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A fanzine with news of interest to the community of sf fandom. Sercon newszines have news primarily of the professional community with fannish news sometimes thrown in for good measure; fannish newszines have news primarily of fandom with professional news sometimes thrown in for good measure.

There are also convention newsletters, which, though perhaps technically newszines, are best treated as a separate category. Clubzines likewise often contain a lot of news, but most are focused on the doings of a single club and are better thought of in that context.

4E tried to promote the term magazet but it didn’t take.

See also: Newsies, an older term, and Category:Newszine.

Period Newszine Publisher -Notes
1931–36 SF News Dan McPhail It turned into a subzine in 1935 and then subtitled "the newsmagazine for the fantasy fan." It was also a pioneer in reporting news of fandom, in contrast to its contemporary, Fantasy Magazine, which largely ignored fanactivity.
1937-39 Science Fiction News Letter Richard Wilson Online issues
late 30s -- early 40s Midwest News & Views Mark Reinsberg Midwest news
late 30s The Science Fiction Scout James V. Taurasi
1938-49 Fantasy-News James V. Taurasi, Will Sykora Online issues
1940 Science Fiction Weekly Robert Lowndes Online issues
1940-41 Melbourne Bulletin Warwick Hockley Online issues
1940-42 Futurian Observer Bert F. Castellari et al Australian news
1940-45 Fantasy Fiction Field Julius Unger
1941-69 Fantasy Times / Science Fiction Times James V. Taurasi, Ann Dietz, James Ashe General fannish news, but mostly about prozines
1943-44 Nebula Rusty Hevelin and Larry Shaw
early 40s IPIH/AIN Bob Watson and Bob Tucker
early 40s Sci-Fic Variety Bob Tucker
1943-52 FANEWS[CARD] / Fanews Bob Tucker, Walter Dunkelberger et al A cardzine
1944-46 QX the CARDZINE Joe Kennedy
1945-53 Bloomington Newsletter / Science Fiction Newsletter Bob Tucker
mid-40s FFF FANEWSCARD Will Sykora A cardzine
1946-53 Science Fiction Newsletter Bob Tucker
early 50s Magnus' Saturday Morning Gazette
1950 STEFCARD Walter Coslet A cardzine
1953-57, 59 Etherline Ian J. Crozier (most issues) and Lee Harding (one issue) a clubzine with news from other clubs
1953-92 Science Fiction News Graham Stone in later years a perzine
1954 Grey Charles Wells
1956-57 Bennett Ron Bennett et al UK news
1958-63 Fanac Terry Carr, Ron Ellik, Walter Breen Fannish news
1959-67 Skyrack Ron Bennett UK news
1962-64 Starspinkle Ron Ellik
1963 Fantasy News Ken Beale
1963-64 Fantasy Fiction Field Harvey Inman
1964-67 Ratatosk Bruce Pelz
1965-72 Focal Point rich brown, Mike McInerney, Arnie Katz
1966-68 S. F. Weekly Andy Porter
1966-78 Rally Al Andrews, Lon Atkins, Don Markstein, Stven Carlberg, Beth Schwarzin Southern US news
1968-71 European Newsbulletin/Link Jean C. Muggoch European fan news
1968-79 Checkpoint Peter Roberts UK news
1968-present Locus Charlie Brown General fannish news in early years; now exclusively pro news
1969-?? Up From Here Andy Porter News for conrunners
1969-76 Luna Monthly Ann Dietz
1970-75 Norstrilian News John Foyster and Leigh Edmonds (1970), Bruce Gillespie (1970-71), and Robin Johnson (1972-75)
1972-73 FIAWOL Joyce Katz, Arnie Katz
1970s Winnie the POO Mike Ward West-coast news
1970s Maybe Irv Koch Southern news
late 70s SFinctor Craig Miller
1976-78 Karass Linda Bushyager General fannish news
Small Mammal Martin Easterbrook and Margaret Austin British news
1978-94 Australian Science Fiction News Merv Binns Australian news
1979-2000 Science Fiction Chronicle Andy Porter Primarily pro news
1979-present Ansible Dave Langford
1974-80 The Spang Blah Jan Howard Finder International news
1973-78 Fanew Sletter Leigh Edmonds Australian news
De Profundis Various LA and West-Coast news
1978-83 DNQ Victoria Vayne and Taral Wayne
1978 - present File 770 Mike Glyer General news. Issues at FANAC, Issues at eFanzines
1980s-?? Thyme Alan Stewart et al Australian news
1981-85 Uncle Dick's Dick Smith with Leah Zeldes A fannish gossipzine
1983-96 Texas SF Inquirer Pat Mueller Texas news
SF Convention Register Erwin S. Strauss Convention listings
1985-89 Jane's Fighting Smofs Jane Dennis and Scott Dennis Bidding news
1990-2007 Fans Across the World Bridget Wilkinson European convention news
early 90s-present ConNotations Central Arizona Speculative Fiction Society
1994-2012 The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet Marc Ortlieb (1994-2001), Edwina Harvey and Ted Scribner (2002-2010), and Wendy Palmer (2011-2012) Mainly Australian news
2001-02 The Plokta News Newt Plokta Cabal Mainly UK news
2001-07 Plokta News Network Plokta Cabal Mainly UK news
2000s Taruithorn International Newsletter UK Tolkien news
Science and Fantasy Fan Reporter Colin Roden
Cry Havoc Linnette Horne
