February | -First appearance of Carl Brandon. |
Whitsun | Coroncon (Eastercon). |
May | 7th Fandom "organized" at HECon. |
May 16–17 | Midwestcon 4. |
May 19 | Great WSFA Farewell Party. |
June 2 | Coronation of British Queen Elizabeth II. |
July | First issue of Geis's Psychotic |
July 27 | Korean War armistice. |
September 5–7 (Labor Day) | Philcon II (Worldcon), first Hugo Awards. |
Toronto Derelicts appear. | |
Introduction of Crottled Greeps to fandom. | |
Slant ceases publication. | |
Joel Nydahl pubs Vegannish and gafiates with Nydahl's Disease. |
See: Juanita Coulson's Reminiscence of Fandom in 1953
and Robert Silverberg Comments on Juanita Coulson's 1953 Article
Births and Deaths:
"Orange Mike" Lowrey - Andi Shechter - Andrew Barton - Barry Smotroff - Bo Eriksson - Byron Preiss - Carl Brandon - Carol Gobeyn - Carter Scholz - Charlie Williams - Christopher Fowler - Chuck Miller - Cynthia McQuillin - Dan Steffan - Dave Langford - Dave Nee - David Lee Anderson - David Stever - Dennis Dolbear - Don Maitz - Eric Ferguson - Eva Gabrielsson - Garth Danielson - Gary Lippincott - Gary Steele - Genny Dazzo - Ian Covell - Ira Mitchel Thornhill - J. Neil Schulman - James Williams - Janice Morningstar - Janny Wurts - Jennifer Roberson - Jerry Boyajian - Jim Theis - Joan Verba - Joe Pearson - Joel Zakem - John L. Coker III - Kara Dalkey - Krissy Benders - Leigh Strother-Vien - Lisa Goldstein - Mark Blackman - Matthew B. Tepper - Michael Nelson - Mike Glyer - Mike Kennedy - Neil Kaden - Pat Cadigan - Patricia C. Wrede - Phyllis Weinberg - Race Mathews - Randy Reichardt - Rene Gobeyn - Richard Christian Matheson - Rick Berry - Rickey Sheppard - Ro Nagey - Robert Charles Wilson - Robin Wood - Roger Tener - S. M. Stirling - Sarah Clemens - Sharon Ferraro - Stephen Jones - Stven Carlberg - Susan Smith-Clarke - Tony "Blindpew" Smith - Valli Hoski - Vanessa May - Vicky Wyman - Walter Jon Williams - Wayne G. Hammond - Will Murray - Zanny Dillson - Zita Gillis
Publications started or ended:
7th Fandom Newsletter - Affinity - Alpha - Andromeda - Anglo Science Fiction Fandom - Art Gallery - Astroneer - Aw - Bacchanalia - Bang! - Beyond Fantasy Fiction - Birdsmith - Camber - Chapter Play - Confab - Consomme - Definitely - Dodo - Egad! - Ellison Wonderland - Etherline - Expose - FANtastic Story Magazine - Fahrenheit - Famous Fantastic Mysteries - Fan To See - Fantasias - Fantasta - Fantastic Adventures - Fantastic Universe Science Fiction - Fantasy Art Society Newsletter - Fanvariety - Filler - Forerunner - Future Science Fiction (Australia) - Futurian Society News - Galleon of Dream, Poems of Fantasy and Wonder - Grue - Ha! - Haemogoblin - Harlequinade - Helen's Fantasia - Hoo and Haw - Indian Lake....There I Went - Io - Irusaben - It's Tycho's Floor in '54 - Mystic Magazine - Nite Cry - Omega - Operation Fantast Handbook - Orbit - Orbit Science Fiction - Orion - Pendulum - Perhaps - Peri - Periscope - Philcon Reporter - Progress - Quandry - S. T. F. Trends - Saturday Morning Gazette - Schizo - Science Fiction News - Science Fiction Newsletter - Science Fiction Review - Science Stories - Science-Fiction Plus - Sevagram - Slant - Sol - Space Science Fiction - Starlight - Stone Age Stories - Symposium on Sex and Sadism in Science Fiction - Take-Off - Target: FAPA - Tasfic in Retrospect - The Archives - The Horse Laugh - The Journal of Science Fiction - The Magazine Collector - The Zed - Thurban I - Tops in Science Fiction - Torquasian Times - Trantor - Universe Science Fiction - Vanations - Vega - Vulcan - Wastebasket - Wastebacket - Weird Science - Westward Hoog - Why? Why? Why? - Wonder - Xenern Bulletin - Yandro
Awards made, started or ended:
