February 1 | -Walt Liebscher dies |
Easter | Yorcon III |
July 21 | Jack Gaughan dies |
August 22-26 | Aussiecon Two (Worldcon) |
August 30-September 2 Labor Day | LoneStarCon (NASFiC) |
September 15 | New Southern Friends in Space first meeting |
Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden TAFF trip. | |
DUFF: Marty & Robbie Cantor (South) | |
FFANZ: Nigel Rowe (West) | |
SFSFS organized |
Births and Deaths:
Abby Lu Ashley - Abner J. Gelula - Ariela Housman - Banks Mebane - Bill Evans - Buddie McKnight - Dave Clements - Donald Moore - George Charters - Hyman Tiger - Jack Gaughan - Jim Martin - Kyril Bonfiglioli - Larry Shaw - Orson Welles - Owen Plumridge - Paul Ernst - Robert G. Thompson - Robert Graves - S. A. Chakraborty - T. L. Sherred - Tamsyn Muir - Theodore Sturgeon - Virginia Laney Daugherty - Walt Liebscher - Walter Gibson - William Timmins
Convention series started or ended:
Advention - Aelita - August Party - Contraption - Empiricon - Eucon - Genericon - Hatcon - Istacon - Lazlar Lyricon - Not Just Another Con - Nova - Panopticon West - Polcon - Silicon - Texarkon - Treasurecon - Triangulum - Whatcon
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A Floor So Cunningly Laid That No Matter Where You Stood It Was Underneath Your Feet - A Foreign Fanzine - Acrylic - Are You Talking to Me? - BECCON: The Fanzine - Beccer's Opera - Beyond - Cast Iron - Children of Zeos - Clear Ether! - Conrunner - Contrary Modes - Convention Girls' Digest - Corpus Colossum - Country Roads - Crank - Damballa - Dreddnaught - Duffbury Tales / Tales of Duffbury - Duprass - egoscan - Epsilon - Eternity Road - Ethel the Aardvark - Extra-Vehicular Fanac - FTT - Fantod - Foetus - For Paranoids Only - From the Cockpit 2 - Gallimaufry - Genre Plat - Gloria Mundi - Harpings - Hasta La Vista, Chuck - Heat Wave Minac - I'm Not Boring You Am I? - Ichthyosaurus - Illyria - It Goes on the Shelf - Jane's Fighting Smofs - Kantele - Legend - Majoon - Mathom - Mathom - Microwave - Mince - Mirror Crack'd - Mythos - Neogensis - Not This August - Notes on a Son and Brother - Notional - On Company Time - Parasite - Patchin Review - Pig on the Wall - Plastic Rubble - Potsherd - Psychedelic Fruit Juice - Quaint - Raa - Raw Bits - Rem - Right Up There! - SFSFS Shuttle - Skel's A Poppin - Solstice - Spung - Stranger in the Night - Sweden 85 - TAFFluvia - Taffeta - That Was the Year That Was - The Discordian/Neo-Platonic Wedding - The Naked Id - The Pied-A-Terre - The Rubber Fanzine - The Shire Reckoning - The Southern Star - The Transatlantic Hearing Aid - The Whether Report - Tiger Tea - Time and Again - To Craunch the Marmoset - Triptych - Visitors - Warhoon - Weinstein & Glyer's Discount Hoaxarama - Wet Cheese - Whistlestar - Wildhack - Worm Cravings
Awards made, started or ended:
Advention - Advention '85 - Hal Clement's Aussiecon 2 Reminiscence - Aussiecon Two - Children of Zeos - Con Amore - Contrary Modes - Ethel the Aardvark - Mathom - Melbourne in '85 - Notes on a Son and Brother - Notional - Paranoiacon - Raw Bits - Seattle in '85 - Silver Swan Award - Space Age Books - Swancon X - Sydney in '91 - The Shaw Fund - Tribute to the Master
Acrylic - Albacon 85 - BECCON '85 - BECCON: The Fanzine - Beccer's Opera - Camcon - Cast Iron - Conrunner - Dartford Tolkien Society - Dragoncon 3 - Dreddnaught - Epsilon - FTT - Falkon '85 - Fantasycon X - Foetus - For Paranoids Only - George Charters - Gloria Mundi - Ichthyosaurus - Illyria - Kyril Bonfiglioli - Lazlar Lyricon - Lazlar Lyricon I - Legend - Mathom - Microwave - Mince - Mirror Crack'd - New Southern Friends in Space - Novacon 15 - Owen Plumridge - Oxonmoot 1985 - Picocon Pi - Pig on the Wall - Plastic Rubble - Psychedelic Fruit Juice - Raa - Robert Graves - Shoestringcon 7 - Silicon - Silicon 9 (UK) - Silicone - Skel's A Poppin - Spock in Manacles - Spung - Tamsyn Muir - The Beccon Plays - The Southern Star - The Transatlantic Hearing Aid - Tiger Tea - To Craunch the Marmoset - Triptych - Wet Cheese - Yorcon III
