See also:(Himself) - Adrienne Losin - Al Weinstein - Alan Dorey - Alex Vitek - Algis Budrys - Allen Glasser - Allison Williams - Alvan Mussen - Amazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Astounding, Analog, and Dry Dull Boring Scientific Fact Neffer Stories - Amon Hen - Andi Shechter - Andy Porter - Angerthas - Anthony R. Lewis - Arnim Seielstad - Art Gnaedinger - Arthur Conan Doyle - Arthur Jean Cox - ASFO - Aubrey MacDermott - Austin Hamel - Baltcon - Balticon 8 - Barbara Harmon - Ben Singer - Bennett Sims - Betty Berg - Bill Berg - Bill Bowers - Bill Maraschiello - Bjo Trimble - Bob Schoenfeld - Bob Tucker - Bonflare - Boskone I - Boskone II - Bruce Evry - Bruce Pelz - Buck Coulson - Cap'n Ro's Whiz-Bang - CFG - Chelsea Quinn Yarbro - Cheryl Evry - Chicon - Chris A. Masters - Con*Cept - Concellation - Concinnity - Cosmology - Costume-Con 40 - Counter Thrust - Craig Newmark - Cynthia McQuillin - Dale Tarr - Dan McPhail - David K. M. Klaus - David Speakman - David Weber - Dawn Patrol - Denise Leigh - Denny Cowen - Discon 1 Guide: Introduction - Don Ford - Don Markstein - Doreen Webbert - Dorothy Hasse - Drew Whyte - Ed Baker - Ed Clinton - Ed Meskys - Edgar Rice Burroughs - Edna Budrys - Edythe Eyde - Elizabeth Cullen - En slags parallell - Enlightenment & Persuasion - Eric Hildeman - Ernie Wheatley - ESSFSCCNY - Evelyn Stroud - Fan Directory - Fan To See - Fandbooks - Fanfare - Fans Across the World - Fantum - Fanzine - First Contact - First Convention - First Sydney Conference - Fletcher Pratt - Flieg Hollander - Flo Doval - Follow - Frances Alberti Sykora - Frances Tanner - Frank Stodolka - Fred Patten - Fred Reich - Freddie Hershey - GAFMOI! - Gail Knuth - Gar Williamson - Gay Haldeman - George D'Asaro - George Gordon Clark - George Senda - George Sjöberg - George Tullis - George W. Price - Gertrude M. Carr - Gisela Molander - Glenn Chambers - Gordon Eklund - Gordon Van Gelder - GraFan - Greg Bennett - Gregory Benford - Guy Lillian - Harold Piser - Harrison - Harry Andruschak - Harry Warner, Jr. - Helen Finn - Henry Hasse - Herbert Smith - Howard DeVore - Impulse - Ionisphere - Isaac Asimov - Jack Bell - Jean Bogert - Jefferson Swycaffer - Jerry Kaufman - Jim Keith - Joan Skirvin - John Boardman - John Brooks - John Harvey - John Kusske - John Magnus - John Millard - Jonathan Cowie - Jonquil Leiber - Judith Merril - Judith Schneider - Judy Gerjuoy - Jules Lazar - June Moffatt - K. Martin Carlson - Karen Cooper - Karen Kruse Anderson - Ken Fletcher - Kenneth Sterling - Kjell Borgström - KONgres 5 - Konline - Kristina Hallind - KTF Xmas Card - Lars-Olov Strandberg - LASFS 50th Anniversary Banquet - Leif Andersson - Leslie Perri - Leslie Turek - Lore - Lou Tabakow - Louis C. Smith - Louis Wentzler - Louise Leipiar - Luncon - Lyell Crane - Magira - Marcy Lyn-Waitsman - Margaret Basta - Margaret Crawford - Marijane Johnson - Mark Olson - Martha Cohen - Masahiro Noda - Mathom - Matthew B. Tepper - Mercedes Mansfield - Middle Earth - Midwestcon - Mike Dickinson - Mike McInerney - Mike Zaharakis - Minas Tirith Evening-Star - Morojo - Nancy Moore - Nathan Greenfeld - Ned Brooks - New Fandom - Nigel Lindsay - No Con - NocresCon - Noel Jenkin - Noreascon 3 - Norm Kossuth - Norma Hemming - Norman S. Patton - Nycon - Octocon - OKon - Open ESFA - Operation Fantast - Operation Fantast Handbook - Orville W. Mosher - Ossie Train - Pamela J. Boal - Parcon 2002 - Pat Milnes - Paul Freehafer - Paul Turner - Per Insulander - Phil Foglio - Phil Schumann - Philip Castora - Philip José Farmer - Philip Rosenblatt - Phyllis Berg - Pierre Versins - Pogo - Polly Freas - Proper Boskonian - Proxyclave - Ralph M. Holland - Ralph Milne Farley - Ray Bradbury - Rebecca Moesta - Rebecca Smith - Regina Kanyu Wang - Richard E. Geis - Ro Nagey - Robbie Bourget - Robert Sacks - Robert Weinberg - Rog Phillips - Roger Gregory - Roger Sims - Ron Clyne - Ron Lane - Rose Alberti - Rosemary G. Simmons - Roy E. Norris, Jr. - Roy Tackett - Rudolph Castown - Russell M. Wood - Russell Swanson - Sam Lundwall - Science Fiction Bulletin - Scientifiction: The First Fandom Report - Scuttlebutt - Seth A. Johnson - SF Forum - Sigvard Östlund - Sinisterra - Sirruish - Spectra - Spicy STF Stuff - Stan Skirvin - Steve Miller - Sture Lönnerstrand - Sture Sedolin - Sue Wheeler - Sun Spots - Susan Smith-Clarke - Taffy Williams - Ted Johnstone - Terry Burns - Test Templates - The Central Ganglion - The Drinking Readers Entropic Gaming Society of Los Angeles Fandom - The Enchanted Duplicator - The Esoteric Order of Dagon - The Fantasy Fan - The Journal of Science Fiction - The National Fantasy Fan - The Ring Bearer - The Stilyagi Air Corps Strikes - Third Chicago Conference - Third Foundation - Tim Marion - Tom Barber - Tom Seidman - Tomas Cronholm - Trevor Clark - Unicon - Universicon - Vern Coriell - Vertical Horizons - Virginia Kidd - Walt Dunkelberger - Walter H. Gillings - Walter Murdoch - Westercon 12 - Who's Who in Fandom - Worden Gilboy - Worldcon - Young Fandom - Zeda Mishler
This is a club page. Please extend it by adding information about when and where the club met, when and by whom it was founded, how long it was active, notable accomplishments, well-known members, clubzines, any conventions it ran, external links to the club's website, other club pages, etc.
When there's a //floreat// (Fl.), this indicates the time or times for which we have found evidence that the club existed. This is probably not going to represent the club's full lifetime, so please update it if you can! |