From Fancyclopedia 3
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March 3 -FPWESFC
April 6–7 First Post-Radar-Contact-with-the-Moon Con
April 28 The Null-A Men reorganized to form the ESFA
July 4–7 Pacificon I (Worldcon)
August 13 H. G. Wells dies
October 27 Phillycon 1946

“A Year in Fandom: 1946” by First Fandom Experience.


Births and Deaths:

Alan Dean FosterAndrew StephensonAndy PorterArnie KatzBarry GoldBarry R. LevinBernie EvansBinker HughesBob PassovoyBruce RobbinsCas SkeltonCatherine MintzCharles RyanChris FossCora BuhlertDavid ReddDiana Gallagher WuDon D'AmmassaEclare HannifenElizabeth A. LynnEric S. RabkinF. Paul WilsonFlieg HollanderFrancis FlaggGary Alan RuseGary K. WolfeGeorge ProctorGeorge W. ProctorGraham CharnockGraham MastertonH. G. WellsHal HaagHoward WaldropIan MillerJack KetchumJanet KaganJoe BethancourtJohn D. OwenJohn D. TaylorJohn DeChancieJohn GribbinJon WhiteJosepha ShermanKen FletcherL. Neil SmithLarry McCaffrey, Jr.Larry SmithLarry WilliamsLenny BailesLenny KayeLeslie TurekLois ManganMarty MassogliaMarv WolfmanMichael SheaMike GlicksohnMike HorvatNancy KilpatrickOtis Adelbert KlineP. J. BeesePatricia Williams-KingPauline JonesPerri CorrickPeter DarlingPhilip PullmanPhyllis EisensteinRafael LevchinRamsey CampbellReed AndrusRich WannenRichie BenyoRobert AsprinRobert WeinbergRobin Postal WhiteRoger WaddingtonRosemary UllyotRudy RuckerSharyn McCrumbSheryl BirkheadSteve PerrinStuart David SchiffSue AndersonTerry AdamskiThomas D. SadlerThomas F. MonteleoneTom CollinsTom VealYale Edeiken


Convention series started or ended:


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



2B or Not 2B?aAd InterimAdventures in Time and SpaceAlan Dean FosterAndy PorterApolloArnie KatzAssorted MusingsBarry GoldBarry R. LevinBay Area NewsBeyondBinker HughesBlack FlamesBob PassovoyBruce RobbinsCatherine MintzCentraconChanticleerChaosCharles RyanChicon 8Creep, Shadow!Diana Gallagher WuDirty WordDon D'AmmassaEclare HannifenElizabeth A. LynnEmberEn GardeEric S. RabkinF. Paul WilsonFPWESFCFacts in the Case of W. DunkelbergerFanFanoramaFantasy CriticFantasy FoundationFanzine Readers ReviewFirst Post-Radar-Contact-with-the-Moon ConFlieg HollanderForLo KonFrancis FlaggGary Alan RuseGary K. WolfeGeorge ProctorGeorge W. ProctorGoogolGrulzakGutetoHal HaagHoward WaldropI BequeathIchorIn Memoriam: H. G. Wells, 1866 - 1946InspirationJabberwockyJack KetchumJanet KaganJoe BethancourtJoe's JottingsJohn D. TaylorJohn DeChancieJon WhiteJosepha ShermanKen FletcherL. Neil SmithLarry McCaffrey, Jr.Larry SmithLarry WilliamsLenny BailesLenny KayeLeslie TurekLois ManganLos Angeles in 1942Marty MassogliaMarv WolfmanMichael SheaMicronMike HorvatMilty's MagMonsters of the MoonMutantNew WorldsOpen ESFAOperation FuturianOtis Adelbert KlineOutlandsP. J. BeesePacificonPacificon CombozineForrest J Ackerman's Pacificon I ReminiscencePatricia Williams-KingPerri CorrickPhillycon 1946Phyllis EisensteinPlenumQXRafael LevchinReed AndrusRich WannenRichie BenyoRiderRobert AsprinRobert WeinbergRobin Postal WhiteRosebudRudy RuckerScarabScience*FictionSharyn McCrumbSheryl BirkheadSpace Flight...When?SparxSpeculationsStephan the STFANSteve PerrinStuart David SchiffSue AndersonSun SpotsTails of Passionate FansTerry AdamskiThe (Unspeakable) ThingThe AcolyteThe Anti-Michelist Omnibus DummyThe GrotesqueThe Kaymar TraderThe MuseThe PhantagraphThe Reader and CollectorThe RiderThe Science Fiction SavantThe Science-Fiction WorldThe TimebinderThomas D. SadlerThomas F. MonteleoneTom CollinsTom VealTumbrilsYale Edeiken


Rest of the World:

1945 | 1946 | 1947