Easter | Cytricon III, Knights of St. Fantony founded |
May 12 | First Lunacon was held |
6-9 Sept (Labor Day) | Loncon I |
Bob Madle TAFF trip |
Births and Deaths:
Aljo Svoboda - Amy Paul - Amy Wenshe - Bart Merrigan - Bernadette Bosky - Bill Breiding - Bob Booth - Bruce Coulson - Bryan Barrett - C. S. Friedman - Carl H. Claudy - Christopher Moore - Claudia Casper - Danise Deckert - Dave Clements - David Bratman - David Farland - Deb Geisler - Doug Price - Elizabeth Hand - Elliott Dold - Eric S. Raymond - Erik Biever - Frank Macskasy, Jnr. - Fred Duarte - Garth Spencer - Gary Louie - Glen Warminger - Graham Connor - Greg Ketter - Isabelle Dinwiddie - J. Allen St. John - James Allen - Jeff Noon - Jerry Oltion - Jim Rittenhouse - Jody Lynn Nye - Joe Walter - John Howe - John Jude Palencar - John M. Ford - John Meaney - John Pelan - Jon Langford - Joël Champetier - Justin Ackroyd - Kathy Thornton - Ken Brown - Laurie Mann - Lord Dunsany - Marcy Lyn-Waitsman - Margaret Curtis - Martin Morse Wooster - Mary Robison - Michael Stackpole - Mike Bracken - Paul Vincent - Ray Cummings - Renee Alper - Richard Brandt - Richard Powers - Roger MacBride Allen - S. G. J. Ouseley - Sara Douglass - Sharon Shinn - Stefan Dziemianowicz - Stephen Baxter - Tad Williams - Tanya Huff - Todd Lockwood - W. J. Passingham - Yvonne Navarro
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
Aberration - Alif - All That There Jazz - Alpha - An Inquiry into Certain Little-Known Consequences of the Berlin-Bagdad Pact - Andromeda - Beepsky - Best of Fandom - Biped - Blast - Brood - CFG History - Califan - Catalyst - Century Note - Clause - Collected Poems of G. M. Carr - Con-Shot - De Profundis - Dogie - Eclipse - End of a Fine Old Tradition - Excelsior - Fang - Fantasiana - Fhan SF Fanzine - Fifty-Second Street - Flafan - Gafia Advertiser - Garage Floor - Girn - Goontact - Grist - Homage à Burbee - Innavigable Mouth - Lonconfidential - Mailing Reviews - Meuh - Motley - Natter - Needle - Now & Then - Other Worlds - Peon - Perihelion - Polarity - Quagmire - Quirk - Qurp - Rumble - Sapian Commontator - Saturn Science Fiction - Science Fiction Fifty Yearly - Science Fiction Forum - Science Fiction Yearbook - Scurvy - Selected Writings of Rick Sneary - Sizar - Sky Hook - Snooze - Somethink Extra For OMPA - Songs from Space - Space Reporter - Spasmodic - Speculative Review - Star SF Fanzine - Stopgap - Surd - Terra Welcomes You - The Best of Fandom 1957 - The Fond Du Lac Occasional Zwilnick - The Goon Library - The Harp Stateside - The Hasty Stopgap - The March of the Rocket Men - The Outlander - The Science-Fiction World - The Tattooed Dragon - The Thomson Saga - Torrents - Transfan Fun - Typo - Uchūjin - Vampire - Venture - Vertigo - Vinegar Worm - Xanadu - Ye Boiffion Boy Birdwatchers Bugle-Blast - Zap
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
Andromeda - Biped - Brood - Catalyst - Clacton SF Group - Clause - Con-Shot - Contoon - Cytricon III - Fantasiana - Fifty-Second Street - Glen Warminger - Goontact - Graham Connor - International Fantasy Award - Jeff Noon - John Meaney - Jon Langford - Ken Brown - Knights of St. Fantony - Loncon - Dave Kyle's Loncon I Reminiscence - Lonconfidential - London in 1957 - Lord Dunsany - Mailing Reviews - Natter - Needle - New Lands SF Club - Now & Then - Paul Vincent - Perihelion - Qurp - S. G. J. Ouseley - Sapian Commontator - Science-Fiction Chapter - Snooze - Somethink Extra For OMPA - Songs from Space - Spasmodic - Stephen Baxter - Stopgap - Surd - Terra Welcomes You - The Goon Library - The Harp Stateside - The Hasty Stopgap - The March of the Rocket Men - The Thomson Saga - Transfan Fun - Typo - W. J. Passingham
Alpha - Andromeda - Fhan SF Fanzine - Innavigable Mouth - John Howe - Meuh - Nova - Space Reporter - Star SF Fanzine - Stockon
New Zealand:
1957 Open ESFA - Aberration - Alif - Aljo Svoboda - All That There Jazz - Amy Paul - Amy Wenshe - An Inquiry into Certain Little-Known Consequences of the Berlin-Bagdad Pact - Bart Merrigan - Beepsky - Berkeley Bhoys - Berkley-Oakland in 1957 - Bernadette Bosky - Best of Fandom - Bill Breiding - Blast - Bob Booth - Bruce Coulson - Bryan Barrett - C. S. Friedman - CFG History - Califan - Carl H. Claudy - Century Note - Christopher Moore - Collected Poems of G. M. Carr - Danise Deckert - Dave Clements - David Bratman - David Farland - De Profundis - Deb Geisler - Dogie - Doug Price - Eclipse - Elizabeth Hand - Elliott Dold - End of a Fine Old Tradition - Eric S. Raymond - Erik Biever - Excelsior - Fang - Flafan - Fred Duarte - Gafia Advertiser - Garage Floor - Gary Louie - Girn - Greg Ketter - Grist - Homage à Burbee - Isabelle Dinwiddie - J. Allen St. John - Jerry Oltion - Jim Rittenhouse - Jody Lynn Nye - Joe Walter - John Jude Palencar - John M. Ford - John Pelan - Jon Langford - Kathy Thornton - Laurie Mann - Los Angeles in 1957 - Lunacon - Lunacon 1 - Marcy Lyn-Waitsman - Martin Morse Wooster - Mary Robison - Michael Stackpole - Midwestcon 8 - Mike Bracken - Motley - Oklacon V - Other Worlds - Peon - Philcon 1957 - Plane Trip - Polarity - Quagmire - Quirk - Ray Cummings - Renee Alper - Richard Brandt - Richard Powers - Roger MacBride Allen - Rumble - Saturn Science Fiction - Science Fiction Fifty Yearly - Science Fiction Forum - Science Fiction Yearbook - Scurvy - Selected Writings of Rick Sneary - Sharon Shinn - Sky Hook - Speculative Review - Stefan Dziemianowicz - Tad Williams - The Best of Fandom 1957 - The Fond Du Lac Occasional Zwilnick - The Goon Library - The Harp Stateside - The Outlander - The Science & Fiction Critics Club - The Science-Fiction World - The Tattooed Dragon - Todd Lockwood - Torrents - Vampire - Venture - Vertigo - Vinegar Worm - Westercon 10 - Xanadu - Ye Boiffion Boy Birdwatchers Bugle-Blast - Yvonne Navarro - Zap
Rest of the World:
1956 | 1957 | 1958 |