The Bleary Eyes

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A fanthology series published by Ken Cheslin, collecting the Goon Defective Agency fan fiction tales inaugurated by John Berry and Atom in their fanzine Retribution and contributed to by others.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
The Bleary Eyes Volume 1: The Early Days 1993 76 including a story by Chuck Harris;
The Bleary Eyes Volume 2: The Middle Ages 1993 54
The Bleary Eyes Volume 3: Nor the Years Condemn 1994 60
The Bleary Eyes Volume 4: Kitsch in Sync Legends July 1995 54
The Bleary Eyes Volume 5: Bleary Eyes 1996 58
The Bleary Eyes Volume 6: Agent Provocative 2006

The first two volumes were rekeyed by Vin¢ Clarke using a word processor. They include new introductions by Berry and annotations by Clarke and Cheslin, explaining many of the more arcane fannish allusions and in-jokes. After Clarke's death his word processor disks were rescued, and volumes 1 and 2 eventually became The Goon Omnibus (2017), an ebook published by Ansible Editions and available as a free download from the TAFF website.

Publication 19932006
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