TASFIC Program

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The program for TASFIC, the 1952 Worldcon, in Chicago.

Saturday, August 30, 1952[edit]

11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., Burgundy Room, Mezzanine Floor

Afternoon Session
3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., Terrace Casino

Address of Welcome..................William L. Hamling Chairman, Welcoming Committee

Introduction of Notables............Melvin Korshak Chairman, Entertainment Committee

Installation of Chairman............ Julian C. May

Adoption of Rules...................Oliver Saari Chairman, Rules Committee

Evening Session
7:30 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., Terrace Casino

Thinking in Men and Machines......Joseph A. Winter, M.D. Author and Lecturer

Flying Saucers--What Are They?....Raymond A. Palmer Author of "The Coming of the Saucers & Willy Ley Author of "Rockets, Missiles and Space Travel"

Life Elsewhere and Elsewhen...J. H. Muller, PhD, 1946 Nobel Laureate in Physiology, Med.

10:30 P.M. to 12:30 A.M., Convention Committee Suite
Open House for All Convention Members

Sunday, August 31, 1952[edit]

9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon, Parlors F and G, Second Floor

Parlor F -Parlor G
9:00 Meeting, TLMA Meeting, FVE
9:45 Meeting, ISFCC Meeting, PFC
10:30 Meeting, NFFF Meeting, SAPS
11:15 Meeting, FMFA Meeting, CSFS
11:35 Meeting, PSFA Meeting, FAPA

12:30 P.M. to 1:00 P.M., Monte Carlo Room

Afternoon Session
1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., Terrace Casino
Panel of Editors, moderated by Diane Reinsberg
Anthony Boucher The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Howard Browne Amazing Stories
John W. Campbell, Jr. Astounding Science Fiction
Lester del Rey Space Science Fiction
Evelyn Paige Gold Galaxy Science Fiction
William L. Hamling Imagination
Samuel Mines Thrilling Wonder Stories
Raymond A. Palmer Other Worlds
James Quinn If

Science Fiction Auction:
Artwork, manuscripts, Books
Auctioneer: Melvin Korshak
Auction Chairman: Frances Hamling

7:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M., Terrace Casino
Toastmaster: Will F. Jenkins Author of "Space Platform", etc.
Hugo Gernsback Guest of Honor
L. Sprague de Camp Author of "The Wheels of IF," etc.
E. E. Smith, Ph.D. Author of the "Lensman" Series, etc
Clifford Simak Author of "City", etc
Walter A. Willis Belfast, N. Ireland
Robert Turner

12:00 Midnight to Dawn, Penthouse Bungalow Suite
'"Flying Saucers"--A Science Fiction Masquerade
Hosts: The Elves', Gnomes' and Little Men's Science Fiction, Chowder and Marching Society of Berkeley, California

Monday, September 1, 1952[edit]

9:30 A.M. Monte Carlo Room

Morning Session
9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., Casino Terrace

"We-Science Fictionists"................................Harlan Ellison, Bill Venable
"Posthistoric Man: A Review".............................Oscar C. Brauner, Ph.D.

Panel Debate:
"Fandom--Is It Still a Force in the Cultural Pattern?"
Moderator: Sam Moskowitz
Pro: E. Everett Evans, Walter A. Willis
Con: Lester Cole, Edward Wood

"The Place of Science-Fiction in the Cultural Pattern"...John W. Campbell, Jr. Author of "Cloak of Aesir", etc.

"Editors: Myth and Reality"..............................Hans Stefan Santesson Editor, Unicorn Mystery Book Club

10:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M., Parlor F
Business Meeting

Afternoon Session
1:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., Terrace Casino

Book Publishers Panel
Moderator: Bea Mahaffey

August Derleth (Arkham House)
Lloyd Eshbach (Fantasy Press)
Marty Greenberg (Gnome Press)
Melvin Korshak (Shasta Publishers)
David A. Kyle (Bouregy & Curl)
James A. Williams (Prime Press)

"What Every Young Spaceman Should Know"...................Robert Bloch Author of "The Opener of the Way,", etc.

Pseudo Science Panel
"How to Be an Expert Without Actually Knowing Anything"...John H. Pomeroy, Ph.D.
"The Mathematical Basis of Time Travel"...................Irvin Hoyle
"Lunar Geology of the Little Men's Mining District".......Lester Cole

Report on Registration....................................Frances Hamling

Selection of the 1953 Convention Site

Evening Session
7:30 P.M. to 12:00 Midnight, Terrace Casino
The Revolting Fan Reporter................................Bob Tucker Author of "The Long. Loud Silence," etc.
Songs of the Spaceways....................................Ted Sturgeon and his Guitar Author of "Without Sorcery," etc.


A Science Fiction Ballet in One Act
Choreography by Guy Bassett
Music by Julian May and Bob Johnson
Costumes by Perdita Nelson
special Effects by C. Jean Bassett

A Spaceman lands on a small planet, and during his exploration discovers a Blue Girl hiding among the rocks. Her mind speaks to him of the depth and purity of space, and they fall in love. Suddenly an Orange Girl appears, sensuous and exciting. Her mind tells the Spaceman of the florid pleasures awaiting him if he chooses her, but after a moment’s indecision, he elects to remain with the Blue Girl. Orange Girl vanishes, only to return with the instruments of her revenge, the Bems. They are creatures of her mind, and reflect her jealous fury as they leap on Spaceman and kill him. Orange Girl and the Bems retreat with the body, leaving Blue Girl with only the spaceship, which she will caress as all that is left of her lover.

Spaceman: Francis Carvelli
Blue Girl: Donna Lee Comstock
Orange Girl: Karel Borja
BEMs: Catherine Allison, Joan Galloway, Marguerite Guernot, George Jackson, Peter King, Marcie Morrow, Stanislava Paluska, Alice Thomas

The Pittsburgh Science Fiction Association‎ and Fanvariety Enterprises present

The Demolished Null-A and Now You Don't[edit]

Written and directed by Bill Venable and Jack Harness
Baron von Glorch: Donald Susan
Empress Mehitabel: Dirce Archer
Gilbert Gosling: Dick Clarkson
Preston Pile: Philip Castora
The Mule: Bill Venable
Duffy Wineglass: Bea Venable
Singers: Bob Troetschel, Bill Zufall, Harlan Ellison

The Philadelphia Science-Fiction Society presents

The Fall of Fen, or Paradise Lost[edit]

Dave Hammond--Sol Levin

Selections from Tales of Tomorrow'...New TV Films

Conrunning 1952
This is a conrunning page.