Fantasy Aspects

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Fantasy Aspects was one fanzine published for the N3F in two series by two different editors...or, maybe... they were two entirely separate fanzines and it was just coincidence. We don't know and would like to find out!

The first series was explicitly published for the N3F by Harold W. Cheney of Little Falls, NY in the late 40s.

The second was published ten years later by Alan J. Lewis of Birmingham, MI, who was a director of the N3F, though there is no clear evidence that it was N3F-sponsored. It also seems to have been a Cultzine.

Both series focussed on publishing articles reprinted from other fanzines.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
Series 1, edited by Harold W. Cheney
1 May 1947 24
2 November 1947 32 final issue
Series 2, edited by Alan J. Lewis
1 August 1958 24
2 March 1959 24
3 November 1959 22

Publication 19471959
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