Best Fanzine Hugo

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The Best Fanzine Hugo category was created at the Clevention in 1955 for the second time the Hugos were awarded and has been awarded every since (with the exception of 1958.

A fanzine is an amateur publication devoted to SF or fandom. It may contain fiction, but fiction is not commonly the focus of fanzines.

Year -Winner
1955 Fantasy Times ed. by James V. Taurasi, Sr. and Ray Van Houten
1956 Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser ed. by Ron Smith
1957 Science Fiction Times ed. by James V. Taurasi, Sr., Ray Van Houten and Frank R. Prieto, Jr.
1959 Fanac ed. by Terry Carr and Ron Ellik
1960 Cry of the Nameless ed. by F. M. Busby, Elinor Busby, Burnett Toskey and Wally Weber
1961 Who Killed Science Fiction? ed. by Earl Kemp
1962 Warhoon ed. by Richard Bergeron
1963 Xero ed. by Richard A. Lupoff and Pat Lupoff
1964 Amra ed. by George H. Scithers
1965 Yandro ed. by Robert Coulson and Juanita Coulson
1966 ERB-dom ed. by Camille Cazedessus, Jr.
1967 Niekas ed. by Ed Meskys and Felice Rolfe
1968 Amra ed. by George H. Scithers
1969 Science Fiction Review ed. by Richard E. Geis
1970 Science Fiction Review ed. by Richard E. Geis
1971 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown and Dena Brown
1972 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown and Dena Brown
1973 Energumen ed. by Mike Glicksohn and Susan Wood Glicksohn
1974 (tie) The Alien Critic ed. by Richard E. Geis and Algol ed. by Andrew I. Porter
1975 The Alien Critic ed. by Richard E. Geis
1976 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown and Dena Brown
1977 Science Fiction Review ed. by Richard E. Geis
1978 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown and Dena Brown
1979 Science Fiction Review ed. by Richard E. Geis
1980 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown
1981 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown
1982 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown
1983 Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown
1984 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
1985 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
1986 Lan's Lantern ed. by George "Lan" Laskowski
1987 Ansible ed. by Dave Langford
1988 Texas SF Inquirer ed. by Pat Mueller
1989 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
1990 The Mad 3 Party ed. by Leslie Turek
1991 Lan's Lantern ed. by George "Lan" Laskowski
1992 Mimosa ed. by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
1993 Mimosa ed. by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
1994 Mimosa ed. by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
1995 Ansible ed. by Dave Langford
1996 Ansible ed. by Dave Langford
1997 Mimosa ed. by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
1998 Mimosa ed. by Nicki Lynch and Richard Lynch
1999 Ansible ed. by Dave Langford
2000 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
2001 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
2002 Ansible ed. by Dave Langford
2003 Mimosa ed. by Rich Lynch and Nicki Lynch
2004 Emerald City ed. by Cheryl Morgan
2005 Plokta ed. by Alison Scott, Steve Davies and Mike Scott
2006 Plokta ed. by Alison Scott, Steve Davies and Mike Scott
2007 Science-Fiction Five-Yearly ed. by Lee Hoffman, Geri Sullivan and Randy Byers
2008 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
2009 Electric Velocipede ed. by John Klima
2010 StarShipSofa ed. by Tony C. Smith
2011 The Drink Tank, ed. by Christopher J. Garcia and James Bacon
2012 SF Signal, ed. by John DeNardo
2013 SF Signal, ed. by John DeNardo, J. P. Frantz, and Patrick Hester
2014 A Dribble of Ink, ed. by Aidan Moher
2015 Journey Planet ed. by James Bacon, Christopher J. Garcia, Colin Harris, Alissa McKersie, and Helen J. Montgomery
2016 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
2017 Lady Business ed. by Clare, Ira, Jodie, KJ, Renay, and Susan
2018 File 770 ed. by Mike Glyer
2019 Lady Business ed. by Clare, Ira, Jodie, KJ, Renay, and Susan
2020 The Book Smugglers ed. by Ana Grilo and Thea James
2021 Nerds of a feather, flock together ed. by Adri Joy, Joe Sherry, Vance Kotrla and The G

See also: Best Fanzine Retro Hugo.

Hugos 1955
This is an award page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it! See Standards for Awards.