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== More Information==
== More Information==
For more information, see the websites below and and (in addition to some of the titles mentioned above) ''[[Australian Fandom - Adventures in Time]]'' by [[Leigh Edmonds]].  
For more information, see the websites below and (in addition to some of the titles mentioned above)
* ''[[Australian Fandom - Adventures in Time]]'' by [[Leigh Edmonds]].
* "A History of Australian Fandom 1935 - 1963" by Vol Molesworth, serialised in issues 82 - 87 of ''The Mentor''.
[[Australian Science Fiction Distributed Archive Project]]
[[Australian Science Fiction Distributed Archive Project]]
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Revision as of 23:12, 12 August 2020


National Convention[edit]

Some Regional Conventions[edit]

Adelaide has held some Advention conventions, and the 2009 Natcon, Conjecture. Tasmania has held some Thylacon conventions, including the 2005 Natcon.

Some Fan-Voted Awards[edit]

Australian Doctor Who fandom has the Double Gammas. Australian Star Wars fandom has, or had, the Obies. Australian media fandom had the Australian Science Fiction Media Awards. A.C.T. fandom had the ACT Region SF Awards. Victorian fandom had the Chronos Awards.

Authors and Illustrators[edit]

See List of Australian Authors and List of Australian Illustrators.

See also the Australian SF Snapshot Project.

A Brief Chronology[edit]

