Frank Olynyk
(May 7, 1942 – February 24, 2022)
(Dr.) Frank John Olynyk was a longtime Ohio fan and book collector, a regular at Midwestcon and Worldcon, among other conventions. He volunteered on many Worldcons and his first convention was the Clevention, the 1966 Worldcon.
Frank was an inveterate con photographer who contributed scores of pictures to
Olynyk spent two years collecting the signatures of all 31 dedicatees of Robert A. Heinlein's Friday and presented the signed copy of the book to Heinlein for his birthday in 1986.
In mundania, he had worked as a computer systems programmer, technical developer, and senior manager. Besides fandom, his other big interest was military aviation, specializing on US fighter aces; he wrote or contributed to several books and was well-known and liked in online forums.
Frank Olynyk's other passion was reading science fantasy and science fiction, and he faithfully attended the annual World Cons and Fantasy Cons (conventions) held at different cities each year, throughout the world. Here he volunteered at the author signing tables, and collected signatures for his extensive collection of science fiction books and magazines. Here again, he was a walking encyclopedia on the authors and their other-worldly realms, and was himself quite intrigued by the expanding scientific discoveries of the far reaches of our solar system and beyond.
Awards, Honors and GoHships:
- 1997 — Kubla Khan XXV
Person | 1942—2022 |
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