Difference between revisions of "User talk:John"
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{{ItemList | notcategory1=haslink | collapse=true | category1=IA | notcategory=person}} | {{ItemList | notcategory1=haslink | collapse=true | category1=IA | notcategory=person}} | ||
− | haslink, | + | haslink, nowebsite, IA |
− | {{CountryList | category=haslink | collapse=true | | + | {{CountryList | category=haslink | collapse=true | category1=nowebsite | category2=IA}} |
Revision as of 01:47, 14 May 2020
Last 20 pages edited in Templates
Template:SFE - Template:Efanzines - Template:Convention - Template:Bidding - Template:Bid - Template:Fancy - Template:ISFDB - Template:Store - Template:FancyFileRow - Template:File770 - Template:FilesFrameTableRow1 - Template:FancyImage - Template:FancyFile - Template:InternetArchive - Template:Focal Point - Template:Pdfref - Template:TNFF - Template:WhosWho1940 - Template:ASFDAP - Template:Toolbar1
Last 50 pages edited in UK and Admin categories
Alan J. W. Rozelaar - J. Michael Rosenblum - E. Rose - Festus Pragnell - J. L. Pope - Harold Penfold - S. Peck - W. J. Passingham - R. W. Parrish - S. Nyman - Eric Needham - M. L. Neale - D. Nash - J. Moss - Eric Moss - T. J. Morgan - D. C. Moore - F. Montgomery - G. H. Miles - Charles Eric Maine - H. T. May - F. Mallen - Colin H. Macklin - Checkpoint - Science Fiction Book Club - Ildiko Hayes - Tykky-Dew - Bybyn-Bubyn - Microwave - E. Longley - Wyndham Lewis - Bert Lewis - F. C. Lennox - E. G. Lane - Peter Roberts - Francis H. P. Knight - S. Johnstone - J. B. Jepson - Dennis Jacques - Maurice G. Hugi - Ron Holmes - E. Hiller - Phil Hetherington - Leslie V. Heald - Laurie L. Harris - Maurice K. Hanson - S. Hallett - Mathom - H. Griffiths - J. T. Greenwood
#!/bin/bash grep -v '<big>' convention_timeline.txt | grep -v 'tab>' | grep -v "' '" > convention_timeline1.txt sed -Ef convert.sed convention_timeline1.txt > convention_timeline2.txt cat convert.bsh >> convention_timeline3.txt cat convert.sed >> convention_timeline3.txt echo >> convention_timeline3.txt echo See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Sorting >> convention_timeline3.txt echo >> convention_timeline3.txt echo To sort for Dates within Location, click on Location, then shift-click on Date >> convention_timeline3.txt echo >> convention_timeline3.txt echo '{| class="wikitable sortable"' >> convention_timeline3.txt echo '! Date' >> convention_timeline3.txt echo '! Name' >> convention_timeline3.txt echo '! Location' >> convention_timeline3.txt cat convention_timeline2.txt >> convention_timeline3.txt echo '|}' >> convention_timeline3.txt s` ``g s`<small>\((.*)\)</small>`||\1`g s`(.*)\|\|(.*)\|\|(.*)`|-\n|data-sort-value=\1|\1\n|\2\n|data-sort-value=\3|[[\3]]` s`(.*)\|\|(.*)`|-\n|data-sort-value=\1|\1\n|\2`
See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Sorting
To sort for Dates within Location, click on Location, then shift-click on Date
Date | Name | Location |
October 22, 1936 | First Convention | Philadelphia, PA |
January 3, 1937 | Other First Convention | Leeds, UK |
Website links and IA[edit]
I understand how the Website stub works and why it's set up the way it is. Unfortunately, it doesn't currently work well for squatted pages. But I do understand that the additional programming may not be worth it right now.
