February 20–22 | -First Capricon held |
Easter | Yorcon 2 (Eastercon) |
April 10–24 | Stu Shiffman TAFF trip |
May 16 | Lou Tabakow dies. May |
July 3-5 | First InConJunction held |
August 12 | First IBM PCs released. |
September 3-7 (Labor Day) | Denvention Two (Worldcon) |
November 14–15 | First Cymrucon held |
November 19–21 | First Contradiction held |
CUFF: Michael Hall | |
DUFF: Joyce Scrivner (South) | |
GUFF: Joseph Nicholas (South) |
Births and Deaths:
Abigail Nussbaum - Ada Palmer - Charles Eric Maine - Compton N. Crook - Ed Cagle - Francis G. Rayer - Fredric Wertham - G. Ken Chapman - George O. Smith - Gretchen Schwenn - Harry Bates - Harry L. Golden - James H. Schmitz - Janie Lamb - Jean Linard - Kendell Foster Crossen - Lee Brown Coye - Leslyn Heinlein - Lou Tabakow - Marjorie Hope Nicolson - Mark Reinsberg - Maurice K. Hanson - Philip Latham - Robert Aikman - Roy Plotkin - Rudolpha Catherine Rigelsen Paul - Sol Katz - Tom Eitelhuber - Wally Wood
Convention series started or ended:
Aelita - Aquacon - AutoClave - BECCON - Circulation - Con*Stellation - Contradiction - CopperCon - Cymrucon - Earthcon - Electracon - Fancon - Future Party - Halfacon - Hillcon - Imagicon - InConJunction - Intervention - LASTCon - Munchcon - Norcon - Omacon - Panopticon West - Questicon - Satyricon - Skycon - Stucon - Wichacon
Onetime conventions:
A Mid-Winter Convention - Augacon - Cinecon - Datclone - Expo '81 - Nucon - Questcon - Triciticon '81
Publications started or ended:
A Cool Head - A Very Short OSFiC Newsletter - Aikakone - Amazing Adventures - Apas, And Why They Work That Way - Beyond Bree - Blatant - Brassor - CHAT - ChatSFic News - Chocolates of Lust - Class Act - Collingwood Capers - Conspiracy Newsletter - Cosmos - Crazy Eddie - Crypt of Cthulhu - Cullowhee Comments - Currently Recommended - DNQ - Denvention Two Newsletter - Destinies - Dragonburst - Drifting Soul - Driftwood - Empire - Eyeballs in the Sky - Falling Whale Dummies - Fan Exiled From Tyne Zine - Fanzine Directory - Flash Point - Gnu Deal - Graymalkin - Growing Old Disgracefully - Hallways - Hard Knox - Harmonic Dissonance - Hickman's Scrapbook - Icosahedron - Ignatz! - Jackie! - Just SF - Kenning - Kratophany - Lost Palantir - Megavore - Mellow - Metal Dog - Moss on the North Side - Napalm in the Morning - Neldoreth - Neo - New Canadian Fandom - New Gwent Review - News From the Sun - Oald Bore's Tales of the Expected - Ocelot - Old Scrodd's Almanac - Omega Science Digest - Orcish Bugle - Overmatter - Patchin Review - Philosophical Speculations - Pretentious Science Fiction Quarterly - Procrastination - Quartz - Raa - Requiem - Richard E. Geis -- A Personal Journal - Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine - Science Fiction Digest - Scottishe - Shadow of a Fan - Smack - Some Highlights from the SFPA History of Stven Carlberg - Southpaw Awards - Staggerlee - Start Breaking Up - Still It Moves - Stop Breaking Down - Strange Punch - Swill - Tappen - Tasarion - The Eagle of the North - The Goody Gumdrop Boy at Jellybean Mountain - The History of Science Fiction Fandom in ... New Zealand .... - The Leaf - The Montgomery Papers - The Monthly Monthly - The Once and Future Worm - The Peter Principle - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn - The Ravin' - The Space Corps Scandals - The Tinned Milk of Human Kindness - The Yorkshire Post - Thyme - Tigre - Time Loop - Time to Pick Up a Gerbil - Tirith Aear - Trinary - Trumpet - Two Otherwise Blank Pages - Verbal Volleyball - View from under a 60 Watt Lamp - Visitor's Pass - WeberWoman's Wrevenge - Wing Window - Wrong Stuff - Zed
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Advention '81 - Apas, And Why They Work That Way - Cinecon - Circulation - Circulation One - Collingwood Capers - Cosmos - Mellow - Nucon - Omega Science Digest - Swancon 6 - The Peter Principle - The Phantom Zine - The Ravin' - Thyme - Time Loop - Tolkon - Tolkon '81 - Tom Eitelhuber - WeberWoman's Wrevenge - Wrong Stuff
A Cool Head - APA-SFAF - BECCON - BECCON '81 - Charles Eric Maine - Chocolates of Lust - Crazy Eddie - Cymrucon - Cymrucon 1981 - Dor-en-ernil - Dragonburst - Drifting Soul - Driftwood - Eyeballs in the Sky - Faancon 6 - Faircon '81 - Fan Exiled From Tyne Zine - Fantasycon 1981 - Francis G. Rayer - G. Ken Chapman - Hobbiton - Icosahedron - Jackie! - Jacqueline Lichtenberg Appreciation Society - Maurice K. Hanson - Metal Dog - Napalm in the Morning - Neldoreth - New Gwent Review - News From the Sun - Novacon 11 - Ocelot - Old Scrodd's Almanac - Orcish Bugle - Overmatter - Oxonmoot 1981 - Periannath - Quartz - Raa - Robert Aikman - Roy Plotkin - Shoestringcon 3 - Silicon 5 - Smack - Staggerlee - Start Breaking Up - Still It Moves - Stop Breaking Down - Tappen - Tasarion - The Eagle of the North - The Leaf - The Once and Future Worm - The Tinned Milk of Human Kindness - The Yorkshire Post - Time to Pick Up a Gerbil - Tirith Aear - Two Otherwise Blank Pages - UK-APA - Unicon 2 - Yorcon 2