Date Event
1935, Aug 15 First official meeting of the Sydney Science Fiction League
ca. 1937 Spacehounds (fan publication) first published
1939, Feb 1 John Gregor's Science Fiction Review (fanzine) published (as by John Devern)
1939, Nov 5 First official meeting of the Futurian Society of Sydney
1940, Apr 1 Importation of books and magazines from non-sterling countries banned
1942 Futurian Society of Sydney officially disbanded
1947 Futurian Society of Sydney revived
1950, Mar First issue of Thrills Incorporated (prozine)
1951 Australian Science Fiction Society announced in first issue of Woomera
1952, Mar 22 First Australian Science Fiction Convention (i.e., first Australian Natcon)
1952, May 9 First official meeting of the Melbourne Science Fiction Club (as the Melbourne Science Fiction Group)
1952, June Last issue of Thrills Incorporated
1953 First issues of Future Science Fiction and Popular Science Fiction (prozines)
1953, Aug 8-9 Riverina Conference
1954 A Handbook of Science Fiction and Fantasy by Donald H. Tuck published
1955 Last issues of Future Science Fiction and Popular Science Fiction (prior to reprints in 1967)
1957 Last issue of Science Fiction Monthly
1959 Ban on importation of books and magazines from non-sterling countries lifted
1966 Australian Science Fiction Review first published
1967, Dec 6 First official meeting of the Sydney Science Fiction Foundation
1968, Oct ANZAPA started (as APA-A)
1969 The Pacific Book of Australian SF (anthology) published
1969, Apr Ditmar Awards first presented
1969, Aug First issue of Vision of Tomorrow (in UK)
1970, Sep Last issue of Vision of Tomorrow
by 1971 Space Age Books opened (as The Space Age Bookshop)
1972 First DUFF race won
1975, Aug First issue of Void
1975, Aug 14-17 Aussiecon
1976, June Australian Science Fiction Foundation formed
1976, Oct 9-11 First Swancon convention
1977, Mar Last issue of Void
1979 First FFANZ race won
1979 Australian Science Fiction Review revived
1979 Tom Baker promotional tour (for Doctor Who)
1980, Aug 31 Peter Nicholls won 1980 Best Non-Fiction Book Hugo
1981, Jan/Feb First issue of Omega Science Digest
1982 First Conquest convention
1983 First GUFF race won
1983 Supreme Council of Time Lords formed
1983, Sep 24-25 First Media Natcon, Conquest '83
1984 First issue of The Australian Horror & Fantasy Magazine
1984, Sep 4 Donald Tuck won 1984 Best Non-Fiction Book Hugo
1984, Nov 25 First Australian National Doctor Who Convention
1985, Aug 22-36 Aussiecon 2
1985 Last issues of The Australian Horror & Fantasy Magazine
1985/86, Summer First issue of Aphelion
1986/87, Summer Last issue of Aphelion
1987, Jan/Feb Last issue of Omega Science Digest
1988, Autumn First issue of Terror Australis
1990, May Eidolon magazine first published
1990, Sep Aurealis magazine first published
1992, Apr 19 A. Bertram Chandler Award first presented
1992 Last issue of Terror Australis
1993 Mortal Fire: Best Australian SF published
1994, Jan 21 The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet first published
