FAPA, the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, the oldest fan apa in the world, was founded in 1937 and still going.
Like other APAs, FAPA is primarily an agency for distributing to its members publications put out by its members at their own expense. Members are required to be active in some way -- writing or publishing -- and produce at least 8 pages of minac a year. Mailings are quarterly.
To qualify for membership, one must have done one or more of the following within a year of applying: produced and distributed at least one issue of a fanzine; contributed material (written or artistic) to two fanzines not produced in the same metropolitan area; and/or posted contributions in two different electronic forums.
There are annual elections (August) of a president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and Official Editor; the two former are limited to two consecutive one-year terms. Other officials have included Official Critics, a Laureate Committee, and ballot counters. The first two positions were abandoned by the mid '40s, but a teller for the annual officer elections continues to be appointed by the Secretary-Treasurer.
Members are usually called Fapans, but terms such as FAPAte have been tried.
From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959 |
Fapans Fapate, Fapans, Faps. All names designating members of FAPA. The second is that endorsed by usage (prob'ly by analogy with "fans") but really the first is correct; FAPA is an association, so its members are associates. |
1930s and ’40s[edit]
The Fantasy Amateur Press Association ("FAP-uh") was founded in 1937 by Don Wollheim and John Michel. They were inspired to create FAPA by their memberships in some of the non-fan amateur press associations, which they learned of from H. P. Lovecraft. FAPA's original constitutional limit was 50 members to accommodate publishers using hektographs. There were 21 members listed on the roster of the first mailing in August 1937; it took until the November 1938 mailing to fill the 50-member roster. The membership limit was raised to 65 in 1944 and has remained at that level ever since.
The early years of FAPA were stormy with party politics and sociological feuds (for details, see Jack Speer's pioneering fan history, Up to Now), and its third year, 1939-40, was marked by the Interregnum. Thereafter the prophets of Third Fandom came into control. At the beginning of 1945, withdrawal of the Futurians, some of whom were officers, precipitated a Little Interregnum and during the next two years a series of officers who failed to properly function plagued the group (see Blitzkrieg).
In 1947, Speer reformed the Constitution, and the Insurgents quashed the last inactive OE, Elmer Perdue. Since then official troubles have mostly not disturbed FAPA, and red tape has been held to a minimum. The Constitution was again revised in 1958 (also by Speer) to incorporate amendments, bylaws, and practices adopted since 1947. Another major revision occurred in 2001 under the oversight of Robert Lichtman (Secretary-Treasurer since 1986 and still holding that office), clarifying and conforming constitutional requirements with actual practice.
From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944 |
Pronounced variously [efeipiei], [faepe], and [fapa]. The Fantasy Amateur Press Association, constituted in 1937 by Wollheim, and Michel. Others soon joined, up to its constitutional limit of 50 (changed to 65 in 1943). The FAPA's first year was stormy with party politics and sociological feuds, and its third year, 1939-40, was marked by the Interregnum. Thereafter the profets of the Third Fandom came into control, and it prospered to become the longest-lived successful fan organization.
It is primarily an agency for distributing to its members publications put out by its members at their own expense. This it does by mailings every three months. Members are required to be active in some way, writing or publishing. There are annual elections in June of a president, vice president, secretary-treasure, and Official Editor (he also does the mailing), who cannot held the same post again for five years. Other officials are the official critics, laureate committee, and ballot counters. Red tape is at a minimum. |
During the '50s and '60s FAPA was so popular and membership so sought after that the waiting list grew to monumental proportions, for a period of time exceeding the number of membership slots on the FAPA roster. A waiting list fee was instituted to cover the cost of sending the Fantasy Amateur to so many fans awaiting membership, and a requirement that wait list periodically acknowledge receipt of the Fantasy Amateur was begun in order to weed out those who lost interest during the long wait. Bill Danner started the FATE Tape (the Fantasy Amateur Tape Exchange) for FAPA members in 1955.
The '60s also saw more FAPA fan politics: As recounted in Ratatosk #6 and #7, ten or so members of FAPA blackballed the entire waitlist, apparently to protest the blackballing provision in the FAPA constitution, thus eliminating the entire waitlist. The Secretary-Treasurer of FAPA duly cleared the waitlist and then immediately invoked a precedent from the 40s when FAPA was short of members, and selected a group of fans to be on a new waitlist. By coincidence, the new waitlist looked a very great deal like the old one.... In a similar vein, Rick Sneary proposed an amendment to the FAPA constitution that no member of The Cult (another apa) be allowed to be FAPA members. Someone arranged for all FAPA members who were not members of The Cult to be granted Honorary Membership in it -- and Dick Eney ran a large Fantasy Rotator, Avanc 8 through FAPA -- so that if the Sneary amendment passed, everyone would be thrown out of FAPA. (It failed 24 to 6.)
