February 3−4 | -Boskone IV. |
March | Amazing publishes "I remember Lemuria," initiating the infamous Shaver Mystery. |
March | VAPA formed. |
May 12 | Winston Churchill makes first use of iron curtain. |
July 7–8 | 1945 Michiconference. |
August 6 | U.S. drops first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. |
August 9 | U.S. drops second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. |
August 14 | V-J Day: End of World War II |
Labor Day | No Worldcon held. |
September 2 | Boskone V. |
September 15 | Atom-Noak, the first Swedish sf club founded. |
December | ESFA founded, though not yet with that name. |
Futurians disbanded. | |
The National Fantasy Fan first published (replacing Bonfire). |
Births and Deaths:
Alden Ackerman - Amy Wolfthal - Angus Taylor - Bertil Mårtensson - Bill Bridget - Bruce Henstell - Charles Platt - Charles Williams - Connie Willis - D. West - Dave Britton - David Drake - Dean R. Koontz - delphyne joan woods - Denny Lien - E. R. Eddison - Earl Kay - Ed Bryant - Eileen Gunn - Elizabeth Moon - Fred Lerner - Gay Haldeman - George Zebrowski - Gordon Eklund - Ian Stewart - Jack Dann - Jack Gonzalez - James Turner - Jean Marie Stine - Jim Corrick - Joe Pumilia - Joe Ross - Jon Gustafson - Joy Chant - Karl Edward Wagner - Kate Wadey - Katherine Neville - Kennedy Poyser - Kristina Hallind - Laniac - Larry Montgomery - Larry Nielson - Larry Propp - Lee Eastman - Lois Lavender - M. John Harrison - Malcolm Jameson - Mark Owings - Mary Reed - Mats Linder - Michael Bishop - Michael Walsh - Mike Ward - Miles J. Breuer - Oyvind Myhre - Peder Carlsson - Peggy Rae Sapienza - Philip H. Turner - Rachel Pollack - Raymond E. Feist - Rich Dengrove - Richard A. Hauptmann - Rob Chilson - Robert Calvert - Ron Bounds - Sam Long - Susan Petrey - Tom Ölander - Vincent Di Fate - Warren Norwood - Whitley Streiber - Yvonne Rousseau
Publications started or ended:
A Checklist of Fantasy Magazines - AAGH! - Ad Infinitum - After Ten Years -- A Tribute to Stanley G. Weinbaum - Afterthoughts - Allegory - BFS Beyond - BT -- His Pages - Banshee - Because of Circumstances Beyond - Beowulf - Black Star - Booklist - British Fantasy Society Prospectus - Caliban - Centauri - Chaos - Creep, Shadow! - Cry in the Night - Destiny's Child - Directory of Anglofandom - Discrete - Falling Petals - Fandom on Parade - Fantasite - Fantasy Jackpot - Fantasy Review - Fanzine Readers Review - Four Fingers - Futurian War Digest - GAPA Vanguard - Gemini - Heeling Error - High Points - Highpoints - Immortal Storm - Introducing 'Dunk--' - It - Janus - Joe's Jottings - K'taogm-m - Laniac - Leprechaun - Luna Pono - Mac's GI Journal - McSnoyd's Bulletin - Nonesuch - Number - Phantasphere - Renascence - Sappho - Science Fiction Newsletter - Stefantasy - Stefnews - Take-Off! - Tellus - Temper - The Alden Press - The G.A.P.A Vanguard - The Science-Fiction World - The Scientifictionist - The Southern Star - The TinCan Wonder - Three Fingers - Toward Tomorrow - Tumbrils - Twilight Echoes - Utopia - V-R Record Review - Vampire - Voice - Wee Tome Tipper - X Document
BFS Beyond - Booklist - British Fantasy Society Prospectus - Charles Platt - Charles Williams - D. West - Dave Britton - Directory of Anglofandom - E. R. Eddison - Futurian War Digest - Gemini - Ian Stewart - Joy Chant - M. John Harrison - Mary Reed - Nonesuch - Philip H. Turner - Robert Calvert - Science-Fiction Service
1945 Michiconference - A Checklist of Fantasy Magazines - AAGH! - Ad Infinitum - After Ten Years -- A Tribute to Stanley G. Weinbaum - Afterthoughts - Alden Ackerman - Allegory - Amy Wolfthal - The Arisians - BT -- His Pages - Banshee - Because of Circumstances Beyond - Beowulf - Bill Bridget - Black Star - Boskone IV - Boskone V - Bruce Henstell - Caliban - Centauri - Chaos - Charles Platt - Connie Willis - Creep, Shadow! - Cry in the Night - David Drake - Dean R. Koontz - delphyne joan woods - Denny Lien - Destiny's Child - Discrete - ESFA - Earl Kay - Ed Bryant - Eileen Gunn - Elizabeth Moon - Falling Petals - Fandom on Parade - Fantasite - Fantasy Jackpot - Fantasy Review - Fanzine Readers Review - Four Fingers - Fred Lerner - GAPA Vanguard - Galactic Roamers - Gay Haldeman - George Zebrowski - Gordon Eklund - Heeling Error - High Points - Highpoints - Immortal Storm - Introducing 'Dunk--' - It - Jack Dann - Jack Gonzalez - James Turner - Janus - Jean Marie Stine - Jim Corrick - Joe Pumilia - Joe Ross - Joe's Jottings - Jon Gustafson - K'taogm-m - Karl Edward Wagner - Kate Wadey - Katherine Neville - Kennedy Poyser - Laniac - Larry Montgomery - Larry Nielson - Larry Propp - Lee Eastman - Leprechaun - Lois Lavender - Luna Pono - Mac's GI Journal - Malcolm Jameson - Mark Owings - Mary Reed - McSnoyd's Bulletin - Michael Bishop - Michiconference - Mike Ward - Miles J. Breuer - Number - Peggy Rae Sapienza - Phantasphere - Rachel Pollack - Raymond E. Feist - Renascence - Rich Dengrove - Richard A. Hauptmann - Rob Chilson - Ron Bounds - SI/ASFA - Sam Long - Sappho - Science Fiction Newsletter - Stefantasy - Stefnews - Susan Petrey - Take-Off! - Tellus - Temper - The Alden Press - The G.A.P.A Vanguard - The Science-Fiction World - The Scientifictionist - The Southern Star - The TinCan Wonder - Three Fingers - Toward Tomorrow - Tumbrils - Twilight Echoes - Utopia - V-R Record Review - VAPA - Vampire - Vincent Di Fate - Warren Norwood - Wee Tome Tipper - Whitley Streiber - X Document
1944 | 1945 | 1946 |