoCarey HandfieldCarl BennettCarl BrandonCarl HilesCarl L. DillCarl ParkerCarla MinorCarla UlbrichCarlos PerezCarol FisherCarol GregoryCarol M. PetersCarol McKinneyCarol Resnick




Publications started or ended:

"Burp" Said the Turtle"It's Bigger in Texas"'Ot on the Trails'Tator((nothing))(Book)worm in the Big Apple(Oopsla) Interim(blank)*Sigh*...and Furthermore...be forgot, and never...19th Nervous Breakdown2 Loonies and a Soft Toy2001 Light Years from Home2005 ConFusion One-Shot2400 Fulton2AM3-5-0-045 & Counting464257AA Fanzine for Dave Van ArnamA Autumn Fantasy from RoscoA Basketful of BastardsA Bear Went Over the MountainA Bleeding RoseA Book of Ordinary WritingsA Book of ThelA Boowatt ImitatorA Change of HeartA Check List of Some of the Earliest FAN MAGAZINESA Clerk's JournalA Cyberpunk TimelineA Day at the RacesA Different DrummerA Dirty Mind Doesn't Mind a BitA Dream of BooksA Dribble of InkA Fake Fan in LondonA Fan Typology -or- What I See on the ElevatorsA Fandom SimplerA Fanzine NewsletterA Fanzine for BjohnA Fanzine for CorfluA Fanzine for Corflu ZA Fanzine for FAPAA Fanzine for Ger StewardA Fanzine for NowA Fanzine for Susan MargaretA Fanzine in Perfect DisguiseA Few Green LeavesA Fine MessA Flash of BlueA Hog on IceA Leighton Year 2010-2011A Matter of HonorA Miniscule Portfolio by LeeHA Moving ExperienceA Passing FancyA Poke in the Eye with a Sharp StickA Princess of a Different ColorA Propos Du BareanA Public ServiceA Sad StoryA Sales Pitch to Convince FAPA to Sponsor an Art ShowA Silent Toast to FutilityA There and Back Again JourneyA TourA Trip Report Found in a Plain Manila EnvelopeA Voice from the GalleryA Western MandarinA for Andromedaa march to the beat of a red shift drummerA-zynA.D.A75 BulletinAAA AarghAC/DCAIAPA-tizerASFA NewsletterASFOAWNASFactsAWOLAalorAardvarkAardvarkAaron and Danny on the shonkAb-SatthaquaAbanicoAbba ZabaAbed & BoredAbelian GrapeAbimelechAbject ApologyAbortionsAbove & BelowAbsarkaAbstractionsAccess All AriasAcculturationsAchernerAcmemath CatalougeAcroposAcruxAcrux FanzineAdelaide Fan ReviewAdrenalinAdventureAdventures on EarthAerialAfanAffinityAftaAfter HoursAgain Dangerous CrudzinesAgent of VaguenessAghastAh SunflowerAh Yes, I Remember Well a Saturday in BirminghamAilleursAilleurs et AutresAirfoilAirwaversAistearAkkilmarAkloAlbedoAlbedo OneAlchernerAldeberan AbandonedAlderley EdgeAleph and OmegaAlgernon. Organ for AniaraAliceAlician FieldsAlienAlien ProfileAll Digression WeeklyAll DynamicAll Lies and JestsAll MimsyAll New or ReprintAll Sinking, No PowerAll True Amazing Science Wonder StoriesAll the Nudes That Fit in PrintAll the Stars in the SkyAllerleiAlliance AmateurAlliance AssemblerAlmanacAlong Alpha Ralpha BoulevardAlong without YouAlorsAlphaAlphaAlpha AdventuresAltered BrandsAlternate History NewsletterAlternate Horizons NewsletterAlternate Universe FanzineAlternativeAlternativesAlyson WonderlandAmaZed and CorfluZedAmanita BrandyAmateur's CorrespondentAmateur's JournalAmazed and CorfluzedAmazineAmazing AdventuresAmazing ForriesAmazing Screen HorrorsAmbrosiaAmbrov ZeorAmbulAmelorAmenolagniaAmentiAmerican DefenestratorAmerican DreamerAmerican Journal of PsychoscamologyAmerican LettersAmerican ScribeAmnesiaAmoebaAmoeboid ScungeAmpersandAmphipoxiAmraAmritaAmsterdam NewsAn Annotated Checklist of Science Fiction Bibliographical WorksAn Index to Popular American FanzinesAn Intraview with Arthur D. HlavatyAn InvitationAn Open Letter, November 2011An Original ThoughtAnakreonAnal SphincterAnantAnarkaliAnathemaAnchorage AnarchyAnd Don't Call Me TexAnd Lo God Made Rotsler for DuffAnd So -- ForwardAnd So It GoesAnd That's True TooAndromedaAndvariAnewAngerthasAngerthas OffprintAngmarAniaraAnimalitiesAnimus CuriaeAnkhAnnexAnnie Laurie StarrAnother Remarkable FanzineAntaiosAntelope Freeway One MileAnthemAnti-Misoneist GazzetteAnticsAntipodean BestiaryAntipodes ObserverAnubisAnything BoxAnything ThingApanageApartheiDApatheticApical DominanceApocalypse Au Go GoApocryphaApocryphaApokalypsoApollo PlayApolloooApostropheAppendixApplaudApple of DiscordApproximate DraftAprikosAquiver in QueensAradorArahantArchaic Barrel VolumeArchitecture & MoralityArchiveArchive MidwinterArcturian: SISFA Annual 1943-44Arf Arf!ArfurArgentine Science Fiction ReviewArgh!ArgoNoteArgonautArielAries MoonArionAristotle Meets GernsbackArkArkfandomArkham CollectorArkham PhudArmadillo DreamsArmadillos in the Skirting BoardArninielArnorsson's