January 3 | -Bill Courval suicide caps The Year of the Jackpot. |
Alaska becomes 49th U.S. state. | |
Easter | Brumcon (Eastercon). |
April | Skyrack begins publication. |
August | Nebula ceases publication. |
August 21 | Hawaii becomes 50th U.S. state. |
September 4–7 (Labor Day) | Detention (Worldcon). |
Fancyclopedia 2, edited by Dick Eney, published. | |
Don Ford TAFF trip. | |
Scandinavian SF Society founded. |
Births and Deaths:
Ahrvid Engholm - Alice Bentley - Bill Courval - Bob Laurent - Brian M. Thomsen - Bruce Briant - Bruce E. Durocher II - Charles Lang - Clement Fezandié - Craig VanGrasstek - Danny Lieberman - David Stein - Dorcas Bagby - Edwin Balmer - Galen Tripp - Glenn Chambers - H. C. Koenig - Heidi Saha - Howard V. Hendrix - Ian Whates - J. David Spurlock - Joy Hibbert - Judy Gerjuoy - Justin E. A. Busch - Kim Newman - Larry Downes - Lawrence M. Schoen - Leigh Blackmore - Lester Dent - Leybl Botwinik - Mark Trebing - Mark Zug - Martha Soukup - Maths Claesson - Maureen F. McHugh - Maureen Kincaid Speller - Michael Bernander - Michael Cobley - Neal Stephenson - Nick Stathopoulos - Patrick Nielsen Hayden - R. A. Salvatore - Raym Washington - Raymond Chandler - Richard Bleiler - Robert Fuqua - Roxanne King - Sandy Schreiber Bratzel - Sax Rohmer - Stephen Dedman - Steve Collins - Steven Erikson - Steven Patrick Morrissey - Susan Fox - Susan Van Camp - Susanna Clarke - Tim Gatewood - Tim Jones - Wolf von Witting - Álvaro de Sousa Holstein
Publications started or ended:
A Fanzine Called Eustace - A Fanzine for Krazy Kat - APAthy - Amis - Anglofanac - Archive - Bad Day at Lime Rock - Bronclette - Bullfrog Bugle - Cactus - Clause - Cole Fax - Dafoe - Descant - Discord - Disjecta Membra - Dupe - Erg - Extrapolation - FIJAGH - Fancyclopedia 2 - Fandom's Cookbook - Fanfare - Fanivac - Fanny - Fantasy Aspects - Fapathy - Fifty-Second Street - First Fandom Bulletin - Gallery - Gardyloo - Gim Tree - Gimble - Griffin - Haemogoblin - Hobgoblin - Hocus - Kactus - Klein Bottle - Kobold - Les Spinge - Lost in the Stars - Meet - N'APA - Nebula - Nebula Science Fiction - New Frontiers - Nimbel - Nomad - Notes and Comment - Objection Slip - Olympus - Out of the Silent Fandom - Outworlds - PAS-tell - Pentagram - Perindeus - Phantasia - Picture Trick - Ploy - Preface to the Initial Edition of Fancyclopedia II - Psi Phi - S--- - SLANder - SaFari - Satellite Science Fiction - Shipside - Sirius - Skyrack - Smoke - Smorgasbord - Spectrum - Steam - Still Life - Swan Song - Tales from the Oubliette - Tapebook - The Adversaries - The BNF of Iz - The Bem & I - The Best of Fandom 1958 - The ScoLar - The Shaw Retort - The SpeleoBem - Timing Problem - To Wm. Danner Esq - Unicorn - Vague - Veritas - Waldo - X-trap - À Bas
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A Fanzine Called Eustace - APAthy - Anglofanac - Archive - Bring Berry to Detroit - Brumcon - Clause - Contoon - Dupe - Erg - European Fan Grant - Extrapolation - Fifty-Second Street - Haemogoblin - Ian Whates - Joy Hibbert - Kactus - Kim Newman - Kobold - Les Spinge - Lincoln Astronomical Society - London Symposium - Manchester Circle - Maureen Kincaid Speller - Michael Cobley - Nebula - Nebula Science Fiction - Newcastle SF Club - Objection Slip - Perindeus - Ploy - Raymond Chandler - Sax Rohmer - Science Fiction Club of London - Skyrack - Smoke - Steam - Steven Patrick Morrissey - Still Life - Stourbridge Circle - Susanna Clarke - Swan Song - Tales from the Oubliette - To Wm. Danner Esq - Veritas - Waldo
A Fanzine for Krazy Kat - Alice Bentley - Amis - Bad Day at Lime Rock - Beyond the Unknown - Big 'D' in '59 - Bill Courval - Bob Laurent - Brian M. Thomsen - Bring Berry to Detroit - Bronclette - Bruce Briant - Bruce E. Durocher II - Bullfrog Bugle - Charles Lang - Chicago: 1959 - Clement Fezandié - Cole Fax - Craig VanGrasstek - Dafoe - Danny Lieberman - David Stein - Detention - Sam Moskowitz' Detention Reminiscence - Detroit in '59 - Disclave 5 - Discord - Disjecta Membra - Dorcas Bagby - Edwin Balmer - Evans-Freehafer Award - Extrapolation - FIJAGH - Fancyclopedia 2 - Fandom's Cookbook - Fanfare - Fanivac - Fantasy Aspects - Fapathy - First Fandom Bulletin - Fortean Society - Galen Tripp - Gallery - Gardyloo - Gim Tree - Gimble - Glenn Chambers - Griffin - H. C. Koenig - Heidi Saha - Hobgoblin - Hocus - Howard V. Hendrix - J. David Spurlock - Justin E. A. Busch - Kaymar Award - Klein Bottle - Larry Downes - Lawrence M. Schoen - Lester Dent - Lost in the Stars - Lunacon 3 - Mark Trebing - Mark Zug - Martha Soukup - Maureen F. McHugh - Midwestcon 14 - Midwestcon X - Milwaukee in '59 - N'APA - Neal Stephenson - Nevadacon - New Frontiers - Nimbel - Nomad - Olympus - Out of the Silent Fandom - Outworlds - PAS-tell - Patrick Nielsen Hayden - Pentagram - Phantasia - Philcon 1959 - Phyllcon - Picture Trick - Psi Phi - R. A. Salvatore - Raym Washington - Richard Bleiler - Robert Fuqua - Roxanne King - S--- - SLANder - SaFari - Sandy Schreiber Bratzel - Satellite Science Fiction - Shipside - Smorgasbord - Spectrum - Star Science Fiction - Steve Collins - Susan Fox - Susan Van Camp - Tapebook - The Adversaries - The BNF of Iz - The Bem & I - The Best of Fandom 1958 - The Genie - The Handbook of Science Fiction and Fantasy - The ScoLar - The Shaw Retort - The SpeleoBem - The Twilight Zone - Tim Gatewood - Timing Problem - Tower to the Moon - Unicorn - Vague - Westercon 12
1958 | 1959 | 1960 |