I have changed it so if capture= is quoted, then only the IA site is mentioned. John (talk) 03:47, 8 May 2020 (PDT)
Nolink, not person and since 2001
AICon - Aussie Gather - Australian National Doctor Who Convention - Australian Science Fiction News - Chronos Awards - Convergence - Dudcon - Force - Infinity Award - Multiverse - Phantasia Science Fiction & Mystery Bookshop - Steam Engine Time - The Goblin Ball - The Mentor - The Wild Goose - Thylacon - Thyme - Victorian Science Fiction Conventions Inc. - WeberWoman's Wrevenge
4UK - A Rude Brief Recitative - Acnestis - Album - Back Brain Recluse - Bogus - British Amateur Press Association - ConRunner - Construction - Cytricon - Data Dump - Digital Aubergine - Dreamberry Wine - Erg - Everlasting Lamentables - Fanorama - Fanzine Fanatique - Fnord - Fourth Age Lembas - Free Radical - Griff - Guffaw - Hypotheticon - IShoes - Infinity Plus - International Revolutionary Gardener - Joie De Vivre - Knights of St. Fantony - Lazlar Lyricon - Lulzine - Mallorn - Matrix - Memory Hole Annex - Meta - Metal Dog - New Worlds - NewCon - Nova Award - Parakeet - Plokta - Prolapse - Punctuation - Rubber Crab - SECCON - Southampton University Science Fiction Society - Steam Engine Time - The Complete BoSh - The Cosmic Hairdryer - The Harp in England - The Old Mill Stream - The Third Alternative - Thought Experiments - TitanCon - Tortoise - Tynecon - Unicon - Unsurprising Stories - Wegenheim - World Horror Convention - Xyster - Zoo Nation
Baltcon - ConFuse - CozyCon - Filky Days - JETS - Munich Round Up - Oslo Science Fiction Festival - WetzCon - Wetzcon
New Zealand
1632 Minicon - 2BeContinued - APA:NESFA - Aboriginal SF - Absolute Magnitude - Adventures in Crime and Space - Alfie Awards - Amber Unicorn Bookshop - Ankus - Artemis Magazine - Barry R. Levin Science Fiction & Fantasy Literature - Bree Moot - Carboniferous Amateur Press Alliance - CastleCon - ChambanaCon - Chicago Worldcon Bid - Commot Sense - ConDuct - Concoction - Conestoga - Czarkon - DNA Publications - Dangerous Visions - Dark Carnival - Dark Matter Magazine - Donald A. and Elsie B. Wollheim Scholarship Fund - EveCon - Exhibition Hall - Exoticon - Fafia - Fan Portrait Gallery - FanTek - Fangle - Fanorama - Fanstuff - Fantasy Commentator - Farmer Awards - Faster Than Light Radio - Foolscap - Glyptocon - Golden Duck Awards - Greater Columbia Fantasy Costumers Guild - HOMer Award - Heren Istarion - High Halleck - I-CON - InCon - InstaCon - It Goes on the Shelf - James Tiptree, Jr. Memorial Award - JerseyDevilCon - John W. Campbell, Jr. Memorial Award - Krax - Kubla Khan - La-La Con - Lake Geneva - Le Zombie - LepraCon - Lightning Round - Little Rock SF Group - Lunacon - Lunarians - Maker of Universes Lifetime Achievement Award - MantiCon - Masque - Midwest Construction - Midwestcon - Millennicon - Mimosa - MuseCon - Myriad - Myths and Legends - New Worlds - New York Statler Hilton Hotel - Niekas - Nubella Award - OASIS - Opus - Orcrist - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - Paradox: The Magazine of Historical and Speculative Fiction - Phoenix Vul-Con - Pirate Writings - Portable Storage - Pterodactyl - Rainbow Con - Realms of Fantasy - Right Up There! - Rotation plan - SAM - SF Site - SFScope - SMOFTalmud - Science Fiction Chronicle - scopus:3007 - ShowMeCon - Silicon - Smokin' Rockets - Southeastern SF Achievement Awards - Speculations - SpoCon - Synapse - The Connection - The Continuum - The Hannes Bok Illustration Index - The Harp That Once or Twice - The Infinite Matrix - The JDM Bibliophile - The Snake Den - The Stars Our Destination - The Thunder Child - Toner - Trap Door - Trinoc*coN - Twilight Zine - Vegas Fandom Weekly - Vikingcon - Vulkon - WABE - WCSFAzine - World Horror Convention - Xanadu - Zap
The Rest of the World (ROW)
Unknown FHAPA - Gamergate - World SF: An Organization of SF Professionals
