February 4-6 | -First Roc*Kon held, First Conebulus held |
March 9-11 | First Halcon held |
March 25-27 | First Totocon held |
Spring | Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine starts publication. |
Easter | Eastercon '77 |
June 17-19 | First X-Con held |
July 15-17 | First Archon held |
July 30-31 | First OKon held |
August 15 | Ray Palmer dies |
August 23- | Peter Roberts TAFF trip |
September 2-5 (Labor Day) | SunCon (Worldcon) |
Del Rey Books founded | |
PorSFiS founded | |
OSFS founded | |
DUFF: Bill Rotsler (South) | |
GUFF started (without trip) |
Births and Deaths:
Brianna Wu - Dale C. Donaldson - Dan Wells - Edmond Hamilton - Festus Pragnell - H. W. Scott - Harold W. McCauley - Henry Hasse - I. O. Evans - Joanne Hall - John Dickson Carr - Malka Older - Norman S. Patton - Paul W. Fairman - Raymond A. Palmer - Robert Moore Williams - Ron Haydock - Sarah Pinsker - Ted Johnstone - Thyril Ladd - Tom Reamy - Ursula Vernon - W. Alan Devereux
Convention series started or ended:
Archon - Atention - B'hamacon - Brookcon - Conebulus - Detroit Triple Fan Fair - Fantasy Faire - Genghiscon - Halcon - OKon - Octocon - Penulticon - Roc*Kon - Science Fiction Happening - Totocon - Valleycon - WisCon - X-Con
Onetime conventions:
1977 SF, Horror and Fantasy World Exposition - Clayton Con - Erraticon - Freddiecon - Great Combined Milford and Clarion Decennial Jubilee, Colloquium and Beer Bash - HBHS Minicon - Harcon - Hippotocon - Luunicon - Monaclave - Mooncon - Mudcon - Nocrescon II - Orcon - Starcon - Steven & Don's Con - Steven & Don's Memphis Halfacon - Themecon - Yuccacon
Publications started or ended:
2000 AD - A Bit of the Other One - A for Antares - Abduction by Wireless - Action Replay - Akallabeth - Alpha and Omega - Ambling Alligator - Analyzing HPL - Annuminas - Aphelion - Astron - Atropos - Avalon Books and Bouregy & Curl - BFS Booklets - BSFA Yearbook - Barddoni - Ben'Zine - Blown in France - Bookworm - CHAT - Chandeliers and Candelabras - Cidereal Times - Cleveland Tolkien Society Newsletter - Clutter - Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine - Cowper Township - Crystal Ship - Cyclotron - Cygnus - Derik, Prince of Fandom - Devlins Review - Different - Disinformation - Dot - Durfed - Earthquake! - Egladil - Empire - Escape - Ethil the Frog - Fanny Hill - Fear and Loathing in the Night - Fijagh - Fledgling - Foreign Words - From the Castle of Llyr - Ganymede - Genre Plat - Get Fokt - Gnomenclature - Grapo - Gritbin - Harbinger - Hawkfan - Hedgehog - Hidden Shallows - Hitchhike - Imp - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine - Kipple - London SF - Luna Monthly - Man from FAPA - Meta - Minardor - Moss on the North Side - Nabu - Nebula - Nexus - Nucleus - Oblique - Off Trails - Ophemera - Orbit - Ornithopter - Ostara - Pacific Northwest Review of Books - Paperback Parlour - Parergon Papers - Peripheral Visions - Picked-Up Pieces - Pink Terrapin - Placebo - Prelude to Space - ProFANity - Prothallus - Quark - Quibble - Radix - Raffles - Relativity - Resolution - Rhumilli - Schmagg - Scintillation - Shoreline - Skug - Skwelsh - Small Publication - Son of New Futurian - Spanish Inquisition - Speculative Poetry Review - Spell - Spin - Star Waste - Strangler Elephants Gazette - Supercrud '69 - TAFF Talk - Tabebuian - Tangent - The Book of Mazarbul - The Diagonal Relationship - The Diversifier - The Nerdwurks - The Romantist - The Sunbeam - The Tucker Transfer - Though the Stars Be Myriad - Tocsin - Triode - Vanishing Point - Vert - Void - What the Dormouse Said - Whiz Funnies - Windhaven - Xenolith - Zealot
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
2000 AD - A Bit of the Other One - A for Antares - Action Replay - Astron - Atropos - BFS Booklets - BSFA Yearbook - Barddoni - Bookworm - British Amateur Press Association - Chandeliers and Candelabras - Cidereal Times - Crystal Ship - Cyclotron - Cygnus - Derik, Prince of Fandom - Dot - Eastercon '77 - Egladil - Ethil the Frog - Faancon 2 - Fantasycon 3 - Festus Pragnell - Fledgling - Ganymede - Get Fokt - Grapo - Gritbin - Harrogate SF Group - Hawkfan - Hidden Shallows - I. O. Evans - James Blish Award - Joanne Hall - John Dickson Carr - Kipple - London SF - Luunicon - Meta - Nabu - Nebula - Nexus - Novacon 7 - Off Trails - Oxonmoot 1977 - Paperback Parlour - Pink Terrapin - Quark - Quibble - Relativity - Rhumilli - Second Fandom - Silicon 2 - Six of One - Skwelsh - Son of New Futurian - Spell - Supercrud '69 - TAFF Talk - Terry Jeeves Fan Fund - Tocsin - Triode - W. Alan Devereux