DiaryArrakisArt AppreciationArt HayesArt and DomesticityArtificeArundelAs FliesAs I See ItAsgardAsheAshen MealAsmodeusAsteroid XAstounding LettersAstounding Story-Key: 1930-1951AstraAstral DimensionsAstro AdventuresAstronAtarantesAtlanAtlantis RebornAtomicaAtres ArtesAttack of the Mutant PancakesAttaquerAttention! Important News!Atu XVIIIAugust Derleth Society NewsletterAussie TranspacificAussieCon First Draft ReportAussiecon Fifth Anniversary Memorial FanzinesAustralasian Doctor Who NewsletterAustralian Dr. Who Fan AnnualAustralian PlaybeingAustralian Science Fiction Fan Calendar for 1981Auto DeliriumAutochthonAutogaurdAvalonAvancAvatarAvatar PressAve CaesarAvenging Aardvark's AerieAvernusAvestaAviaryAwAwakenAwenAxeAxolotlAxolotl Exward¡Ay, Chingar!AyatochtlAyewonderAynfB-pod BipedB24 LiberatorBFS BookletsBabbling OnBabelBaby TeethBack Numbers Can Be Easily ProcuredBack WholeBack to MinacBack to the BayBackfireBacklogBackyard RocketBad CatBagarthachBah! Humbug!Baily's BeadsBalderdashBallastBalloons and SuchBaloneyBalrin and PerigrineBalrogBanana PeelsBandersnatchBandwagonBangweluBanneretBansheeBar StoolBar TrekBarbarian ScrollBardic RunesBaroque Bagatales BrobdignagianBarriciniBarsoomian BazaarBartland's Unfamiliar QuotationsBasingstokeBasura Para BotarBathtubs of the MoonBaton Rouge Science Fiction League NewsletterBattle of the TitansBayfilk SongbookBe BopBeagle's WorldBeagle's World RevisitedBeautiful FriendBechBed & BoredBeen There Done That!Belgian News SheetBellerophon's RageBellissimo: the Harry Bell Fan Art AnthologyBeltromBemusements of a Visible FanBeneath Ceaseless SkiesBerserkerBest Lines Are...Best of APA-LBest of FrapBest of MozBeta Eta ZetaBetelgueseBetter Watch OutBetween DimensionsBeulahBeyondBeyond AntaresBeyond DenebBeyond the Fringe and Then SomeBeyond the Mnemonic Statute of LimitationsBhismi'llahBhowlingBiasBiblio-CuriosaBibliographica Futurica FantasticaBibliomania MelancoliaBibliotaphBig Bright Green Pleasure MachineBig BrotherBig CatBig Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard BoxBig MacBig PlansBilgewarpBill's GatBindlestiffBiotimberBioyaBirth of a NotionBits of My Boring LifeBitter LemmingsBizarreBjo Trimble's Sci-Fi SpotlightBjottingsBlack BikeBlack CatBlack HatBlack LightBlack LiteBlack Onto WhiteBlack OracleBlack OrchidBlack SatelliteBlack WholeBlack WolfBlahBlanc CitronBlastBlat!Blazing Armadillo StoriesBleahBleak DecemberBlind Man's RainbowBlind StarlingBlood, Sweat and BheersBloodsongsBlotto Otto's GrottoBlue FunkBlue JaunteBlue MoonBlue NewsBlue RyderBlue Star MysteryBlue Suede NewsBlue VultureBlue-Eyed Solstice TrainBluegrasBlundering BladesBlypBoats of the Glen CarrigBode BulletinBoffBoffinBogBoggleBoingBolideBoloBolverkBombed Budgie JournalBoo!Book ReportBook of GhuBook of JobBook of the UndeadBookmarkBooks ReadBookviewBookwormBoole and BabbageBoomchickawahwah!BoomerangBoowattBoowatt WeeklyBorder PatrolBorder RuffianBorealisBorogovesBoshBosh Goes SouthBottled LightningBowbBox 41BoxholderBozo Bus TribuneBrach


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:

A Time WhenA Touch of StrangeBig Cat BooksBookendsBooks of WonderCloak and RocketDark They Were and Golden EyedDragon's LairEarthlight GalleryFantast (Medway)Fantasy ArchivesFantasy Book CentreFantasy, Etc.Fat Cat BooksFerret Fantasy LtdFlights of FantasyFo' Paws ProductionsForbidden PlanetForbidden Planet BookstoreFuture DreamsFuture FantasyGAA BooksGalactic VideoGalaxy BookshopGaslight BooksHobbit HouseHole in the Wall BooksHorizons BooksHourglassHouse of Speculative FictionImagination UnlimitedInfinitas BookshopLois Newman BooksLooking Glass BookstoreMagic LabyrinthMerlin's ClosetMindbridgeMinotaurMysterious GalaxyNova EnterprisesOdyssey BookshopOf Science & SwordsOther Change of HobbitOther WorldsOtherlandPandemonium Books and GamesPhantasmagoria BooksPoor Richard's StorePulp FictionPurple Unicorn BooksRobert A. Hittel BooksellerSaratoga SF and MysterySargasso Book ShopScience Fiction SyndicateScience Fiction, Mysteries and MoreSecond FrontSentry BoxSkyrack Book ServiceSlow Glass BooksStarlite BooksStefen's BooksStellar BooksellerSupernova BooksTales of Space and CrimeTemplate:StoreThe Alchemist's HeadThe Asimov BookshopThe Great EscapeThe Illustrated StoreThe Nostalgia ShopThe Pendragon GalleryThe Space MerchantsThe Space-Crime ContinuumThe Time MachineTim's White DwarfWeinberg BooksWhite Dwarf BooksWonder WorldWonderworldZap!


