From Fancyclopedia 3
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Easter -Chessmancon
July 12 Minneapa founded
September 1-4 (Labor Day) L.A.con I
December 14 Apollo 17 lifts off from the Moon's surface, ending the real world travel of men to the Moon
St. Louis SF Society founded
DUFF started: Lesleigh Luttrell (South)
NESFA Press started
First BYOB-Con
First Eurocon


Onetime conventions:


Publications started or ended:

12204 Poems4M99 Bottles of SAPS on the WallA Little Music, A Little MagicA Silly Millimeter LongerAFricANAberrationAdzine for AddictsAmon DinAmon HenAnAn Urgent PleaAndurilArctic Village EchoesAshes to AshesAwryB. C.BSFA BulletinBeABohemaBinaryBletheringsBraynwodBundalohn QuarterlyBut Doreen!!Chunder!ContactCorrelateCozineDallascon BulletinDon't Give Me THAT Bull, Pasiphae!Eternity Science FictionEthil The FrogFIAWOLFanthology 64Finders KeepersFocal PointFoulerFoundationFredric BrownFree OrbitFytteGallimaufryGambitGammaGammaGates of EdenGreatest Sensation of the CenturyGreen DragonGross-OutHPLHorrible StoriesHot ShitIdiocy CouchantIseultIt Comes in the MailJohn W. Campbell -- An Australian TributeKwalhioquaKybenLittle Shoppe of HorrorsLurkMacrocosmMadame Frog's Catalogue of the OccultMadcapMalfunctionMaule's WellMdrglMechtaMidwordMythcon II ProceedingsNadirNatteringsNazgûlNemesisNutteringsOAFSOMPA CombozineOSFIC QuarterlyOne Big Step for Dave ChamberlainOrganleggerPabloParanoidParadoxPenultimate BlimpPhoenixPotlatchPrivate Cellar ClubRally 'Round the Flag, Boys!Rave ReviewRotsler's RocksRubber DuckieSF ArenaSandersSfärenSiddharthaSomething Else...Strawberry FunniesSwinglineSword of SolomanTerran TimesThe FanarchistThe Gemini Problem: A Study in DarkoverThe Great Horned ToadThe Incompleat Terry CarrThe Legal RulesThe Lesser TypewriterThe MediaThe Turning WormTime Is Short and the Sun Also RisesTitleTravels with ChalkerTurkish DelightsUnabashed PlugViewpointWabbit TwacksWe Grock You, S.F.P.A.X-Ray Delta 1


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:










New Zealand:



4 Poems99 Bottles of SAPS on the WallA Change of HobbitA Little Music, A Little MagicA Silly Millimeter LongerAPA-πAberrationAcademy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror FilmsAdzine for AddictsAggieCon IIIAmon DinAn Urgent PleaAndy WeirArctic Village EchoesAwryB. C.BYOB-Con 1BYOB-Con 2Balticon 6BeABohemaBoskone 9BraynwodBubonicon 4But Doreen!!ChambanaCon 2Charles SchneemanChris McGrathCon-FusionConQuesTContactCorrelateCozineDUFFDallascon BulletinDeepSouthCon 10DestinyDirce S. ArcherDisclave 16Don't Give Me THAT Bull, Pasiphae!Equicon '72Eternity Science FictionFIAWOLFan Expo ChicagoFantasy Films InternationalFanthology 64Finders KeepersFocal PointFran WildeFredric BrownFredric BrownFytteGallimaufryGates of EdenGreatest Sensation of the CenturyGreen DragonGross-OutHPLHorrible StoriesHot ShitIt Comes in the MailJoshua PalmatierKwalhioquaKybenL.A.Con IFred Pohl's LAcon I ReminiscenceLA in '72LexiconLittle Shoppe of HorrorsLunacon 15Madame Frog's Catalogue of the OccultMarcon VIIMechtaMichael JamisonMid-America Con 1MidAmerica-Con 2Midwestcon 23MidwordMileHiCon 4MilfordMinicon 6MinneapaMountain View in '72Mythcon II ProceedingsMythcon IIIN. K. JemisinNatteringsNemesisNoel JenkinNorman KnightNorwesterconNorwestercon IINutteringsOAFSOne Big Step for Dave ChamberlainOrganleggerOzark Science Fiction AssociationOzarkon VIIPaolo BacigalupiPeconPecon 3PgHLANGE IVPhilcon 1972PhoenixPotlatchPulpFestPulpcon 1972REHUPARally 'Round the Flag, Boys!Rave ReviewRotsler's RocksRubber DuckieS. P. MeekS.T.A.R.SandersScience Fiction Book Review IndexSecondary Universe VSt. Louis SF SocietyStrawberry FunniesSunnyJim MorganSwinglineSword of SolomanTad DembinskiTammy CoxenThe Gemini Problem: A Study in DarkoverThe Great Horned ToadThe Incompleat Terry CarrThe Legal RulesThe MediaThe TurdThelma J. KellyThomas Calvert McClaryTime Is Short and the Sun Also RisesTitleTolkien Society of AmericaTravels with ChalkerTurkish DelightsUnabashed PlugUnited Fanzine OrganizationUpperSouthClave IIWabbit TwacksWe Grock You, S.F.P.A.Westercon 25X-Ray Delta 1


Rest of the World:

1971 | 1972 | 1973