Special Awards

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Special awards are bestowed by a convention, club, or awards program and can be:

  • A one-time award in order to bestow recognition when no designated award exists for that particular type of accomplishment or contribution.
  • An ongoing, catch-all category to provide the flexibility to enable recognition of a wide range of accomplishments or contributions.

Worldcon Special Committee Awards[edit]

Special Committee Awards are awards bestowed by a Worldcon committee (as opposed to voted on by the members of the convention). Worldcon committees will often present one or more special committee awards at the Hugo ceremony. These may not (by specific provision in the WSFS constitution) use the Hugo rocket as part of the trophy, nor may they be called Hugos.

See also Committee Special Category.

Year Worldcon Recipient -Notes
1960 Pittcon Hugo Gernsback ”The Father of Magazine Science Fiction.” This was a Hugo trophy; the prohibition against using the Hugo rocket for non-Hugos did not yet exist.
1962 Chicon III Cele Goldsmith for editing Amazing and Fantastic.
Donald Tuck for A Handbook of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1954).
Fritz Lieber
and Hoffman Electronic Corp.
for the use of SF short-shorts in advertisements.
Theodore Sturgeon “Just for being Ted Sturgeon!”
1963 Discon P. Schuyler Miller for “The Reference Library.”
Isaac Asimov for “putting science into science fiction.”
1968 Baycon Harlan Ellison for Dangerous Visions.
Gene Roddenberry for Star Trek.
1969 St. Louiscon Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins for "The Best Moon Landing Ever."
1973 Torcon 2 Pierre Versins for his Encyclopédie de l'Utopie et de la sf ["Encyclopedia of Utopia and SF"].
1975 Aussiecon Walt Lee for Reference Guide to Fantastic Films.
Donald A. Wollheim “The Fan Who Has Done Everything.”
1976 MidAmeriCon James E. Gunn for Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction.
1977 SunCon George Lucas for “Star Wars (bringing back a sense of wonder).”
1981 Denvention 2 Edward L. Ferman for “his efforts to expand and improve writing quality in the field.”
1982 Chicon IV Mike Glyer for "for keeping the fan in fanzine."
1984 L.A.con II Robert Bloch for 50 years as an SF professional.
Larry Shaw as one of the early unsung editors in the field.
1988 Nolacon II SFOHA
1989 Noreascon 3 Saul Jaffe for SF-LOVERS Digest.
Alex Schomburg Special art award.
1991 Chicon V Andrew I. Porter for “excellence in editing Science Fiction Chronicle.
Elst Weinstein for “Best Hoax, the Hogus,” and for “keeping humor alive in fandom.”
1993 ConFrancisco Takumi Shibano for his international activities.
1996 LACon III Walt Daugherty for "spearheading the first Los Angeles Worldcon in 1946.”
Bill Rotsler for his services to Los Angeles fandom.
2004 Noreascon 4 Erwin "Filthy Pierre" Strauss
2005 Interaction David Pringle for his work on Interzone.
2006 L.A.con IV Betty Ballantine for life achievement.
Harlan Ellison for 50 years of publishing fiction.
2008 Denvention 3 NESFA Press for its publications.
2012 Chicon 7 Robert Weinberg for his service to science fiction, fantasy and horror.
2013 LoneStarCon 3 Stanley Schmidt
2014 Loncon 3 Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster for the introduction of Superman in Action Comics #1.
2022 Chicon 8 ISFDB

This is an award page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it! See Standards for Awards.