Barclay Johnson

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Barclay De Lay Johnson was a fan from Winnetka, Illinois active around 1952. He published at least three issues of a fanzine FooView in 1952 and an SF Club Directory, described in Cosmag #8 as:

... not an index of facts and figures, but is an informal description of each club, interspersed with occasional editorial comment, and cartoons by R. M. Kidd. This is a worthwhile effort which should be supported and added to.

He wrote for Vega, was a member of the N3F and attended Chicon II. In Science Fantasy Bulletin #11 (December 1952) he offered some predictions for fandom, but in #13 (March 1953) Joel Nydahl took over the column as 'Johnson has seen fit to withdraw from fandom for an indefinite period of time'. In Psychotic #8 (February 1954), Richard E. Geis wondered what happened to him.

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