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Easter Galactic Fair 1969.
April First Ditmar Awards given.
April 21–24 First AggieCon held.
June 6-8 First PgHLANGE held.
July 20 Apollo 11 Moon landing: Neil Armstrong takes “one small step....”
August 15–18 Woodstock Rock Festival.
August 28−September 1
(Labor Day)
St. Louiscon (Worldcon).
October 29 Internet created.
November 15 OctoCon I, the first convention of the series later re-named MileHiCon held.
Tolkien Society formed.
Fantasy Times / Science Fiction Times ceases publication.
All Our Yesterdays published.
Eddie Jones TAFF trip.

Convention series started or ended:

Publications started or ended:

...And Behold, Cushi Came30% Bran (with Raisins)A Hitchie is a Flange Only SmallerAkosAnomalyArahantAustralian Tolkien Society NewsletterAux ArmesBOSHBelladonna's BroadsheetBibliographica Futurica Fantastica ChecklistBybyn-BubynChatteringsChopping BlockClatteringConvention: Newsmagazine for SF Convention PlannersCorrCosmoStillettoCosmosCrogCrossroadsDASFS JournalDEC 27th, 1968DNQDallascon BulletinDen suckande tunganDetoursDoorwayDouble:BillEosEveryone Needs a KittenFamous Science FictionFantasy TimesFilksong ManualForum InternationalGoluxGrimy Gulch GazetteHalliford House NewsletterHarpiesHobbitaliaI Am Not a NumberIdImryrrIn RetrospectInfoInterimJournal of Non-Objective DemonologyL'Ange JacqueLetheLondon NewsletterLuna MonthlyM31Magic Is AfootMathomMaybeMetroMinneapolis in '73 Filksong BookMoebius TripMojo EntmooterMonolithMoon Shot OneshotMor-FarchMothNargothrondNeutrinoNews from BreeNightmareODDOzPerihelionPertinencePhantasmicomPlak-TowProceedings of the Thomas Love Peacock Society of AustraliaProspectusQuarkRaki and the Electric GafiaSF CommentaryScience Fiction NewsletterSeldon's PlanSfinxSon of the WSFA JournalSons of BacchusT NegativeTerran TimesThe BarsoomianThe ExchangeThe Green Town ReviewThe Hobbit Coloring BookThe MISFITS BulletinThe Squirrel's TaleThe Wootton Major JournalTransplantTroatTwo Heads Are Better Than OneVertigoVinegar WormVoyageWeird FantasyWhat About Us Grils?Witchcraft and SorceryXerozine 00Yac'soneYoricZineНЕТ ЧЕПУХА

Publishers founded or closed:

Stores opened or closed:

New fanspeak coined:




New Zealand:


1969 Conference on Middle Earth1969 Detroit Triple Fan Fair1969 Open ESFA1969 Worldcon Site SelectionA Hitchie is a Flange Only SmallerAggieConAggieCon IAkosAl Andrews Typewriter FundAlexander C. IrvineAnnalee NewitzAnomalyArahantAux ArmesBOSHBalticon 3Baltimore in '71Baycon 2001Baycon II in '72Benjamin RosenbaumBibliographica Futurica Fantastica ChecklistBoskone 6Brookline High School SF ClubBrophyBuboniconCarolina Fan FederationCelia KellerCharlie Jane AndersChatteringsChristopher RoweColumbus in '69Conference on the Bibliography of Science FictionConvention: Newsmagazine for SF Convention PlannersCorrCosmoStillettoCrossroadsDASFS JournalDallascon BulletinDaniel AbrahamDaryl F. MallettDavid Anthony DurhamDeepSouthCon 7Delasalle High School Fan EnclaveDetoursDisclave 13DoorwayDouble:BillElizabeth CullenEveryone Needs a KittenFUNconFUNcon IIFamous Science FictionFantasy TimesFilksong ManualFrank GruberGolden Gate FuturiansGoluxGreye La SpinaGrimy Gulch GazetteHarold PiserHarpiesHobbitaliaHouston Science Fiction SocietyI Am Not a NumberIdImryrrJ. R. WardJack WiedenbeckJohn PicacioJohn ScalziJonquil LeiberJournal of Non-Objective DemonologyKansas Citicon in 77Keith R. A. DeCandidoKelly LinkKira HestonL'Ange JacqueLetheLev GrossmanLos Angeles in '69Louise LeipiarLuna MonthlyLunacon 12Magic Is AfootMarcon IVMarijane JohnsonMark FinnMary Robinette KowalMathomMaybeMetroMidwestcon 20MileHiConMinicon 2Minneapolis in '73 Filksong BookMoebius TripMojo EntmooterNargothrondNeutrinoNews from BreeNewton South High School SF ClubNoel LoomisODDOctoCon IOctocon IOklaconPerihelionPgHLANGEPgHLANGE IPhantasmicomPhilcon 1969Plak-TowProspectusQuarkRaki and the Electric GafiaRandy ByersReturn With Us NowRobert Gibson JonesScience Fiction NewsletterScience Fiction South AfricaScott SiglerSeabury QuinnSecondary Universe IISeldon's PlanSeth A. JohnsonSherryl VintSlanapaSon of the WSFA JournalSons of BacchusSouthwestercon 1969St. Louis in '69St. LouisconDave Kyle's St. Louiscon ReminiscenceT NegativeThe BarsoomianThe Eaton Collection of Science Fiction and FantasyThe Eaton Fanzine CollectionThe ExchangeThe Green Town ReviewThe Hobbit Coloring BookThe MISFITS BulletinThe Wootton Major JournalThe Year We Ended the WorldconTijuana in '69TroatVertigoVincent VillafrancaVinegar WormVoyageWayne Third FoundationWhat About Us Grils?Willy LeyWitchcraft and SorceryXerozine 00YoricНЕТ ЧЕПУХА

Rest of the World:

1968 | 1969 | 1970