1994, Sep 4 Peter Nicholls won 1994 Best Non-Fiction Book Hugo (with John Clute)
1995 First Force convention
1996, Mar 22 First Aurealis Award winners announced
1997, June Star Wars 20th Anniversary Celebration banquet
1997 The Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy published
1998 The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy published
1999 Strange Constellations: A History of Australian Science Fiction published
1999, Sep 2-6 Aussiecon 3
1999, Sep 5 Greg Egan won 1999 Best Novella Hugo and Ian Gunn won 1999 Best Fan Artist Hugo
1999, Nov Dreaming Down-Under, edited by Jack Dann and Janeen Webb, won 1999 World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology
2000, Apr Eidolon magazine last published
2001 First NAFF delegate appointed
2002, Jun/Jul First issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
2003, July 11-13 First Continuum convention
2004, Apr, 23-26 First Conflux convention
2005, July 17 AHWA launched at Continuum 3
2005, Sept First volume of Year's Best Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy published by MirrorDanse Books
2007, Feb 9-11 First Nullus Anxietas convention
2007, Aug Meteor Incorporated founded
2008, Oct First issue of Midnight Echo
2008, Dec 12-15 First MiDFur convention
2010, Sep 2-6 Aussiecon 4
2010, Sep 5 Shaun Tan won 2010 Best Professional Artist Hugo
2011, Feb 27 2011 Academy Award for Best Short Film, Animated won by The Lost Thing (short film), directed by Andrew Ruhemann and Shaun Tan
2011, Apr First UnderCONstruction held at Swancon Thirty Six | Natcon 50
2011, Aug 20 Shaun Tan won 2011 Best Professional Artist Hugo
2011 First volume of The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror published by Ticonderoga Publications
2012, Jul Last issue of The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet (third series)
2012, Sep 12 Peter Nicholls won 2012 Best Related Work Hugo (with John Clute, David Langford and Graham Sleight)
2012, Oct Angela Slatter won 2012 British Fantasy Award for Best Short Story
2013, Sep 1 Tansy Rayner Roberts won 2013 Best Fan Writer Hugo
2014, May 25 N. A. Sulway won 2013 James Tiptree, Jr. Award
2015, Aug 22 Galactic Suburbia won 2015 Best Fancast Hugo
2015, Oct First issue of Specul8
2015, Nov 21-22 Doctor Who Festival
2016, Mar 25 Aurealis Awards ceremony held at Natcon
2016, May John Bangsund won Lifetime Acheivement Award of the FAAn Awards
2016, Aug 20/21 Alisa Krasnostein and Alexandra Pierce won 2016 Alfie Award for Best Related Work
2016, Sept Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine became electronic-only and shortened its name to Andromeda Spaceways Magazine
2016, Nov Ditmar "Dick" Jenssen won 2016 Rotsler Award
2016, Dec 8 First PS Australia book launched
2017 Issue 100 of Aurealis in print
2018, Mar 31 Tansy Rayner Roberts won four Aurealis Awards
2018, May Bruce Gillespie won Lifetime Acheivement Award of the FAAn Awards

More Information[edit]

For more information, see the websites below and (in addition to some of the titles mentioned above)

