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March -IF magazine launched
March 22 First Australian Science Fiction Convention (i.e., first Australian Natcon) held in Sydney
April 1 InVention (hoax convention)
April 1 North Shore Futurian Society officially formed
Whitsun London SF Con (Eastercon)
May First issue of Hyphen by Walt Willis and Chuck Harris
May 9 First official meeting of the Melbourne Science Fiction Group, now known as the Melbourne Science Fiction Club
June Planet Stories ceases publication
August 28 First meeting of the Medway Science and Fantasy Club
August Nebula started
August 30 - September 1 Chicon II AKA TASFIC (Worldcon)
August 30 - September 1 Walt Willis at Chicon II courtesy of the WAW With the Crew in '52 fan fund.
Ghoodminton invented
Bob Tucker proposes the Tucker Hotel
Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1926-1950 published by Donald B. Day


Births and Deaths:

Andy SawyerAnne GayArthur MetzgerBallantine BooksBarbara DelaplaceBarry Lyn-WaitsmanBen YalowBen ZuhlBill MillsBrad LinaweaverBruce FarrBruce JensenBryan TalbotCarrie RichersonCathy BallCharlie WilliamsClive BarkerCraig NewmarkCy ChauvinD. Douglas FratzDan DeckertDan HoeyDana StabenowDarrell SchweitzerDavid C. SmithDavid HeathDavid J. SkalDavid PalterDavid V. BarrettDavid WeberDavid ZindellDeb WunderDebra DoyleDennis PalmerDiana GabaldonDiane DuaneDonna BarrDoug BeekmanDouglas AdamsDwight DeckerEarle K. BergeyEd FinkelsteinEdie SternEleanor LermanFrank HarwoodFrank LunneyGail HormatsGary CohnGary LovisiGary MattinglyGary TesserGene ReedGeorge BricknerGeorge SendaGuy ConsolmagnoGwyneth JonesHope LeibowitzIan MauleJ. M. WalshJack ParsonsJamie HanrahanJane FancherJane RogersJean BermanJeff DuntemannJeffrey N. AppelbaumJill EastlakeJim HuttnerJim ShullJohn KovalicJohn PiggottJohn RiederKage BakerKathleen Ann GoonanKen MacklinKen SlaterKim PoorKim Stanley RobinsonLee DarrowLiese van SantenLisa TuttleLorna ToolisLouise CooperMadMara BrenerMarc OrtliebMark RogersMartin HoareMary Kay KareMary RosenblumMegan LindholmMichael DobsonN. C. Christopher CouchNicki LynchNorm HollynPaul S. RitzPhil Stephensen-PaynePip MaddernRich McAllisterRichard GrantRilla HeslinRobert McCammonRobin McKinleyRobin Wayne BaileySamanda b JeudeScott DennisSeth GoldbergSharon LeeShelby BushSomtow SucharitkulStephen D. KorshakStephen LawsSteve VanceSteven BarnesSteven Vincent JohnsonSusan PalermoSusan R. MatthewsTerry AustinTim PowersTim WhiteTodd VorosTom CantyTom DeitzTom JonesWillie SirosYoshitaka Amano


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:




Publications started or ended:

'Our 'ZineA Cross-Section of Art in Science-FantasyAJ-73-16Across the River and Into the TreesAs FAPA Goes...?AsmodeusAsprin For The AdjutantAstroneerAvon Fantasy ReaderAvon Science Fiction ReaderBait BoxBeyondBob Shaw Appreciation MagazineBrevizineCentaurusChaosChecklist of British SF And Fantasy MagazinesConfusionCosmagDelphi/GorgonzolaDjinnDuoDynamic Science FictionFan PressFan-TodsFanoramaFantastic WorldsFantasy Art Society LeafletFantasy Art Society NewsletterFantasy Classification SystemFantasy JackassFemzineFen Crittur Comical BooksFooViewForerunnerGAFMOI!GhuvnaHow Low Can a Fan Get?HurkleHyphenIFIceIgnatzInitiative IncorporatedInside and Science Fiction AdvertiserInVentionMSFS DisbandedMadMatter of No MomentN.S.F.S. NotesheetNFFF As It Could Be?NanduNebulaNebula Science FictionNonsensePendulumPeriscopePlanet StoriesPost WarProgressPromag ParadeReviewSFScience Fiction AdventuresScience Fiction DigestS-F ReviewScience Fiction WeeklySlip SheetSounding OffSpace DiversionsSpace MagazineSpace Science FictionSpace TimesStellarStfanewsStopgapStraight UpThe (Unspeakable) ThingThe BarsoomianThe Fan-VetThe Harp StatesideThe In TrayThe Medway JournalThe Tucker HotelThrills IncorporatedUraniaVanationsVectorVegaVoidVoyage of the SF52VulcanWarhoonWillis Discovers AmericaXenernYdmosYe Cats


