From Fancyclopedia 3
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January -Futurian Observer first published.
February 18 Stranger Club formed.
Spring Denver Science Fictioneers formed.
May Fandom learns that “Yngvi is a Louse!
July Philadelphia Blitzkrieg.
September 1–2
(Labor Day)
Chicon (Second Worldcon).
Jack Speer distributes first filksongs.
End of Second Transition and start of Third Fandom (Numerical Fandoms).
October Louis Russell Chauvenet coins the word Fanzine in Detours.
October Damon Knight proposes the establishment of the N3F.
Fall Colorado Fantasy Society formed.
September Serial of A. E. van Vogt’s Slan begins.
November 10 Phillycon 1940.
November 29 Minneapolis Fantasy Society restarted.
December 6 First Sydney Conference held.


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:




Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



1940 Chicon Scrapbook and Everyfan's GuideaAd AstraAlexei PanshinAll-Eastern Science Fiction ConferenceAnn CecilArlan K. Andrews, Sr.Astonishing StoriesBubonicon 1Burt SatzButch HoneckCFS ReviewCaptain FutureChaosChiconForrest J Ackerman's Chicon I ReminiscenceColorado Fantasy SocietyCometThe CometComet Stories of Time and SpaceCosmic CircleDamn ThingDenver Science FictioneersDetoursDrew WhyteEpilogueEscapeFAPA ReviewFantasiteFantasmagoriaFantastic NovelsFantasy DigestFantasy Fiction FieldFantasy FictioneerFarnsworth WrightFred PattenFrontierFrontier SocietyFuturia FantasiaFuturian LeagueFuzzy Pink NivenGalactic RoamersGeorge C. ChesbroGeorge JumperIndiana Fantasy AssociationIntellectual Brotherhood of Pro-ScientistsIvory TowerJackie CausgroveJames Coleman NelsonJim CaughranJohn CluteJohn McGeehanJudith BrownleeKent MoomawKinuko Y. CraftLe VombiteurList of Chicago ConventionsLooking AheadLou DonatoLovecraftianMary TurzilloMeade FriersonMidwest MarkyMike McQuownMilty's MagNepentheNorman SpinradPhilip NowlanPhillycon 1940PlutoRobin WoodRoger SweenRon BushyagerRon HaydockRoy ThomasSTF-ETTESardonyxScience Fiction Fandom QuarterlyScience Fiction ForwardScience Fiction ProgressScience Fiction QuarterlyScience Fiction Song SheetScience Fiction WeeklyScienti-ComicsShangri L'AffairesSkylark of Woo-WooSnideSolaroid ClubStardustStarsStrange FantasyStranger ClubSun SpotsSuper Science StoriesSweetness and LightT. O'Conor SloaneTalbot MundyThe AlchemistThe Feminine FanThe RocketThe Stranger Club by Art WidnerTheodore/TanyaThird Chicago ConferenceThomas M. DischTim DumontTom DigbyTomas A. EndreyTriumvirsUncanny TalesUnite — or Fie!Vad-JongWar in HeavenWarren A. FreibergWashington ConfabulationWashington Confabulation 1Wendall IngWho's Who in Fandom 1940Why I Have Left Fandom


Rest of the World:

1939 | 1940 | 1941