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January 24-26 The first ConFusion was held. It was ConFusion 13 (which was either the first or the second but definitely not the 13th)
February 22 The first Fantasycon
March 14-16 First LepreCon
March 28-31 First Australian Unicon
Easter SEACON 75
April 12-13 First Maryland Unicon
May AZAPA started
June 8 Murray Leinster dies
July 30 James Blish dies
August 12-17 Aussiecon (Worldcon)
August 25-27 First Rivercon
September 4-7 NASFiC 1 (NASFiC)
October 3-5 General Technics founded
October 31-November 2 First Iowa Icon
October 31-November 2 First World Fantasy Convention
December 5-7 First Loscon
First FAAn Awards given out
Infinity, Ltd. founded
DUFF: Rusty Hevelin (West)

Publications started or ended:

A Canticle for P. Schuyler MillerA Flying What?A Nice Place to VisitAfter MidnightAfter the FloodAltairAlternativeAnne McCaffrey: A "Dragondex" and BibliographyAntaresArena SFAtroposB(h)eerBSFanBaryonBest LinesBlazonBlue Book MagazineBumfCastle of FrankensteinChaumasCommot SenseCosmic DribbleDeep ThoatDegler!DescantDestinyDisasociationDragon TeethDriftDurfedEgladilEnvoyFanhistoricaFarragoFictum MiraculumFirst DraftFladnagFlatulenceFrost in AugustGemin IGeminiGoblin's GrottoGobrin GazetteGroaning BoardGunputtyHarbingerHaveringsHeads Will RollHillesian FieldsHoagieInaboutInside N'APAInverted Ear TrumpetJanusKKallikanzarosKhatruKiller QueenKlingon Empire Appointment CalendarKnockers from NeptuneLOC Ned's MonsterLegendsLogical QuandaryLogoLurkMad MusesMadame Frog's Catalogue of the OccultMartian CorfluMatrixMichaelMilk and Cookies Among the AsadiMoon BaneMushroom StewMyrddinNickelodeonNoNo GovernorNocresNon SequiturNotes from the Chemistry DepartmentNull-FNusfO'RyanOh YeahOur Fair CityOuter LimitsPantekhnikonParker's PatchParole Dalla PizzeriaPhospheneProcyonPrologueQuantumRadixRenaissanceRevivalRichard E. Geis -- A Personal JournalSF ContactScabby TalesScience Fiction International NewsScintillationScribeScuzmothreSecond AgeSfangShort Enough to be InterestingSilflay HrakaSimulacrumSpicy Rat TailsSpicy Rat TalesStulticiae LausStunned MulletStyxzineSummaSunday SiberianSymposium TrialSynapseTangentThe Aussiecon FlyerThe Best Lines Are on the FloorThe Competitive QuestThe Fannish Four Go to the SeasideThe Fillostrated Fan DictionaryThe Finest KindThe Ghoul's Court AdvertiserThe God From the Bowl SpeaksThe Mad Dan ReviewThe Mills of the GodsThe MutantThe Rogue RavenThe Shadow-LineThe SpeleoBemThe Tucker BagTinweTitalTrain-ConTwixtUnbelievably Droll...Undulant FeverUnivax and UnicornsUniverseVagaryVertVertexVibratorVoidWarm ChampagneWeltanschauungWhat the Postman BroughtWhy Bother?Winding Numbers

Publishers founded or closed:

Stores opened or closed:

New fanspeak coined:




New Zealand:


1975 NASFiC Site Selection1st World Fantasy ConventionA Canticle for P. Schuyler MillerA Flying What?AZAPAAfter MidnightAggieCon VIAkonAkon IIIAlarums and ExcursionsAlex ShvartsmanAll Our YesterdaysAltairAlternativeAmerican Tolkien SocietyAnna DavourAnne McCaffrey: A "Dragondex" and BibliographyAnonyconAnonycon 1Atlanta Fantasy FairB(h)eerBSFanBYOB-Con 5Balticon 9Barry SmotroffBaryonBeneciaBest LinesBlue Book MagazineBoskone 12Brandon SandersonBrian Francis SlatteryBubonicon 7Castle of FrankensteinChambanaCon 5ChaumasCherie PriestCodclaveColumbiconCommot SenseConFusion 13Connie AwardCosmic DribbleDavid WaltonDeep ThoatDegler!Desertcon IIIDestinyDisasociationDisclave 19Dragon TeethDriftDurfedE. Mayne HullEd CurtisEnvoyEquicon '75España SheriffFanhistoricaFarragoFictum MiraculumFladnagFreFanZineFred W. FischerGalaxyGemin IGeminiGeneral TechnicsGolden Trout AwardGroaning BoardGunputtyHOPSFA HymnalHalfacon 75Hans Stefan SantessonHarbingerHarriett KolchakHeads Will RollHillesian FieldsHoagieHopconHow the GRINCH Stole WorldconICONICON 1InaboutInfinity, Ltd.Inside N'APAJames BlishJanusJoe ChristoffJophan!KallikanzarosKhatruKlingon Empire Appointment CalendarKubla Khan KhubedLA 2000LA in '75Larry CorreiaLeo MarguliesLepreConLepreCon 1Little Rock SF GroupLogical QuandaryLosconLunacon 18MiSHAPMadame Frog's Catalogue of the OccultMalcolm ReissMarcon XMartian CorfluMerav HoffmanMichaelMidwestcon 26MileHiCon 7Milk and Cookies Among the AsadiMinicon 10Miriam Allen deFordMoon BaneMurphyconMurray LeinsterMushroom StewMyrddinNASFiCNASFiC 1NASFiC Site SelectionNashville Science Fiction ClubNickelodeonNoNo ConNo GovernorNocresNocresConNotes from the Chemistry DepartmentNow You See It/Him/Them...Null-FOakLaConOh YeahOuter LimitsP. G. WodehousePalm Beach ConParole Dalla PizzeriaPgHLANGE VIIPhiladelphia International Star Trek ConventionPhilcon 1975PhosphenePotomac River Science Fiction SocietyProloguePulpcon 4QuantumRadixRailconRay C. HiggsRe-KWEST-ConRenaissanceRevivalRichard E. Geis -- A Personal JournalRichard H. SmallRichard ShaverRiverconRivercon IRod SerlingSFOHASFWA Grand Master AwardSacramento SF and Fantasy SocietySaladin AhmedSamuel D. RussellScience Fiction League of Iowa StudentsScintillationScuzmothreSecond AgeSeeds of ChangeSidonie RogersSilflay HrakaSolarconSolarcon ISpellbindersSpicy Rat TailsSpicy Rat TalesStyxzineSunday SiberianTangentThe Aussiecon FlyerThe Best Lines Are on the FloorThe Competitive QuestThe Fillostrated Fan DictionaryThe Finest KindThe Ghoul's Court AdvertiserThe God From the Bowl SpeaksThe MutantThe Rogue RavenThe Shadow-LineThe SpeleoBemThe Tucker BagTimatha WeberTinweTusCon IITusCon IIITwixtUnbelievably Droll...Undulant FeverUniconUnicon 1Univax and UnicornsUniverseUpperSouthClave VVaughn BodéVertVertexWeltanschauungWhat the Postman BroughtWhy Bother?Windycon IIWintercon 1Witchcraft & Sorcery SF ConventionWorld Fantasy ConventionWorld Fantasy Convention AwardWunderfest

Rest of the World:

1974 | 1975 | 1976