The Year of the Jackpot[edit]
1958 was known as The Year of the Jackpot because of the previously unheard-of number of deaths.
February | -4E Ackerman publicizes "sci-fi" in Famous Monsters of Filmland #1 |
February 4 | Henry Kuttner dies |
February 23 | WSFS, Inc., formally incorporated in New York |
February 24 | Fanac by Terry Carr and Ron Ellik begins publication |
early | Mutual lawsuits between Dave Kyle and the Dietz-Raybin faction over NYCon II funds and WSFS, Inc. |
March 15 | 2000th anniversary of the death of Julius Caesar |
March 21 | Cyril Kornbluth dies |
March | CRAP formed |
Easter | Cytricon IV, British Science Fiction Association organized |
June 8 | F. Towner Laney dies |
June 10 | Vernon McCain dies |
mid | Second Futurian Society of New York formed |
July 6 | Dallas Futurian Society disbanded |
August 29 - September 1 (Labor Day) | Solacon (Worldcon), the culmination of South Gate in '58 |
August 31 | WSFS, Inc., effectively killed by Anna Moffatt at Solacon |
October 13 | Kent Moomaw suicide |
December 2 | E. E. Evans dies |
Ron Bennett TAFF trip |
Births and Deaths:
Al Katerinsky - Alan Dorey - Alan Gutierrez - Alex Stewart - Allen M. Steele - Amy Thomson - Bobbie DuFault - Bradley Denton - Brett Cox - C. M. Kornbluth - Carl Brandon - Carl Slaughter - Catherine Pickersgill - Clive Newall - Colleen Savitzky - Danny Flynn - Debbie Hughes - Diana Harlan Stein - Don Ayres - Dorothy Macardle - E. Everett Evans - Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink - Ellen 'Blade' McMicking - Francis Towner Laney - Frank Catalano - Gary Farber - Henry Jenkins - Henry Kuttner - Hiroaki Inoue - Ian Gunn - Isobelle Carmody - James Branch Cabell - James Gurney - Jean Thompson - Jeff Canfield - Jody Lee - Johanna Sinisalo - John Blaker - John G. McDaid - John Whitbourn - Julie Bell - Karen Schaffer - Kate Elliott - Kate Worley - Keith Parkinson - Ken Josenhans - Kent Moomaw - Leah Dillon Gadzikowski - Les Robertson - Leslie Smith - Lindsay Crawford - Lisa Snellings Clark - Lou Aronica - LynC - Marc Schirmeister - Marie Stopes - Mark Rich - Nic Farey - Pat Sayre McCoy - Patty Peters - Paul Cherry - Peter Watts - Phil Ware - R. DeWitt Miller - Richard Binzel - Roslee Orndorff - S. T. Joshi - Simon Clark - Steve Davidson - Steve Kyte - Suzanne Feldman - Terri Windling - Tim Marion - Vernon McCain - Vladimír Veverka - Wayne Barlowe
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A David English Sketchbook - A Foggy Day - A L'Abandon - A Propos de Rien - AWOL - Agamenon Weekly - Ambrosia - Aporrheta - Australian Science Fiction Newsletter - BEM - BEM - Bell the Cat - Best of Fandom - Blue Moon - Brillig - Burroughsania - Canadian Fandom - Chula - Chumshot - Chux Own - Cole Fax - Comedy of Errors - Complete Faan - CriFanAc - Daily Dynamic - Detention - Diablerie - Djellabah - Driftwood - FIJAGH - Fafhrd - Fafhrd - Famous Monsters of Filmland - Fanac - FANannIA - Fantasi - ffm - Fhan SF Fanzine - Fix - Fout - Fringe - Futuristic Science Stories - GAFIA Recovery Administration - Gafia - Goojie Publications - Green Expression - Harris School of Motoring - Henry Kuttner: A Memorial Symposium - Hi - How! - I Wish I Knew What 'Nuces Tibi' Meant - Imagination - Impasse - Impossible - Incompleat Burbee - Infinity Science Fiction - Innavigable Mouth - Jazz Fan - Kettering '58 - Kettering 1958 - Launching Site - Laundry - Lighthouse - Limbo - Loco - Mammon - Marsolo - Moorpark - Move - Movie Music - Munich Round Up - New Futurian - Noise Level - Northlight - Ob - Off the Cuff for Gertrude - Pamphrey - Peals - Peregrinations in Blue - Perihelion - Perindeus - Pot Pourri - ProFANity - Prodigal - RUR - Reason - Road Bash - Ron Bennett Appreciation - Rumble - SF - Satellite - Science Fiction Nytt - Science Fiction Quarterly - Science Fiction Times - Some Important Information Concerning Unicorn Productions - Space Travel - Spasmodic - Star Dust - Sulphuryc - Super-Fantasi - Take-Off - Tales from the Oubliette - Teddy Bear - The Bosses Songbook - The Chairman Speaks - The Fantasy Collector - The Goon Library - The Hairy Beast - The Last Splotch - The Purple Pastures - This - Tra-La - Umglick - Vanguard Science Fiction - Vector - Vile Deeds at Midnight - Voice of the Prophet - When a Trufan Dies - Who Is This Man? - Woz - Zymic