Australian Science Fiction Distributed Archive Project SF Encyclopedia entry


A. Bertram Chandler - Adam Jenkins - Adrienne Losin - Al Fitzpatrick - Alan Shalders - Alan Stewart - Alexandra Pierce - Alf van der Poorten - Ali Kayn - Alisa Krasnostein - Alison Barton - Allan Bray - Andrew Brown - Andrew Finch - Andrew Taubman - Anna Hepworth - Anthony Mitchell - Arthur W. Haddon - Barbara de la Hunty - Bean - Belle McQuattie - Benjamin J. Szumskyj - Bert F. Castellari - Bill Veney - Bill Wright - Blake Edgerton - Bob McCubbin - Bob Ogden - Brian Trump - Bruce Gillespie - Camestros Felapton - Carey Handfield - Cath Ortlieb - Cathy Cupitt - Charles La Coste - Chris A. Masters - Chris Collier - Chris Coman - Chris Nelson - Christine McGowan Ashby - Cindy Evans - Clare McDonald Sims - Clive Newall - Colin Roden - Craig Bezant - Craig Hilton - Dallas Jones - Damien Warman - Danny Oz - Darren Maxwell - David Cake - David Crisp - David Grigg - David L. Russell - David McDonald - Derrick Ashby - Devin Madson - Diane Debellis - Diane Fox - Diane Marchant - Dick Jenssen - Don Ashby - Donald Tuck - Donna Heenan - Donna Maree Hanson - Edward Russell - Edwina Harvey - Elaine Walker - Elizabeth Trump - Emilly McLeay - Emma Hawkes - Emma Hespa Mann - Eric Frank Russell - Eric Lindsay - Erik Harding - Erika Maria Lacey - Fe Waters - Foz Meadows - Freya Marske - Gail Adams - Garry Dalrymple - Gary Mason - Gene Melzack - Geoff Allshorn - Geoff Tilley - George Ivanoff - George Turner - Gerald Smith - Gillian Polack - Gina Goddard - Glayne Louise Blackmore - Graham Stone - Grant Stone - Grant Watson - Greg Hills - Greg Turkich - Gunny - Helen Merrick - Helen Patrice - Helen Swift - Helena Binns - Ian Crozier - Ian Gunn - Ian Nichols - Irwin Hirsh - Jack Herman - Jack Wodhams - Jacob Edwards - James Allen - James Styles - Janice Gelb - Jean Weber - Jeff Harris - Jenny Blackford - Jeremy Byrne - John Alderson - John Bangsund - John Baxter - John Breden - John Brosnan - John Fox - John Foyster - John Gregor - John Maizels - John McDouall - John Packer - John Parker - John Richards - Jon Noble - Jon Swabey - Jonathan Strahan - Ju Landéesse - Judi Hodgkin - Judith Hanna - Julia Svaganovic - Julian Warner - Juliette Woods - Justin Ackroyd - KRin Pender-Gunn - Karen Herkes - Karen Vaughn - Karen Warnock - Kate Orman - Katharine Maxwell - Kathleen Jennings - Kathryn Anderson - Keira McKenzie - Keith Curtis - Keith Taylor - Ken Ozanne - Ken Paynter - Kevin Dillon - Kim Huett - Kirstyn McDermott - Kylie Ding - L. Grieve - Larry Dunning - Laura Molesworth - Lee Harding - Leigh Blackmore - Leigh Edmonds - Les Petersen - Les Robertson - Lewis Morley - Likhain - Lily Chrywenstrom - Liz Barr - Lucy Sussex - Lucy Zinkiewicz - Lyell Crane - LynC - Marc Ortlieb - Marcus Wigan - Marea Ozanne - Margaret Curtis - Mariann McNamara - Marilyn Pride - Marjorie Cammer - Mark Linneman - Mark Loney - Mark Nelson - Mark R. Sharpe - Marlee Jane Ward - Matthew Lindus - Medge - Merv Binns - Mervyn Barrett - Michael Evans - Michael F. Green - Michael O'Brien - Michelle Muijsert - Mike McGann - Mike Schaper - Mumfan - Murray MacLachlan - Nalini Haynes - Narrelle Harris - Neville J. Angove - Nick Stathopoulos - Nicole Murphy - Nikki White - Norma Hemming - Pat Terry - Paul Anderson - Paul Day - Paul Ewins - Paul J. Stevens - Paul Kennedy - Paul Raj Khangure - Perry Middlemiss - Peter Cooper - Peter Darling - Peter Eisler - Peter Lyons - Peter Nicholls - Peter Toluzzi - Phil Ware - Phil Wlodarczyk - Philip McGregor - Pip Maddern - R. Douglas Nicholson - Race Mathews - Rachel Holkner - Richard Bradbury - Rob Gerrand - Robert Jan - Robert Mapson - Robin Johnson - Robin Pen - Rocky Lawson - Roger Dard - Roger Weddall - Roman Orszanski - Ron Clarke - Ron L. Clarke - Ron Levy - Ron Smith - Ronald E. Graham - Rose Mitchell - Rosemary G. Simmons - Roy Ferguson - Russell B. Farr - Sabina Heggie - Sally Beasley - Sam Hawke - Samara Morgan - Sarah Parker - Scott A. Schaeffer - Scott Liston - Sean McMullen - Shane Morrissey - Sharon Moseley - Shay Telfer - Shayne McCormack - Simon Oxwell - Simone Corletto - Stephanie Lai - Stephanie Smith - Stephen Boucher - Stephen Collins - Stephen Dedman - Stephen Smith - Steve Palmer - Steve Scholz - Sue Ackermann - Sue Ann Barber - Sue Bursztynski - Sue Isle - Sundance Bilson-Thompson - Susan Smith-Clarke - Tansy Rayner Roberts - Ted Scribner - Tehani Wessely - Terry Dowling - Terry Frost - Tim Richards - Tina Kennedy - Tole Canal - Tom Eitelhuber - Tony Peacey - Tony Plank - Tony Santos - Trevor Clark - Trudi Canavan - Valma Brown - Van Ikin - Vol Molesworth - W. Alan Devereux - Walter Murdoch - Warwick Hockley - Wendy Palmer - Willem Bouwer - Wynne Whiteford - Yvonne Rousseau - Zara Baxter