1632 Minicon - 2BeContinued - AICon - Aussie Gather - Australian National Doctor Who Convention - Baltcon - Bree Moot - CastleCon - ChambanaCon - ConDuct - ConFuse - ConRunner - Conclave - Concoction - Conestoga - Conspiracy - Construction - Convergence - CozyCon - Cytricon - Czarkon - Dudcon - EveCon - Exoticon - Filky Days - Foolscap - Force - Glyptocon - Hypotheticon - I-CON - InCon - InstaCon - JerseyDevilCon - Kubla Khan - La-La Con - Lazlar Lyricon - LepraCon - Lunacon - MantiCon - Midwest Construction - Midwestcon - Millennicon - Multiverse - MuseCon - Myths and Legends - NewCon - OASIS - Opus - P-Con - Phoenix Vul-Con - Punctuation - Rainbow Con - SECCON - Oslo Science Fiction Festival - ShowMeCon - Silicon - SpoCon - The Continuum - The Goblin Ball - Thylacon - TitanCon - Toner - Toronto Trek Celebration - Trinoc*coN - Tynecon - Unicon - Vikingcon - Vulkon - WetzCon - Wetzcon - World Horror Convention - Xanadu
Conventions in series
Fan History
A Rude Brief Recitative - APA:NESFA - Aboriginal SF - Acnestis - Album - Ankus - Artemis Magazine - Australian Science Fiction News - Bogus - British Amateur Press Association - Carboniferous Amateur Press Alliance - Commot Sense - Dark Matter Magazine - Data Dump - Digital Aubergine - Dreamberry Wine - Erg - Everlasting Lamentables - Exhibition Hall - FHAPA - Fafia - Fangle - Fanorama - Fanstuff - Fantasy Commentator - Fanzine Fanatique - Fnord - Fourth Age Lembas - Free Radical - Griff - Guffaw - IShoes - International Revolutionary Gardener - It Goes on the Shelf - Joie De Vivre - Krax - Lake Geneva - Le Zombie - Lightning Round - Lulzine - Mallorn - Masque - Matrix - Meta - Metal Dog - Mimosa - Munich Round Up - Myriad - Nebulae - New Worlds - Niekas - Orcrist - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - Parakeet - Plokta - Portable Storage - Prolapse - Pterodactyl - Realms of Fantasy - Right Up There! - Rubber Crab - SAM - SFScope - SMOFTalmud - Science Fiction Chronicle - scopus:3007 - Smokin' Rockets - Space Cadet - Speculations - Steam Engine Time - Synapse - The Baloobius - The Complete BoSh - The Connection - The Cosmic Hairdryer - The Hannes Bok Illustration Index - The Harp That Once or Twice - The Harp in England - The Infinite Matrix - The JDM Bibliophile - The Mentor - The Snake Den - The Wild Goose - Thought Experiments - Thyme - Tortoise - Trap Door - Twilight Zine - Uchūjin - Unsurprising Stories - Vegas Fandom Weekly - WABE - WCSFAzine - WeberWoman's Wrevenge - Xyster - Zap - Zoo Nation
Aboriginal SF - Absolute Magnitude - Artemis Magazine - Back Brain Recluse - Dangerous Visions - Dark Matter Magazine - Infinity Plus - New Worlds - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - Paradox: The Magazine of Historical and Speculative Fiction - Pirate Writings - Realms of Fantasy - SF Site - SFScope - Speculations - The Complete BoSh - The Third Alternative - The Thunder Child
Alfie Awards - Chronos Awards - Donald A. and Elsie B. Wollheim Scholarship Fund - Faned Awards - Farmer Awards - Golden Duck Awards - HOMer Award - Infinity Award - James Tiptree, Jr. Memorial Award - John W. Campbell, Jr. Memorial Award - Knights of St. Fantony - Maker of Universes Lifetime Achievement Award - Nova Award - Nubella Award - Southeastern SF Achievement Awards
haslink, nowebsite, IA
New Zealand
5Con - Anne McCaffrey - Argentus - Argosy - Art Sehnert - Art Widner - Bento - Bill Johnson - Bill Kunkel - Bob Briney - Bob Hoffman - Bob Madle - Bob Tucker - CONduit - Chessiecon - Chi-Fi - Collector - ConChord - ConClave - Contraption - Damon Knight - Dave Rike - David A. Kyle - Dick Eney - Don Markstein - Donn P. Brazier - Dorothy Les Tina - DucKon - Forrest J Ackerman - Frank M. Robinson - Fred Patten - Gahan Wilson - Gordon R. Dickson - Harlan Ellison - Harry Harrison - Harry Warner, Jr. - Helen Wesson - Jack Harness - Jack Robins - Jack Speer - Jack Williamson - James Gunn - Jan Howard Finder - Jan Penney - Joe Sarno - Karen Kruse Anderson - Larry Tucker - Lee Billings - Meade Frierson - Michael Ambrose - Milton A. Rothman - MosCon - MystiCon - Naomi Pardue - Ned Brooks - Neither Rain, Noir Murder... - Norb Reinsel - Olga Ley - Pat Adkins - Peggy Rae Sapienza - Peggy Ranson - Peter Graham - Pi-Con - Randy Bathurst - Ray Bradbury - Ray Nelson - Renee Alper - Rusty Hevelin - Samuel Edward Konkin III - Stan Skirvin - Sylvia Dees - Tom Barber - Tom Purdom - Tropicon - Ursula K. Le Guin - Virginia Kidd - Walt Lee
The Rest of the World (ROW)