Clubs founded or disbanded:

Aberdeen University Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyArmageddon EnterprisesArmar In Ruthondudun Ost In Vanyar LlachatherdadAstral LeaugeAuckland University Science Fiction SocietyBFS/BFLBirmingham Science Fiction CircleBirmingham University Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyBlack LodgeBristol Fantasy and SF SocietyBritish Fantasy LibraryBritish Fantasy Library membership 1947-1949Cambridge Tolkien SocietyCity IlliteratesDetroit Science FictioneersDublin University Science Fiction SocietyDundee Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyESSFSCCNYElostirionEregionExeter University Science Fiction SocietyFILK UKFSFSOCFanhattonitesFantasy FoundationFinal FrontierFollowFriends of FoundationFriends of Kilgore TroutGalilean Science Fiction SocietyGannetsGlasgow University Tolkien SocietyHarringay & District Sci-Fi Discussion GroupHarrogate SF GroupHeriot-Watt University Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyHouse of DurinInTheBarInternational Scientific CouncilIsengardKent TrufandomKittenLakeland S.F. OrganisationLaurelinLiverpool University Science Fiction, Fantasy and Film SocietyLondon Convention Fandom, IncLos Alamos FandomMFSMiddle Earth SocietyMithlondrimMorgul-haiNew Southern Friends in SpaceNew York City Sci-Fi/Fantasy Meetup GroupNewcastle SF ClubNewport SF GroupNomads of the Time StreamNorthern Science Fiction and Fantasy GroupNorthfarthingNumenoreOutsider's ClubOxford University Douglas Adams SocietyPieriaRHUL Tolkien SocietyRangers of the NorthRomiley Fan Veterans & Scottish Dancing SocietySci-Fi SocScience Fiction Book Club of LondonSheffield Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietySigma Terra CorpsSouthampton University Science Fiction SocietySouthfarthingSproutloreSubOrbitalSurrey LimpwristsSwansea SF GroupTales of a StrangerThe "Cult Fiction" SocietyThe Dark SideThe Drinking Readers Entropic Gaming Society of Los Angeles FandomThe Fan SquadronThe Grey HavensThe Other OnesThe Science Fiction SocietyThe ShireThe South DownsThree Farthing StoneTorbay Happy Fan and Lampshade Makers' SocietyTreegarth SmialUnion of TrakenUniversal Science CircleUniversity of Aston Science Fiction GroupUniversity of Birmingham Middle Earth SocietyUniversity of Bristol Tolkien SocietyUniversity of Edinburgh Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyUniversity of Warwick Modern Science Fiction SocietyUniversity of Warwick Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyUniversity of York Tolkien SocietyVertical HorizonsWaldo and Magic Inc.WarpedWelsh SF AssociationWiGGLeYoung FandomZZ9


New fanspeak coined:





3 Rogers StreetA Touch of StrangeA for AndromedaA.D.A75 BulletinAVConAaron and Danny on the shonkAbstractionsAdam JenkinsAdelaide Fan ReviewAdrienne LosinAerialAl FitzpatrickAlan ShaldersAlan StewartAlbedoAlexandra PierceAli KaynAlician FieldsAlien ProfileAlisa KrasnosteinAlison BartonAlison EvansAlison GoodmanAlister InnesAllan BrayAlong without YouAlternate Universe FanzineAmanda PillarAmenolagniaAmerican LettersAnarkaliAnathemaAnd So It GoesAndrew BrownAndrew FinchAndrew TaubmanAngela SlatterAnkhAnna HepworthAnthony MitchellAnticsApa '83Apocalypse Au Go GoArkAs FliesAussie TranspacificAussieCon First Draft ReportAussiecon Fifth Anniversary Memorial FanzinesAustralasian Doctor Who NewsletterAustralian Dr. Who Fan AnnualAustralian PlaybeingAustralian Science Fiction Fan Calendar for 1981Auto DeliriumAutogaurdAwakenAynfBabbling OnBack WholeBarbara de la HuntyBarry RadburnBeagle's WorldBeagle's World RevisitedBeanBelle McQuattieBenjamin J. SzumskyjBeyondBeyond AntaresBill CongreveBill VeneyBiotimberBizarreBlack BikeBlack LightBlack OrchidBlack WholeBlake EdgertonBloodsongsBlue NewsBob McCubbinBob OgdenBoggleBookmarkBrett McBeanBrian TrumpBrian WhiteBugsBusswarbleCameron HallCamestros FelaptonCanberra Science Fiction Society NewsletterCanberra's Nini Hii?CantoCarandaithCarey HandfieldCary LenehanCastrovalvaCath OrtliebCathseyeCathy CupittCenteroCepheidCeremonial MerchantChaoCharles La CosteChoking Dog GazetteChris CollierChris ComanChris LawsonChris NelsonChristine McGowan AshbyCindy EvansClaire McKennaClare McDonald SimsClawsClose Encounters of Lizards at AussieconColin RodenCommand ModuleConCaveConquest '92ConquestConquestConstantinople the BraveConstellationContact 21ContraindicatorsCorpus InfernusCosmic 4CosmosCrabappleCraig BezantCraig HiltonCrash of the Hard DiskCrazy Eddie