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:







1952 Open ESFAA Cross-Section of Art in Science-FantasyAJ-73-16Across the River and Into the TreesAlien Science-Fantasy ClubAnalog Reader's AwardArthur MetzgerAs FAPA Goes...?AsmodeusAsteroidAvon Fantasy ReaderAvon Science Fiction ReaderBait BoxBallantine BooksBarbara DelaplaceBarry Lyn-WaitsmanBen YalowBen ZuhlBill MillsBrad LinaweaverBrevizineBruce FarrBruce JensenBuffaloconCarrie RichersonCathy BallChaosCharlie WilliamsChicon IILloyd Eshbach's Chicon II ReminiscenceConfusionCosmagCoventryCraig NewmarkCy ChauvinD. Douglas FratzDan DeckertDan HoeyDana StabenowDarrell SchweitzerDavid C. SmithDavid HeathDavid J. SkalDavid WeberDavid ZindellDeb WunderDebra DoyleDennis PalmerDiana GabaldonDiane DuaneDisclave 3DjinnDonna BarrDoug BeekmanDuoDwight DeckerDynamic Science FictionEarle K. BergeyEd FinkelsteinEdie SternEleanor LermanFan-TodsFanoramaFantastic WorldsFantasy Classification SystemFantasy JackassFanvariety EnterprisesFanvet Convention 2FemzineFrank HarwoodFrank LunneyGail HormatsGary CohnGary LovisiGary MattinglyGary TesserGene ReedGeorge BricknerGeorge SendaGhuvnaGuy ConsolmagnoHope LeibowitzHow Low Can a Fan Get?HurkleIFIceIgnatzIndex to the Science Fiction Magazines 1926-1950Inside and Science Fiction AdvertiserInternational Scientific CouncilInVentionJack ParsonsJamie HanrahanJane FancherJean BermanJeff DuntemannJeffrey N. AppelbaumJill EastlakeJim HuttnerJim ShullJohn RiederKage BakerKathleen Ann GoonanKim PoorKim Stanley RobinsonLee DarrowLisa TuttleLittle Monsters of AmericaMSFS DisbandedMadMadMara BrenerMark RogersMary Kay KareMary RosenblumMegan LindholmMichael DobsonMidwestcon 3N. C. Christopher CouchNFFF As It Could Be?NanduNicki LynchNonsenseNorm HollynPaul S. RitzPendulumPhilcon 1952Planet StoriesPortland Science-Fantasy SocietyPromag ParadeProxyclaveReviewRich McAllisterRichard GrantRilla HeslinRobert McCammonRobin Wayne BaileySFSamanda b JeudeScience Fiction AdventuresScience Fiction DigestScience Fiction WeeklyScott DennisSeth GoldbergSharon LeeShelby BushSlip SheetSomtow SucharitkulSou-WesterconSounding OffSpace MagazineSpace Science FictionStephen D. KorshakSteve VanceSteven BarnesSteven Vincent JohnsonStfanewsSusan PalermoSusan R. MatthewsTAFFTASFIC ProgramTerry AustinThe (Unspeakable) ThingThe BarsoomianThe Fan-VetThe Harp StatesideThe StarmenTim PowersTodd VorosTom CantyTom DeitzTucker HotelTwayne TripletUniversal MusketeersVectorVegaVoyage of the SF52VulcanWAW With the Crew in '52WarhoonWest CupcakeWillie SirosXConXenernYdmosYe Cats


Rest of the World:

1951 | 1952 | 1953