(Did you mean the apazine?)
(1) An Especially Noble Kind of Fan[edit]
A practitioner of the highest and noblest form of fanac, especially when associated with compiling and publishing a detailed Index or bibliography. See Collecting. Collectors are trufen and almost by definition mensches. "I might need that someday..."
(2) A Sufferer from a Dread Disease[edit]
Someone who has been bitten by the Kolektinbug and develops an obsessive-compulsive disorder that that drives him or her to accumulate large amounts of sf books, fanzines, prozines, sf artwork and/or other materials related to science fiction. Collectors are not necessarily fans, but fans are highly prone to the disease.
Some collectors, especially completists, collect according to a plan -- all the issues of a particular magazine, for example, or all the first editions by their favorite author -- but others just accumulate more and more of their obsessional objects until they have no room to move around in their houses.
Pages mentioning collector.
2012 Hugos - Ahasuerus - Alan Bale - Alistair Durie - Andy Porter - Art Saha - Auction - Barry Hansen - Bill Mills - Bill Thailing - Bob Gibson - Bob Monkhouse - Bradford M. Day - Bruce Pelz - Bud Webster - Charles Fort - Charles Moslander - Chicon 7 - Clayton Hamlin - Collector - Collector - Completist - Darrah Chavey - David Page - Denny Lien - Dick Spelman - Dirce S. Archer - Doc Barrett - Donald C. Thompson - Donald Houston - Doug Webster - Drew - Drew Whyte - Earle Barr Hanson - Ed Cox - Ed Wood - Edgar Rice Burroughs - Edie Stern - Elizabeth Anne Hull - Erle Korshak - Eye Tracks - Faunch - Forrest J Ackerman - Frank Olynyk - Fred Brown - Frederick Shroyer - Gary Louie - George F. Clements - George Flynn - George Locke - Georges Gallet - Gerry de la Ree - Glamdring - Golden Atom Tales - Graham Stone - H. C. Koenig - Howard DeVore - J. B. Coltherd - James Williams - Joan Bledig - John Muir - John Roles - Judy Bemis - Keith Curtis - Kolektinbug - Larry Farsaci - Leon Pois - Leonard Marlowe - Lynn Hickman - MagiCon - Mark Irwin - Marvel Tales - Mathom - Megavore - Midwestcon 2 - Midwestcon 50 - Mike Horvat - Miracle Science and Fantasy Stories - Nan Gerding - Ned Brooks - Norman C. Metcalf - Norman Syms - Peter B. Bell - Phil Harrell - Phyllis Eisenstein - Pierre Versins - R. G. Medhurst - Ray Cuthbert - Ray Harryhausen - Richard Harter - Rita Coriell - Robert K. Wiener - Robert W. Chambers - Robert Weinberg - Roger Earnshaw - Ron Bennett - Ronald E. Graham - Rusty Hevelin - SAPS - Sam Moskowitz - Sandy Cutrell - Scientificomics - Scientifictionists - Sid Altus - Sigvard Östlund - South Dakota - Stephen D. Korshak - Taffy Williams - Ted Engel - The Stranger Club by Art Widner - Thomas D. Moore - Thyril Ladd - Tom Moulton - Up To Now: New Fan Magazines, Fly-by-Night and Permanent - Up To Now: The Changing Tendency Among Fan Magazines - Vince Docherty - Walter Coslet - Walter I. Norcott - Wendall Ing - Willie Siros
(3) A Fanzine by Howard DeVore[edit]
A fanzine published by Howard DeVore.
Issue | Date | Pages | -Notes |
1 | March 1979 |
(4) A Fanzine by Vern Bennett[edit]
A fanzine published by Vern Bennett.
Issue | Date | Pages | -Notes |
1 | June 1969 |
Publication | Website | ???? |
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