Aelita - Aikakone - Bob Weber - DNQ - Gnu Deal - Hillcon - Hillcon I - Jean Linard - Kurd Lasswitz Preis - SfanCon 12 - Stucon - Śląski Klub Fantastyki
7th World Fantasy Convention - A Mid-Winter Convention - APA-55 - APA-69 - APA-DUD - APA-I - APATHY - ASFiCon 2 - Ada Palmer - AggieCon XII - Amazing Adventures - Amber Unicorn Bookshop - Ambercon 3 - Apple - Apricon 4 - Aquacon - Aquacon I - Archon 5 - ArmadilloCon 3 - Augacon - AutoClave - AutoClave V - Background Noise - Balticon 15 - Beyond Bree - Blatant - Books of Wonder - Boskone 18 - Bozo Bus Building - Brassor - Bubonicon 13 - CHAT - Capra - Capricon 1 - Carolina Fan Federation - ChambanaCon 11 - ChatSFic News - Chattacon VI - Class Act - Coastcon '81 - Codclave VII - Compton N. Crook - Con*Stellation - ConClave VI - ConNiption - ConQuesT 2 - Concave 2 - Concave 2.5 - Conspiracy Newsletter - Contradiction - Contradiction 1 - CopperCon - CopperCon 1 - Cosmocon II - Crypt of Cthulhu - Cullowhee Comments - Currently Recommended - Dangerous Visions - Darkover Grand Council IV - Datclone - DeepSouthCon 19 - Denvention Two - Denvention Two Newsletter - Lloyd Arthur Eshbach's Denvention Two Reminiscence - Denver in '81 - Destinies - Disclave 22 - Disclave 25 - Disneycon 1 - Earthcon - Earthcon I - Ed Cagle - Electracon - Electracon I - Empire - Empiricon 3 - Expo '81 - FLAP - Falling Whale Dummies - FanTek - Fancon - Fanzine Directory - FilkCon III - Flash Point - Fool-Con IV - Fredric Wertham - Future Party - Future Party '81 - Galactic Enterprises - Gandalf Award - George O. Smith - Graymalkin - Gretchen Schwenn - Growing Old Disgracefully - Halfacon - Hallways - Hard Knox - Harmonic Dissonance - Harry Bates - Harry L. Golden - Hawaii in 1981 - Hexacon 3 - Hickman's Scrapbook - High Plains II - Honolulu Science Fiction Society - Hyatt Regency Chicago - ICFA 2 - ICON 6 - Ignatz! - Imagicon '81 - Imagicon - InConJunction - InConJunction I - Intervention - Intervention Gamma - James H. Schmitz - Janie Lamb - Just SF - Kendell Foster Crossen - Kenning - Kratophany - Kubla's Ninth Khanphony - LA in '81 - LASTCon - LASTCon I - Lee Brown Coye - LepreCon 7 - Leslyn Heinlein - Loscon 8 - Lost Palantir - Lou Tabakow - Lunacon 24 - Marcon XVI - Marjorie Hope Nicolson - Mark Reinsberg - Mark of Paracon - Megavore - Mensa Tolkien Special Interest Group - Mentat - Midwestcon 32 - MileHiCon 13 - Minicon 17 - Mixed Company - MosCon III - Moss on the North Side - Munchcon - Munchcon I - MysteryKon 6 - MystiCon 1.5 - Mythcon XII - Necon 2 - Neo - Nine Billion Names of ConFusion - Norwescon 4.5 - Norwescon IV - Not-Anokon 2 - Oald Bore's Tales of the Expected - Omacon - Omacon 1 - OryCon '81 - Othercon V - PHAPA - Panopticon West - Patchin Review - Philcon 1981 - Philip Latham - Philosophical Speculations - Pretentious Science Fiction Quarterly - Procrastination - Pulpcon 10 - Questcon - Questicon - REHUPA - RISFA-North - Requiem - Richard E. Geis -- A Personal Journal - Rise and Fall of the Giant Boskones - Rivercon VI - Roc*Kon 6 - Rochester Fantasy Fair 2 - Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine - Roy Plotkin - Rudolpha Catherine Rigelsen Paul - Sacramento in '81 - Satyricon - Satyricon I - Scapa Flow - Science Fiction Digest - Scottishe - Shadow of a Fan - Shadow-FAPA - Skycon - Sol Katz - Some Highlights from the SFPA History of Stven Carlberg - Southpaw Awards - Spacecon 3 - Spinoff - Spiritual Frontiers - StellarCon VI - Strange Punch - Stucon 1 - Swampcon II - The Complete Index to Astounding - The Goody Gumdrop Boy at Jellybean Mountain - The Montgomery Papers - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn - The Science Fiction Reference Book - The Scribblies - The Space Corps Scandals - Tigre - Tillamook in 1981 - Triciticon '81 - Trinary - Trumpet - TusCon 8 - URCON III - Valleycon 6 - Verbal Volleyball - View from under a 60 Watt Lamp - Vikingcon 2 - Visitor's Pass - Wally Wood - Westercon 34 - Wichacon - Wichacon I - Windycon VIII - Wing Window - WisCon 5 - X-Con 5 - Zed
1980 | 1981 | 1982 |