SF Commentary

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Fanzine usually edited by Bruce Gillespie, but sometimes edited by John Foyster.

SF Commentary was first published in 1969. It has been nominated for the 1972 Best Fanzine Hugo, the 1973 Best Fanzine Hugo, and the 1975 Best Fanzine Hugo.

There was an issue 55½, which appears to have been distributed as an insert to issue 54. Some issues have been double issues (e.g., 44/45 and 55/56), triple issues (35-36-37) or even quintuple issues (62/63/64/65/66). And there has been an issue 80A as a supplement to issue 80.

SF Commentary has won the Ditmar Award for best Australian fanzine a record five times: 1972, 1973, 1977, 1980 and 2002.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 January 1969 66
2 1969 47
3 June 1969 48
4 July 1969 70
5 August 1969 45
6 September 1969 45
7 November 1969 46
8 Easter 1969 40
9 1970 45
10 March-April 1970
11 May 1970 24
12 June 1970 26
13 July 1970 22
14 August 1970 24
15 September 1970 26
16 October 1970 26
17 November 1970 52
18 December 1970 24
19 January 1971 134
20 April 1971 52
21 May 1971 50
22 July 1971 50
23 September 1971 50
24 November 1971 50
25 December 1971 50
26 April 1972 120
27 June 1972 16
28 July 1972 50
29 August 1972 48
30 October 1972 40
31 December 1972 48
32 February 1973 42 Titled Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology
33 March 1973 50 Bruce lists his Favourite Books, Films and Music of 1972, plus a 42-page letter column
34 May 1973 44 Titled Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology 6 and SF Commentary 34.
35-36-37 July 1973 148 Triple Issue. "Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case - With Exceptions" by Stanislaw Lem; "A Survey of Soviet Science Fiction" by Darko Suvin; "Breakthroughs and Breakins" by Philip Dick.
38 September 1974 42
39 November 1973 24
40 December 1973 40 separate #40 published with Ed Cagle's Kwalhioqua 11
40 September 1974 60
41-42 February 1975 106 Double Issue
43 August 1975 64
44-45 December 1975 104 Double Issue
46 May 1976 34
47 August 1976 48
48-49-50 October 1976 146 Triple Issue
51 March 1977 20
52 June 1977 24
53 April 1978 36
54 November 1978 30
55-56 January 1979 68 Double Issue
57 November 1979 16
58 February 1980 16
59 April 1980 16
60-61 October 1980 32 Double Issue
62-66 June 1981 72 Quintuple Issue
67 January 1989 40
68 March 1990 40
69-70 January 1991 52 Double Issue
71-72 April 1992 96 Double Issue
73-74-75 October 1993 120 Triple Issue
76 October 2000 120
77 November 2001 84
78 February 2003 84
79 February 2004 72
80 August 2010 96 Issues 80-82 comprise the Fortieth Anniversary Edition
80A August 2010 118
81 June 2011 88
82 August 2011 72
83 October 2012 80
84 November 2012 80
85 October 2013 92
86 February 2014 75
87 April 2014 80
88 January 2015 80
89 May 2015 76
90 November 2015 68
91 April 2016 76
92 July 2016 72
93 December 2016 64
94 June 2017 64
95 December 2017 96
96 April 2018 72
97 August 2018 72
98 April 2019 84 50th Anniversary Edition (part 1)
99 July 2019 80 50th Anniversary Edition (part 2)
100 November 2019 80 50th Anniversary Edition (part 3)
101 February 2020 80
102 July 2020 80
103 October 2020 36
104 November 2020 92
105 March 2021 80
106 March 2021 80
107 November 2021 100
108 February 2022 80
109 February 2022 20 A Bill Wright tribute. Also published as brg #121 for ANZAPA
110 July 2022 92
111 84
112 June 2023 76
113 July 2023 84
114 November 2023 84
115 March 2024 84
116 June 2024 84

Publication 1969
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications.