February | -Australian Science Fiction Society announced in first issue of Woomera |
March 25 | First International Fantasy Award given out |
April | Mari Wolf began her “Fandora's Box” column |
May 10–14 | Festivention |
July | ASFO started |
Mid | Little Monsters of America formed |
September 1–3 | Nolacon (Worldcon) |
Room 770 party held | |
Lee Hoffman unmasked as a girl! | |
“Klaatu borada nikto” and “Keep watching the skies!” become catchphrases. |
Births and Deaths:
A. A. Attanasio - Abigail Frost - Algernon Blackwood - Anna Vargo - Avedon Carol - Barbara Hambly - Beth Meacham - Betsy Wollheim - Bill Schelly - Brian Attebery - C. J. Henderson - Carl Freedman - Charlaine Harris - Charles Vess - Charles de Lint - Christopher Evans - Christopher Hinz - Colling Leybourn - Dave Luckett - Dave Tompkins - David Bischoff - David Cargo - David Grigg - David Marusek - Dean Morrissey - Deborah Turner Harris - Delia Sherman - Dena Brown - Don Keller - Donya White - Ellen Vartanoff - Eric Vinicoff - Esther Friesner - Eve Harvey - Frank Richards - Gary McGath - Gary Westfahl - Geoff Ryman - Geraldine Harris - Gerry Adair - Greg Bear - Greg Eide - Greg Pickersgill - Guy Snyder - James Patrick Kelly - Jane Dennis - Jane Hawkins - Janeen Webb - Janis Ian - Jeanne Gomoll - Jeff Schalles - Jim Glass - Jim Young - Joe Lansdale - John Andrews - John Caspell - John Steakley - Jon Courtenay Grimwood - Jonh Ingham - K. D. Wentworth - Kathy Mar - Lanny Waitsman - Leigh Kennedy - Lester Boutillier - Lola Ann Andrew Center - Lynn Harris - Margaret Basta - Mark Evans - Mark Harrison - Mary Peek - Michael A. Banks - Michael Scott Rohan - Michael Short - Mike Raub - Moshe Feder - Nick Smith - Orson Scott Card - P. C. Hodgell - Per Insulander - Peter Andrew Jones - Priscilla Olson - R. Graeme Cameron - R. H. Barlow - Richard I. Barycz - Rick Sternbach - Robert Osband - Robert Sacks - Robert Whitaker Sirignano - Rosemary Pardoe - Ross Pavlac - Russ Woodman - Ruth Sanderson - STF-fans Clipping Service - Sherwood Smith - Simon Hawke - Stepan Chapman - Stephen Briggs - Stephen Leigh - Steve Norris - Taral Wayne - Tatiana Keller - The Turd - Timothy Lane - Timothy Zahn - Ulf Westblom - Val Lakey Lindahn - W. H. Pugmire - Wendy Pini - William H. Patterson
Publications started or ended:
A Tale of the 'Evans - Aberrations - Al la Baboom - Alpha and Omega - Aonia - Approach to Infinity - Avon Science Fiction Reader - Backtrack - Bend Sinister - Beware - Bizarre - Censored - Challenge - Confusion - Cosmag - Fantasia - Fantasias - Fantastic Novels - Fantasy Art Society Leaflet - Fantasy Book - Fantasy Jackass - Futurist - Inphantasmagoria - It - Mad - Operation Fantast Handbook - Operation Fantast Newsletter - Pamphrey - Photon - Quibble - Renaissance - STEFCARD - Science Fiction Digest - Science-Fiction Five-Yearly - Shadowland - Sludge - Sol - Standard Twins - Stef HeadliNews - Stfanews - Stopgap - Super Science Stories - Tactium - Telepath - The Chattahoochee, Okefenokee, & Ogeechee Occasional Gazette - The Committeeman - The Fanscient - The Harp That Once or Twice - The Harp in England - The Journal of Science Fiction - The Talisman - Torquasian Times - Wild Hair - Willish - Worlds Apart - Worlds Beyond - Zap
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
