From Fancyclopedia 3
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January -First known use of BEM in print.
February 9 Earl Singleton pseuicide.
late February First Boskone held.
June N3F founded.
June–July Widneride.
July 4–6 Denvention (Third Worldcon).
November 16 First Michiconference held.
Mid-West Fantasy Fan Federation created.
December 7 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, bringing U.S. into World War II.
Fantasy Times begins publication.


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:


Publications started or ended:

A Tale of the 'EvansAckermaniac Presents HoffmaniaAustra-FantasyBibliophanBizarreBonfireCFS ReviewCensoredCometThe CometComet Stories of Time and SpaceCosmic StoriesCosmosCosmosDawn ShadowsEclipseFan DanceFan-AticFanart (Jenkins)Fantascience DigestFantasiaFantasy Faction FieldFantasy PostFantasy TimesFantasy War BulletinFido's LitterFmz DigestFutureFuturiaGargoyleThe Gentlest ArtGutetoHe SaidHellzapoppinHot AirHymn to SatanInfiniteInterplanetary NewsJenJinxMelbourne BulletinMikrosMoonshineNachgemachte SchildkrotensuppeNepentheNew FandomNovaPhannyPlutoSTF HASHSTF-ETTESands of TimeScience Fantasy FanScience Fiction -- Hobby or Duty?Science Fiction TerrierScience and Fantasy Fan ReporterScienti-SnapsScorpioSnideSound Off!Space TalesSpacewardSpectraSpeculaStar ParadeStarlightStarsStirring Science StoriesStrange StoriesSuper Science Novels MagazineTelefanTellusTerror TalesThe CentaurThe DenventioneerThe Fly in the OintmentThe Gentlest ArtThe National Fantasy FanThe Science Fiction FanThe Southern StarThe Stencil Duplicated NewspaperThe Time ScannerThe Unique MagazineTin TacksUltraUncanny StoriesVagabondiaWavelengthWith the ArcheologistsXYHOSYearbook of Science FictionZenith


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:








New Zealand:



1941 MichiconferenceA Tale of the 'EvansAckermaniac Presents HoffmaniaAllan RothsteinAllen L. LewisAnne RiceAnthony R. LewisBarry HansenBill CriderBill DesmondBizarreBonfireBoris VallejoBoskoneBoskone IBruce NewrockCFS ReviewCharles NaylorCometThe CometComet Stories of Time and SpaceCosmic StoriesDan AldersonDaniel PinkwaterDavid G. HartwellDavid LundeDavid R. PalmerDenventionForrest J Ackerman's Denvention I ReminiscenceDenver in 1941Dixie Fantasy FederationDon StudebakerE. J. GoldEclipseEd GormanFan-AticFanart (Jenkins)Fantascience DigestFantasiaFantasy Faction FieldFantasy TimesFmz DigestFooFoo SpecialFrank GasperikFrontier SocietyFuturiaFuturian EmbassyGeorge WagnerGlen GoodKnightGolden Gate FuturiansGregory BenfordGutetoHal HallHoward FrankHymn to SatanIndiana Fantasy AssociationInfiniteJack C. Haldeman IIJack CalvertJack HeazlittJames P. HoganJim BenfordJinxJoe Wehrle, Jr.Joni StopaKen RudolphKirby McCauleyLaureate AwardsLinda KentList of Denvention MembersMartin H. GreenbergMichael KandelMichiconferenceMikrosNachgemachte SchildkrotensuppeNeffy AwardsNepentheNew FandomNew York in 1941NewarkonNovaPhannyPlutoPrime BaseRichard KoogleRick BrooksSTF HASHSTF-ETTESandra MieselSandy MeschkowScience Fiction -- Hobby or Duty?Science Fiction TerrierScienti-SnapsScorpioSergeant SaturnSkylark of Woo-WooSnideSound Off!Space TalesSpectraSpeculaStarlightStarsStella NemethStirring Science StoriesStrange StoriesSuper Science Novels MagazineTellusTerror TalesThe CentaurThe DenventioneerThe National Fantasy FanThe Science Fiction FanThe Southern StarThe Stencil Duplicated NewspaperThe Time ScannerUncanny StoriesVagabondiaVaughn BodéWashington ConfabulationWashington Confabulation 2WavelengthXYHOSYearbook of Science Fiction


Rest of the World:

1940 | 1941 | 1942