1953 #1 Fan Personality Hugo - 1953 Best Cover Artist Hugo - 1953 Best Interior Illustrator Hugo - 1953 Excellence in Fact Articles Hugo - 1953 Hugos - Best Novel Hugo - Best Professional Artist Hugo - Best Professional Magazine Hugo - Hugo Award - Hugo Trophy - Jules Verne Award - Most Promising New Author Hugo
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
Andrew Barton - Andromeda - Anglo Science Fiction Fandom - Astroneer - Bang! - Bradford Science Fiction Association - British Amateur Science Fiction Foundation - Camber - Christopher Fowler - Consomme - Coroncon - Cytricon I - Dave Langford - Fantasy Art Society Newsletter - Haemogoblin - Ian Covell - Io - It's Tycho's Floor in '54 - Junior Fanatics - Medcon - Operation Fantast Handbook - Orbit - Orion - Pat Cadigan - Peri - Periscope - Progress - Ro Nagey - Science Fiction Book Club - Slant - Stephen Jones - Stone Age Stories - Surrey Circle - Symposium on Sex and Sadism in Science Fiction - Take-Off - The Horse Laugh - The Magazine Collector - Tony "Blindpew" Smith - Tops in Science Fiction - Vanessa May - Why? Why? Why? - Wonder - Woolwich Science Fiction and Vargo Statten Appreciation Society
"Orange Mike" Lowrey - 1953 Open ESFA - 7APA - 7th Fandom - 7th Fandom Newsletter - Affinity - Amalgamated Greater New York Fan Groups in '53 - Andi Shechter - Art Gallery - Aw - Barry Smotroff - Beatley's - Beyond Fantasy Fiction - Birdsmith - Byron Preiss - Carl Brandon - Carol Gobeyn - Carter Scholz - Chapter Play - Charlie Williams - Chuck Miller - Cleveland in 1953 - Confab - Cynthia McQuillin - Dallas Futurian Society - Dan Steffan - Dave Nee - David Lee Anderson - David Stever - Definitely - Dennis Dolbear - Detroit in '53 - Dodo - Don Maitz - Egad! - Ellison Wonderland - Enid Science Fiction League - Eric Ferguson - Eva Gabrielsson - Expose - FANtastic Story Magazine - Fahrenheit - Famous Fantastic Mysteries - Fan To See - Fantasias - Fantasta - Fantastic Adventures - Fantastic Universe Science Fiction - Fanvariety - Fanvet Convention 4 - Filler - Galleon of Dream, Poems of Fantasy and Wonder - Garth Danielson - Gary Lippincott - Gary Steele - Genny Dazzo - Grue - Ha! - Harlequinade - Helen's Fantasia - Hoo and Haw - Indian Lake....There I Went - Indianapolis in '53 - Ira Mitchel Thornhill - Irusaben - J. Neil Schulman - James Williams - Janice Morningstar - Janny Wurts - Jennifer Roberson - Jerry Boyajian - Jim Theis - Joan Verba - Joe Pearson - Joel Zakem - John L. Coker III - Juanita Coulson's Reminiscence of Fandom in 1953 - Jules Verne Award - Kara Dalkey - Krissy Benders - Leigh Strother-Vien - Lifecon - Lisa Goldstein - Mark Blackman - Matthew B. Tepper - Michael Nelson - Midwestcon 4 - Mike Glyer - Mike Kennedy - Mystic Magazine - NAPA - Neil Kaden - Niagara Falls in '53 - Nite Cry - Oklacon - Omega - Orbit Science Fiction - Pat Cadigan - Patricia C. Wrede - Pendulum - Philcon II - Milt Rothman's Philcon II Reminiscence - Philcon Reporter - Philly in '53 - Phyllis Weinberg - Project: East Meets West - Quandry - Queens SFL in '53 - Rene Gobeyn - Richard Christian Matheson - Rick Berry - Rickey Sheppard - Ro Nagey - Robert Silverberg Comments on Juanita Coulson's 1953 Article - Robin Wood - Roger Tener - S. T. F. Trends - San Francisco in '53 - Sarah Clemens - Saturday Morning Gazette - Schizo - Science Fiction Newsletter - Science Fiction Review - Science Stories - Science-Fiction Plus - Sevagram - Sharon Ferraro - Sol - Space Science Fiction - Star Science Fiction - Starlight - Stven Carlberg - Target: FAPA - Tasfic in Retrospect - The Archives - The Journal of Science Fiction - The Zed - Thurban I - Tops in Science Fiction - Torquasian Times - Trantor - Universe Science Fiction - Valli Hoski - Vanessa May - Vega - Vicky Wyman - Vulcan - Walter Jon Williams - Wastebasket - Wayne G. Hammond - Weird Science - Westercon 6 - Westward Hoog - Will Murray - Wiscon - Xenern Bulletin - Yandro - Zanny Dillson - Zita Gillis
1952 | 1953 | 1954 |