March | -1st Tropicon held |
Easter | Channelcon |
July 16-19 | First Con*Stellation held |
August 20-22 | First MidSouthCon held |
September 2-6 (Labor Day) | Chicon IV (Worldcon) |
October 29-31 | First Necronomicon held |
Kevin Smith TAFF trip | |
DUFF: Peter Toluzzi (North) |
Births and Deaths:
Aliette de Bodard - Alva Rogers - Ayn Rand - Bastien Lecouffe Deharme - Bec McMaster - Berta Attiya - Don Miller - Edmund Cooper - Frank Pipes - Helen Weinbaum Kasson - Hen Flanders - Hubert Rogers - Isabelle Miles - Joan Hunter Holly - Kathy Bond - Leslie J. Johnson - Meg Elison - Nan Gerding - Paul Eldridge - Philip K. Dick - Rachel Swirsky - Reed Crandall - Rudolph Castown - Russ Manning - Stanton A. Coblentz - William McGivern
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Brandycon - CONgestion - Fencon - Jerucon - LEXICON - MagiCon - NorthStar - Smoffcon 1 - Summercon 82
Publications started or ended:
Abercrap - Amazing Adventures - Annuminas - Arena SF - Arvernian Newsletter - Barddoni - Bobolings - Bywater Smial Newsletter - Cacher of the Rye - Calaban - Can't Think of a Name So We Called It This - Complete Quandry - Crab Droppings - Crickhollow Gazette - Crux - Cube - Dark Winds - Dernier Salon Avant l'Autoroute - Don't Think Once - Drifting Soul - Drilkjis - Ele: Leaves from Forlond - Ennui - Epiphany - Extro - Factsheet Five - Forth - Forty-Two - From the Rim - Galah Performance - Gambit - Glass Houses - Gobstopper - Inscape - Interzone - It's Been a Long Hard Winter - It's Only Talk - Izzard - KTF Xmas Card - Longbottom Leaf - Mathom - Meet on the Ledge - Mellow - Microphones in Middle Earth - Microwave - Mimosa - Mince - More Beans - Morlug - My Gosh - Northern Lights - Not Science Fantasy News - Nova - Omega - On Company Time - Orgone Accumulator - Orion - Ornithopter - Overmatter - Pig on the Wall - Pink Fluffy Bedsocks - Proton - Quartz - Rhetorical Device - Romenna Meeting Reports - SMUT - Sci-Fi Club Bulletin - Science Fiction Digest - Scintilla from World's End - Second-Hand Wave - Seven Views of Jerusalem - Shallow End - Shards of Babel - Shotgun - Sticky Quarters - Supernova - Tappen - Telos - The Australasian Doctor Who Fan Club -- Sydney Outer Western Local Group Newsletter - The Best of Susan Wood - The Daley Planet - The Leaf - The Westmarch Messenger - This Never Happens - Through the Lense - Twilight Zine - Typers - When Yngvi Was a Louse - Which Fanzine? - Wide Eyed in Babylon - Wiz
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Avalon - Dartford Tolkien Society - Icarus - International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts - Jomsborg in Exile - LASTSFA - LSU Science Fiction & Fantasy Association - Nargothrond - New York University Science Fiction Society - Preston Speculative Fiction Group - The Last Alliance - Tol-en-Estel - Westmarch
Abercrap - Arena SF - Arvernian Newsletter - Barddoni - Bywater Smial Newsletter - Calaban - Channelcon - Crab Droppings - Crickhollow Gazette - Cymrucon 1982 - Dartford Tolkien Society - Don't Think Once - Drifting Soul - Drilkjis - Edmund Cooper - Ele: Leaves from Forlond - Extro - Faancon - Faancon 7 - Faircon '82 - Fencon - Forth - Interzone - Jomsborg in Exile - KTF Xmas Card - LEXICON - Leslie J. Johnson - Longbottom Leaf - Mathom - Meet on the Ledge - Microcon - Microcon 1 - Microphones in Middle Earth - Microwave - Mince - More Beans - Morlug - Mythcon - Mythcon 1982 - Not Science Fantasy News - Novacon 12 - Omega - Orgone Accumulator - Overmatter - Oxonmoot 1982 - Pig on the Wall - Pink Fluffy Bedsocks - Preston Speculative Fiction Group - Proton - Quartz - Science Fiction Book Club - Second-Hand Wave - Shallow End - Shoestringcon 4 - Silicon 6 - Supernova - TWP - Tappen - The Leaf - The Westmarch Messenger - This Never Happens - Through the Lense - Tol-en-Estel - Twilight Zine - Typers - Unicon 3 - Westmarch - When Yngvi Was a Louse - Which Fanzine?
