From Fancyclopedia 3
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March 11-13 -First ConChord
Easter Albacon II
June 13 Bob Pavlat dies
September 1-5 (Labor Day) ConStellation (Worldcon)
December 9-11 First Czarkon held
Avedon Carol TAFF trip
DUFF: Jerry Kaufman (South)
FFANZ: Tom Cardy (West)
First Picocon


Publications started or ended:

A Cool HeadA Meara for ObserversA New Settlement of Old ScoresAbdumpAmon HenAnorArmadillos in the Skirting BoardArthedain-NyttBeardmutteringsBlue Suede NewsBoonfarkBorn in the UKCalma MindonChalkdustCheap TruthChin MusicChocolates of LustComplete QuandryCrab DroppingsDNQDead HedgehogDernier Salon Avant l'AutorouteDestinies: The Voice of Science FictionDotDrunkard's TalkegoscanEmptiesEnter the ListsEtaFFANZ for the MemoriesFaansFamous Monsters of FilmlandFor Paranoids OnlyFrom the CockpitGallimaufryGive Dog Boiled YakHarlotHelpmaboabHysteresisLand of LaughsLaurinqueLost PalantirLove Makes the World Go AwryMerulius LacrymansMythosNabuNew Tolkien NewsletterNot Science Fantasy NewsNouveau Revue BlueNutzOut of the BlueParanoidPenserosoPhoenixProlapseProtonRastusReflectsSappho's DawnSci-Fi Club BulletinScience Fiction NyttScientifrictionShark-Infested CustardShire NewsSic Biscuit DisintegraafSneetcheSome Luck/It FiguresSorgenkindSounding the Ritual EchoSouth on PeachtreeSpaghetti JunctionSpellStill It MovesStrange Lands: A Guide to the Worlds of H. P. LovecraftSuspect DeviceTAFF TalkTaurendorTexas SF InquirerThe Craters of the MoonThe InsiderThe Philip K. Dick Society NewsletterThe Ring BearerThe Westmarch MessengerThemeTiger TeaTo the StarsTrap DoorTwilight ZineTwll-DduWaste of a TreeWeird Shit TalesWhimseyWorm CravingsXyster


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:









A New Settlement of Old ScoresAPA-VCRASFiCASFiConASFiCon 4AggieCon XIVApricon 6AquaconAquacon IIArchon 7ArmadilloCon 5Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1983Baen BooksBalticon 17Baltimore in '83Baycon '83BeardmutteringsBob PavlatBogi TakácsBoonfarkBoskone 20Bubonicon 15Capricon 3ChambanaCon 13Chattacon VIIICheap TruthChin MusicChristopher PaoliniClayton HamlinCoastcon '83Codclave IXColorado Mountain ConComplete QuandryCompton Crook AwardCon 1983Con*Stellation IICon*Tretemps 2Con-TexConChordConChord 1ConClave VIIIConFusion 101ConQuesT 4+10ConStellationConStellation BankruptcyLloyd Eshbach's ConStellation ReminiscenceConTactConTact 1Concave 4ContactContradiction 3CopperCon 3Costume-ConCostume-Con 1Courts of ChaosCzarkonCzarkon 1Darkover Grand Council 6Dean DickensheetDeepSouthCon 21Destinies: The Voice of Science FictionDisclave 27Earthcon IIIEatoncon 5egoscanElectraconEmpiricon 4EuconEucon 1Eva FirestoneEvelyn BarrettFaansFamous Monsters of FilmlandFantasy Con '83Fantasy FestivalFantasy Worlds Festival '83FilkCon 5.2Fool-Con VIFoolconFrances TannerFrederick ShroyerFrom the CockpitGalactic EnterprisesGallimaufryGeorge T. WetzelHarlotHarry Harrison Award for Promoting Science Fiction InternationallyHatconHexacon 6HumaniconHumanicon IHysteresisI-Con IIICFA 4ICON 8InConJunction IIIInstaConInstaCon 1Invention IIJoe GilbertJohnstown in 1983King KonKrushenko'sKubla KhanvalescenceLarry ProppLeonard WibberleyLepreCon 9LexiconLife, the Universe, & EverythingLife, the Universe, & Everything 1Loscon 10Lost PalantirLou GoldstoneLunacon 26Mack ReynoldsMarcon XVIIIMaxicon 1Microcon '83Midwestcon 34Mike WoodMileHiCon 15Minicon 19MosCon VMunchcon IIIMysteryKonMystiCon 2.5Mythcon XIVMythopoeic AwardMythosNecon 4Necronomicon '83New York in '83Norwescon VINovacon '83NovaconOKon 6Oakland in '83Oliver King SmithOmacon 3OryCon VOutre-ventionParaconParacon VIPenserosoPhilcon 1982.1Philcon 1983Philip K. Dick AwardPhoenixPortland in '83Pulpcon 12ReflectsRivercon VIIIRoc*Kon 8Rovacon 8Roy G. KrenkelRudolph BelarskiSan Francisco in '83San Jose in '83Sci-Con 5Sci-Fi Club BulletinScientifrictionShorconSome Luck/It FiguresSouth on PeachtreeSpoConSpoCon '83StarcallStellarCon VIIIStrange Lands: A Guide to the Worlds of H. P. LovecraftSwampcon 4Texarkon 1983Texas SF InquirerThe Craters of the MoonThe Guide to Supernatural FictionThe InsiderThe Philip K. Dick Society NewsletterTo the StarsTrap DoorTreasure-ConTreasureconTropicon IITusCon 10Unicon 8ValconValleycon 8Vikingcon 4Vul-ConWeird Shit TalesWesterchronWhimseyWichaconWichacon 2Windycon XWisCon 7World Fantasy Convention 1983X-Con 7XanaduXanadu IZenna Henderson


Rest of the World:

1982 | 1983 | 1984