A. A. Bell - A. Bertram Chandler - Alisa Krasnostein - Alison Evans - Alison Goodman - Alister Innes - Amanda Pillar - Angela Slatter - Barry Radburn - Bec McMaster - Bill Congreve - Brett McBean - Cary Lenehan - Cat Sparks - Chris A. Masters - Chris Lawson - Claire McKenna - Damien Broderick - Dave Freer - Dave Luckett - Dave de Vries - David Grigg - David Lake - Desmond Hall - Devin Madson - Dirk Flinthart - Dirk Strasser - Donna Maree Hanson - Eddie Campbell - Edwina Harvey - Ellen Franklin - Foz Meadows - Garth Nix - Ged Maybury - George Ivanoff - George Turner - Gillian Polack - Glenda Larke - Grant Watson - Greg Egan - H. C. F. Morant - Helen Patrice - Isobelle Carmody - J. M. Walsh - Jack Dann - Jack Wodhams - Jacob Edwards - James R. Cain - Janeen Webb - Jen Banyard - Jenny Blackford - Joan Lindsay - John Birmingham - John Brosnan - Jonathan Strahan - Juliet Marillier - Justine Larbalestier - K. J. Bishop - Kaaron Warren - Karen Miller - Kat Clay - Kate Forsyth - Kate Orman - Kathleen Jennings - Kim Wilkins - Kylie Chan - Leanne Frahm - Lee Harding - Leife Shallcross - Leigh Blackmore - Lewis Morley - Lezli Robyn - Lian Hearn - Likhain - Liz Grzyb - Louise Katz - Lucy Sussex - LynC - Marc McBride - Margo Lanagan - Maria Quinn - Marianne Plumridge - Marianne de Pierres - Marijke Fitzgerald - Marlee Jane Ward - Mary Patchett - Max Barry - Michael Hailstone - N. A. Sulway - Narrelle Harris - Nick Stathopoulos - Nicole Murphy - Norma Hemming - Norman Lindsay - Paddy O'Reilly - Paul Collins - Paul Kidd - Peter McNamara - Peter Nicholls - Richard Harland - Richard Scriven - Robert Hood - Robert Ingpen - Robert N. Stephenson - Rosaleen Love - Rowena Cory Daniells - Russell Blackford - Sam Hawke - Sara Douglass - Sarah Endacott - Scott Westerfeld - Sean McMullen - Sean Williams - Shane Jiraiya Cummings - Shaun Tan - Simon Petrie - Stephanie Lai - Stephen C. Ormsby - Stephen Dedman - Steve Gerlach - Sue Bursztynski - Sue Isle - Talie Helene - Tansy Rayner Roberts - Terry Dowling - Tim Richards - Tony Plank - Tony Shillitoe - Trudi Canavan - Venetia George-Lafazanis - Wynne Whiteford - Yvonne Rousseau