Ad Astra II - Boréal '82 - Galah Performance - Glass Houses - Halcon 5 - Hen Flanders - Noncon 5 - NorthStar - Northern Lights - Orion - Rain Fore - Torque - Torque 3 - V-Con 10
1.37 - AggieCon XIII - Alva Rogers - Amazing Adventures - Ambercon - Ambercon 4 - Annuminas - Apricon 5 - Archon 6 - ArmadilloCon 4 - Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1982 - Avalon - Ayn Rand - Balticon 16 - BayFilk - BayFilk I - Baycon '82 - Baycon - Berta Attiya - Bobolings - Boskone 19 - Brandycon - Bubonicon 14 - CONgestion - Cacher of the Rye - Capricon 2 - ChambanaCon 12 - Chattacon VII - Chicon IV - Dave Kyle's Chicon IV Reminiscence - Coastcon '82 - Codclave VIII - Complete Quandry - Con - Con 1982 - Con*Stellation I - Con*Tretemps - ConClave VII - ConFusion 11 - ConQuesT 3 - Conebulus - Contradiction 2 - CopperCon 2 - Cube - Dark Winds - Darkover Grand Council V - DeepSouthCon 20 - Detroit in '82 - Disclave 26 - Don Miller - Earthcon II - Eaton Con 4 - Electracon II - Ennui - Epiphany - EveCon - Factsheet Five - Fantasy Faire 12 - FilkCon 4.2 - Forty-Two - Frank Pipes - From the Rim - Gambit - Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction - Helen Weinbaum Kasson - Hexacon 4 - Hexacon 5 - Hubert Rogers - I-CON - I-Con I - ICFA 3 - ICON 7 - Icarus - InConJunction II - Incon - Inscape - International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts - Isabelle Miles - It's Been a Long Hard Winter - It's Only Talk - Izzard - Joan Hunter Holly - Kathy Bond - Kubla Khan Tenuum - LASTCon Too - LASTSFA - LSU Science Fiction & Fantasy Association - LepreCon 8 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 2 - Loscon 9 - Lunacon 25 - MagiCon - Marcon XVII - Meg Elison - MidSouthCon 2 - Midwestcon 33 - MileHiCon 14 - Mimosa - Minicon 14 - MosCon IV - Munchcon II - My Gosh - MysteryKon 7 - MystiCon II - Mythcon XIII - Nan Gerding - Nargothrond - Necon 3 - Necronomicon - Necronomicon 1 - New Orleans in '82 - New York University Science Fiction Society - Norwescon V - OKon 5 - Octocon - Octocon IV - Omacon 2 - On Company Time - OryCon '82 - Over My Shoulder - Paracon V - Paul Eldridge - Philip K. Dick - Phoenix in '82 - Plergbcon - Pulpcon 11 - Rachel Swirsky - Reed Crandall - Rhetorical Device - Rivercon VII - Roc*Kon 7 - Romenna Meeting Reports - Rovacon 7 - Rudolph Castown - Russ Manning - SF Con V - SMUT - Sci-Fi Club Bulletin - Science Fiction Chronicle Reader Award - Science Fiction Digest - Scintilla from World's End - Skycon 2 - Spacecon 4 - St. Ghu in '82 - Stanton A. Coblentz - StellarCon VII - Sticky Quarters - Stipple-APA - Summercon 82 - Swampcon III - Telos - Texarkon - Texarkon 1982 - The Best of Susan Wood - The Boogie Knights - The Daley Planet - The Greatest Gondorian Hero - The Kemp Fund - The Last Alliance - Tropicon - Tropicon I - TusCon 9 - Twaci Index - URCON - URCON IV - Unicon - Unicon I - Unicon 82 - UpperSouthClave XII - Valleycon 7 - Vikingcon 3 - Wail Songs - Westercon 35 - Wide Eyed in Babylon - William McGivern - Windycon IX - WisCon 6 - Wiz - World Fantasy Convention '82 - X-Con 6
1981 | 1982 | 1983 |