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DUFF (the Down Under Fan Fund) helps Australasian fans to visit North American fans and Worldcons, and, on alternate trips, North American fans to return the favor. The fund was started in 1972 and continues on an approximately annual basis. Winners have come from, or visited, both Australia and New Zealand. DUFF is patterned after TAFF, with fund winners being co-administrators of the fund until the next winner on their respective continent returns from a trip. DUFF winners, like winners of other fan funds, are expected to publish a trip report.

There are fan funds that require candidates to pledge that if elected they will, barring force majeure attend the target convention. DUFF, as of 2012, appears not to be such a fund, Murray Moore that year having pledged that if elected he would not attend the Australian Natcon.

The most unusual candidate ever to be nominated for DUFF was probably the Rogers Street Laundry Door (the laundry door of a Melbourne slanshack at 3 Rogers Street). There was a write-in campaign in support of the Door for the 1988 DUFF Race. The Door was ruled ineligible.

See also Fan Funds.

Year & Direction Winner (Other contenders) Notes, Trip Reports & Campaign Zines
1972 South Lesleigh Luttrell, (Rob Coulson & Juanita Coulson, Andy Porter) Lesleigh's Adventures Down Under, DUFFund Newsletter
1974 North Leigh Edmonds, (John Bangsund, Susan Clarke, Paul J. Stevens) Emu Tracks Over America
1975 South Rusty Hevelin, (John D. Berry, Jan Howard Finder) Results: Hevelin -- 100, Berry -- 72, Finder -- 30; Slide trip report shown over the U.S.
1976 North Christine McGowan, (Paul Stevens, John Alderson, Shayne McCormack) The Flight of the Kangaroo (1986)
1977 South Bill Rotsler, (Fred Haskell, Bob Vardeman) Quintessential-Q; And Lo God Made Rotsler for Duff; Rotsler for DUFF; No trip report, but numerous badges for sale.
1978 North Paul Stevens, (Keith Taylor, Shayne McCormack) Planned itinerary: SF-LA-Albuquerque-Phoenix-Orlando-Boston-NT-DC-Pittsburgh-Mpls
1979 South Ken Fletcher & Linda Lounsbury, (Mike Glyer, Cy Chauvin) Mike Glyer actually won, but was then hired by the IRS and put in a 6-month training course, so he could not take the trip. He withdrew, leaving the second-place finishers to take the trip.
1980 North Keith Curtis, (Bob Ogden, Jack Herman) Trip Report chapter: in FNAC 1, June 1994, edited by John Foyster
1981 South Joyce Scrivner, (Jon Singer) Trip report chapters: (a) Quinapolis 6, Dec 82 edited by M. K. Digre (b) Holier Than Thou 21, Winter 85 edited by Marty Cantor & Robbie Cantor
1982 North Peter Toluzzi, (Derrick Ashby, Damian Brennan, Daryl Mannell) Slide Report presented in assorted places
1983 South Jerry Kaufman, (Jan Howard Finder, Alexis Gilliland, Charlotte Proctor) Trip report: Kaufman Coast to Coast
1984 North Jack Herman, (John Packer) Trip report: WAHF-Full Tracks over America
1985 South Marty & Robbie Cantor, (Joni Stopa, Mike Glicksohn, rich brown) Duffbury Tales/Tales of Duffbury
1986 North Nick Stathopoulos & Lewis Morley & Marilyn Pride, (Terry Frost, Mark Loney & Michelle Muijsert) Slide trip report shown in Australia
1987 South Lucy Huntzinger, (Tom Whitmore, Laurraine Tutihasi, Kathy Sanders) A trip report summary was published on Lucy's Aries Moon web-diary.
1988 North Terry Dowling, (Cathy Kerrigan) Prints from a Far Land
1989 South John D. Berry, (Taral Wayne, Greg Ketter) Gasworks
1990 North Greg Turkich, (Roger Weddall)
1991 South Art Widner, (Janice Murray)
1992 North Roger Weddall, (Greg Hills) Lhyfe Thyme and half of an issue of Anvil. Roger was diagnosed with lymphoma shortly before leaving for North America, and ended up cutting short his trip after attending Magicon. He died a few months later. Funds in his possession at his death were lost. Phil Ware served as Australian Administrator in his stead.
1993 South Dick & Leah Smith, (Richard Brandt, Charlotte Proctor) The Smiths came back from their DUFF trip as the North American agents of the Australia in 1999 Worldcon bid, spending the next three years throwing scores of bid parties where they discussed their trip and talked up Australian fandom which greatly helped cause Aussiecon Three, meanwhile working to restore the funds lost through Roger Weddall’s death.
1994 North Alan Stewart, (Ron Clarke, Donna Heenan, Lucy Sussex & Julian Warner)
1995 South Pat & Roger Sims, (Nancy Tucker, Lucy Schmeidler) DUFF Talk-About
1996 North Perry Middlemiss, (Stephen Dedman, Danny Heap (now Oz)) A trip summary was published in February 1997
1997 South Janice Murray, (Andy Hooper, Joel Zakem)
1998 North Terry Frost, (Susan Clarke)
1999 South Janice Gelb, (Lise Eisenberg, Andy Hooper) Janice's Adventures in Down-Underland
2000 North Cathy Cupitt, (Susan Batho) Trip Report chapter: (a) DUFF 2001 --The Result!, January 2001, edited by Janice Gelb
2001 South Naomi Fisher & Patrick Molloy, (Steven Silver)
2002 North Julian Warner, (David Cake & Sarah (Locksley) Xu)
2003 South Guy Lillian & Rosy Lillian, (Mike McInerney & Linda McInerney) Antipodal Route, Quokka Quest
2004 North Norman Cates, (Erika Maria Lacey, Danny Oz)
2005 South Joe Siclari, (Chris Barkley)
2008 South Steve & Sue Francis, (Murray Moore) Sue and Steve's Excellent Adventure in Australia
2009 North Emma Hawkes, (Chris Nelson, David Cake & Grant Watson, Alison Barton) DUFF Trip Report 2009
2010 South John Hertz, (Jeffrey Boman, Terry Fong & Jannie Shea, Melanie Herz, and John Purcell) Askew 2, Da Curl of My Hair
2011 North David Cake, (Paula McGrath)
2012 South Hold Over Funds, (Juanita Coulson, Murray Moore) Because of the very late start to the race, many fans (including candidate Murray Moore) urged a vote for "hold over funds"
2013 North Bill Wright, (Clare McDonald Sims) Aussie Transpacific, "DUFF 2013 - preliminary report" in December 2013 issue of Interstellar Ramjet Scoop
2014 South Juanita Coulson, (Aurora Celeste)
2015 North No race
2016 North Clare McDonald Sims
2017 South Paul Weimer What I Did on My Summer Vacation
2018 North Marlee Jane Ward
2019 South No race Because the 2020 Worldcon was held in New Zealand, the South race was delayed to 2020 and 2019 skipped.
2020 South Erin Underwood (Richard Auffrey, Shaun Duke, James Davis Nicoll) Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, Erin was unable to travel to New Zealand, but attended the virtual CoNZealand.

Fanfund Website 1972
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