NewsletterCruxCygneturesDaja VooDalek WarsDallas JonesDamien WarmanDarren MaxwellDataData ExtractData ExtractionDated ExtractDave CohenDave FreerDavid CakeDavid CrispDavid L. RussellDavid McDonaldDebussyDegraves TavernDer ReaperDerrick AshbyDevin MadsonDiane DebellisDiane FoxDiane MarchantDirk FlinthartDirk StrasserDiverse UniverseDiverse VisionsDoctor Who GazetteDoctor Who MagazineDodecahedronDon AshbyDonna HeenanDonna Maree HansonDot dot dashDown Under ExpressDoxa!DoxyDragon's LairDragons and Morning OpalsEcchh-ToplasmEclecticism E-zineEddie CampbellEdwina HarveyElaine WalkerElizabeth TrumpEllen FranklinEmerald CityEmilly McLeayEmma HawkesEmma Hespa MannEnarraréEnchiridionEncyclopaedia GallifreiicaEnergyEnigmaEnlightenment & PersuasionEric B. LindsayEric Frank RussellErika Maria LaceyErisExploding madonnaExtantEye of NewtFables and ReflectionsFandom is My LifeFannishFannish JourneysFantastic NewsFaulconFe WatersFinlandFlugFor FAPAForbidden Dimensions, Nameless DreamsFrank & Earnest SexFreya MarskeFrom the LAIR of the LYNXFrom the ThresholdFrontierFull CircleG'nelGUFFAWEGail AdamsGalactic VideoGalaxy BookshopGallifreyan GossipGallifreyan GraffitiGallifreyan TimesGambitGarry DalrympleGaslight BooksGaston J. FeeblehareGed MayburyGene MelzackGenuine Victorian Wicker DunkleGeoff AllshornGeoff TilleyGeorge IvanoffGet StuffedGhostbastardsGhoulie Bear Goes Ga-GaGina GoddardGlass KeysGlayne Louise BlackmoreGlenda LarkeGrant StoneGrant WatsonGreat Pumpkin AwardGreg HillsGreg TurkichGrendelGrilled PterodactylGryffinGunnyGynaeconGynaezineH. C. F. MorantHOCUS POCUSHalliford House NewsletterHand of FearHard YakkaHass & Nige's Desperately Seeking FancredHelen MerrickHelen SwiftHelloHold That Tiger!HopeI Know I Owed You a Letter in 1997I'll Go Out in the Garden and Eat WormsI-ShineiOTAIan CrozierIan NicholsIceworldInconsequential ParallaxInconsequential PyramidsInfinitas BookshopIntermittent MuseInvisible Whistling BunyipIrwin HirshJack HermanJack KeatingJacob EdwardsJames R. CainJames StylesJean WeberjeanzineJeff HarrisJen BanyardJenny BlackfordJohn AldersonJohn BredenJohn C. ParkJohn FoxJohn GregorJohn McDouallJohn PackerJohn ParkerJohn RichardsJon NobleJon SwabeyJonathan StrahanJournal of Omphalistic EpistemologyJu LandéesseJudi HodgkinJulia SvaganovicJulian WarnerJuliet MarillierJuliette WoodsJunkyardJustine LarbalestierKRin Pender-GunnKaaron WarrenKanga RuseKaren HerkesKaren MillerKaren VaughnKaren WarnockKat ClayKatharine MaxwellKathleen JenningsKathryn AndersonKeira McKenzieKeith CurtisKeith TaylorKen PaynterKenowaKevin DillonKhalespheareKiller Kung-Fu Enema NursesKim HuettKim WilkinsKingdom of the BlandKirstyn McDermottKisses Sweeter than CactusKittyconKnot a BirdKoolindaKoquillion's ChronicleKronos ExpressKylie ChanKylie DingL. GrieveLarrikinLarry DunningLaura MolesworthLeanne FrahmLeife ShallcrossLeon StoneLes Chattes PartiesLes PetersenLewis MorleyLezli RobynLhyfeLikhainLily ChrywenstromLiz BarrLizards of OzLlananthonyLog of the U.S.S. QuestLoreLouise KatzLucy SussexLunaLyell CraneMARSianMagic Puddin' ClubMandragoraMandragora HorlicksMantichoreMarc McBrideMarea OzanneMargaret FinchMargo LanaganMariann McNamaraMarianne PlumridgeMarijke FitzgeraldMarilyn PrideMarjorie CammerMark LoneyMark R. SharpeMarlee Jane WardMarrickville Library Fan Fiction FestivalMatthew LindusMax BarryMc²MedgeMegatheriums for BreakfastMelbourne All-Club Mini-ConsMelbourne Science Fiction Club NewsletterMentalisMetalunaMichael EvansMichael F. GreenMichael HailstoneMichael O'BrienMike McGannMike SchaperMilliwaysMimezine FlashbackMiniscopeMinotaurMishapsMistfallMithrilModuleMoonlight TuberMultiverseMumfanMurray MacLachlanMutterings from the TeapotN. A. SulwayNalini HaynesNarrelle HarrisNecessityNekrosNemesisNeville J. AngoveNewsletter.Fellowship of Middle EarthNicole MurphyNikki WhiteNo AwardNot Falling, Flying!Notes of a Naif SonNotes on Australian Science FictionNothing Is But What Is Not = NibwinObiesOdysseyOf Babel Fish & GumblejackOf Science & SwordsOmegaConOmicronOpalOpusOrbital VectorsOscillation OverthrusterOsirisPaddy O'ReillyPangaliaPariah!Paul CollinsPaul EwinsPaul J. StevensPaul KennedyPaul KiddPaul Raj KhangurePerpendicular WorldsPerth Fan NewsPeter CooperPeter McNamaraPeter ToluzziPhil WlodarczykPhilip McGregorPifflePinkPirate PlanetPleh!Popular Science FictionPorkchopPot-Koorok BurblingsPreferred LiesPrime DirectiveProfanProhibited MatterPulp FictionQld Doctor Who Fan Club YearbookQuestion Mark?R. Douglas NicholsonRachel HolknerRataplanRatconRats on TofuRay E. PateReality ModuleRed Squadron DispatchesRed Viscous MadnessReflectionsRevelationRevelation CondemnedReview ZineRex MeyerRhubarbRichard BradburyRichard HarlandRichard ScrivenRipple HoleRob GerrandRobert HoodRobert IngpenRobert JanRobert MapsonRobin PenRoc-Kon IRocky LawsonRoger DardRoman OrszanskiRon ClarkeRon L. ClarkeRon LevyRosaleen LoveRose MitchellRosemary G. SimmonsRosie's TavernRowena Cory Daniells



