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Norcon (Norway)
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(For other Norcons, see the Norcon disambiguation page. For another Intercon, see Salt Lake City Star Trek convention.)

A fan-run convention in Oslo started in 1975 which serves as Norway's National Convention. It has been occasionally held under the name Intercon.

Convention AKA Dates -GoHs
Norcon 1 June 20-22, 1975 Frithjof Spalder, Jr.
Norcon 2 August 14-15, 1976
Norcon III Scancon) August 10-12, 1979 Poul Anderson
Norcon 4 August 6-8, 1982 Jon Bing
Norcon 5 1984 Øyvind Myhre
Norcon 6 1985 Ingar Knudtsen
Norcon 7 Intercon '87 June 19-21, 1987 Stephen R. Donaldson, Thore Hansen, M. John Harrison
Norcon 8 Intercon '89 August 4-6, 1989 Tor Åge Bringsværd, Angela Carter, Samuel R. Delany
Norcon 9 1990 Lisa Tuttle, Reidar Jensen
Norcon 10 Intercon '91 August 9-11, 1991 Larry Niven, Mary Gentle, Per G. Olsen, Roar Ringdahl
Norcon 11 August 7-9, 1992 James White, Liv Margareth Alver, Torun Høien
Norcon 12 Intercon '94 & ShadowCon 1 August 12-14, 1994 Brian Aldiss, Jon Bing, Tor Åge Bringsværd, C. J. Cherryh
Norcon 13 August 2-4, 1996 Ian Watson, Heidi Lyshol
Norcon 14 InterContact & ShadowCon 3 July 3-5, 1998 Pat Cadigan, Gwyneth Jones, Johannes H. Berg
Norcon: 1999 August 6-8, 1999 Brian Stableford, Egil Stenseth, Johan Schimanski
Norcon 16 ShadowCon 5 & Multicon 2000 July 13-16, 2000 Ingar Knudtsen
Norcon 17 Intercon 2001 & ShadowCon 6 & Multicon 6 August 2-5, 2001 Vernor Vinge, Tor Åge Bringsværd
Norcon 18 October 3-5, 2003 Peter F. Hamilton, Arild Wærness
Norcon 19 Intercon 2005 & ShadowCon 10 July 28-31, 2005 Elizabeth Moon, Tanith Lee, John-Henri Holmberg
Norcon 20 June 3-5, 2006 Thore Hansen, Ken MacLeod, Cathrine Grønnerød, Terje Pedersen
Norcon 21 Oslo Science Fiction Festival 2007 August 9-12, 2007 Mads Eriksen, Carolina Gómez Lagerlöf, Philip Newth, Tim Powers
Norcon 22 Oslo Science Fiction Festival 2008 July 31 - August 3, 2008 Iain M. Banks, Torstein Bugge Høverstad
Norcon 23 June 19-20, 2009 Iselin B. Alvestad, Per Christian Jørgensen, Richard Morgan
Norcon 24 Oslo Science Fiction Festival 2009 November 6-8, 2009 Charles Stross, Elin Brodin, Bjørn Are Davidsen
Norcon 25 April 2-3, 2011 Alastair Reynolds, Øyvind Myhre, Jørn Uno Myrvoll
Norcon 26 February 10-12, 2012 China Miéville, Lise Myhre, Klaus Mogensen, Ragnar Tørnquist
Norcon 27 March 14-16, 2014 Kim Newman, Pat Cadigan, Kristine Tofte
Norcon 28 November 24-26, 2017 Mike Carey, Ørjan Norhus Karlsson, Tonje Tornes
Norcon 29 October 26-28, 2018 Paul J. McAuley

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