By the '70s the waiting list became much smaller, and FAPA was sometimes called since the mid '90s has disappeared altogether. Additionally, the number of members has also shrunk as existing members died or otherwise dropped off the roster. As of May 2017 there were 19 active participants.
From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959 |
("FAP-uh") The Fantasy Amateur Press Association, constituted in 1937 by Wollheim and Michel. Others soon joined, up to its constitutional limit of 50 (raised to 65 in 1943). The first year of FAPA was stormy with party politics and sociological feuds, and its third year, 1939-40, was marked by the Interregnum. Thereafter the prophets of Third Fandom came into control. At the beginning of 1945 withdrawal of the Futurians, some of whom were officers, precipitated a Little Interregnum and during the next two years a series of officers who refused to function plagued the group (see blitzkrieg). In 1947 Speer reformed the Constitution, and the Insurgents quashed the last inactive OE, Perdue. Since then official troubles have not disturbed FAPA, and red tape has been held to a minimum. The Constitution was again revised in 1958 (also by Speer) to incorporate amendments, bylaws, and practices adopted since 1947.
FAPA is primarily an agency for distributing to its members publications put out by its members at their own expense. This it does by mailings every three months. Members are required to be active in some way -- writing or publishing -- and produce at least 8 pages of activity a year. There are annual elections (August) of a president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and Official Editor; the two former cannot hold the same post again for five years. Other officials have included Official Critics, a Laureate Committee, and ballot counters. FAPA was the stronghold of the Brain Trust during Third Fandom, and has always been the most influential general fan organization; in fact, such APAs are the only general fan organizations that are really active. |
Members of FAPA and their FAPAzines included:[edit]
- Forrest J Ackerman -- Fantasticonglomeration, Glom, Get Them Out on Time, Black and White, Presenting -- Adam Singlesheet, Rahuun Ta-Ka, The War Lock
- Martin Alger -- Revoltin' Development
- Karen Anderson -- Goliard, Alif
- Harry Andruschak --
- Abby Lu Ashley and Al Ashley -- En Garde
- Al Ashley -- The Precipitant, Meet FAPA, These Amazing Amendments, The Stump
- Mal Ashworth -- Fringe, I Dreamt I Crept in Marble Crypts, The Hasty Stopgap, The Last Fans in Town, Yrautibo, Running, Jumping, & Standing Still Magazine, Rot
- Lenny Bailes -- Tuesday After Lunch...
- John Bangsund -- The New Millennial Harbinger
- Greg Benford -- Doorway
- Jim Benford -- Motley
- Ron Bennett -- Qurp, Directory of Science Fiction Fandom
- Richard Bergeron -- Warhoon, Serenade
- Ruth Berman -- Pantopon
- John Berry -- This Goon for Hire
- John D. Berry --
- Robert Bloch -- Science-Fiction Fifty Yearly
- Redd Boggs -- Sky Hook, Nehwon Review, Open Season on Monsters, Bete Noir, Cockatrice, The Lovecraftsman, The Bagabash Papers, The House of the Hidden Poet
- Harry Bond --
- Sandra Bond -- Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box
- Phil Bronson -- Wudgy Tales
- Velma Bowen --
- Marion Zimmer Bradley Gemini Fapa, Allerlei, Catch Trap, Astra's Tower
- David Bratman -- Girabbit
- Walter Breen -- Allerlei
- Greg Bridges -- Misled Ptah Too
- Lynn Bridges -- Inspiration
- Mel Brown -- Fan Slants, Venus-Con
- Charles Burbee -- Burblings, Get Them Out on Time, The Best Loins Are on the Floor
- Stan Burns --
- Jason K. Burnett -- Hexagon, Placeholder, All Sinking, No Power
- David Burton -- Catchpenny Gazette
- Elinor Busby -- Fapulous, Salud
- F. M. Busby -- Sercon's Bane, Re-Entry
- Rogers Cadenhead -- Release the Hounds, Swordperson
- Gregg Calkins -- The Rambling Fap
- Jack Calvert -- Exclam!
