The Magazine Collector

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The Magazine Collector was a fanzine published by George F. Clements in 1953. It was not mentioned in the original print British Fanzine Bibliography of the 1950s and copies don't appear to have survived.

In Space Diversions #5 (February 1953), John Roles congratulates Clements on a new venture, an adzine called The Magazine Collector. The timing implies the first issue had appeared in late-1952 or early-1953, roughly concurrent with or perhaps following Clements's Void. Roles reviewed #2 in Space Diversions #6 (April 1953), saying Clements:

follows up his first issue with commendable promptness, May this become a steady feature. His mag is only partially SF as yet though, as a large chunk is devoted to old boys and other type of material. However you chaps can remedy that by rallying to the Eds support with your fanads.

However the same issue of Space Diversions included a letter from Clements saying:

If you know of anyone else who wants fmz, refer them to me please. I started to collect them but fandom seems too damn weary even to sell you stuff, so I am clearing out my small accumulation. I shall merely keep contact via O.Fand SD. One of the late but unlamented Void subscribers says The Magazine Collector is a good idea and to prove it, he sent a 1/- for the next 8 issues. If half of fandom gave me half as much support, M.C would start rocketing. They won't though, most of them are science fiction spivs, want the Galaxy for nix. Yours deVOIDly...

Space Diversions #7 (December 1953) also carried a letter from Clements, saying that his letter in #6 was actually private correspondence to Norman Shorrock. The issue also reported:

We learnt a few days ago that G. F. Clements editor of The Magazine Collector has folded his zine. No.5 was the last issue.
Issue Date Pages Notes
1 1952/3 ?
2 April 1953 ?
3 1953 ?
4 1953 ?
5 December 1953 ? final issue

Publication 1953
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