Conventions in series

A-Con 7 - ANZAPACon 1 - ANZAPACon 2 - ARCon - Advention '81 - Advention '85 - Advention 1 - Advention 2 - Advention 4 - Aussiecon - Aussiecon 4 - Aussiecon Three - Aussiecon Two - Basicon 1 - Basicon 2 - Bofcon - Capcon - Circulation 5.5 - Circulation 6 - Circulation IV - Circulation One - Circulation Three - Circulation Two - Con 70 - Con 80 - Con 9 From Outer Space - Con Fusion '94 - ConCave 2 - Conflux 1 - Conflux 10 - Conflux 11 - Conflux 12 - Conflux 13 - Conflux 14 - Conflux 15 - Conflux 16 - Conflux 17 - Conflux 18 - Conflux 2 - Conflux 3 - Conflux 4 - Conflux 5 - Conflux 6 - Conflux 7 - Conflux 8 - Conflux 9 - Conjecture - Conjunction 1 - Conjunction 3 - Conjure - Conquest '92 - Conspire - Constantinople - Contact2016 - Continuum - Continuum 1 - Continuum 11 - Continuum 12 - Continuum 13 - Continuum 15 - Continuum 16 - Continuum 17 - Continuum 2 - Continuum 3 - Continuum 4 - Continuum 5 - Continuum 6 - Continuum 7 - Continuum 8 - Continuum 9 - Continuum X - Continuum XIV - Convergence 2 - Convergence 2002 - Conviction - Danse Macabre - DudCon 1 - Dudcon II - Dudcon III - Eastercon '72 - Eastercon '73 - Eastercon '79 - Eastercon '87 - Eccentricon - Eighth Australian Science Fiction Convention - Enlightenment - Eureka!con - Fandomedia 2005 - Fandomedia 2006 - Festival of the Imagination 1996 - First Australian Science Fiction Convention - First Sydney Conference - Force 1 - Force 2 - Force IV - Force Three - Force V - Fourth Australian Science Fiction Convention - Funcon - Galactic Tours Convention - Kinkon 2 - Kinkon 3 - Medtrek '84 - Medtrek 6 - Medtrek IV - Melcon - Ninth Australian Science Fiction Convention - Nullus Anxietas 1 - Nullus Anxietas 2 - Nullus Anxietas 3 - Nullus Anxietas 7 - Nullus Anxietas 7a - Nullus Anxietas 9 - Nullus Anxietas IV - Nullus Anxietas V - Nullus Anxietas VI - Olympicon - Ozcon - Q-Con I - Q-Con II - Q-Con III - Second Australian Science Fiction Convention - Second Sydney Conference - Seventh Australian Science Fiction Convention - Sixth Australian Science Fiction Convention - SpawnCon Two - SunCon - Swancon '95 - Swancon 1 - Swancon 12 - Swancon 13 - Swancon 14 - Swancon 16 - Swancon 18 - Swancon 2 - Swancon 2000 - Swancon 2001 - Swancon 2002 - Swancon 2003 - Swancon 2004 - Swancon 2006 - Swancon 2008 - Swancon 2009 - Swancon 2010 - Swancon 2013 - Swancon 2018 - Swancon 2019 - Swancon 2020 - Swancon 2021 - Swancon 22 - Swancon 24 - Swancon 3 - Swancon 32 - Swancon 37 - Swancon 39 - Swancon 40 - Swancon 41 - Swancon 42 - Swancon 47 - Swancon 48 - Swancon 5 - Swancon 6 - Swancon 7 - Swancon 8 - Swancon 9a - Swancon Nine - Swancon Thirty Six - Swancon Twenty3 - Swancon X - Swancon XI - Swancon XV - Swancon XXX - Syncon '70 - Syncon '75 - Syncon '78 - Syncon '79 - Syncon '82 - Syncon '83 - Syncon '86 - Syncon '90 - Syncon '92 - Syncon 2 - Tenth Australian Science Fiction Convention - The Festival of the Imagination - Third Australian Science Fiction Convention - Third Sydney Conference - Thylacon 1 - Thylacon 2 - Thylacon 2005 - Thylacon 3 - Tolkon - Tolkon '81 - TrekCon III - TrekCon IV - Tschaicon - Unicon 6 - Unicon II - Unicon III - Unicon IV - Unicon V - WasteLand I - Wasteland II - Waycon '79