- G. M. Carr -- Gemzine, Epistles & Egoboo
- Miriam Carr -- Klein Bottle
- Terry Carr -- Diaspar, Klein Bottle, Entropy
- Lee Carson --
- Jim Caughran -- A Propos de Rien
- Jack Chalker -- Interjection, Viewpoint, Mirage
- Louis Russell Chauvenet -- Spinnaker Reach, Sardonyx, Zizzle-Pop, Ephemeron
- Vin¢ Clarke -- Tucker Hotel
- Esther Cole -- Orgasm
- Lester Cole -- Orgasm
- Tom Collins -- Is
- Ed Connor -- The Science Fiction Echo
- Roger Conway -- X
- Walter Coslet -- Futusyn, The Insider, Somnambulism, Thirteen
- Rob Coulson & Juanita Coulson -- Vandy
- Dale Cozort -- Science Fiction Adventure Magazine
- Ed Cox -- The Best Lines Are on the Floor
- Burton Crane --
- Leslie Croutch -- Light
- John M. Cunningham -- Salute
- Bill Danner -- Stefantasy, A Dangerous Thing, Stuffanonsense, Lark
- Walter Daugherty -- Cushlamochree
- Eric Leif Davin -- A Different Drummer
- Chan Davis -- Blitherings
- Donald B. Day -- Fan-Scent
- Claude Degler --
- Gary Deindorfer -- Balderdash
- Gerry de la Ree -- Beowulf
- Calvin Demon -- New Cat Sand
- Howard DeVore -- Grandfather Stories
- Saul Diskin -- Irusaben
- Bill Donaho -- ASP, How We Won
- Royal Drummond --
- Sally Dunn -- Driftwood
- Lee B. Eastman -- Last Testament
- George Ebey -- Star-Stung, Willie Acquires an Italian Hand, Tag-Line Musings?
- Phyllis Aitch Economou -- Phlotsam
- Leigh Edmonds -- Rataplan
- Gordon Eklund -- Sweet Jane, Rubber Frog
- Ron Ellik -- Fafhrd
- Dick Ellington -- Kim Chi
- Pat Ellington -- Kim Chi
- Dick Eney -- Target: FAPA, It's Eney's Fault!, Stupefying Stories, Nudity, Snake Pit, Target of Opportunity
- Ahrvid Engholm -- Multum Est
- Bill Evans -- Evans-Pavlat Fanzine Index, Fungi from Yuggoth, Celephais
- Earl Evans -- Fapazeen
- E. Everett Evans -- A Tour, A Tale of the 'Evans
- R. Alain Everts --
- Kenneth Faig -- Tekeli-Li
- Nic Farey -- Singsing
- Larry Farsaci -- Falling Petals, The Rochester-American Patriot
- Moshe Feder -- Hysteresis
- Tom Feller -- The Road Warrior
- Mike Fern -- Fan Slants, Eccentric's Orbit
- Ken Forman --
- Joe Fortier -- Scientifan
- Paul Freehafer -- The Letters of Henry S. Whitehead
- Chris Garcia -- Claims Department
- Richard E. Geis -- Richard E. Geis, Psychotic 2
- Janice Gelb -- Vu Ja De
- John L. Gergen -- Mutant
- Joseph Gilbert -- Sound Off!
- Mike Glicksohn -- Xenium
- Jenny Glover --
- Steve Glover --
- Mike Glyer --
- Seth Goldberg -- Hawai'i
- Dan Goodman --
- Ann Green --
- Steve Green -- Slave Girls of FAPA, Cyfddydd, Free Radical
- Dean Grennell -- Grue, Le Gruesome Zombie
- Chuck Hansen -- Damballa
- Rob Hansen -- Licks
- Phil Harrell -- Vorpal Dragon
- Chuck Harris -- Chux Own, It's Tycho's Floor in '54, Off the Cuff For Gertrude, This Goon for Hire
- Dale Hart -- FAPA Flypaper
- Rusty Hevelin -- H-1661, Laundry Mark
- Arthur D. Hlavaty -- Nice Distinctions, Disinformation
- Lee Hoffman -- Self Preservation, Tangent, Laundry, Fan History, Fantasy Jackass, Chooog, Cutty Fapazine, The Inadequate Time Machine
- Harry Honig -- Arcadia
- Mike Horvat -- Curmudgeon
- Terry Hughes -- Seeds & Stems
- Dave Hulan -- Why Bother?, Loki
- Fred Hurter -- Censored
- Ben Indick -- Ben's Beat
- Lee Jacobs -- Orgasm
- Terry Jeeves -- Erg
- Harry Jenkins, Jr. -- Jinx
- Ted Johnstone -- Persian Slipper
- Bob B. Jones -- Pegasus
- Joyce Worley Katz -- Western Romance
- Earl Kemp -- SaFari
