March | -IF magazine launched |
March 22 | First Australian Science Fiction Convention (i.e., first Australian Natcon) held in Sydney |
April 1 | InVention (hoax convention) |
April 1 | North Shore Futurian Society officially formed |
Whitsun | London SF Con (Eastercon) |
May | First issue of Hyphen by Walt Willis and Chuck Harris |
May 9 | First official meeting of the Melbourne Science Fiction Group, now known as the Melbourne Science Fiction Club |
June | Planet Stories ceases publication |
August 28 | First meeting of the Medway Science and Fantasy Club |
August | Nebula started |
August 30 - September 1 | Chicon II AKA TASFIC (Worldcon) |
August 30 - September 1 | Walt Willis at Chicon II courtesy of the WAW With the Crew in '52 fan fund. |
Ghoodminton invented | |
Bob Tucker proposes the Tucker Hotel | |
Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1926-1950 published by Donald B. Day |
Births and Deaths:
Andy Sawyer - Anne Gay - Arthur Metzger - Ballantine Books - Barbara Delaplace - Barry Lyn-Waitsman - Ben Yalow - Ben Zuhl - Bill Mills - Brad Linaweaver - Bruce Farr - Bruce Jensen - Bryan Talbot - Carrie Richerson - Cathy Ball - Charlie Williams - Clive Barker - Craig Newmark - Cy Chauvin - D. Douglas Fratz - Dan Deckert - Dan Hoey - Dana Stabenow - Darrell Schweitzer - David C. Smith - David Heath - David J. Skal - David Palter - David V. Barrett - David Weber - David Zindell - Deb Wunder - Debra Doyle - Dennis Palmer - Diana Gabaldon - Diane Duane - Donna Barr - Doug Beekman - Douglas Adams - Dwight Decker - Earle K. Bergey - Ed Finkelstein - Edie Stern - Eleanor Lerman - Frank Harwood - Frank Lunney - Gail Hormats - Gary Cohn - Gary Lovisi - Gary Mattingly - Gary Tesser - Gene Reed - George Brickner - George Senda - Guy Consolmagno - Gwyneth Jones - Hope Leibowitz - Ian Maule - J. M. Walsh - Jack Parsons - Jamie Hanrahan - Jane Fancher - Jane Rogers - Jean Berman - Jeff Duntemann - Jeffrey N. Appelbaum - Jill Eastlake - Jim Huttner - Jim Shull - John Kovalic - John Piggott - John Rieder - Kage Baker - Kathleen Ann Goonan - Ken Macklin - Ken Slater - Kim Poor - Kim Stanley Robinson - Lee Darrow - Liese van Santen - Lisa Tuttle - Lorna Toolis - Louise Cooper - Mad - Mara Brener - Marc Ortlieb - Mark Rogers - Martin Hoare - Mary Kay Kare - Mary Rosenblum - Megan Lindholm - Michael Dobson - N. C. Christopher Couch - Nicki Lynch - Norm Hollyn - Paul S. Ritz - Phil Stephensen-Payne - Pip Maddern - R. H. Greaves - Rich McAllister - Richard Grant - Rilla Heslin - Robert McCammon - Robin McKinley - Robin Wayne Bailey - Samanda b Jeude - Scott Dennis - Seth Goldberg - Sharon Lee - Shelby Bush - Somtow Sucharitkul - Stephen D. Korshak - Stephen Laws - Steve Vance - Steven Barnes - Steven Vincent Johnson - Susan Palermo - Susan R. Matthews - Terry Austin - Tim Powers - Tim White - Todd Voros - Tom Canty - Tom Deitz - Tom Jones - Willie Siros - Yoshitaka Amano
Publications started or ended:
'Our 'Zine - A Cross-Section of Art in Science-Fantasy - AJ-73-16 - Across the River and Into the Trees - As FAPA Goes...? - Asmodeus - Asprin For The Adjutant - Astroneer - Avon Fantasy Reader - Avon Science Fiction Reader - Bait Box - Beyond - Bob Shaw Appreciation Magazine - Brevizine - Centaurus - Chaos - Checklist of British SF And Fantasy Magazines - Confusion - Cosmag - Delphi/Gorgonzola - Djinn - Duo - Dynamic Science Fiction - Fan Press - Fan-Tods - Fanorama - Fantastic Worlds - Fantasy Art Society Leaflet - Fantasy Art Society Newsletter - Fantasy Classification System - Fantasy Jackass - Femzine - Fen Crittur Comical Books - FooView - Forerunner - GAFMOI! - Ghuvna - How Low Can a Fan Get? - Hurkle - Hyphen - IF - Ice - Ignatz - Initiative Incorporated - Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser - InVention - MSFS Disbanded - Mad - Matter of No Moment - N.S.F.S. Notesheet - NFFF As It Could Be? - Nandu - Nebula - Nebula Science Fiction - Nonsense - Pendulum - Periscope - Planet Stories - Post War - Progress - Promag Parade - Review - SF - Science Fiction Adventures - Science Fiction Digest - S-F Review - Science Fiction Weekly - Slip Sheet - Sounding Off - Space Diversions - Space Magazine - Space Science Fiction - Space Times - Stellar - Stfanews - Stopgap - Straight Up - The (Unspeakable) Thing - The Barsoomian - The Fan-Vet - The Harp Stateside - The In Tray - The Medway Journal - The Tucker Hotel - Thrills Incorporated - Urania - Vanations - Vector - Vega - Void - Voyage of the SF52 - Vulcan - Warhoon - Willis Discovers America - Xenern - Ydmos - Ye Cats
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Alien Science-Fantasy Club - Auckland Science Fiction Club - BSAW - BSFA - Birmingham Science Fiction Circle - Brisbane Science Fiction Group - Coventry - Fannettes - Fanvariety Enterprises - Galilean Science Fiction Society - International Scientific Council - Junior Fanatics - Kettering Astronautics Society - Lakeland S.F. Organisation - Little Monsters of America - Medway Science and Fantasy Club - Melbourne Science Fiction Club - New Lands SF Club - Portland Science-Fantasy Society - The Cymrades - The Starmen - Universal Musketeers - West Country Science Fiction Group
'Our 'Zine - Andy Sawyer - Anne Gay - Asprin For The Adjutant - Astroneer - BSFA - Beyond - Birmingham Science Fiction Circle - Bob Shaw Appreciation Magazine - Bryan Talbot - Centaurus - Checklist of British SF And Fantasy Magazines - Clive Barker - David V. Barrett - Delphi/Gorgonzola - Douglas Adams - Fan Press - Fanorama - Fantasy Art Society Leaflet - Fantasy Art Society Newsletter - Fen Crittur Comical Books - FooView - GAFMOI! - Galilean Science Fiction Society - Gwyneth Jones - Hyphen - Ian Maule - Initiative Incorporated - J. M. Walsh - Jane Rogers - John Kovalic - John Piggott - Junior Fanatics - Ken Slater - Kettering Astronautics Society - Lakeland S.F. Organisation - Liese van Santen - London SF Con - Louise Cooper - Mancon - Mancon - Mancon Awards - Martin Hoare - Matter of No Moment - Medway Science and Fantasy Club - Nebula - Nebula Science Fiction - New Lands SF Club - Operation Shamrookie - Periscope - Phil Stephensen-Payne - Post War - Progress - R. H. Greaves - Robin McKinley - Space Diversions - Space Times - Stellar - Stephen Laws - Straight Up - TAFF - The Cymrades - The Harp Stateside - The In Tray - The Medway Journal - The Tucker Hotel - Tim White - Tom Jones - Void - WAW With the Crew in '52 - West Country Science Fiction Group