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
AWOL - Alan Dorey - Alex Stewart - Aporrheta - BEM - BSFA - BSFA membership 1958 - Blue Moon - Burroughsania - Catherine Pickersgill - Chumshot - Chux Own - Clacton SF Group - Comedy of Errors - Complete Faan - Cytricon IV - Danny Flynn - Driftwood - Fix - Fringe - Futuristic Science Stories - Harris School of Motoring - How! - I Wish I Knew What 'Nuces Tibi' Meant - Jazz Fan - Jean Thompson - John Whitbourn - Kettering '58 - Kettering 1958 - Launching Site - Loco - Marie Stopes - Move - Movie Music - New Futurian - Nic Farey - Noise Level - Northlight - Off the Cuff for Gertrude - Pamphrey - Perihelion - Perindeus - Prodigal - Reason - Ron Bennett Appreciation - Satellite - Simon Clark - Spasmodic - Steve Kyte - Sulphuryc - Take-Off - Tales from the Oubliette - The Chairman Speaks - The Goon Library - The Old Mill Stream - Vector - Yum - Zymic
1958 Open ESFA - A David English Sketchbook - A Foggy Day - Agamenon Weekly - Al Katerinsky - Alan Gutierrez - Alice in Thrillingwonderland - Allen M. Steele - Ambrosia - Amy Thomson - BEM - Bell the Cat - Best of Fandom - Bobbie DuFault - Bradley Denton - Brett Cox - Brillig - C. M. Kornbluth - CRAP - Carl Brandon - Carl Slaughter - Chula - Cole Fax - Colleen Savitzky - CriFanAc - Daily Dynamic - Dallas Futurian Society - Debbie Hughes - Detention - Diablerie - Diana Harlan Stein - Djellabah - Don Ayres - E. Everett Evans - Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink - Ellen 'Blade' McMicking - FIJAGH - Fafhrd - Fafhrd - Famous Monsters of Filmland - Fanac - Fanarcon - Fapacon - Forry-FortyTwo Con - Fout - Francis Towner Laney - Frank Catalano - Gafia - Gary Farber - Goojie Publications - Henry Jenkins - Henry Kuttner - Henry Kuttner: A Memorial Symposium - Hi - Illwiscon - Imagination - Impasse - Impossible - Incompleat Burbee - Infinity Science Fiction - James Branch Cabell - James Gurney - Jeff Canfield - Jody Lee - John Blaker - John G. McDaid - Julie Bell - Karen Schaffer - Kate Elliott - Kate Worley - Keith Parkinson - Ken Josenhans - Kent Moomaw - Laundry - Leah Dillon Gadzikowski - Leslie Smith - Lighthouse - Limbo - Lindsay Crawford - Lisa Snellings Clark - Lou Aronica - Lunacon 2 - Mammon - Marc Schirmeister - Mark Rich - Marsolo - MegaCon 1 - Metrocon - Metrocon II - Metrofen - Midwestcon 9 - Moorpark - NYSFCircle - Nic Farey - Ob - Outstanding Movie Hugo - Pat Sayre McCoy - Patty Peters - Paul Cherry - Peals - Philcon 1958 - ProFANity - R. DeWitt Miller - RUR - Race to the Stars - Richard Binzel - Road Bash - Roslee Orndorff - Rumble - S. T. Joshi - SF - Science Fiction Quarterly - Sodacon - Solacon - Sam Moskowitz' Solacon Reminiscence - Some Important Information Concerning Unicorn Productions - South Gate in '58 - Southwestercon VI - Space Travel - Steve Davidson - Suzanne Feldman - Teddy Bear - Terri Windling - The Bosses Songbook - The Fantasy Collector - The Goon Library - The Purple Pastures - This - Tim Marion - Tra-La - Travelcon to the Solacon - Umglick - Vanguard Science Fiction - Vernon McCain - Vile Deeds at Midnight - Voice of the Prophet - WAW and Mate to the Gate in '58 - Wayne Barlowe - Who Is This Man?
1957 | 1958 | 1959 |