'Ot on the TrailsA Fandom SimplerA Fanzine NewsletterA Fine MessA Leighton Year 2010-2011A. ClarkeA. E. PrinceA. FrancisA. G. DunnA. G. SkeelA. GascoigneA. Graham BoakA. H. MarchA. J. SavageA. MillerA. TomlinsonA. W. GardnerA. WenhamA. WilliamsAC/DCAODAPA-BAPA-SFAFAberdeen University Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyAbi BrownAbraham BloomAdrian CookAdrian WilsonAhasuerusAjax HochAl FitzpatrickAl LeeAl RobertsonAlan BaleAlan Barrie StewartAlan BoakesAlan Boyd-NewtonAlan BramallAlan ChorleyAlan DateAlan DewickAlan FergusonAlan J. SullivanAlan J. W. RozelaarAlan KeeleyAlan MackieAlan MarshallAlan RidgwayAlan RispinAlan RobsonAlasdair StuartAlbert GriffithsAlex HardyAlex MorrisonAlf HindAlice LawsonAlison BoyleAlison FreebairnAlison RichardsAlissa WalesAlistair FergusonAll New or ReprintAllen AshleyAlun HarriesAlyson WonderlandAmanda BakerAmazing Screen HorrorsAna GriloAndrew A. AdamsAndrew A. P. ButlerAndrew C. NealeAndrew DunlopAndrew HoggAndrew M. ButlerAndrew SalmondAndrew SeamanAndy BigwoodAndy ConwayAndy CoxAndy CroftAndy FirthAndy MorrisAng RosinAngus WilsonAnn PatrizioAnna Feruglio Dal DanAnna RafteryAnna Smith SparkAnne GardinerAnne HamillAnne PageAnne StokesAnne SudworthAnnie GriffithAnthony ChapmanAntipodean BestiaryAntony J. ShepherdAradorArmadillos in the Skirting BoardArmageddon EnterprisesArmar In Ruthondudun Ost In Vanyar LlachatherdadArnold GibsonArthur BerwickArthur CookArthur CruttendenArthur DuellArthur H. TavinderArthur HarrisArthur J. RidgwayArthur WilliamsAshley WatkinsAstral LeaugeAthole CarterAtu XVIIIAudrey EversfieldAudrey LovettAudrey WaltonAutun PurserB. A. BakerB. A. ScarffB. G. W. TaylerB. H. EdwardsB. LewingtonB. SafferB24 LiberatorBFS BookletsBFS/BFLBack to MinacBarbara MaceBarbara RawlinsBarbara StewartBen BurrBenjanun SriduangkaewBernard HighBernard LeeBernie PeekBert HodsonBeryl BentcliffeBeth WebbBetty PetersBetty WhiteBeyond CyberdromeBill CarlinBill FischerBill GrayBill HagueBill JessonBill JohnsonBill LittleBill MorseBill PanterBill SheltonBirmingham Science Fiction CircleBirmingham University Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyBlack LodgeBlue Suede NewsBob ChampionBob DunlopBob FosterBob HollandBob MurrayBob ParkinsonBob RickardBob SmithBookendsBookwormBorder RuffianBoris ParkerBoyd ParkinsonBrenda Gabrielle LeeBrian AllportBrian AmeringenBrian FrostBrian HamptonBrian J. RobbBrian MarshallBrian MilburnBrian MillerBrian ParkerBrian RobinsonBrian ShawBrian TempleBrian V. AvisBrian WaughBridget BradshawBridget WilkinsonBrin DunsireBristol Fantasy and SF SocietyBritish Amateur Press AssociationBritish Fantasy Amateur Press AssociationBritish Fantasy LibraryBritish Fantasy Library membership 1947-1949British Fantasy NewsBritish Fantasy Society JournalBritish Science-Fiction BibliographyBruce GaffronBruce KiddBull MooseBumblieBurroughsianaC. A. FielderC. BakerC. C. PeartC. D'AlessioC. E. FisherC. E. WindsorC. F. AllenC. F. W. JonesC. H. HastedC. H. PepperC. HammersleyC. HipkinC. SharpeCHEFFCalifornia DreamingCambridge Tolkien SocietyCarl HilesCarol GregoryCaroline MullanCarpathiaCartismandua PressCath EasthopeCatie CaryCelia ParsonsCentral HotelChad DixonCharles DuncombeCharles GilrayCharles LeggCharles N. G. MatthewsCharles SaundersCharles SmithCharles WildmanCharlie WinstoneChas LeggCheryl MorganChris "Keris" CroughtonChris AmiesChris AtkinsonChris BeaumontChris BellChris ConwayChris CooperChris CuttsChris HallChris HughesChris JonesChris MalmeChris MorganChris O'SheaChris OakleyChris TerranChristina LakeChristine DavidsonChristine WollrichChristopher BradleyChristopher JacksonChristopher OgdenChristopher SeppalaChrysalisChuck ConnorCircular of the Lakeland Science Fiction OrganisationCity IlliteratesClare GoodallCliff TeagueClifford RussellClifford WhalleyClive BourneClive JacksonColin BritchColin BrownColin DaveyColin FineColin H. AskhamColin H. MacklinColin HarrisColin OdellColin ParsonsColum PagetCon TurnerConnie MackenzieConnie ProphetConruinerContrived One-ShotConvertible BusCosmic