Gandalf Award

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The Gandalf Award was created by Lin Carter in association with the Swordsmen and Sorcerers' Guild of America as an award for lifetime achievement in fantasy in 1974 and it was placed on the Hugo ballot by Discon II. In 1978, he added a second Gandalf award for book length fantasy (which went to The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien). In 1979 he repeated it, making it clear that he intended it as a continuing award.

In 1980, Noreascon Two declined to place the Book-length Fantasy on the Hugo ballot and the WSFS Business Meeting amended the WSFS Constitution to prohibit any awards on the Hugo ballot other than the Hugos and the Campbell Award, also removing the Lifetime Achievement award after the amendment was ratified in 1981.

Year Lifetime Achievement winner -Book-length Fantasy winner
1974 J. R. R. Tolkien
1975 Fritz Leiber
1976 L. Sprague de Camp
1977 Andre Norton
1978 Poul Anderson The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien
1979 Ursula K. Le Guin The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey
1980 Ray Bradbury
1981 C. L. Moore

Award 19741981
This is an award page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it! See Standards for Awards.