File 770 Poll Results 1978
These are the results of a poll taken by Mike Glyer and reported on in File 770 10, p. 28.
There were 62 eligible ballots of which 43 voted in one of the fanzine categories. Points were awarded by giving 5 for first place votes, 4 for 2nd places votes, etc.
Best Fanzine[edit]
Points | Title | Editor |
60 | File 770 | Mike Glyer |
44 | Scientifriction | Mike Glyer |
26 | Mythologies | Don D'Ammassa |
25 | Janus | Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll |
25 | Rune | Lee Pelton & Carol Kennedy |
25 | Maya | Rob Jackson |
21 | Diagonal Relationship | Arthur Hlavaty |
17 | Simulacrum | Victoria Vayne |
16 | Yandro | Buck & Juanita Coulson |
13 | Mota | Terry Hughes |
12 | Science Fiction Review | Dick Geis |
11 | Karass | Linda Bushyager |
11 | Kratophany | Eli Cohen |
11 | Twll-Ddu | Dave Langford |
9 | Noumenon | Brian Thurgood |
9 | Darkover Newsletter | Marion Zimmer Bradley |
8 | Future Retrospective | Cliff Biggers & Susan Biggers |
8 | Wild Fennel | Pauline Palmer |
7 | Four-Star Extra | Arnie Katz, Joyce Katz, B. Kunkel, C. Kunkel |
6 or fewer | Fifty-one other fanzines |
Best Fan Artist[edit]
Points | Fan Artist |
46 | Alexis Gilliland |
33 | Grant Canfield |
31 | Taral |
30 | Jim Barner |
24 | Derek Carter |
23 | Bill Rotsler |
19 | Marc Schirmeister |
15 | Anji Valenza |
14 | Harry Bell |
13 | Linda Miller |
11 | Stu Shiffman |
11 | Steve Stiles |
9 | Jim Shull |
9 | Dan Steffan |
9 | Jeanne Gomoll |
7 | Wade Gilbreath |
7 | Walske |
6 or fewer | Twenty-six other fans |
Best Essayist[edit]
Points | Fan |
43 | Don D'Ammassa |
30 | Arthur Hlavaty |
15 | Avedon Carol |
9 | Eric Mayer |
9 | Don C. Thompson |
9 | Victoria Vayne |
9 | Harry Warner, Jr. |
9 | Mike Glyer |
9 | Susan Wood |
7 | Dave Locke |
7 | Dennis Jarog |
7 | Richard Harter |
7 | Gil Gaier |
5 or fewer | Forty other fans |
Best Humorist[edit]
Points | Fan |
43 | Bob Shaw |
16 | Dave Langford |
15 | Dave Locke |
14 | Bob Tucker |
14 | Mike Glyer |
13 | Alexis Gilliland |
10 | Mike Glicksohn |
9 | Terry Hughes |
8 | Arnie Katz |
8 | Tom Perry |
7 | Buck Coulson |
7 | Arthur Hlavaty |
6 or fewer | Thirty-two other fans |
General Questions[edit]
How many cons did you attend in 1978? | |
0 | 9% |
1-5 | 62% |
5 | 28% |
How many APAs do you belong to? | |
0 | 29% |
1-3 | 60% |
3 | 11% |
Do you belong to an SF club? | |
Yes | 66% |
No | 34% |
How much did you spend in 1978 on SF, including new and used books and magazines? | |
The average was $280 with a range from $0 to $2000 |
Do you receive free review copies from one or more publishers? | |
Yes | 24% |
No | 76% |
More Questions[edit]
(1) "Currently, a committee is attempting to redraft the WSFS Uninc. Constitution so that it may incorporate with a directorial board who would have the authority to revoke a bungling committee's Worldcon franchise and right to award Hugos. Do you have an opinion on this matter?"
In favor | 21 |
Opposed | 19 |
It's complicated | 2 |
No opinion | 11 |
Blank | 8 |
(It's interesting to note that the segment of fandom polled is split evenly between, support, opposition and no opinion. Since that group was mainly well-known fans involved in con-running, and since proposals usually lose support when their details become known, it shouldn't be surprising that the second attempt to create WSFS, Inc. failed.)
(2) Which of these factors do you think is important in determining who should be Worldcon GoH?
Place | ||||||
Reason | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th |
Quality of Work | 49 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Length of Career | 1 | 29 | 7 | 1 | 3 | 0 |
Age (pick them while they're still here) | 1 | 4 | 19 | 7 | 1 | 0 |
Fannishness | 0 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 0 | 2 |
Affirmative action | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 3 |
Other | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 0 |
Reasons listed as "Other":
- Ability to interact with attendees, fans: 6
- Ability speak in public: 2
- Contributions in fields other than sf: 2
- (plus a half-dozen others with one vote each)
"Affirmative action" received multiple negative comments.
Harry Andruschak, Valeria Beasley, Allan Beatty, Alan Bosco, Lester Boutillier, David Bratman, Brian Earl Brown, Marty Cantor, Gavin Claypool, Fred Cleaver, Sandy Cohen, Ed Connor, Charles Curley, Dan Deckert, Gary Deindorfer, George Flynn, Gil Gaier, Georges Giguere, Alexis Gilliland, Mike Glicksohn, Seth Goldberg, David Govaker, Ken Hahn, J. Owen Hanner, Denys Howard, Doug Hoylman, Barry R. Hunter, George Jumper, David Klaus, Irvin Koch, Deedee Lavender, Roy Lavender, Maureen Palanker Leshendok, Dick Lynch, Nicki Lynch, Tim Marion, Marty Massoglia, Jo Anne McBride, Jim Meadows, John Millard, Bruce Miller, Craig Miller, M. Ruth Minyard, Perry Glen Moore, New Haven SF and Fantasy Association, Pauline Palmer, Fred Patten, Bruce Pelz, Dave Piper, Mike Rogers, Bill Rotsler, Robert Runte, Mary H. Schaub, Jeff Siegel, Al Sirois, Erwin S. Strauss, Mark Swanson, Roy Tackett, Steven K. Tait, Leslie Turek, Marianne Turlington, M. E. Tyrrell, Victoria Vayne, Elst Weinstein, Keith Williams, Ken Wong, Sarge Workman, Ben Yalow
1977 | File Poll Results | 1979 | 1978 |
This is an award page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it! See Standards for Awards. |