February 4 | -Richard E. Geis dies |
Easter | EightSquaredCon |
August 29-September 2 (Labor Day) | LonestarCon 3 |
September 2 | Fred Pohl dies |
October 1 | Elliot Shorter dies |
TAFF: Jim Mowatt | |
DUFF: Bill Wright | |
GUFF: Mihaela Marija Perković | |
NAFF: Emma Kate |
Births and Deaths:
Allyn Cadogan - Andrea Dubnick - Andy Offutt - Ann C. Crispin - Art Hayes - Bob Booth - Bob Briggs - Bob Hoffman - Bobbie DuFault - Colin Wilson - Dan Adkins - Dan McCarthy - delphyne joan woods - Dennis Dolbear - Dominick Corrado - Donald Malcolm - Doris Lessing - Elliot Shorter - Frank Dietz - Fred Clarke - Frederik Pohl - George Inzer - Graham Stone - Howard Rosenblum - Hugh Daniel - Iain M. Banks - Ildiko Hayes - Jack Vance - James Herbert - Jan Howard Finder - Jim Goldfrank - Joel Lane - Joyce McDaniel - Judy Gerjuoy - Larry Farsaci - Larry Tucker - Leland Sapiro - Mara Brener - Marie-Louise Share - Mark Evans - Marty Gear - Marty Greenberg - Michael Jamison - Michael W. Waite - Nancy Kemp - Nick Pollotta - Pamela J. Boal - Parke Godwin - Paul Williams - Peter Darling - Phil Hetherington - Rafael Levchin - Ray Harryhausen - Richard E. Geis - Richard Matheson - Rick Hautala - Robert Reginald - Roger Ebert - Sheila Willis - Steven Utley - Terry McCutchen - Tom Cockcroft - Valeria K. Anjoorian
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A Tale from The White Hart - An Early Account of the Michigan State University Tolkien Fellowship - Andromeda's Offspring - Big Sky - Breaking It All Down: The 'Zine - Canadian SF Fanzine Archive - Fanhistory - Fanstuff - Fanthology 2013 - Flag - Galaxy's Edge - Lake Geneva - No Award - Nowhere Fan - One Swell Foop - Orpheum - Prime Material - Refraction - SF FANDOM - Spartacus - The Fortnightly Fix - The J. T. Oliver Photo Collection - The WOD - Theresa for TAFF Newsletter - Three Rocks - Tiny TAFFzine - Treasure - Uchūjin - Unexploded Ordnance - Verity!
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A Tale from The White Hart - Andromeda's Offspring - ArmadaCon 25 - Bristol-Con 2013 - Colin Wilson - Donald Malcolm - Doris Lessing - EightSquaredCon - Fred Clarke - Howard Rosenblum - Iain M. Banks - Ildiko Hayes - James Herbert - Joel Lane - Microcon 2013 - Nine Worlds - Nine Worlds 2013 - Novacon 43 - Nowhere Fan - Oxonmoot 2013 - Pamela J. Boal - Phil Hetherington - Picocon 30 - Quarter Tome - Quarter Tone - Redemption '13 - The Fortnightly Fix - TitanCon 2013 - World Fantasy Convention 2013
AggieCon 44 - Albacon 2013 - Allyn Cadogan - An Early Account of the Michigan State University Tolkien Fellowship - Andrea Dubnick - Andromeda One - Andy Offutt - Ann C. Crispin - Apollocon 2013 - Arcana 43 - Archon 37 - Arisia '13 - ArmadilloCon 35 - Astronomicon 12 - AtomaCon - Balticon 47 - Baycon 2013 - Bob Booth - Bob Briggs - Bob Hoffman - Bobbie DuFault - Boskone 50 - Breaking It All Down: The 'Zine - Bubonicon 45 - CONduit 23 - CONtraflow III - COSine 2013 - Capclave 2013 - Capricon 33 - Chambanacon 43 - Chattacon 38 - Chicago Worldcon Bid - Coastcon 36 - Con*Stellation XXXII - ConCarolinas 2013 - ConChord 25 - ConClave 37 - ConComCon 20 - ConDFW XII - ConDor XX - ConQuesT 44 - ConStellation IV - Concave 34 - Conflikt 6 - Confluence 2013 - Conglomeration 2013 - Conjecture 2013 - Consonance 2013 - Conterpoint 2013 - Context 26 - Convolution 2013 - CopperCon 33 - Corflu XXX - Costume-Con 31 - Dan Adkins - Darkovercon 36 - DeepSouthCon 51 - delphyne joan woods - DemiCon 24 - Dennis Dolbear - Diversicon 21 - Dominick Corrado - DucKon 22 - EerieCon 15 - Elgin Award - Elliot Shorter - FOGcon 2013 - Fanstuff - Fanthology 2013 - FenCon X - Flag - Foolscap 15 - Fourth Street Fantasy 2013 - Frank Dietz - Frederik Pohl - GAFilk 2013 - Galaxy's Edge - Game of Thrones - Genericon XXVI - George Inzer - Glyptocon - GrangeCon7 - Hugh Daniel - ICFA 34 - ICON 38 - IllogiCon ii - Immortal ConFusion - InConJunction 33 - Jack Vance - Jan Howard Finder - Jim Goldfrank - Joyce McDaniel - Lake Geneva - Larry Farsaci - Larry Tucker - Leland Sapiro - LepreCon 39 - LibertyCon 26 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 31 - LoneStarCon 3 - Loscon 40 - Lunacon 2013 - METHOD Con 1 - METHOD Con 2 - Mara Brener - Marcon 48 - Marie-Louise Share - Mark Evans - MarsCon 2013 - Marty Gear - Marty Greenberg - Michael Jamison - Michael W. Waite - MidSouthCon 31 - Midwestcon 64 - MileHiCon 45 - Millennicon 27 - Minicon 48 - MisCon 27 - MystiCon 2013 - Mythcon 44 - Myths and Legends - Myths and Legends 1 - Nancy Kemp - Necon 33 - NecronomiCon Providence 2013 - Necronomicon 2013 - Nick Pollotta - NonCon 13 - Norwescon XXXVI - OASIS 26 - OVFF 29 - Odyssey Con XIII - Olive Country - Orpheum - OryCon 35 - P-Con X - Parke Godwin - Paul Williams - Philcon 2013 - Portland Science Fiction Society - Potlatch 22 - Prime Material - PulpFest 2013 - RadCon 6A - Rafael Levchin - RavenCon 2013 - Ray Harryhausen - Readercon 24 - Refraction - Richard E. Geis - Richard Matheson - Rick Hautala - Robert Reginald - Roger Ebert - Rustycon 30 - Sheila Willis - SofaCON 2013 - SoonerCon 22 - Spartacus - Steven Utley - Terry McCutchen - Texas in 2013 - Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society - The J. T. Oliver Photo Collection - The WOD - Theresa for TAFF Newsletter - Three Rocks - Tiny TAFFzine - TusCon 40 - Unexploded Ordnance - Valeria K. Anjoorian - Valleycon 39 - Verity! - Westercon 66 - WillyCon XV - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 13 - Windycon 40 - WisCon 37
2012 | 2013 | 2014 |