-Consecutively Numbered Money Orders Hugo Nominations fracas. | |
February 2-–5 | First British Filk Convention, Contabile, held. |
Easter | Contrivance. |
July 14–16 | Last Maryland Unicon held. |
August 31–September 4 (Labor Day) | Noreascon 3 (Worldcon). |
Fanfunds — TAFF: Robert Lichtman; CUFF: Robert Runte; DUFF: John D. Berry (South); FFANZ: Brian Howell (West); GUFF: Roelof Goudriaan (South). | |
November 9 | Fall of Berlin Wall. |
Births and Deaths:
Convention series started or ended:
Publications started or ended:
A Free Lunch - And All That Jazz - Art - Bento - Black One - Blatant - Cathay Contrivance - Chicken Bones - Chuch Harris Appreciation Magazine - Civilisation Reviewed - Cooperative Cauliflower - Coruscant Spud - Cosmos - Cry of the Nameless - Crystal Ship - CyberCozen - Diolch Yn Fawr - Dragon's Breath - Efilnekufusin - Ethil The Frog - Fanfare - Figment - Free Radical - From Scratch - Good Night, Sweet Prince - Highway 61 Resurfaced - Impulse - In Lust We Trust - Jane's Fighting Smofs - Kamera Obskura - Last Ripples - Mira - Moonshine - Mumblings from Munchkinland - Nebulae - Olaf - On Spec - Orbit - Organism - Rabbitears - Real Soon Now - Realtime - Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine - Screwed Up Letters - Sglodion - Shipyard Blues - Sikander - Solstice - Spanish Armadillo - Spent Brass - Sweetness & Light - Taffiles - Tand - The Caprican - The Caprician - The Dark Eidolon - The Enchantment - The Esoteric Order of Dagon - The Fanhattonite - The Filking Times - The Intermediate Reptile - The Mad 3 Party - Time Loop - Union Street - Worlds Apart - Yeti
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
"Xmas" Nanocon - Circulation IV - Conjunction - Conjunction 1 - Conspire - Cosmos - Golden Caterpillar Awards - Good Night, Sweet Prince - Mary Patchett - Mumblings from Munchkinland - Nanocon - Octoberfeast - Sikander - Swancon 14 - Sweetness & Light - The Esoteric Order of Dagon - Time Loop - Yeti
A Free Lunch - And All That Jazz - Asm Conventions - Birmingham in 1995 - British Filk Convention - Cathay Contrivance - Chicken Bones - Chuck Harris Fund - Civilisation Reviewed - Contabile 1 - Contrivance - Cooperative Cauliflower - Coruscant Spud - Crystal Ship - Diolch Yn Fawr - Dragon's Breath - Efilnekufusin - Ethil The Frog - Fantasycon XIV - Free Radical - From Scratch - Highway 61 Resurfaced - Iconoclasm - Jim Ratigan - Julia Stone - Kamera Obskura - Last Ripples - Lucon - Mary Patchett - Mexicon III - Microcon 9 - Mira - Nicon - Nicon 89 - Novacon 19 - Olaf - Organism - Oxonmoot 1989 - Picocon 7 - Prefab Trout - Real Soon Now - Realtime - Rubicon - Rubicon 4 - Screwed Up Letters - Sglodion - Shipyard Blues - Shoestringcon 11 - Spanish Armadillo - The Caprican - The Caprician - The Fanhattonite - The Intermediate Reptile - William F. Temple - Worlds Apart
Anne Steul - Black One - Connection - Eurocon 1989 - Fantastika 1989 - Finncon 1989 - Norcon 8 - Orbit
15th World Fantasy Convention - 3 Days of the Khandor - AggieCon XX - Apricon - Apricon X - Arcana 19 - Archon 13 - ArmadilloCon XI - Art - Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1989 - Balticon 23 - BayFilk - BayFilk 5 - Baycon '89 - Bento - Blatant - Boskone 26 - Boston in '89 - Bubonicon 21 - Calvin Thomas Beck - Capricon 9 - Central Ohio Science Fiction Society - ChambanaCon 19 - Chattacon XIV - Chrystal Tackett - Chuch Harris Appreciation Magazine - Chuck Harris Fund - ClipperCon - Coastcon XII - Con*Stellation VIII - ConChord 5 - ConClave XIV - ConFusion 102 - ConQuesT 20 - ConTact 7 - Concave 10 - Confabulation - Confection - Confluence 2 - Congenial - Conosaurus - Context II - Contradiction 9 - CopperCon 9 - Corflu 6 - Costume-Con 7 - Covert Contraption - Crickhollow - Cry of the Nameless - Czarkon 6 - Dan Alderson - Darkover Grand Council 12 - DeepSouthCon 27 - Des Moines Science Fiction & Fantasy Society - Disclave 33 - Ditto 2 - Dreamcon 4 - Elmer Perdue - FRED - Fanfare - Figment - Fourth Street Fantasy 1989 - From Scratch - Genericon V - George Furcsik - Horrorfest - Hyacinthe Hill - I-Con VIII - ICFA 10 - ICON 13 - ICON 14 - InConJunction IX - InstaCon 3 - International Costumers' Guild - Jane's Fighting Smofs - Julian S. Krupa - LepreCon 15 - LibertyCon 3 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 7 - Loscon Sixteen - Lunacon 32 - Marcon XXIV - Mary Jameson - Midwestcon 40 - MileHiCon 21 - Millennicon -12 - Minicon 24 - MisCon 4 - Miss Science Fiction - Moonshine - Mt Holz Science Fiction Society - Mythcon XX - NESFA Index - NJAC 5 - Necon 9 - Necronomicon '89 - New Orleans SF & Fantasy Festival '89 - New Orleans Science Fiction & Fantasy Festival - New York in 1989 - Noreascon 3 - Norman Saunders - Norwescon XI - OASIS 2 - OKon 12 - OPCon - OVFF 5 - Octocon 26 - Old Phart Con - Omacon 9 - OryCon 11 - Philcon 89 - Phoenixcon 4 - Pro Photo Gallery - Pulpcon 18 - Rabbitears - Rivercon XIV - Rivers Solomon - Roc*Kon 14 - Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine - Rovacon 14 - Rustycon 6 - SMOFlahoma - Satyricon - Science Fantasy Bookstore - Solstice - SoonerCon 5 - Spent Brass - StellarCon XIV - Taffiles - Tand - The Dark Eidolon - The Filking Times - The Mad 3 Party - The World Beyond the Hill - Travelling Fete II - Tropicon VIII - TusCon 16 - Unicon - Unicon 13 - Unicon 1989 - Union Street - UpperSouthClave 19 - Valleycon 14 - Vikingcon 10 - Windycon XVI - WisCon 13 - Wyman Guin - X-Con 13 - Xanadu 6
1988 | 1989 | 1990 |