D. B. Powell

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Donald B. 'Tubby' Powell was a UK fan active in the 1940s. He was likely from west London, perhaps Teddington, and was a member of the Cosmos Club.

J. Michael Rosenblum reported meeting him along with other Cosmos Club members on Saturday February 19, 1944 (Futurian War Digest #34). Powell graduated in chemistry in 1943[1] and read a paper on 'Future of Surface Chemistry' at a club meeting (they hosted a series of 'Future of... ' papers) that was later published in the second issue of their 'serious' organ, Transactions of the Cosmos Club.

Powell had views about fanzines as expressed in Cosmic Cuts v2#1 (May 1943):

The present fanzine bears the same relation to serious sf as the Daily Mirror bears to The Times. I want all amateur publications to be more dignified, and a good heading is half the battle. Titles such as Cosmic Cuts and the Damn Thing remind one of those notorious publications the less intelligent of us used to read in the days of our youth – some of our authors have not grown up yet!

The nickname 'Tubby' comes from a treasurer's report in Cosmic Cuts v3#4 (December 1944) although as the report doesn't appear to be entirely serious perhaps the nickname isn't either.

He resigned from the CSC in December 1944 by a letter published in Cosmic Cuts v3#6 (April 1945) although as in the same letter he claimed to be the Archbishop of the Antilles (including the British Virgin Islands) this shouldn't be taken entirely seriously.


  1. Cosmic Cuts v2#3 (August 1943).

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