1977 SF, Horror and Fantasy World Exposition - 7 for '77 - A John Schoenherr SF Checklist - APA:Bingy - ASFiC - Abduction by Wireless - AggieCon VIII - Akallabeth - Alpha and Omega - American Hobbit Association - Analyzing HPL - Annie Hall - Annuminas - Aphelion - Archon - Archon 1 - Artkane 2 - Atention - Atention 77 - AutoClave 2 - Avalon Books and Bouregy & Curl - B'hamacon - BYOB-Con 7 - Back to Rivets - Balticon 11 - Baltimore in '80 - Ben'Zine - Big Cat Books - Blown in France - Boskone 14 - Brianna Wu - Brookcon - Brookcon III - Bubonicon 9 - CHAT - Central Catholic Science Fiction Society - ChambanaCon 7 - Charles Fort Never Mentioned Wombats - Chattacon 2 - Clam Chowder - Clayton Con - Cleveland Tolkien Society Newsletter - Clutter - ConClave II - ConFusion 14 - ConVoy - Conebulus - Conebulus 1977 - Contagion II - Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine - Cowper Township - Dale C. Donaldson - Dan Wells - DeepSouthCon 15 - Desertcon 5 - Detroit Triple Fan Fair - Devlins Review - Different - Disclave 21 - Disinformation - DreamHaven Books & Comics - Durfed - Edmond Hamilton - Empire - Equicon '77 - Erraticon - Escape - Fan Photo Gallery - Fan Portrait Gallery - Fanny Hill - Fanquet - Fantasy Faire - Fantasy Faire VII - Fear and Loathing in the Night - Fellow of NESFA - Foreign Words - Freddiecon - From the Castle of Llyr - Genghiscon - Gnomenclature - Great Combined Milford and Clarion Decennial Jubilee, Colloquium and Beer Bash - H. W. Scott - HBHS Minicon - Hamilton Memorial Award - Harbinger - Harcon - Harold W. McCauley - Hedgehog - Henry Hasse - Hippotocon - Hitchhike - Honolulu Science Fiction Society - ICON 3 - Imp - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine - Jack Williamson Lectureship - John Dickson Carr - Kwintus Kublius - Lamont Award - Launchcon 4 - Launchcon 5 - LepreCon 3 - Loscon 3 - Loscon 4 - Luna Monthly - Lunacon 20 - Malka Older - Man from FAPA - Marcon XII - Midwestcon 28 - MileHiCon 9 - Minicon 12 - Mooncon - Moss on the North Side - Mudcon - Mythcon VIII - New York in '77 - New York in '80 - Nocrescon II - Nucleus - OKon - OKon 1 - Oblique - Octocon - Octocon 13 - Ophemera - Orcon - Ostara - Pacific Northwest Review of Books - Paul W. Fairman - Penulticon - Penulticon '77 - Peripheral Visions - PgHLANGE IX - Philadelphia in 1977 - Philcon 1976.1 - Philcon 1977 - Picked-Up Pieces - Placebo - Portland Science Fiction Society - ProFANity - Prothallus - Pulpcon 6 - Quark - Radix - Raffles - Raymond A. Palmer - Resolution - Rivercon III - Robert Moore Williams - Roc*Kon - Roc*Kon 1 - Ron Haydock - Rovacon II - SLAPHAPA - SPWAO - Saltcon - Sarah Pinsker - Science Fantasy Bookstore - Science Fiction Happening - Scintillation - Second Fandom - Shoreline - Skug - Small Publication - Snowkone II - Solarcon III - Southern Fried Fandom Gil Gaier Transport Fund - Space-Con Three - Space-Con4 - Spanish Inquisition - Speculative Poetry Review - Spinoff - Star Waste - Starcon - StellarCon II - Steven & Don's Con - Steven & Don's Memphis Halfacon - Stringworld - Suburban Femme Fund - SunCon - Dave Kyle's SunCon Reminiscence - Tabebuian - Tangent - Ted Johnstone - Terry Jeeves Fan Fund - The Book of Mazarbul - The Diagonal Relationship - The Diversifier - The Futurians - The Nerdwurks - The Old Phoenix Inn - The Romantist - The Sunbeam - The Tucker Transfer - Themecon - Though the Stars Be Myriad - Thyril Ladd - Tom Reamy - Totocon - Totocon 1 - Twaci Index - Unicon 3 - UpperSouthClave VII - Ursula Vernon - Valleycon - Valleycon 1 - Valleycon 2 - Vanishing Point - Vert - Washington in '77 - Windhaven - Windycon IV - Wintercon 3 - WisCon - WisCon 1 - World Fantasy Convention III - Wunderfest 1977 - X-Con - X-Con 1 - Xenolith - Yuccacon
1976 | 1977 | 1978 |