*brg* - A Bright Particular Star - A Elbereth Gilthoniel! - A History of Australian Science Fiction Fandom 1935-1963 - A Little for ANZAPA - A Mad Woman's Knitting - A for Andromeda - A.D. - A75 Bulletin - ANZAPA - APA NOVA - APES - APPLESAUCE - Aaron and Danny on the shonk - Abstractions - Adelaide Fan Review - Aerial - Airel - Albedo - Alician Fields - Alien Profile - Along without You - Altair - Alternate Universe Fanzine - Amateur Fantasy Publications of Australia - Ambling Alligator - Amenolagnia - American Kindness - American Letters - Anarkali - Anathema - And So It Goes - Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine - Ankh - Antics - Antipodean SF - Antipodes - Anzapa Book - Apa '83 - Apas, And Why They Work That Way - Aphelion - Apocalypse Au Go Go - Argo Navis - Ariel - Ark - Artychoke - As Flies - Aurealis - Aussie Transpacific - AussieCon First Draft Report - Aussiecon Fifth Anniversary Memorial Fanzines - Aussiecon Memory Book - Austra-Fantasy - Australasian Doctor Who Newsletter - Australian Dr. Who Fan Annual - Australian Fan History 1953-1966 - Australian Fan News - Australian Fandom - Adventures in Time - Australian GUFF Newsletter - Australian Playbeing - Australian Science Fiction Fan Calendar for 1981 - Australian Science Fiction Monthly - Australian Science Fiction News - Australian Science Fiction Newsletter - Australian Science Fiction Review - Australian Tolkien Society Newsletter - Auto Delirium - Autogaurd - Awaken - Aynf - Babbling On - Bacchanalia - Back Whole - Bandersnatch - Beagle' World - Beyond - Beyond Antares - Big Sleaze - Biotimber - Bizarre - Black Bike - Black Light - Black Orchid - Black Whole - Bloodsongs - Blue News - Boggle - Bookmark - Borderlands - Boy's Own Fanzine - Brandy Hall - Bugs - Bunchy Watches Fanzines - Bundalohn Quarterly - Busswarble - Canberra Science Fiction Society Newsletter - Canberra's Nini Hii? - Candiru - Canto - Carandaith - Castrovalva - Cathseye - Centero - Cepheid - Ceremonial Merchant - Chao - Children of Zeos - Choice Cuts - Choking Dog Gazette - Chunder! - Claws - Close Encounters of Lizards at Aussiecon - Collingwood Capers - Command Module - Constantinople the Brave - Constellation - Constellation of Kasterborus - Contact 21 - Contraindicators - Contrary Modes - Converse - Cor Serpentis - Corpus Infernus - Cosmic 4 - Cosmos - Cosmos - Cosmos - Crabapple - Crash of the Hard Disk - Crazy Eddie Newsletter - Crog - Crux - Crux - Cygnetures - DUFF Trip Report 2009 - Daja Voo - Dalek Wars - Dark Matter - Data - Data Extract - Data Extraction - Dated Extract - Debussy - Der Reaper - Dimension6 - Dipping into ANZAPA - Diverse Universe - Diverse Visions - Doctor Who Gazette - Doctor Who Magazine - Dodecahedron - Dormouse - Dot dot dash - Down Under Express - Doxa! - Doxy - Dragons and Morning Opals - Dreams and False Alarms - Dropping the Shorts - EFNAC - Earthquake! - Ecchh-Toplasm - Echo Beach Quarterly - Eidolon - Electronic Thumb Piano - Emanation - Emerald City - Emu Tracks Over America - Enarraré - Enchiridion - Encyclopaedia Gallifreiica - Energy - Enigma - Enlightenment & Persuasion - Eos - Eric B. Lindsay - Eris - Ethel the Aardvark - Etherea Magazine - Etherline - Etherline II - Exhystenialism - Existentialism's a Cruel Business - Exploding madonna - Extant - Eye of Newt - FFANZ Across the Water - FNAC - Fables and Reflections - Fandom is My Life - Fanew Sletter - Fannish - Fannish Journeys - Fantastic News - Festzine - Fibonacci and Mehitable - Finland - First Draft - Flug - Focus - Foolsgold - For FAPA - Forbidden Dimensions, Nameless Dreams - Forbidden Worlds - Forerunner - Forerunner - Frabjous - Frank & Earnest Sex - From the LAIR of the LYNX - From the Threshold - Frontier - Full Circle - Future - Future Science Fiction (Australia) - Futurian Observer - Futurian Observer - Futurian Society News - G'nel - GUFF Fundies - GUFFAWE - Gallifreyan Gossip - Gallifreyan Graffiti - Gallifreyan Times - Gambit - Gaston J. 