TrifleCretinfandomCursedCyberspaceCybrer BunnyCyril BanksCyril EvansCyril FleisherCyril ShuteCyril SimsaCyril WhitakerD. B. PowellD. BlackD. C. JonesD. C. MooreD. E. EddowesD. E. EssamD. E. MelroseD. J. FabianD. J. FosterD. JoyasonD. K. FawcettD. KedgeD. LandmanD. McNaughtD. NashD. R. W. StrongeD. RosenbergD. SadlerD. SharpeD. W. EvansDai BarkerDanny HamiltonDante's CardiganDark They Were and Golden EyedDarkLightData DumpDave BaldockDave BarberDave BridgesDave BusbyDave ClementsDave CockfieldDave CohenDave CooperDave EggletonDave GardnerDave HaleDave HicksDave HodsonDave LambDave McFerranDave NewmanDave ReederDave RoweDave RowleyDave TaylorDave TrengroveDave WomackDave WoodDavid A. SuttonDavid BellDavid C. D. PotterDavid CarlileDavid CoppingDavid CurryDavid E. BridgesDavid FletcherDavid GardnerDavid GriffinDavid GriffithsDavid GriffithsDavid HoweDavid LearnerDavid PageDavid PattersonDavid PiperDavid RileyDavid S. GarnettDavid StrahanDavid ThurlbyDeath RaysDebbie BennettDebby MoirDeborah CrookDeirdre RuaneDenis BridouxDenise LawsDennis EganDennis JacquesDerek GormanDerek StokesDerek WilliamsDesmond SquireDiane BerryDiane GouldingDick JonesDicky HowettDiscworld Convention 2024Dmitri de WoroninDomble in the WorksDon GeldartDon MacKayDon MortimerDonald B. GoochDonald G. MacRaeDonald McCormickDonald TowersDorothy HartwellDorothy RatiganDoug BellDoug EdwardsDoug LaceyDoug SpencerDouglas FirthDouglas SlackDr. John H. WatsonDragon's LairDragonbreathDragonconDrygulchDuncan LunanDundee Science Fiction and Fantasy SocietyE'ch Pi ElE. A. ThompsonE. F. SmithE. FissherE. Frank ParkerE. FurnessE. G. DuckerE. G. LaneE. HillerE. J. WebbE. LongleyE. LumerE. RoseE. W. FowlerE. W. RobertsEaianne CookeEbullient GulpEchoplexEddie CochraneEdith CrowtherEfilnekufusinEgoEgregious Guide to the ConventionsElaine WalkerElizabeth BillingerElizabeth BlethenElizabeth HollandElizabeth HopkinsonElizabeth SourbutElke StewartElmer T. HackElostirionEmm Mair HenryEmma KingEntropionEntropyEpicentreEregionErg Quarterly in the USAEric C. HopkinsEric CoxEric F. PattersonEric HubeandEric JonesEric LloydEric MendumEric StroudErica NeelyErnest HarmerErnest HarrisEsther MacCallum-StewartEunice PearsonEuropean Newsbulletin/LinkEveEwan HedgerEx-Chairman of the Liverpool Science Fiction SocietyExeter University Science Fiction SocietyExosphereF. C. LennoxF. C. NewmanF. CoueslantF. D. WilsonF. J. GrimesF. MallenF. MontgomeryF. MooreF. N CrampF. N. RecklessF. V. A. ScalesF. W. H. WilkersFILK UKFSFSOCFake Bob ShawFandom of the OperaFanhattonitesFanmailFantasiaFantasmagoriaFantast (Medway)Fantasy Book CentreFanzine FanatiqueFarberllaFay BrightFeetnotesFelicityFelix CohenFerret Fantasy LtdFinal FrontierFiona AndersonFiona MooreFiona ScarlettFission in Troubled Waters



A Fanzine for CorfluA Fanzine for Corflu ZA Moving Experiencea march to the beat of a red shift drummerAbject ApologyAidan MoherAlex von ThornAllis VilletteAllison DurnoAn Open Letter, November 2011Andrew MurdochAnn MetheApaplexyArt HayesBarbara PrzeklasaBarry Kent MacKayBeak TaylorBest of MozBeth FinkbinerBhowlingBill GrantBill MorseBits of My Boring LifeBlanc CitronBlastBlue JaunteBob GibsonBob WebberBoowattBorealisBrachBrand New Symbolic Peach PitBrobdingnagBrooke AbbeyBullzineCalcium Light NightsCanadian Journal of DetournementCandas Jane DorseyCarefully SedatedCarolyn ClinkCatherine CrockettCause CelebreChristine KulykChronicClaritasColin HinzCompound FractureConversionCopper ToadstoolCoronal Mass EjectionDale SpeirsDamnDark FantasyDave ClementDave HaymanDavid GreerDavid VereschaginDerek CarterDinosaur Spit!DistaffDoug RogersDouglas SmithE. A GodfreyESFCAS NewsletterEli CohenElla ParkerElmer D. StandishEmmet A. O'BrienErika EnsignFalconFancomFelicity WalkerFen and the Art of Fanzine PubbingFewmetsFieFiona MooreFirst ClassFloccipaucinihilipilificationFredrick B. ChristoffFuture PlansGaspGerald A. StewardGina Ellis ClarkeGraham LeathersGreen StuffGreg HagglundGuanoHarland RonningHeather BoreanHeather DaleHenry BalenHibited HappeningsHouse of Speculative FictionHouyhmhmnHoward ScrimgeourI Guess You Had to Be ThereI Made It to SixtyIan WilsonIbidemInput/OutputIra NaymanIshueJ. A. McCallumJ. M. FreyJabberwockyJack DohertyJames A. HallJean Pierre NormandJean-Pierre NormandJeff BeelerJim AllanJim SheddenJo-Anne McBrideJohn BellJohn DouglasJohn MansfieldJosie BenderavageJourneysJudith HaymanJust MeKaren LinsleyKingConLaidLarry StoneLe MoindreLetters from a Floating WorldLife of RodneyLillian G. EdwardLinda