Abigail Frost - Algernon Blackwood - Avedon Carol - BSFA - Bradford Science Fiction Association - Christopher Evans - Colling Leybourn - Dave Tompkins - Deborah Turner Harris - Eve Harvey - Fantasy Art Society - Fantasy Art Society Leaflet - Festivention - Geoff Ryman - Geraldine Harris - Greg Pickersgill - Inphantasmagoria - International Fantasy Award - Jon Courtenay Grimwood - Jonh Ingham - Leigh Kennedy - Liverpool Group - Mark Harrison - Mary Peek - Michael Scott Rohan - NECON - Nor'west Science Fantasy Club - Operation Fantast Handbook - Operation Fantast Newsletter - Pamphrey - Peter Andrew Jones - Quibble - Richard I. Barycz - Rosemary Pardoe - S-F Soap Opera Company - SFS - STF-fans Clipping Service - Science Fantasy Society membership 1948-1951 - Sludge - Stephen Briggs - The Harp in England - Willish
1951 Open ESFA - A Tale of the 'Evans - A. A. Attanasio - Aberrations - Al la Baboom - All Our Yesterdays - Alpha and Omega - Anna Vargo - Aonia - Approach to Infinity - Avon Science Fiction Reader - Backtrack - Barbara Hambly - Beatley's - Bend Sinister - Beth Meacham - Betsy Wollheim - Beware - Bill Schelly - Bizarre - Brian Attebery - C. J. Henderson - Carl Freedman - Challenge - Charlaine Harris - Charles Vess - Christopher Hinz - Clean up Fandom Crusade - Confusion - Cosmag - David Bischoff - David Cargo - David Marusek - Dean Morrissey - Delia Sherman - Dena Brown - Disclave 2 - Don Keller - Donya White - DripCon - Ellen Vartanoff - Eric Vinicoff - Esther Friesner - Fantasia - Fantasias - Fantastic Novels - Fantasy Artisans - Fantasy Book - Fantasy Jackass - Fanvet Convention - Fanvet Convention 1 - Frank Richards - Futurist - Gary McGath - Gary Westfahl - Gerry Adair - Greg Bear - Greg Eide - Guy Snyder - It - James Patrick Kelly - Jane Dennis - Jane Hawkins - Janis Ian - Jeanne Gomoll - Jeff Schalles - Jim Glass - Jim Young - Joe Lansdale - John Andrews - John Steakley - Jonh Ingham - K. D. Wentworth - Kathy Mar - Lanny Waitsman - Lester Boutillier - Little Monsters of America - Lola Ann Andrew Center - Lynn Harris - MYOB - Mad - Margaret Basta - Mark Evans - Michael A. Banks - Michael Short - Midwestcon 2 - Mike Raub - Moshe Feder - New Orleans in 1950 - New Orleans in 1951 - Nick Smith - Nolacon - Sam Moskowitz' Nolacon I Reminiscence - Orson Scott Card - P. C. Hodgell - Photon - Prime Press - Priscilla Olson - Project Fan Club - R. H. Barlow - Renaissance - Rick Sternbach - Robert Osband - Robert Sacks - Robert Whitaker Sirignano - Room 770 - Ross Pavlac - Russ Woodman - Ruth Sanderson - SF International - STEFCARD - Science Fiction Digest - Science-Fiction Five-Yearly - Shadowland - Sherwood Smith - Simon Hawke - Sol - Standard Twins - Stef HeadliNews - Stepan Chapman - Stephen Leigh - Steve Norris - Stfanews - Super Science Stories - Tactium - Tatiana Keller - The Chattahoochee, Okefenokee, & Ogeechee Occasional Gazette - The Committeeman - The Fanscient - The Harp That Once or Twice - The Journal of Science Fiction - The Talisman - The Turd - Timothy Lane - Timothy Zahn - Torquasian Times - Ulf Westblom - Val Lakey Lindahn - W. H. Pugmire - Wendy Pini - Westercon 4 - Wild Hair - William H. Patterson - Willish - Worlds Apart - Worlds Beyond - Zap
1950 | 1951 | 1952 |