- Joe Kennedy -- Grulzak
- James Kepner -- Toward Yesterday, Fen, Caustic Square Bullshooter
- Miriam Knight -- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Poughkeepsie
- H. C. Koenig -- The Reader and Collector
- Bill Kunkel -- Don't Make Me Laugh
- Louis Kuslan -- FAPA Review, Nucleus
- Trudy Kuslan -- FAPA Review, Nucleus
- F. Towner Laney -- Fan Dango, Ah! Sweet Idiocy!, Venus-Con
- Dave Langford -- Cloud Chamber
- Bob Leman -- Vinegar Worm
- Fred Lerner -- Lofgeornost
- Al Lewis -- A Statement of Posture
- Alan J. Lewis -- A Fanzine for Now, Iconoclastic Quarterly
- Robert Lichtman -- Psi Phi, King Biscuit Time, Not Ready for Prime Time Fapazine, Night-Dreams and Daymares
- Walt Liebscher -- Three Fingers, Mutant
- Eric Lindsay -- Gegenschein
- Ethel Lindsay -- Bletherings
- Dave Locke --
- Robert Lowndes -- Agenbite of Inwit, The Futurian Review, Vagabondia
- Dick Lupoff -- Horib
- Pat Lupoff -- Horib
- Andy Lyon -- Fanomena
- Howard Lyons -- Abject Apology, Ibidem
- Bob Madle -- The Meteor
- Mark Manning -- Jupiter Jump
- W. E. Marconette -- Incredible
- Tim Marion -- Terminal Eyes, The Curse of Cthulhu, Mumble Gutter, Here Come the Hardy Boys
- Mark Manning -- Ashe
- Don Markstein -- Philistine Quarterly
- Edgar Allan Martin -- BOBLIQUEP
- Sam Martinez -- Sambo, Shadowland
- Mike McInerney -- Number One
- Dan McPhail -- Phantasy Press
- Norm Metcalf -- Devil's Work, CAC
- Judith Merril -- Science*Fiction
- John Michel -- The Futurian Review, The Works
- Franz Miklis -- Galacto-Celtic Newsflash
- J. Chapman Miske -- Chaos
- Len Moffatt -- Moonshine, The JDM Bibliophile
- June Moffatt -- Moonshine, The JDM Bibliophile
- Murray Moore -- Green Stuff, Harry Warner Jr, Fan of Letters
- Morojo -- Guteto
- Bill Morse -- Bull Moose, To Wm. Danner Esq
- Sam Moskowitz -- A Canticle for P. Schuyler Miller, Different
- Ray Faraday Nelson -- Big Cat
- Michael O'Brien -- Ultimate South
- Steve Ogden & Vicki Ogden -- Edgar's Journal
- Fred Patten -- Vukat, Great Art Should Never Be Mushed Up
- Bob Pavlat -- Bobolings, Evans-Pavlat Fanzine Index, Contour, The Shaw Retort
- Bruce Pelz -- Ankus, The Drinking Readers Entropic Gaming Society of Los Angeles Fandom
- Elmer Perdue -- Myrtle Rebecca Douglas: An Appreciation, Elmurmurings, 520 07 0328, FAPA Blotter, War in Heaven
- Otto Pfeifer -- Nov Shmoz Ka Pop
- Curt Phillips --
- Andy Porter -- Twentieth Century Unlimited
- D. Potter --
- Bernard Quinn --
- Art Rapp -- Mindwarp
- Nancy Rapp -- Torrents, Ignatz
- Boyd Raeburn -- Le Moindre, More Stuff for FAPA, The Yngwie J. Malmsteed Story
- Mark Reinsberg -- Midwest Marky
- Mark W. Richards --
- Peter Roberts --
- Alva Rogers -- Bixel
- J. Michael Rosenblum -- Browsing
- Milton Rothman -- Milty's Mag, Plenum, War in Heaven
- Bill Rotsler -- Masque, Tapebook, A Fanzine for FAPA, Disturbing Element, Homage a' Burbee
- Mary Russell -- Pogorus
- Samuel D. Russell --Have at Thee Knanves, Science-Fiction Goo, Decimal Classification of Fantastic Fiction, Fantasy Critic, Eight Pages
- Oliver Saari - STF Comment, So Saari
- Joe Sanders -- Somewhatly
- H. P. Sanderson -- H. P. Sanderson
- Peggy Rae Sapienza -- Adventures on Earth, Of Cabbages and Kings (and Baby Turtles)
- Ray Schaffer -- All That There Jazz
- Joe Schaumburger -- The New Loxygen
- Dick Schultz -- Die Schmetterling
- Sudsy Schwartz -- Ceres, AAGH!
