The Intermediate Reptile

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A fanzine published by Caroline Mullan, Abigail Frost and Bernie Peek. The name is a riff off the name of Martin Easterbrook's newszine Small Mammal.

It was a monthly single-sheet newszine produced in London. It was set up by the team already committed to running the newsletter for the upcoming Worldcon, ConFiction, in den Haag (the Hague) Netherlands. IR was a dry run to develop and test the technology and editorial processes for the con newsletter.

By the convention the system was streamlined enough to produce twenty editions over the con weekend although it has to be said that it absorbed lots and lots of people points...

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 August 1989
2 October 1989 2
3 November 1989 2
4 December 1989 2
6 March 1990 2
7 1990
8 1990
9 June 1990 2
10 July 1990 2
11 August 1990 2 Last issue?

Publication 19891990
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