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Campbell -- An Australian Tribute - Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology - Junkyard - Kalien - Kanga Ruse - Kangaroo Feathers - Khalespheare - Killer Kung-Fu Enema Nurses - Kingdom of the Bland - Kisses Sweeter than Cactus - Klactoveesedstene - Knot Enough Time - Knot a Bird - Koolinda - Koquillion's Chronicle - Kronos Express - Kryptonite Fanzine - Larrikin - Les Chattes Parties - Les Souris Dansent - Lhyfe - Little Blue Number - Little Supo Deluxe - Llananthony - Lodbrog - Lore - Luna - M31 - Mandragora Horlicks - Mantichore - Marc - Marrickville Library Fan Fiction Festival - Mathom - Mathom - Mc² - Megatheriums for Breakfast - Melbourne Bulletin - Melbourne Science Fiction Club Newsletter - Mellow - Mentalis - Metaluna - Midnight Echo - Mimezine Flashback - Minardor - Mind Wallaby - Mishaps - Mistfall - Mithril - Module - Moonlight Tuber - Morning Star - Multiverse - Mumblings from Munchkinland - Mutterings from the Teapot - Nameless Cylinder - Necessity - Nemesis - Never Quite Aboriginal - No Award - Norstrilian News - Norstrilian Reviews - Not Falling, Flying! - Notes and Comment - Notes of a Naif Son - Notes on Australian Science Fiction - Notes on a Son and Brother - Nothing Is But What Is Not = Nibwin - Notional - Odyssey - Of Babel Fish & Gumblejack - Official Adelaide Fan Feud - Oh to be in England, In the Summertime, With my Love - Omega Science Digest - Omicron - Opal - Opus - Orb - Orbital Vectors - Ornithopter - Oscillation Overthruster - Osiris - Out of the Bin - Out of the Kaje - Pangalia - Parergon Papers - Pariah! - Past, Present & Future - Penultimate Blimp - Perhaps - Perryscope - Philosophical Gas - Pink - Pinkette - Pirate Planet - Pleh! - Popular Science Fiction - Porkchop - Pot-Koorok Burblings - Preferred Lies - Prelude to Space - Private Cellar Club - Proceedings of the Thomas Love Peacock Society of Australia - Procrustean Papers - Profan - Prohibited Matter - Proposal for Special Rule Under Section IX of the FAPA Constitution - Psychodaleks - Q36 - QVC - Quantum - Question Mark? - Rataplan - Rats on Tofu - Raw Bits - Reality Module - Red Viscous Madness - Revelation - Revelation Condemned - Review Zine - Revolting Tales of Sex and Super-Science - Rhubarb - Ripple Hole - Roc-Kon I - Ron's the One! - Rosie's Tavern - Ruptured Roo - SF Commentary - Salyavin - Sapsequently - Satura - Science Fiction - Science Fiction Courier - Science Fiction Fandom in Melbourne as I Remember It - Science Fiction News - Science Fiction News - Science Fiction Review - Science Fiction Review - Science and Fantasy Fan Reporter - Scratch Pad - Secant - Serious Science - Shark-Infested Custard - She Went Galumphing Back - Shiny - Shiretalk - Show Us Ya Willie - Sidrat - Sikander - Simon - Sir Janet's Newsletter - Sitting on the Steps of the NY Public Library, Reading Between the Lions - Skribe - Small Steps Across a Foreign Land - Sneetche - Snippets - So You Say - Society of Editors Newsletter - Some Comments - Some Comments on Matters Raised Recently in FAPA - Some Comments on Matters Raised in FAPA - Something Else... - Son of Silly Illos - Son of Tau Ceti - Souffle - South of Harad, East of Rhun - Southern Fanzine Review - Space Age Newsletter - Space-Time Buccaneers - Spacebound Seasonal - Spacehounds - Spaceward - Sparrowgrass & battle-twigs - Spectre - Spock - Stairway to Cleveland - Star Rover - Starkindler - Steam Engine Time - Steve Albini's Lovegun - Steve and Martin's Excellant Fanzine - Stopgap - Stormcrow - Strange Matter - Strangler Elephants Gazette - Straw & Silk - Strawberry Filks Forever - Struth! - Stun Gunn - Stunned Mullet - Subjective Tersions - Sugar Tooth - Sui! - Suitable for Children - Supersonic Snail - Sweetness & Light - Sweetness and Light - Syndicated Images - Syzygy - T.V. Views - TANSTAAFL - TBS&E - Tabula Rasa - Tales From New Wales - Tardis Log - Tardis Times - Tasmanian Science Fiction Association News - Taste Not the Pierian Spring - Telefan - Telepath - Telos - Terran Times - Terror Australis - The 'Pasturian' - The Alien Review - The Antipodean Announcer - The Antipodean Areopagus - The AussieCon Flyer - The Aussiecon 2 Free Press - The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet - The Best of ANZAPA - The Bionic Rabbit - The Butterfly Mind - The Chronicles - The Companions - The Coode Street Review of Science Fiction - The Cosmic Dustbag - The Crystal Connection - The Crystal of Kronos - The Cygnus Chronicler - The DUFFinite Article - The Daily Sinews - The Day I had Gout and Other Stories and Other Stories - The Disused Yeti - The Doctor Who Scanner


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