1952 Open ESFA - A Cross-Section of Art in Science-Fantasy - AJ-73-16 - Across the River and Into the Trees - Alien Science-Fantasy Club - Analog Reader's Award - Arthur Metzger - As FAPA Goes...? - Asmodeus - Asteroid - Avon Fantasy Reader - Avon Science Fiction Reader - Bait Box - Ballantine Books - Barbara Delaplace - Barry Lyn-Waitsman - Ben Yalow - Ben Zuhl - Bill Mills - Brad Linaweaver - Brevizine - Bruce Farr - Bruce Jensen - Buffalocon - Carrie Richerson - Cathy Ball - Chaos - Charlie Williams - Chicon II - Lloyd Eshbach's Chicon II Reminiscence - Confusion - Cosmag - Coventry - Craig Newmark - Cy Chauvin - D. Douglas Fratz - Dan Deckert - Dan Hoey - Dana Stabenow - Darrell Schweitzer - David C. Smith - David Heath - David J. Skal - David Weber - David Zindell - Deb Wunder - Debra Doyle - Dennis Palmer - Diana Gabaldon - Diane Duane - Disclave 3 - Djinn - Donna Barr - Doug Beekman - Duo - Dwight Decker - Dynamic Science Fiction - Earle K. Bergey - Ed Finkelstein - Edie Stern - Eleanor Lerman - Fan-Tods - Fanorama - Fantastic Worlds - Fantasy Classification System - Fantasy Jackass - Fanvariety Enterprises - Fanvet Convention 2 - Femzine - Frank Harwood - Frank Lunney - Gail Hormats - Gary Cohn - Gary Lovisi - Gary Mattingly - Gary Tesser - Gene Reed - George Brickner - George Senda - Ghuvna - Guy Consolmagno - Hope Leibowitz - How Low Can a Fan Get? - Hurkle - IF - Ice - Ignatz - Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1926-1950 - Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser - International Scientific Council - InVention - Jack Parsons - Jamie Hanrahan - Jane Fancher - Jean Berman - Jeff Duntemann - Jeffrey N. Appelbaum - Jill Eastlake - Jim Huttner - Jim Shull - John Rieder - Kage Baker - Kathleen Ann Goonan - Kim Poor - Kim Stanley Robinson - Lee Darrow - Lisa Tuttle - Little Monsters of America - MSFS Disbanded - Mad - Mad - Mara Brener - Mark Rogers - Mary Kay Kare - Mary Rosenblum - Megan Lindholm - Michael Dobson - Midwestcon 3 - N. C. Christopher Couch - NFFF As It Could Be? - Nandu - Nicki Lynch - Nonsense - Norm Hollyn - Paul S. Ritz - Pendulum - Philcon 1952 - Planet Stories - Portland Science-Fantasy Society - Promag Parade - Proxyclave - Review - Rich McAllister - Richard Grant - Rilla Heslin - Robert McCammon - Robin Wayne Bailey - SF - Samanda b Jeude - Science Fiction Adventures - Science Fiction Digest - Science Fiction Weekly - Scott Dennis - Seth Goldberg - Sharon Lee - Shelby Bush - Slip Sheet - Somtow Sucharitkul - Sou-Westercon - Sounding Off - Space Magazine - Space Science Fiction - Stephen D. Korshak - Steve Vance - Steven Barnes - Steven Vincent Johnson - Stfanews - Susan Palermo - Susan R. Matthews - TAFF - TASFIC Program - Terry Austin - The (Unspeakable) Thing - The Barsoomian - The Fan-Vet - The Harp Stateside - The Starmen - Tim Powers - Todd Voros - Tom Canty - Tom Deitz - Tucker Hotel - Twayne Triplet - Universal Musketeers - Vector - Vega - Voyage of the SF52 - Vulcan - WAW With the Crew in '52 - Warhoon - West Cupcake - Willie Siros - XCon - Xenern - Ydmos - Ye Cats
1951 | 1952 | 1953 |