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(Did you mean the fanspeak term granfalloon?)

Granfalloon was a fanzine published by Linda Bushyager (under her maiden name of Linda G. Eyster, with Suzanne Tompkins as co-editor for the first six issues, and Ron Bushyager as co-editor for some later issues) with twenty issues published between 1968 and 1976. It was nominated for the 1972 Best Fanzine Hugo and the 1973 Best Fanzine Hugo, though it did not win. Issue 1 was apparently dittoed; later issues are mimeographed, and some have offset covers.

It was named for the concept originated by Kurt Vonnegut in his 1963 novel Cat’s Cradle.

Contributors included Piers Anthony, Alicia Austin, Bill Bowers, Eman Brown, Ginjer Buchanan, Ron Bushyager, Grant Canfield, Derek Carter, Ross Chamberlain, Jesus Cummings, Don D'Ammassa, Richard Delap, D. Dinucci, Steve Fabian, Connie Reich Faddis, Adrienne Fein, Dick Flinchbaugh, George Foster, Mike Gilbert, Alexis Gilliland, Jeff Glencannon, Mike Glicksohn, Howard Green, C. Lee Healy, John Ingham, Terry Jeeves, Eddie Jones, Arnie Katz, Jerry Kaufman, Donald G. Keller, Jay Kinney, Tim Kirk, Damon Knight, Frank Lunney, Sandra Miesel, Ron Miller, Andrew J. Offutt, Jodie Offutt, Pauline Palmer, Ted Pauls, Andy Porter, Terry Romine, Bill Rotsler, Jeff Schalles, Darrell Schweitzer, Jim Shull, Robert Silverberg, Walter Simonson, Jeff Smith, Steve Stiles, Mae Strelkov, Dan Steffan, Bob Tucker, Harry Warner, Jr., Ted White, Susan Wood, Sunday Yorkdale, Roger Zelazny, and Bernie Zuber.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 February 1968 21 Cover by Doug Lovenstein and interior illustrations by Lovenstein, Connie Reich Faddis, Jack Gaughan, Jeannie DiModica and Adrienne Fein. Articles by Nancy Lambert on Heinlein and Dale Steranka on Nycon II. Lots of letters.
2 April 1968 40
3 June 1968 44 Cover by Richard Delap and interior illustrations by all in issue 2 plus Adrienne Fein and George Foster. Fiction by Tim Evans and Mark Katlic; con reports by Ginjer Buchanan, Jerry Kaufman, and Linda G. Eyster; and lots of reviews, including some by Delap. More letters, including Bob Vardeman answering Nancy Lambert's article on Heinlein. The last page announces a Star Trek one-shot by one Lois McMaster, called Star Date.
4 September 1968 58 Circulation is stated as "about 300." Early appearance of cartoons by Alexis Gilliland. Includes Damon Knight's "An Introduction to Logogenetics" (uncredited reprint from Hyphen 12, 1954), Bob Tucker's "The Oliver King Smith Agency," and lots of reviews and poetry. Letters from Tucker, Silverberg, Terry Carr, and Piers A. Jacob, AKA Piers Anthony, among others.
5 November 1968 46 Most notable item: Ginjer Buchanan's Baycon report "I've Had No Sleep and I Must Giggle." Letters by Piers Jacob again, Jerry Lapidus with Worldcon neepery, Tucker, Lisa Tuttle, and more. Lots of reviews and editorial content.
6 V2.1 January 1969 66 Last issue co-edited by Suzanne Tompkins. Includes fiction by Piers Anthony, "The Skeleton of a Leaf"; Alexis Gilliland's "Protofannish Fable III"; and more. Letters from Harry Harrison, John W. Campbell, Jack Gaughan, Terry Carr, Jerry Kaufman, Piers Anthony, and many more (including a squib from Harlan Ellison commenting that Ginjer's conreport parody was "done with great skill and craftmanship").
7 V2.2 October 1969 52 Editor is listed as Linda Eyster Bushyager, with Ron Bushyager as (Slave, crossed out) Assistant. Piers Anthony reviews Richard E. Geis's sex novel Ravished, and comments at length in the letter column. Most of the rest of the issue is various reviews and illos, with letters from Silverberg, Geis, Anthony and others.
8 January 1970 58
9 July 1970 48
10 November 1970 48
11 February 1971 60
12 May 1971 54
13 August 1971 62
14 November 1971 56
15 January 1972 60
16 December 1972 48
17 May 1973 60
18 December 1973 62
19 December 1974 48
20 July 1976 54 Final issue

Granfalloon online at

Publication 19681976
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