Ross-MansfieldLloyd LandaLloyd PenneyLoc Dave FuckeLondon Annual Fantasy/Media FestivalLow-DownLulu RevuLyell CraneMark ShainblumMemoritorMephistoMichael J. WallisMichael S. HallMichael SkeetMike FinkbinerMike Ward (Canada)MimiMiriadMore Stuff for FAPAMuch Binding on the MarshMurray MooreMy Year in ReviewNeil Jamieson-WilliamsNeologyNew Canadian Fandom, Eh?NonconNorNorm ClarkeNorman G. BrowneNorman V. LambNovoidNuclear BunniesOSFiC...EventuallyOSFiCommOktoberconOrbital ReferenceOrcaOrion: The Canadian Magazine of Time and SpaceOsfic EventuallyPanic ButtonPaperchipsPat PattersonPaul ValcourPaul WyszkowskiPeggi Warner-LalondePenneys Up the River and Other CUFF StoriesPeter JarvisPhil CurriePhil PainePinekonePlushPre-ApaQue Pasado?René WallingRenée SieberReta GrossmanRhinoconRob St-MartinRobbie BourgetRobert RunteRockabillyRodney AnnouncementRodney's FanacRon KidderRothniumRoyal York HotelRubber Stamp Owner's BulletinS. M. SterlingSanseveriaSayata GabrielSebastien de CastellSeen on a Cave WallSempervivumSentry BoxShelly LewisSideTrekkedSimon AgreeSlush*Pusher in a Slook MillSolarisSperamus MelioraState of the ArtSteve FortySteve GeorgeStir WarsSue JeffersSunshine KatzSusan ManchesterTAPATed BleaneyTed WhiteTerry FongThangEntThe Canadian Science Fiction FanThe Central GanglionThe Devil's AdvocateThe Edmonton Science Fiction & Comic Arts Society's Guide to Science Fiction and FandomThe Garth Danielson Christmas BookeThe Great Nor'Western NewsThe Great White ZineThe Incomplete Taral Wayne Cover GalleryThe Lesser TypewriterThe Mail Carrier Brought ItThe Maple Leaf RagThe Miscarriage of Heaven and HellThe Obdurate EyeThe PapernetThe ProfessorThe VoyageurThe Witch and the ChameleonThe Word for World Is TwiltoneThe World According to GarthThe Zinephobic EyeThrilling Typewriter StoriesThru the HazeTim HammellTin WoodmanTo Walk the MoonTo Wound the Autumnal DerelictTom JeffersTom SpringerTony PiToronto the GhoodToronto, Is There Anywhere Else?TransmissionTravelling MidgetTrawnaconTwiltoneUnder the Ozone HoleUninspired ActivityVANAPAVariegationVaughn FraserVictoria VayneVirtual ImagesWastelandsWendigoWhat Do You Know of Love?What Things Come Out in the SpringWhere's My Boa Wonder?White Dwarf BooksWilfconWill StrawWillard R. Biscuit NewsletterWolfconX-RayXeniumYves MeynardYvonne PenneyZOZMAZXZero G LavatoryZero Sum GameZosma



A Western MandarinA-zynAilleursAilleurs et AutresAlan Barrie StewartAlexa KlettnerAlgernon. Organ for AniaraAlorsAlvar AppeltofftAmphipoxiAnders AkerlandAnders FröbergAndrew LenardAngerthasAngerthas OffprintAsgardAtlanAttack of the Mutant PancakesAudrey EversfieldAxel MelhardtBarbara AbasBasil P. CoukisBeltromBen AbasBilly PettitBjorn Tore SundBjørn VermoBoshBrigitte Bardot SF LetterzineBug EyeCahierCandy FCarolina Gómez LagerlöfCelsius 232CepheusCocktail FrogCon CourseDag SiggerudDave VendelmansDie Welt Von MorgenDionysosDriftglassEarly BirdEnrique CorominasEntzineErik GranstroemEronewsEuropa ReportEuropean Newsbulletin/LinkEva Van Daele-HuntEwan HedgerFabulaFandom HarvestFanzine of France and Science Fiction QuarterlyFikcjeFilkContinentalFinnzineFollowFothpatlawFranklin GunkelmanFranz EttlFranz MiklisFregnaFreuConFucking Animals and ThingsG. A. ShielGAPAGalaktikaGalen DaraGraham EnglandGunther LothHei-JackHeinrich ArenzHigh LevelHildisvinHolland SFImpressionenInformatorIntermissionIxtlJan JansenJan van 't EntJazz ParadeJean LinardJoan HammettJohan C. WelinJohn HarveyJuergen G. MarziJuliane HonischKONgresKarl-Johan NorénKeep Watching the SkiesKerstin DroegeKirstin TangerKlaus JohansenKometKosmosLarry van der PutteLubovLuciferoLynne Ann MorseM. ChambazMad MarMad Mar SpecialMagiraMalconManfred KageMarcin KlakMarvin - The LehtiMaya HahtoMeuhpeonMichael SvenssonMihaela Marija PerkovićMikael BahnerMuirghealMultum EstNew Kind of NeighborhoodNew Lamps For Old! SF GenieNic OosterbaanNiederrheinconNina HorvathNordconObscured by CorfluOgreÖkonOliver Gruter-AndrewOlorinOtherlandParallaxParconParsekPascal ThomasPaul HammettPeter MichaleczkyRe KongRegina Kanyu WangRoar RingdahlRobin UsherRoelof GoudriaanRoger SjolanderRolf C. GindorfRune ForsgrenSF Times (German)SF-MagazineSFeraKonSFmagScience Fiction JournalenSexy VenusSezar Erkin ErginSfairaSibylle MachatSigma Terra CorpsSigvard ÖstlundSilhwestaSimone HellerSixth Dimension TimesSkandinavisk Fanzine ForeningSkyrack Book ServiceSlapstickSmall WonderSmorgasboardSmorgasbordSnorfconSolSol ReaderSol-KwiatSpectraStarStargateStreiflichterSwede ishesSweden MiniconTellus International NewsThe EgoistTove JanssonTrolls & LegendesUlla BobergVance WorldVolker TangerWait for the RicochetXuensèZinergy



