January | -First known use of BEM in print. |
February 9 | Earl Singleton pseuicide. |
late February | First Boskone held. |
June | N3F founded. |
June–July | Widneride. |
July 4–6 | Denvention (Third Worldcon). |
November 16 | First Michiconference held. |
Mid-West Fantasy Fan Federation created. | |
December 7 | Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, bringing U.S. into World War II. |
Fantasy Times begins publication. |
Births and Deaths:
Allan Rothstein - Allen L. Lewis - Anne Rice - Anthony R. Lewis - Barry Hansen - Bill Crider - Bill Desmond - Boris Vallejo - Bruce Newrock - Charles Naylor - Chris Miller - Dan Alderson - Daniel Pinkwater - David G. Hartwell - David Lunde - David R. Palmer - Don Studebaker - E. J. Gold - Ed Buckley - Ed Gorman - Frank Gasperik - Garry Kilworth - George Wagner - Gerry Webb - Glen GoodKnight - Gregory Benford - Hal Hall - Harry Nadler - Helena Binns - Howard Frank - Jack C. Haldeman II - Jack Calvert - Jack Heazlitt - James P. Hogan - Jane Gaskell - Jim Benford - Joe Wehrle, Jr. - John Foyster - John Salthouse - Joni Stopa - Jörgen Peterzén - Karin Boye - Ken Ozanne - Ken Rudolph - Kirby McCauley - Linda Kent - Lynette Mills - Martin H. Greenberg - Michael Kandel - Philip Harbottle - Rainer Eisfeld - Richard Koogle - Rick Brooks - Sam Lundwall - Sandra Miesel - Sandy Meschkow - Sergeant Saturn - Stanley Davies - Stella Nemeth - Steve Sneyd - Vaughn Bodé - YHOS
Publications started or ended:
A Tale of the 'Evans - Ackermaniac Presents Hoffmania - Austra-Fantasy - Bibliophan - Bizarre - Bonfire - CFS Review - Censored - Comet - The Comet - Comet Stories of Time and Space - Cosmic Stories - Cosmos - Cosmos - Dawn Shadows - Eclipse - Fan Dance - Fan-Atic - Fanart (Jenkins) - Fantascience Digest - Fantasia - Fantasy Faction Field - Fantasy Post - Fantasy Times - Fantasy War Bulletin - Fido's Litter - Fmz Digest - Future - Futuria - Gargoyle - The Gentlest Art - Guteto - He Said - Hellzapoppin - Hot Air - Hymn to Satan - Infinite - Interplanetary News - Jen - Jinx - Melbourne Bulletin - Mikros - Moonshine - Nachgemachte Schildkrotensuppe - Nepenthe - New Fandom - Nova - Phanny - Pluto - STF HASH - STF-ETTE - Sands of Time - Science Fantasy Fan - Science Fiction -- Hobby or Duty? - Science Fiction Terrier - Science and Fantasy Fan Reporter - Scienti-Snaps - Scorpio - Snide - Sound Off! - Space Tales - Spaceward - Spectra - Specula - Star Parade - Starlight - Stars - Stirring Science Stories - Strange Stories - Super Science Novels Magazine - Telefan - Tellus - Terror Tales - The Centaur - The Denventioneer - The Fly in the Ointment - The Gentlest Art - The National Fantasy Fan - The Science Fiction Fan - The Southern Star - The Stencil Duplicated Newspaper - The Time Scanner - The Unique Magazine - Tin Tacks - Ultra - Uncanny Stories - Vagabondia - Wavelength - With the Archeologists - X - YHOS - Yearbook of Science Fiction - Zenith
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
Bibliophan - Bombcon - Chris Miller - Cosmos - Dawn Shadows - Ed Buckley - Fan Dance - Fandom GPO - Fantasy Post - Fantasy War Bulletin - Gargoyle - Garry Kilworth - The Gentlest Art - Gerry Webb - Harry Nadler - He Said - Hellzapoppin - Hot Air - Interplanetary News - Jane Gaskell - Jen - John Salthouse - Moonshine - Philip Harbottle - Sands of Time - Science Fantasy Fan - Stanley Davies - Star Parade - Steve Sneyd - The Fly in the Ointment - The Gentlest Art - The Unique Magazine - Tin Tacks - With the Archeologists - Zenith
1941 Michiconference - A Tale of the 'Evans - Ackermaniac Presents Hoffmania - Allan Rothstein - Allen L. Lewis - Anne Rice - Anthony R. Lewis - Barry Hansen - Bill Crider - Bill Desmond - Bizarre - Bonfire - Boris Vallejo - Boskone - Boskone I - Bruce Newrock - CFS Review - Charles Naylor - Comet - The Comet - Comet Stories of Time and Space - Cosmic Stories - Dan Alderson - Daniel Pinkwater - David G. Hartwell - David Lunde - David R. Palmer - Denvention - Forrest J Ackerman's Denvention I Reminiscence - Denver in 1941 - Dixie Fantasy Federation - Don Studebaker - E. J. Gold - Eclipse - Ed Gorman - Fan-Atic - Fanart (Jenkins) - Fantascience Digest - Fantasia - Fantasy Faction Field - Fantasy Times - Fmz Digest - FooFoo Special - Frank Gasperik - Frontier Society - Futuria - Futurian Embassy - George Wagner - Glen GoodKnight - Golden Gate Futurians - Gregory Benford - Guteto - Hal Hall - Howard Frank - Hymn to Satan - Indiana Fantasy Association - Infinite - Jack C. Haldeman II - Jack Calvert - Jack Heazlitt - James P. Hogan - Jim Benford - Jinx - Joe Wehrle, Jr. - Joni Stopa - Ken Rudolph - Kirby McCauley - Laureate Awards - Linda Kent - List of Denvention Members - Martin H. Greenberg - Michael Kandel - Michiconference - Mikros - Nachgemachte Schildkrotensuppe - Neffy Awards - Nepenthe - New Fandom - New York in 1941 - Newarkon - Nova - Phanny - Pluto - Prime Base - Richard Koogle - Rick Brooks - STF HASH - STF-ETTE - Sandra Miesel - Sandy Meschkow - Science Fiction -- Hobby or Duty? - Science Fiction Terrier - Scienti-Snaps - Scorpio - Sergeant Saturn - Skylark of Woo-Woo - Snide - Sound Off! - Space Tales - Spectra - Specula - Starlight - Stars - Stella Nemeth - Stirring Science Stories - Strange Stories - Super Science Novels Magazine - Tellus - Terror Tales - The Centaur - The Denventioneer - The National Fantasy Fan - The Science Fiction Fan - The Southern Star - The Stencil Duplicated Newspaper - The Time Scanner - Uncanny Stories - Vagabondia - Vaughn Bodé - Washington Confabulation - Washington Confabulation 2 - Wavelength - X - YHOS - Yearbook of Science Fiction
1940 | 1941 | 1942 |