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February 3−4 -Boskone IV.
March Amazing publishes "I remember Lemuria," initiating the infamous Shaver Mystery.
March VAPA formed.
May 12 Winston Churchill makes first use of iron curtain.
July 7–8 1945 Michiconference.
August 6 U.S. drops first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
August 9 U.S. drops second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.
August 14 V-J Day: End of World War II
Labor Day No Worldcon held.
September 2 Boskone V.
September 15 Atom-Noak, the first Swedish sf club founded.
December ESFA founded, though not yet with that name.
Futurians disbanded.
The National Fantasy Fan first published (replacing Bonfire).


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:




Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


Clubs founded or disbanded:




New fanspeak coined:










New Zealand:



1945 MichiconferenceA Checklist of Fantasy MagazinesAAGH!Ad InfinitumAfter Ten Years -- A Tribute to Stanley G. WeinbaumAfterthoughtsAlden AckermanAllegoryAmy WolfthalThe ArisiansBT -- His PagesBansheeBecause of Circumstances BeyondBeowulfBill BridgetBlack StarBoskone IVBoskone VBruce HenstellCalibanCentauriChaosCharles PlattConnie WillisCreep, Shadow!Cry in the NightDavid DrakeDean R. Koontzdelphyne joan woodsDenny LienDestiny's ChildDiscreteESFAEarl KayEd BryantEileen GunnElizabeth MoonFalling PetalsFandom on ParadeFantasiteFantasy JackpotFantasy ReviewFanzine Readers ReviewFour FingersFred LernerGAPA VanguardGalactic RoamersGay HaldemanGeorge ZebrowskiGordon EklundHeeling ErrorHigh PointsHighpointsImmortal StormIntroducing 'Dunk--'ItJack DannJack GonzalezJames TurnerJanusJean Marie StineJim CorrickJoe PumiliaJoe RossJoe's JottingsJon GustafsonK'taogm-mKarl Edward WagnerKate WadeyKatherine NevilleKennedy PoyserLaniacLarry MontgomeryLarry NielsonLarry ProppLee EastmanLeprechaunLois LavenderLuna PonoMac's GI JournalMalcolm JamesonMark OwingsMary ReedMcSnoyd's BulletinMichael BishopMichiconferenceMike WardMiles J. BreuerNumberPeggy Rae SapienzaPhantasphereRachel PollackRaymond E. FeistRenascenceRich DengroveRichard A. HauptmannRob ChilsonRon BoundsSI/ASFASam LongSapphoScience Fiction NewsletterStefantasyStefnewsSusan PetreyTake-Off!TellusTemperThe Alden PressThe G.A.P.A VanguardThe Science-Fiction WorldThe ScientifictionistThe Southern StarThe TinCan WonderThree FingersToward TomorrowTumbrilsTwilight EchoesUtopiaV-R Record ReviewVAPAVampireVincent Di FateWarren NorwoodWee Tome TipperWhitley StreiberX Document


Rest of the World:

1944 | 1945 | 1946