The BNF of Iz

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A fannish allegory based on The Wizard of Oz.

It was originally published as by Carl Brandon (in this case, Terry Carr and Ron Ellik) in his Cultzine, Eggplant. It was published in a revised, stand-alone edition in 1959 by Ted White's ASDFGHJKLibrary with stencils typed by Ted Pauls. The standalone edition was printed by mimeograph in an edition of 200 numbered copies, with 3 illustrations by Ted White after Jno. R. Neill.

According to The BNF of Iz -- an Exegesis by Carr, the majority of copies were not collated or stapled at the time, but were found later as loose sheets by Carr at White's apartment; Carr collated about 150 of them and sent them out through FAPA and OMPA, with the Exegesis to explain some of the fannish references which might have been forgotten by the time it was distributed. The Exegesis is undated, but it was published while Carr was living in New York (at 41 Pierrepont Street) -- someone with an extensive list of fannish addresses can probably determine an approximate date from that.

The BNF of Iz online at

Publication 1959
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