The Montgomery Papers

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This is Guy Lillian's overview of the first 20 mailings of The Southern Fandom Press Alliance (SFPA, as described in the pages of his SFPAzine (Spiritus Mundi) back in the early 1980s. The 'audience' was other SFPA members, who were familiar with some of the references Guy makes that might possibly go over the heads of non-SFPA members.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
V1 April 1981 14
V2 June 1981 6
V3 September 1981 7
V4.1 January 1982 7
V4.2 March 1982 11
V5 June 1982 7
V6 August 1982 7
V7 October 1982 6
V8 December 1982 9
V9 January 1983 9

Publication 1981
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