1985 NASFiC Site Selection - 1985 World Fantasy Convention - A Floor So Cunningly Laid That No Matter Where You Stood It Was Underneath Your Feet - APA:Tax - Abby Lu Ashley - Abner J. Gelula - AggieCon XVI - Albuquerque in '85 - Alti-Ego's - Archon 9 - Ariela Housman - ArmadilloCon 7 - Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1985 - August Party - Austin in '85 - Balticon 19 - Banks Mebane - Baycon '85 - Beyond - Bill Evans - Boskone 22 - Breckenridge in '85 - Bubonicon 17 - Buddie McKnight - Capricon 5 - Capriconwest - ChambanaCon 15 - Chattacon X - Chesley Award - Chimeracon - Clear Ether! - Coastcon VIII - Columbus in 1985 - Con*Stellation IV - Con*Tretemps 4 - ConChord 2 - ConClave X - ConQuesT 16 - ConQuistador II - ConTact 3 - Concave 6 - Contradiction 5 - Contraption - Contraption 1 - Convention Girls' Digest - CopperCon 5 - Corflu 2 - Corpus Colossum - Costume-Con 3 - Country Roads - (Coveted) Balrog Award - Crank - Czarkon 3 - Damballa - Darkover Grand Council 8 - Dave Clements - Decadent ConFusion - DeepSouthCon 23 - Detroit in '85 - Disclave 29 - Donald Moore - Duffbury Tales / Tales of Duffbury - Duprass - Earthcon V - egoscan - Empiricon - Empiricon 6 - Equicon '85 - Eternity Road - Eucon - Eucon '85 - Extra-Vehicular Fanac - Fantasy Worlds Festival '85 - Fantod - Fedogan & Bremer - From the Cockpit 2 - Gallimaufry - Genericon - Genericon I - Harpings - Hasta La Vista, Chuck - Hatcon - Hatcon 3 - Heat Wave Minac - Hexacon 8 - Hyman Tiger - I-Con IV - ICFA 6 - ICON 10 - InConJunction V - Indianapolis in '91 - Intercourse - Istacon - Istacon 2 - It Goes on the Shelf - Jack Gaughan - Jane's Fighting Smofs - Jim Martin - Kantele - Kubla the 13th - LASTCon T'ree - Larry Shaw - LepreCon 11 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 3 - LoneStarCon - Loscon 12 - Lunacon 28 - Majoon - Marcon XX - MidSouthCon 4 - Midwestcon 36 - MileHiCon 17 - Minicon 20 - MosCon VII - MystiCon Pi - Mythcon VI - Mythcon XVI - Mythos - Nashville in '91 - Necon 6 - Necronomicon '85 - Norwescon 8.5 - Norwescon VIII - Not Just Another Con - Not This August - Not-Anokon '85 - Nova - Nova 10 - OKon 8 - Octocon 22 - Omacon 5 - On Company Time - Orson Welles - OryCon '85 - Ozarkon 1 - Panopticon West - Parasite - Patchin Review - Paul Ernst - Philcon 1985 - Potsherd - Pulpcon 14 - Quaint - Rem - Right Up There! - Rivercon X - Robert G. Thompson - Roc*Kon 10 - Roc*Kon 9 - Rustycon 2 - S. A. Chakraborty - SFSFS - SFSFS Shuttle - Sacramento in '85 - Smofcon 2 - Solstice - Spawncon - SpoCon '85 - StellarCon X - Stranger in the Night - T. L. Sherred - TAFFluvia - Taffeta - Take My Con...Please - Texarkon - Texarkon IV - That Was the Year That Was - The Discordian/Neo-Platonic Wedding - The Naked Id - The Pied-A-Terre - The Rubber Fanzine - The Shire Reckoning - The Whether Report - Theodore Sturgeon - Time and Again - Treasurecon - Treasurecon 3 - Triangulum - Triangulum 1985 - Tropicon IV - TusCon 12 - Unicon 10 - UpperSouthClave 15 - Valleycon 10 - Vikingcon 6 - Virginia Laney Daugherty - Visitors - Walt Liebscher - Walter Gibson - Warhoon - Weinstein & Glyer's Discount Hoaxarama - Westercon 38 - Whatcon - Whatcon III - Whistlestar - Wigwam Village - Wildhack - William Timmins - Windycon XII - WisCon 9 - Writers of the Future - X-Con 9 - Xanadu 2.0
1984 | 1985 | 1986 |