- Langley Searles -- The Annex, Devil Take the Hindmost
- Bob Shaw -- Fen Crittur Comical Books
- Greg Shaw -- Metanoia
- Larry Shaw -- Caliban, Banshee, FAPA Index, Ice Age, Science*Fiction, The Unknown Madman, Claude Degler and the FAPA, Laundry, The Shaw Retort, The Steff Nyaa-aa-a!!, Cruise of the "Foo Foo Special Jr."
- Noreen Shaw -- Ice Age
- Robert Silverberg -- Snickersnee, Spaceship, Irusaben, Fapathy
- Ken Slater -- Matter of No Moment, Consomme, It's Tycho's Floor in '54, Twin Set
- Fred Smith -- Haemogoblin
- Rick Sneary -- Moonshine, Spiane
- Jack Speer -- Synapse, Matters of Opinion, Ramblings, Sustaining Program, Full Length Articles, Science Fiction Forum, Black and White, The Cosmic Circle & Fandom, Decimal Classification for Fantasy Fiction, Investigation in Newcastle, Konan, Please Lay This Aside, To Relive Ten Years!, A, War in Heaven
- Dale Speirs -- Sanseveria
- Paul Spencer -- Jabberwocky, Janus
- Van Splawn -- The Fantasmith
- Norman F. Stanley -- Beyond, Fan-Tods
- Larry Stark -- Garage Floor
- Bo Stenfors -- Sexy Venus Anew
- Milt Stevens -- Alphabet Soup, Passing Parade, Opus
- Steve Stiles -- SAM, Omaha
- Graham Stone -- Past, Present & Future
- R. D. Swisher and F. N. Swisher -- a, S. F. Checklist
- Roy Tackett -- Dynatron
- Donald B. Thompson -- Phanny, Phanteur
- Don C. Thompson -- Don-O-Saur, Rim-i-nes-cent, Ballast
- Bjo Trimble -- A Sales Pitch to Convince FAPA to Sponsor an Art Show, Where Are All the Red Hot Shutter Bugs?, Melange
- John Trimble -- Amis, A Fanzine for FAPA, Where Are All the Red Hot Shutter Bugs?, Amblesnyde & Tiddleycover R. R. Gazette, Melange
- Bob Tucker -- Sci-Fic Variety, Jack Speer -- Elder God, Le Gruesome Zombie, Pong Is a Four-Letter Word, Science-Fiction Fifty Yearly, Three Fingers, BT, Fantasy Jackass, Fanzine Service for Fans in Service
- R. Laurraine Tutihasi -- Feline Mewsings
- Victoria Vayne -- Non Sequitur
- Shelby Vick -- Egad!, Lesser Feats, Hyphen Tribute Thumbnail
- Michael W. Waite -- Trial and Air
- Keith Walker --
- Norman G. Wansborough -- Rune, The Happy Traveller, Terra Welcomes You
- Harry Warner -- Horizons, Fanzine Service for Fans in Service
- Raym Washington -- Take-Off!, The Science Fiction Savant
- Bill Watson -- Willie Acquires an Italian Hand, Tag-Line Musings?
- Taral Wayne -- Red Shift, The Word for World is Twiltone
- Charles Wells -- The Quatt Wunkery
- Helen Wesson -- Helen's Fantasia
- Ted White -- Null-F, Zip
- Russ Whitman -- Janus
- Art Widner -- YHOS
- Walt Willis -- WAWCRHBSJWCATWCMWPMSSACW, Willis Discovers America, Pamphrey
- Frank Wilimczyk -- Paradox
- Art Wilson -- Scatalog
- Ben Wilson --Highball
- Richard Wilson -- Incredible
- Don Wollheim -- The Phantagraph, The New Hieroglyph, The Futurian Review, FAPA Fan, Ray
- Stan Woolston -- Moonshine
- Dave Wood --
- Rus Wood & Pogo Wood -- Pogorus
- Roscoe E. Wright -- Beyond, A Autumn Fantasy from Rosco, Viewpoints
- Paul Wyszkowski -- The Blind Starling, Transmission, Blah
- Laurie Yates -- Don't Make Me Laugh, Catachresis
- C. S. Youd == Fantast's Folly
- Jean Young -- Garage Floor, Lost in the Stars
- Dan Zissman -- Science*Fiction
- Unknown -- Fantasy Faction Field
FAPA Officers[edit]
Terms begin in the summer with the vote before the September mailing.
Publication | 1937— |
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications. |