Seldon's Plan

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The clubzine of the Wayne Third Foundation.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 V1.1 December 1969
2 V1.2 January 1970
10 V2.2 April 1971
V3.4 1971 ed. Cy Chauvin
V3.5 1971 "
V4.5 June 1972 32 ed. Laura Basta
V5.1 1973 48
33 V6.1 38 ed. Gene Mierzejewski
34 V6.2 1974 ed. Cy Chauvin
35 V6.3 June 1974 56 "
36 V6.4 September 1974 46 "
Discon II issue: cover by Terry Austin, interior art by Todd Bake, John Benson, Randy Bathhurst, Roberta Brown, Wayne McDonald, Cy Chauvin, Frank Murray. Editorial by Cy Chauvin (Laura Basta and Jacqueline Lichtenberg are not merely Star Trek fans, some comments regarding Trek fans and Science Fiction fans, a short autobiography on Cy's writing career, a reminder that this zine is a group effort). Interview with Greg Benford by Cy. “The Two Perspectives” by Angus Taylor. “Critical Mass,” an article about the differences among "Trekkies," "STrekkies," and science fiction cons, and conventions, by Jacqueline Lichtenberg. “Sexism and Science Fiction,” article by Laura Basta. Dead Tree Department, book reviews by Cy. Many letters of comment, including: David Gerrold (addresses fans' previous locs re his alleged male chauvinism, his alleged ineptitude, his alleged ego, and his alleged use of too much sex in his books), James Tiptree, Jr., Ursula LeGuin, Paul Walker, Sheryl Smith, Don Ayres, Darrell Schweitzer, Jeff Smith, Wayne McDonald. Some WAHFs were Joanna Russ, Guy Snyder and J. Hunter Holly.
37 V7.1 February 1975 56 "
38 March 1976 44 "
39 June 1976 64
40 September 1976 36 "
41 September 1977 64 "
42 May 1978
46 December 1979 30 ed. Brian Earl Brown
47 December 1980 30 "
48 October 1982 "
49 May 1983 44 ed. Gregg Trend
51 1992

See also The Return of Seldon.

Publication 1969
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