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January -First issue of Karass published.
February 15–17 A2 Relax Icon, prequel to ConFusion, held.
Easter Tynecon (Eastercon).
April 30 Fall of Saigon ends Vietnam War.
August 8 U.S. President Richard Nixon resigns.
August 29–September 2 (Labor Day) Discon II (Worldcon).
October 25–27 First TusCon held.
Windycon started.
December IF merged into Galaxy.
BSFA refounded.
TAFF: Peter Weston.
DUFF: Leigh Edmonds (North).


Publications started or ended:

'Ayn Ran' Is Narnya Spelled Backwards'Til the Cows Come Home61 Cygni CA Flying What?A Winter Solstice GreetingAmiZine StoriesAnomalyAntaresAntithesisAuroraBig ScabBlack HoleBlazonBlitzBoonfarkBumfChimaeran ReviewChimeraClear Ether!Coitus InterruptusCosmegCullowhee CommentsCypherDay*StarDevlins ReviewDragon TeethDreamtreeEilat for Early RisersEli Among the Ice FloesEmpireEmu Tracks Over AmericaEternity RoadFIAWOLFanew SletterFantasy Collector's Annual 1974Fantasy WorldsFijaghFlatulenceGuying GyreHPLHellHowl of FeedbackIseultKarassLaughing OsirisLegendsLesleigh's Adventures Down UnderMad MusesMadcapMathomMidnight SunMom's Home Made Apple FanzineMysterious Spring Valley TriangleMythologiesNESFiG NewsletterNebulaNo-Eyed MonsterNotes from ArinamOutsiderOwlexandrian InitiatePalantirPersonal NotesPeter Roberts' "Little Gem Guide to SF Fanzines"PhantasmicomPhilistine QuarterlyPulpRandomRed Planet EarthRequiemRitblat / Grim NewsRuneSF SyntesSFinctorScabSciconScience Fiction MonthlyScientifrictionSecond DegenerateShangri-LASheep May SafelySimonSirius XIVSouthern Fandom Confederation HandbookSpang BlahSpanish InquisitionSpiSuperamalgamationSupercalifragilisticexpialidociousSwoonSylmarillionSynapseSyzygyTTBAThe Fractured MongooseThe Haunter of the MailThe New SF Bulletin: SF Books 1974The Poison Maiden & The Great BitchThe Science Fiction Lechers and Alcoholics Gluttony and Gambling Society, AnonymousThe Tucker BagThoughts of Chairman MauleTreaders of StarlightTreponema PallidumTrismusTucker Bag 4-1/2Twas Ever ThusUnicornWarkWhichness of the WhyWillyWitchcraft and SorceryWord BalloonsWrinkled ShrewXenophileZine Fan


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



'Ayn Ran' Is Narnya Spelled BackwardsA Directory of SF&F Publishing Houses and Book DealersA Flying What?A Winter Solstice GreetingA2 Relax IconAPA-50APA-NYUAPA-QAPA:AnarchonAardvark Writing GroupAgaconAggieCon VAkon 2Al AshleyAl Schuster's International Star Trek ConventionAlma HillAnne GrayAnomalyAntithesisArthur J. BurksArthur Louis Joquel IIAuroraBalticon 8Ben KeiferBeneciaBlitzBoonfarkBoskone 11Bubonicon 6Cal Tech ConferenceCapraCarl SwansonChambanaCon 4Charles R. TannerChimaeran ReviewChristopher J. GarciaClear Ether!ConFusionCullowhee CommentsDC in '74David MasonDay*StarDeepSouthCon 12Desertcon IIDevlins ReviewDisclave 18Discon IIDave Kyle's Discon II ReminiscenceFlash Sheridan's Discon II ReminiscenceDorsai IrregularsDoña CampbellDragon TeethDreamtreeEilat for Early RisersEmpireEncyclopedia of Science Fiction and FantasyEnterpriseEquicon '74Eternity RoadEyeconFIAWOLFREDFantasy Collector's Annual 1974Gandalf AwardGeorge EbeyGideon MarcusGuying GyreHPLHalf-A-Con 2Infinity 74Inkpot AwardJason B. SizemoreJim C. HinesJoseph W. FermanJupiter AwardKWEST*ConKWEST*ConKarassKate HatcherKubla Khan TooLaughing OsirisLesleigh's Adventures Down UnderLewis Grant, Jr. Memorial AwardLiesel SchwarzLuke SkiLunacon 17Mae Strelkov's Friends FundMarcon IXMarjorie Z. WrightMedievalconMidnight SunMidwestcon 25MileHiCon 6Minicon 8Minicon 9Mom's Home Made Apple FanzineMysterious Spring Valley TriangleMythcon VMythologiesNYCon 4 BidNew York Science Fiction AssociationNew York in '74Nnedi OkoraforNo-Eyed MonsterNocres SF Social ClubNotes from ArinamOrbit BooksOtto BinderOutsiderOwlexandrian InitiateP. Schuyler MillerPalantirPersonal NotesPgHLANGE VIPhantasmicomPhilcon 1974Philistine QuarterlyPulpPulpcon 3Ralph FluetteRandomRed Planet EarthRequiemRivendell GroupRory FaulknerRuneSF SymposiumSF3SFinctorSan Francisco in '78Sarah E. HarderSarah MonetteSciconScientifrictionSecond DegenerateShangri-LASirius XIVSmofcon 0South Virginia ConSouthern Fandom Confederation HandbookSpang BlahSpanish InquisitionStar Base AndromedaSully RoberdsSuperamalgamationSupercalifragilisticexpialidociousSwoonSylmarillionSyzygyTANSTAAFLThe Avocado PitThe Fandoliers, or the King of BaraTAFFiaThe Fractured MongooseThe Haunter of the MailThe Mimeo ManThe New SF Bulletin: SF Books 1974The Poison Maiden & The Great BitchThe Science Fiction Lechers and Alcoholics Gluttony and Gambling Society, AnonymousThe Tucker BagThursdayTreponema PallidumTucker Bag 4-1/2TusConTusCon ITwas Ever ThusUncle Hugo'sUnicornUpperSouthClave IVWestercon 27Whichness of the WhyWillyWindyconWindycon IWitchcraft & Sorcery SF ConventionWitchcraft and SorceryWord BalloonsWyoconWyocon 1Xenophile

1973 | 1974 | 1975