"Burp" Said the Turtle"It's Bigger in Texas"'Tator((nothing))(Book)worm in the Big Apple(Himself)(Oopsla) Interim(blank)*Sigh*...and Furthermore...be forgot, and never...#1 Fan Face1966 Southwestercon19th Nervous Breakdown2001 Light Years from Home2005 ConFusion One-Shot2400 Fulton2AM3-5-0-03rd Conference on Middle Earth Part 245 & Counting464257AA Fanzine for Dave Van ArnamA Autumn Fantasy from RoscoA Basketful of BastardsA Bear Went Over the MountainA Bleeding RoseA Book of Ordinary WritingsA Book of ThelA Boowatt ImitatorA Change of HeartA Check List of Some of the Earliest FAN MAGAZINESA Clerk's JournalA Cyberpunk TimelineA Day at the RacesA Different DrummerA Dirty Mind Doesn't Mind a BitA Dream of BooksA Dribble of InkA Fake Fan in LondonA Fan Typology -or- What I See on the ElevatorsA Fanzine for BjohnA Fanzine for FAPAA Fanzine for Ger StewardA Fanzine for NowA Fanzine for Susan MargaretA Fanzine in Perfect DisguiseA Few Green LeavesA Flash of BlueA History of the Hugo Nebula and International Fantasy AwardA Hog on IceA Matter of HonorA Miniscule Portfolio by LeeHA Passing FancyA Poke in the Eye with a Sharp StickA Princess of a Different ColorA Propos Du BareanA Public ServiceA Sad StoryA Sales Pitch to Convince FAPA to Sponsor an Art ShowA Silent Toast to FutilityA There and Back Again JourneyA Time WhenA TourA Trip Report Found in a Plain Manila EnvelopeA Voice from the GalleryA. J. ReissA. T. GreenblattAAA AarghAIAPA-JarnevonAPA-TAPA-UAPA-tizerASFA NewsletterASFOAWNASFactsAWOLAalorAapaAardvarkAardvarkAaron De OriveAb-SatthaquaAbanicoAbba ZabaAbed & BoredAbelian GrapeAbigail LarsonAbimelechAbortionsAbove & BelowAbraham OshinskyAbsarkaAccess All AriasAcculturationsAchernerAck-AckAcmemath CatalougeAcroposAcruxAcrux FanzineAda CharlesAdam EnglishAdam MalinAdrenalinAdrian CollinsAdventureAdventures on EarthAfanAffinityAftaAfter HoursAfua RichardsonAgain Dangerous CrudzinesAgent of VaguenessAghastAh SunflowerAh Yes, I Remember Well a Saturday in BirminghamAileen FormanAirfoilAirwaversAistearAjax HochAkkilmarAkloAl BabcockAl FitzpatrickAl KuhfeldAl SchusterAl ScottAl SiroisAl WeinsteinAlan BeckerAlan BoscoAlan GilletteAlan HarveyAlan HuffAlan HutchinsonAlan LightAlan M. ClarkAlan MooreAlan PollackAlan R. JonesAlan ShawAlan ThiesenAlan WhiteAlan WildeAlan WinstonAlbin JohnsonAlchernerAldeberan AbandonedAlden Scott CrowAlderley EdgeAleph and OmegaAlex BermanAlex CaseAlex EisensteinAlex von ThornAlexander BladeAlexander SlateAlexandra DuncanAlexandra RowlandAlexis LaytonAliceAlice SanderAlienAlissa WalesAlix E. HarrowAll Digression WeeklyAll DynamicAll Lies and JestsAll MimsyAll Sinking, No PowerAll True Amazing Science Wonder StoriesAll the Nudes That Fit in PrintAll the Stars in the SkyAllen BaumAllen H. GreenfieldAllen KoszowskiAllerleiAlliance AmateurAlliance AssemblerAllison De FrenAllison HersheyAlmanacAlong Alpha Ralpha BoulevardAlphaAlphaAlpha AdventuresAltered BrandsAlternate History NewsletterAlternate Horizons NewsletterAlternativeAlternativesAlyssa WongAmaZed and CorfluZedAmanita BrandyAmateur's CorrespondentAmateur's JournalAmazed and CorfluzedAmazineAmazing AdventuresAmazing ForriesAmbrov ZeorAmbulAmelorAmentiAmerican DefenestratorAmerican DreamerAmerican Journal of PsychoscamologyAmerican ScribeAmigoconAmnesiaAmoeboid ScungeAmpersandAmphipoxiAmraAmritaAmsterdam NewsAmy L. WoolardAmy McNallyAmy SissonAn Ace Letter-Series NotebookAn Annotated Bibliography of Recursive Science FictionAn Annotated Checklist of Science Fiction Bibliographical WorksAn Index on the Weird Fantastica in MagazinesAn Index to Popular American FanzinesAn Intraview with Arthur D. HlavatyAn InvitationAn Original ThoughtAnakreonAnal SphincterAnantAnchorage AnarchyAnd Don't Call Me TexAnd Lo God Made Rotsler for DuffAnd So -- ForwardAnd That's True TooAndrea WeberAndrew EigelAndrew RossAndrew TrembleyAndromedaAndvariAndy AndaAndy AndersonAndy HooperAndy LyonAndy NowellAndy WhiteheadAnewAngela K. ScottAngela KarashAngmarAniaraAnimal XAnimalitiesAnimus CuriaeAnita FellerAnita LapidusAnn ChamberlainAnn DinklemanAnn HaflerAnn VanderMeerAnn WeiserAnn WilliamsAnne BishopAnne Lesley GroellAnne MorrelAnne PassovoyAnne-Laurie LoganAnnexAnnie Laurie StarrAnnita HarlanAnother Remarkable FanzineAntaiosAntelope Freeway One MileAnthemAnthony S. 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