Science Fiction Times

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Science Fiction Times (Sweden)
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Sf-fronten, a Swedish newszine, was started in September 1958 by Sture Sedolin; he published more or less bi-weekly. From its issue #19 in 1959, after an agreement with James Taurasi, publisher of the U.S. newszine Science Fiction Times, Sedolin changed its name to Science Fiction Times, as well, and began translating from the American fanzine in addition to original content. The Swedish SF Times continued until January 1961, when its number 30 became the last for over two years.

After meeting 14-year-old John-Henri Holmberg in 1963, Sedolin convinced Holmberg to become editor of Science Fiction Times, and began publishing the fanzine again from July, 1963; Holmberg edited the ten issues from #31 through #40, but tired of the fanzine. Sedolin was unable to find any other fan to take it over.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 September 1958 Titled Sf-fronten
19 1959 Became Swedish edition of Science Fiction Times with name change
30 January 1961 Paused publication for two years after thish
31 July 1963 Revived with John-Henri Holmberg as editor, Sedolin as publisher
40 Final ish

Publication 19581960s
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