Eric C. Hopkins
(???? –)
Eric C. Hopkins was a English fan active at least in the late 1930s and 1940s. He attended the Third British Convention in 1939 and the Whitcon of 1948, and was a member of the British Fantasy Society (BFS).
He contributed to fanzines including The Fantast and Cthulhu fanzine, and was a correspondent of Voice of the Imagi-Nation.
Hopkins served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. In 1943 he was posted to Canada where around August 1944 he met with Canadian fan Leslie Crouch, likely the first meeting of between UK and North American fans on that side of the Atlantic.
He is listed in the Directory of Anglo-Fandom for 1945 and he was given as one of the attendees at the first post-War pub meeting in London at The Shamrock. He contributed to J. Michael Rosenblum's New Futurian in the 1950s.
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